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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Harmy said:

Thank you :-)

I know about that lightsabres issue and I really tried to do it differently but it just wouldn't go. I was using Ady's 97SE HD version as a basis (which had the same colours as his reconstruction) and the sabres were definitely too dim there, making the cores dull. But when I increased brightness and contrast to compensate, it created this haloing issue, so there's not much I can do about that. I agree that the colours of the sabres could use an improvement though, I'll definitely work on that.

 I would much prefer the dull cores to the haloing issue. This is the only scene that really bothers me in any of your Despecialized Editions, it also happens to be the best scene in the Trilogy. The dull cores have to be closer to the original presentation than the halos, and they would be much less distracting. It's my opinion that many preservation efforts and edits nowadays are placing to much emphasis on brightning the sabers, often to the point of oversaturating the colors. Except for ROJ, I remember the sabers being much more dull in the theater, on tv, and vhs.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I was watching ESB Despecialized again today and I think I've spotted a really significant flaw. I never realized it with old VHS copies, etc. but once you go to HD I think Harrison Ford to sexy. I like the HD, but this is distracting. I think it would be best if you left Harrison Ford in standard definition for ROJ, while maintaining the HD for the rest of the cast. Actually maybe standard definition for Lando as well. Just a thought.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Thanks to everyone who's helping Harmy out here, you guys are the apostles of awesomeness. Thanks again for what you're doing Harmy. This is so damn exciting. You're bringing so much joy to so many people. You should be REALLY proud of what you've accomplished. You're a great man Harmy, a godlike figure in the Star Wars universe. We've been sitting around this forum waiting for this for so long. You rule Harmy.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

Anyway, here's a new video:


It's just a test of concept, so I'd really like to hear your honest opinions. But I'm positive that done this way after DJ sends me the shot from his upscale and with some further tweaking, it can be a real improvement over the old version.


 Are you kidding me? WOW Harmy, WOW! Not only is that a HUGE improvement, it just looks fucking amazing now. Thanks for putting so much effort into this shot and truly perfecting it, it's the most important shot in the entire Trilogy.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

canofhumdingers said:

Oh, & for the record, I'd rather have the smoky shot. There's already smoke in the original shot & you just added some more. To me that's preferable to having a new shot that's not in the original cut.

  I wasn't aware that super smoky Jabba was a choice. I thought it was flipped Chewie or Boba and his space bitches. On principal I would lean toward smoky Jabba as well.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

No, it will stay the way it is here. It's a reverse shot of Chewie from later in the scene. I always said I was gonna have to do that in order to remove the stupid added shot of Boba Fett flirting with the SE dancers. I did it exactly like this in the PDE and I think it works really well. In the ROTJ DVD Reconstruction I decided to use the GOUT shot and it stands out like a sore thumb even at DVD resolution, because that particular shot looks like crap in the GOUT. I experimented with only using Jabba from GOUT for the missing part but the quality difference is so huge that it just wouldn't work.

 Good work sticking to your guns Harmy. Folks seem to get a little nervous when you make command decisions like this (myself included), but you have proven time and time again that you're judgment is impeccable. I was so nervous about the color timing with ANH, but when I saw the final product on my tv, I was blown away with the accuracy. I agree with your call here, the integrity of the picture quality trumps such a small discrepancy.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

Oh, me no understand goodly, me from other country behind big water...


Oh snap! You went Jar Jar on his ass. So when are we going to see the officially licensed Harmy t-shirt? Let's face it, the demand is there. I will be cutting mine into a sexy half-shirt or at least tying it up in a knot to simulate a sexy half shirt. Maybe you should consider selling both t-shirts and half shirts so as not to alienate the gay community.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Once again I will state that I have had it with the fucking nitpicking. Harmy has delivered what we were all shooting for and way more. This fucking thing is the balls balls and Harmy is the fucking man. The only reason that any of you little bitches nitpick at this point it because you are so jealous of the great and powerful harmy. "Harmy I noticed a tiny glitch", and "Harmy I see a slight discoloration in one frame"...oh go fuck yourselves you little bitches. Harmy has created the greatest Star Wars related thing of any type since the original theatrical release of ESB. Harmy is the Wiz and nobody beats him. You sad little turds don't deserve to smell Harmy's shit, and your criticism of him at this point is clearly intended to force an undeserved audience with his royal highness for your own self aggrandizement. Stop criticizing and start heaping praise. Harmy saved us all from Lucas. HARMY SAVED US ALL FROM LUCAS!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

ray_afraid said:

Stinky-Dinkins said:

Harmy if we get this disc stuck in our ask what do we do then? I ask because I accidentally got mine stuck in my ass.

You're gonna have to stick another one up there to get that one out. Like with jujy fruits or gummy bears.

 The whole "stick another one up there to get that one out" is an old wives' tale. I spent a month there one night.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Just watched it again. First I creamed in my jeans with glee and then I shit myself with joy. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome. Harmy rules, Harmy is the best, Harmy is the coolest, Harmy is a mench, Harmy is Mr. Nishi, all hail Harmy, Harmy for president, Harmy for Prime Minister, Harmy is a big swingin' dick. I'm gonna go watch the Death Star approach again. 

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

bilditup1 said:

Um, no, that's dumb. This was completely awesome in comparison with the gout upscales I've seen, and I never asked for a do-over (and wouldn't dream of it after that ppt that showcases just a handful of shots). But the point of Internet forums is not to provide mindless automatonic praise, dude. Frankly, if you've got criticisms, even if they're wrong or off-kilter, at least they're proof positive that you've tried to pay the close attention that a project like this deserves. 

 Yes but at a certain point you're just being gay.