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JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

JAWS 2 / Tiburon 2 -Deleted Scene - Divers Recover Camera (Portuguese)

As things stand now, this will be the most unusual addition to the presentation.  Rare deleted scene from the Brazil version.  Anyone here speak Portuguese?  I’m thinking of including it with subtitles.

Believe it or not, the appearance of this is an improvement over the original mp4 source - low quality over-the-air recording circa late 80’s/early 90’s, compressed with low bitrate.  This footage can be improved if we can find the first CIC VHS release from Brazil.

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

Finally found a method I’m pleased with regarding motion. In the words of Spielberg “I could still see the jerk”.

Involves QTGMC to produce a 60p copy, finding a decent setting on MultiDecimate and then go through each shot frame by frame to remove remaining duplicates. I compare it to a IVTC’d copy of the lower quality DVD-R to make sure the frame match is dead-on. Thankfully these tv-only deleted scenes are short, so I don’t have to go insane doing manual removal. I will hopefully have a test copy in a week or so.

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)


So this is the first deleted scene from the TV Version - presented from my personal copy, and from the DVD-R. I’ve tried working through the speedup issues on my copy and have something fairly presentable now. The DVD-R doesn’t have such issues. I’ve applied similar cleanup to both. Wanted to get some opinions on the footage - I’m a bit split.

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

Slavicuss - I think you’re right about it being cut down from an english version that was otherwise identical to the Brazilian version.

Small Update - My personal recording appears to have been a sped-up broadcast by TBS. Still visually superior, but very frustrating trying to extract the correct frames out of the signal. Interlace patterns are all over the place. I performed a QTGMC extraction of the footage, but I don’t know if I can find an automated decimate filter that can lock onto it.

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

Very nice. I’m sure many would like to see your efforts (me included). What source did you use for the TV footage?

And the extra shot is from the Brazil version. I always wondered why the audio transition was so abrupt on the US-TV cut and now we know it’s because that little section was cut out - I guess pacing reasons or television time constraints?

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

You can see the scenes from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcThHFiR3s8 Side note: I’ve reached out to this youtuber and offered to produce a new transfer from his official CIC VHS. No response so far.

Exclusive to the Brazil version are:

Hendricks and Red (the old man) deploy divers, who recover the lost divers’ camera.

A slightly longer take of people complaining at Brody’s office. The US TV version shortens this a little.

Additional shots of the helicopter pilot struggling underwater - this corrects the rough audio cut you hear in the US TV version. It’s what you see as 1.33:1 footage in my proof of concept: https://youtu.be/dYbT8ddiBP0?t=1m37s

JAWS 2 was also my introduction to the world of “TV edits” 😃 I shared the same disappointment when I later saw the theatrical cut. Still a bit miffed that Universal overlooked the extra deleted scenes when they produced their supplements for the DVD. They clearly have an old letterboxed video master of the US TV cut. Hopefully their 35mm prints of the footage haven’t faded.

JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition (Released)

Update - August 1, 2020: The scope of the project changed from a preservation of an “official” extended version and veered into extended fanedit territory - now titled “JAWS 2 - Extended Integral Edition” - Winner of fanedit.org’s Favorite Edit of the Month for June 2020 https://www.fanedit.org/ridgeshark-wins-june-2020-feotm/


Original Thread Title: JAWS 2 - Extended Edition - Video Sources Needed

Original Post:
I’ve been chiseling away at an extended version of JAWS 2 that we can all watch on our modern 16:9 monitors. Currently I have these sources:

  1. Personal Recording - an LP speed VHS recorded off TBS circa 1991. Looks decent, except for some wavy frequency noise in the image. I can filter this out still retain a fair amount of detail. A bit handicapped by the LP speed - didn’t quite max out the potential resolution a VHS can offer, but still not bad. Inferior to a SP recording but superior to EP.

  2. Homemade DVD-R (3.94GB) - This is the one that was shared on myspleen and demonoid. A later recording off TBS. Decent quality. MPEG-2 Artifacts and a lot of detail has been filtered away. The plan is to stick with my personal recording and use this to mask out the reoccurring TBS logo.

  3. Brazil TV Recording - Low quality mp4 from a marketplace trader in Brazil. Has unique footage not in the US-TV cut.

  4. Official Blu-ray and DVD - has a few deleted scenes in 2.35:1 widescreen

My plan is for the presentation to all take place inside the standard 16:9 frame at 1080p. The 2.35:1 and 1.33:1 footage will remain as-is - no cropping of either. I’m firm on this. Yes, not a perfect solution, but preferable to further cropping IMHO. Here’s a proof of concept using the deleted underwater helicopter attack sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYbT8ddiBP0

How you can help -

  1. I would like additional VHS recordings of the US TV Cut. My 2 sources are adequate, but I would prefer a higher-quality SP recording. If nothing turns up, I’ll use what I have.

  2. Same with the Brazil version - I would prefer to get high quality transfer off the first VHS release by CIC in Brazil that unknowingly featured this longer version. It’s very rare and has yet to turn up on eBay since I first started looking out for it.

  3. I need a translator for the few exclusive scenes in the Brazil version. We’ll include those with English subtitles.

Thanks for looking! 😄

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Mielr said:

ChainsawAsh said:
The way Luke actually died. For no fucking reason. At all.

Not. Fucking. Cool. Rian.

My nephew and I were discussing this…why DID he die? Did he use up all his life force when he astral projected? I mean, WTF?

I’m sure Official Lucasfilm product holds some convoluted explanation, but the real reason he died is because of an agenda that is best explained by Kylo Ren - “Kill the Past” - Make Han and Luke abandon their responsibilities and have Leia be the only responsible one even though that whole narrative goes against everything we know about Luke and Han. Too bad Carrie Fisher’s poor life choices won’t allow that narrative to further play out. I feel bad for Mark, he actually took care of himself and wanted to deliver something the fans would love - and they gave him…this…

The movie is a bit like if Zac Snyder had made a Star Wars film - well not as extreme, but Johnson and Snyder are from the same school of thought. Can you imagine? Zac is all about deconstructing beloved characters and narratives the fans enjoy and turning all that “past” stuff on its head - “Kill the Past” - just like his DC films. It would’ve been a little more extreme than what we got, but not much. Honestly, I’m so sick and tired of this mindset that seems to permeate Hollywood. At least these types haven’t gotten ahold of Marvel…yet.

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

As the TheHutt knows, I’ve had a bit of an itch regarding the usefulness of JayArgonaut’s recording. Although it is riddled with MPEG-2 compression artifacts and aliasing, it is still a more modern transfer and I felt it had some potential. So here’s an early draft at reducing its flaws, patching that top left logo with my laserdisc recording, and mixing it with the blu-ray footage.


Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

Perhaps DrDre’s color matching tool could be useful here? http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Color-matching-and-prediction-color-correction-tool-v13-released/id/18128/page/1

I would try color-matching the laserdisc to JayArgonaut’s broadcast copy, which looks closer to the blu-ray than the laserdisc does and also since it has the missing scenes. Then I would tweak the color temperature and skin tones in that result to better match the blu-ray, which has a warmer, yellowish look compared to the more blue-ish broadcast copy.

As for AviSynth processing, while I love QTGMC for processing native 50i/60i footage and also for some problematic telecined films, it’s not the best choice in this instance. QTGMC has a way of smoothing small/fine details away and creating a subtle water-color, waxy look.

See here for a comparison between QTGMC and TFM on part 2 - http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/188849 That roof is a real stress test for any of these filters, but also notice all the other little fine details that get smudged due to QTGMC. Check out that “Derry Inn” sign, the various bushes and trees, and the roof of that yellow car.

Since Warner did a really good job with the 3:2 pulldown on the laserdisc, you really don’t need to use QTGMC at all. A plain, accurate inverse telecine will give you the maximum resolution afforded by this source.

These are basically my previous settings on my earlier upscaled example, using TFM and TDecimate to perform the inverse telecine:

fields=last.AssumeBFF.SeparateFields()#.DFMDeRainbow()#remove # to turn on, beware of unwanted desaturation
backward_vec2 = fields.MVAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 2, pel = 2, overlap=4, idx = 1)
forward_vec2 = fields.MVAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 2, pel = 2, overlap=4, idx = 1)
fields.MVDegrain1(backward_vec2,forward_vec2,thSAD=400,idx=1,plane=3)#reduces color noise with no negative effect
Crop(12, 0, -4, -0)
Super = MSuper(sharp=2)
bvec3 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=true, delta=3, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
bvec2 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=true, delta=2, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
bvec1 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=true, delta=1, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
fvec1 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=false, delta=1, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
fvec2 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=false, delta=2, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
fvec3 = MAnalyse(Super, isb=false, delta=3, blksize=16, overlap=8, search=3, truemotion=true, dct=5)
MDegrain3(Super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, bvec3, fvec3, thsad=500)
UnsharpMask(strength=30,radius=3,threshold=0) #fairly subtle- brings details out a tad
GrainFactory3(g3str=3,g2str=6,g1str=4,g1size=3,g2size=3,g3size=3,g1shrp=8,g2shrp=8,g3shrp=1)#still needs tweaking
Trim(2237, 2484)
ColourLike(“d:\video\It\IT_1a_hist_s.txt”, “d:\video\It\IT_1b_hist_s.txt”)

http://avisynth.org.ru/mvtools/mvtools2.html or http://avisynth.nl/index.php/MVTools (for MDegrain1 and 3)
http://avisynth.nl/index.php/WarpSharp (contains unsharpmask)
http://avisynth.nl/index.php/TIVTC (contains TFM and TDecimate)
http://avisynth.nl/index.php/GrainFactory3 - lots of options for grain
http://avisynth.nl/index.php/DFMDeRainbow - I usually turn this off because it can desaturate reds and some other colors, but it is very useful for the rainbowing on the opening credits of part 2. Perhaps apply this first, then run the footage through DrDre’s program to compensate and regain more accurate colors.

Hopefully some of this will be useful. Also, I will get you part 2’s credits soon!

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

Here are the original captures. One caveat though - these are DV codec, so be careful with the reds if doing your own processing. It would be better if I had an uncompressed video capture system with state of the art 3D comb filter, but I don’t 😦. But Laserdisc is an analog composite format, so I don’t think it hurts it too much. At least this isn’t a crappy MPEG-2 capture.

One big plus though - figured out an efficient way to record audio from the optical out. So unlike the earlier example, the audio is now full uncompressed stereo and probably about as good as you can get from this laserdisc.

End of Part 1 (622mb) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5eEa2k1FrDHZnNxM1B5bXhjTm8/view?usp=sharing

Beginning of Part 2 (891mb) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5eEa2k1FrDHVW53ZHR3ODJuams/view?usp=sharing

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

Colson said:

It might be worth seeing what sort of grain is present on the Blu-Ray, then adding the appropriate amount to match that.

Absolutely my intention. Along with color and level corrections to better match the Blu-ray.

TheHutt said:

Looks quite nice at first glance! I’ll check out how it’ll play with the BD footage once I have it.
By the way, could you also rip the end of Part 1 from LD for me as well? 😃

Also, it’d be nice to have a version without added grain (for the reason stated above) for both clips.

I’ll post the raw 480i copies soon so you can have a look. The previous clip was more a fun experiment and is not recommended to be used in a final composite with the blu-ray.

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

I was able to take a crack at it a little sooner. I have no idea what the blu-ray will look like, so this has only been adjusted per my personal tastes to improve the appearance of the laserdisc when upscaled to 1080p.


File size is bit large (517mb) to better preserve the light film grain I added to give this a more natural look. I appreciate any critiques and recommendations. I’d especially like to hear from others who have worked on laserdisc transfers.

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

Some good news. My Pioneer CLD-D704 laserdisc player’s spindle clamp was not grabbing discs and I feared the worst. But after cleaning it,the clamp now grabs the disc and begins playing.

I should have some time next weekend to transfer the footage and see what it needs to create a proper upscale. Still hoping a HDTV airing will come along with the footage. From what I see online, past HDTV rips are 187 min (NTSC) and 180 min (PAL) - so they are the cut version.

Stephen King's IT (1990) - Original two-part version! [RELEASED]

I’ll see if I can dig up my laserdisc copy and player that are in storage. Certainly no promises (I have plenty of unfinished projects), but it would be fun to see how well the deleted segments can be upscaled to 1080p and reintegrated into the movie. Shame about the footage being cut.

Also - I noticed you used my clip on youtube. 😉 That’s actually taken from a VHS rip by another user over at the internal organ place. It’s a bit overly filtered for my taste, but it got the job done. You may have noticed I upscaled it to 1080p for better viewing. There’s also a laserdisc rip there but it has been deinterlaced by simply throwing away half the resolution which makes for a very ugly upscale to 1080p. If anyone else out there wants to tackle a laserdisc transfer, you can do a lot worse than using this avisynth script to get proper 24p:


Army of Darkness | Television Cut Reconstruction - HD (* unfinished project *)

Experiencing a small burnout. The first shot of the second scene is excruciating to pull off, but it will get there. I’m taking a small break right now from this particular madness.

I’ve also been looking at ways to color correct these scenes and the film to help further reduce the jarring transition between footage. The slow fade from 1080p to upscaled 480p helps a great deal, but getting the color right is just as important.