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Rebel Rouser

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Brilliant Article about 'white guilt'
Your age has little to do with the article and everything to do with you spouting off about how the world works for those of us who are actually a part of this great capitalist machine you seem to love so much. The article was... meh.

And I never said, "a government paycheck would be nice". But while we're on the subject, you seem to base all your anti-socialist views on the idea of "earning it".

Has it ever occurred to you that the vast majority of the world's wealth is held by a few individuals who never actually earned it? Inherited wealth for one, and the fact that mister CEO sitting up there with his pen ready to fire another hundred employees/close another factory/send jobs overseas in the interests of earning another few million isn't doing NEARLY as much "earning" as someone like my dad who's busted his ass his whole life working construction to feed his family. Are you seriously going to tell me that Mr. CEO has worked harder and went through more life struggles then my father? So don't give me that "earn it" bullshit unless I see Paris Hilton flipping burgers tomorrow.

You also seem to think that nobody will do anything above and beyond what is necessary without some sort of monetary gain… which is also bullshit. Just tell that crap to all the folks in the Preservation Forums, cranking out those DVD transfers for us with self taught techniques. (For someone who espouses the virtues of Christianity, you certainly seem to place a lot of your faith in little green slips of paper.) Someday I might sit down and post the basic math that proves that capitalism, at least in it’s current form, can’t work indefinitely, (anyone remember when candy bars cost a nickel?), but not today.

And if I'm coming off as a jerk, it's because I’m directing it toward you personally. There's little I can do to make you look bad, as you're already doing that yourself.

*** Apologies to most everyone else on this board.. I know I’m coming off as a bit heated, but I’ve heard too many of these Michael P. Keaton rants against people like Rik who are actually having to make real sacrifices to do the right things in life. ***
Brilliant Article about 'white guilt'
I find it amusingly typical that a sheltered white boy who's parents are still paying his way in the world is the one pointing out articles detailing how the reason the Middle East Occupation is going poorly is because we're crippled by "white guilt", and at the same time telling the adults who are having to live through the hell of supporting themselves and their family all about how the world really works.

Run along now, young one… the adults are talking.

(I’m patting myself on the back now because I didn’t launch into my political views. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be…)
World of Warcraft
Originally posted by: sean wookie
I'm on twisting neather.

I was on Twisting Nether when I still played. I left a few weeks ago due to general boredom, but had to foresight to not sell/give all my stuff away in case I wanted to come back at some point. (And a good thing too, since I have been getting tired of waiting for Fallen Earth to come out and have been thinking of starting up WoW for a little longer.)

Were you an warmongering, expansionist Alliance lackey? Or a victimized, ever-persecuted Horde survivor?
Knights of the Old Republic II - I want my thirty bucks back...

My initial problem with the game (KOTOR II) was that I really didn't give a crap about any of the characters.

I know, I know... it's a video game and all... but in the original, at least the characters were SOMEWHAT sympathetic. Carth was a whiney bitch, sure, but he was a whiney bitch because his former mentor blew up his entire planet and killed his family. Canderous was a murderous warmongering psychopath, but he still had a sense of honor and willingly grouped up with the guy who had formerly whipped the snot out of his entire order because he respected the man. Hell, even Jolee was the falen Jedi type who at least wanted to set things right. Yeah... I played and completed this game almost 2 years ago now and I still remember these details because that game drew you in. When I found out that I was Revan, my jaw literally dropped and chills went up my spine. That was some damn fine game design.

But KOTOR II... *sigh*... where do I start? There didn't seem to be any freakin' reason for anyone to be there. Atton was... was... what was he? Wasn't there some hinting that he was a real bad dude at some point? The handmadein was along for what reason? Sometimes it seemed like she was sent along to keep tabs on the Exile, and other times it seemed like she was a runaway. And Atris... don't even get me started. Her motivations, background, and general overall purpose in the game was so convoluted and, at best, contrived, that I at no point had a real handle as to why she was even in the game. Then there's the Miriluka chick who's involvment was so nonsensical that I never even bothered to learn her name.

I know about the Lucasarts fiasco, with them forcing Obsidian to release the game early. And for that I sincerely pray that the fan backlash over this game doesn't unjustly effect Obsidian, because you can almost see the ghost of a good game trying deperatly to force it's way through the cracks in a horribly botched rush job.

In response to Marvolo's question about the ending... there was no ending. That's how it ends. Seriously... you beat the last "boss" and the credits roll. No resolution, no "where are they now", no hint to a possible sequel... nothing. It would be like watching the Return of the Jedi and right after Vader chucks the Emperor down the shaft, the credits roll. Does Vader reconcile with Luke? Does the rest of the Empire fall at the pudgy hands of the Ewok force on the planet below? Who the hell cares! The Emperor is dead! Roll credits!

And to 20th Cent's comment about Battlefront II... you might want to do some serious research on that one before you shell out the fifty bucks for it. I can't speak from first hand experience, so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but all signs point to it being a pretty shoddy effort. And all of my gaming buddies in my old WoW guild pretty much shot down any chance of me spending the money when I asked them about their personal experiences as well. If I were you, I'd pick up a copy of Unreal Tournament 2004 and look for a Star Wars mod. (UT2004 kicks some serious ass by the way... it's easy to see why they haven't made a newer version yet since this one is so close to perfection... again, this is just one man's opinion.
Knights of the Old Republic II - I want my thirty bucks back...

I just played/finished Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords recently.

I think I just threw up in my mouth.

For anyone else who has waited this long to play this, please don’t. I know I’m passing this warning on a little late, but hopefully I can save at least one person from making a game buying mistake.

I’m going to go cry now. (Man… and the first KOTOR was so freakin’ good…)

Someone please explain why there is a 50's diner in the Star Wars universe...
I'm with Shim on this one. I personally enjoy the prequals. Hell, for that matter I don't mind sitting down and watching the Special Edition(s) of the OT either... I just think that we should be given the option to choose. (And if it were a strict "either/or" matter, then I choose the original OT.)

And for that matter, I'm also with Jay on this one since he has pointed out many times that this is NOT an anti-PT site.

Seriously, I don't really give a rats ass what you prefer. If you don't like the PT or the SEs then that's fine. If you wanna bring up questions for the purpose of constructive debate then that's super. (and I commend the majority of the contributors in this thread for doing just that... and am happy that they were able to tell that my question was in no way an attack, but rather just looking for some clarification) I just don't understand the lack of anything better to do which leads some people to spend their free time bitching constantly about something they claim to hate so much.

I quote Holden:

This is a site populated by militant movie buffs. Sad, pathetic little bastards living in their parents basement, downloading scripts and what they think is inside information about movies and actors they claim to dispise, yet can't stop discussing.
Info Wanted: Original Red Dwarf?
Been doing a little research...

I remember when the VHS tapes were reissued (I had seasons 1-6, i think, of the original releases) and I was told that they were the remastered episodes. Having seen a few of these episodes on a rare occasion when the local PBS station decided to grace us with them, I remembered not being verY impressed, and actually kind of dissapointed, so I passed at the time. Then the DVDs were released and I had heard rumors that they were also the remastered versions. So as I said before, I shied away once again.

However, doIng a little searching on Amazon.com, I seem to have been given a bit of hope:


Namely, the following quote in the third Spotlight Review:

First of all, these episodes are the original ones shown on the BBC, not the "Re-mastered" ones that are available on VHS.
Someone please explain why there is a 50's diner in the Star Wars universe...
Originally posted by: CO
Everytime I watch that scene I think I am watching the original Back to the Future and waiting to see Marty McFly walk in with Kenobi, and say, "You built a time machine out of midiclorians?"

Every time you watch it? I find it funny that nearly everyone who claims to hate these movies so much spends so much time watching/rewatching them and constantly making them the focus of their free time on the internet.

I'm not trying to make this a personal attack at all, I'm just curious as to why.
World of Warcraft
First and most important tip I can give you is this: Pick your realm type carefully.

Straight PvP servers are going to be populated by the lowest form of internet scum around. Straight RP servers are generally going to have a bunch of elitest assholes. PvE servers are going to be kind of a mix between both from my experience and RP/PvP servers offer a fun mix of roleplaying while still keeping you on your toes in regards to being stabbed in the back by an opposing faction at any moment.

In the end, you should scope out the realm forums a bit (but don't pay too much attention since we all know what internet forums can turn into) and make yourself a character on different relms to see what the atmosphere is like.

Other then that, it's all a matter of finding out what you will enjoy playing the most... as opposed to playing "teh most 1337 evar" race/class combo. Trust me, someone who enjoys what they're doing will whip the shit out of just about anyone playing the most tweeked out character simply for the perks.
Adobe Illustrator CS
Very interesting... the origin reset that you suggested was perfect. Thanks for digging back a page and a half or so and replying.

The reasoning you provided ("...smaller than A4 to avoid...") is a little confusing though, since the page itself still measures in at exactly 8.5 by 11. The page's bottom left hand corner is just a little higher then the default 0,0 origin... and equally offset on the top left corner, so if it were a matter of trying to compensate for the printer's page information, then it's doing a poor job since the space it compensates for on the lower bit would end up as an overprint on the upper portion. (Am I making any sense? I need more sleep...)

Regardles, the work-around seems to be a good fix for the moment, and again I thank you. If you find out anything else, please lemme know.
Adobe Illustrator CS

Originally posted by: segaflip
Sounds like a user error more then a program error

I had a friend once, just once, that was damn good with Illustrator I could sit and watch him whip shit out for hours. It is pretty cool how well he knows the program.

Thanks for that observation. Now can you tell me how hitting "New Document" is causing this user error? No, seriously... I want to know so I can stop doing it.
Adobe Illustrator CS
** I originally posted this in the Off Topic section, but it was suggested that posting here might help as well. (I agree, but didn't want to do a cross-topic post unless I had to.) **

Gonna keep this as short as I can...

I've been a Corel die-hard for as far back as I can remember. However, I've been trying to suss out Adobe's programs of late since I'm gonna get into graphic design classes soon, and the rest of the world seems to think that you can't do good work without "Adobe" tatooed across your forehead. *ahem*

Anyway, after a few halting attempts, I'm starting to figure out how to translate my Corel Draw! knowledge over to the Adobe Illustrator interface. The only problem I've found is that whenever I create a new document in Illustrator, the bottom of the page is set roughly .0315 mm or so too high, the ruler's "0" origin and the bottom of the page just don't match. Sure, that's not much, but it's enough to screw any hope of precise placement. And for the "industry standard" vector graphics editing program that sports such an impressive price tag, you'd think they would have made more of an effort.

So I guess my question is, am *I* screwing something up? Is there a setting somewhere that would make this offset make some sense perhaps?

Any help would be appreiciated!
Adobe Illustrator CS
Gonna keep this as short as I can...

I've been a Corel die-hard for as far back as I can remember. However, I've been trying to suss out Adobe's programs of late since I'm gonna get into graphic design classes soon, and the rest of the world seems to think that you can't do good work without "Adobe" tatooed across your forehead. *ahem*

Anyway, after a few halting attempts, I'm starting to figure out how to translate my Corel Draw! knowledge over to the Adobe Illustrator interface. The only problem I've found is that whenever I create a new document in Illustrator, the bottom of the page is set roughly .0315 mm or so too high, the ruler's "0" origin and the bottom of the page just don't match. Sure, that's not much, but it's enough to screw any hope of precise placement. And for the "industry standard" vector graphics editing program that sports such an impressive price tag, you'd think they would have made more of an effort.

So I guess my question is, am *I* screwing something up? Is there a setting somewhere that would make this offset make some sense perhaps?

Any help would be appreiciated!
The Return of Six Degrees of Star Wars
Originally posted by: segaflip
Rudolph Valentino (Cobra), Hector Sarno (Night Song), Dana Andrews (Prince Jack), Theodore Bikel (Second Chances), Tom Amandes (Long Kiss GoodNight), SLJ

Macaulay Culkin (Happy 25th Today)

Easy peasy... and no cheap-ass IMDB cop-outs either. (Boo yaa... and all that nonsense.)

Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone) Joe Pesci (Goodfellas) Samuel L Jackson

And for my next challenge, thus rendering Gun's following remark moot and possibly making him look like a raving lunatic, I chooooooose...

Huey Lewis (Man this one is too easy.)
A few requests.
Dunno who around here remembers me... not that it matters since I'm not asking for money or anything. *ahem*

Anyway, what I am asking for is a little assistance in dealing with two matters.

The first is that I'm just about done building a complete collection of the major posters (both OT and PT) for my various cover designing projects, and all I really need to round off the set is the... oh hell, I don't even know what to call it. The "Style C" or something. Anyway, the one that looks like this. 'Cept I need it wicked big. Somewhere in the 1438 x 2173 range, with a sampled resolution to make that look good. (Fellow cover designers know what I'm talking about, even if my articulation is for shit.)

The second thing I'm looking for is help with getting my hands on that program folks have been using to display their finished DVD covers in a 3D modeled form. Y'know, with their JPEGs wrapped around a DVD case model and whatnot. I have no idea what you folks are using to get this done. Please, help a sad monkey out. If it's a Photoshop plug-in or something, that's fine, since I keep a full copy onhand in case fate's cruel whims forces me out of my den of Corel tainted goodness.

Other then that, any help on picking out the best version of the OT transfers currently available would be nice. I'm DLing Rik's sampler to try and decide for myself, but a little help here or there might be nice as well. (I'm currently sitting on 4 different sets and have grown weary of trying to collect all 10 trillion versions.)

Sweet Jesus, I'm out of the loop...

EDIT: Oh, wait wait wait... IMANDIX. Yeah, I got it now. Freakin' Germans... I shoulda known. Still looking for the poster however.