In order to celebrate the first anniversary of Rogue One, I’d like to focus on that “boring bland female lead without arc”.
I mean, I know she’s like that as some YouTube reviewer told me so. So this must be true. Absolutely.
Let’s run a quick summary of Jyn’s thoughts (just the movie itself, no books involved)
Mommy, no! Bad men took Daddy!
It’s dark and cold, why Daddy isn’t coming back for me?
Some bald guy saves me.
OK, I’m a freedom fighter now! And I’m quite good at that! Down with the Empire!
Wait, I got dumped? Why? Didn’t I fight arm-in-arm with you?
Well, I’m on my own now. I need to be tough! As I’m still an outlaw, wanted by the Empire.
Oh blast, I got caught! And jailed. And on my way to a forced labor camp.
I need to rethink my life… because it sucks!
All those years of fighting… and the Empire is just as strong as it ever was. So much suffering… will this fight ever end? Maybe I should lay low… maybe we should have quit? To end this spiral of retaliations?
And where was my Daddy all those years? Is he collaborating with the enemy? I’d rather not think about him, it’s painful and it makes me weak.
Now I got freed by those Rebels (or whatever they call themselves these days). They want me to lead them to Saw… but they say my Daddy sent them a message, what? OK, maybe I’ll agree… they promised to let me go later.
OK, I took them to Saw, can I go now?
Wait! Daddy!
So he didn’t forget about me?
So he is a secret saboteur? A hero, opposing the Empire? But he has to work undercover and suffer all this time living like a prisoner?
Oh no, this world is undone!
The city got vaporized in a single flash! All those people - dead. Even that kid I rescued…
But my Dad’s message! We can still beat the people who did this!
They call it the Death Star, a terrible weapon, we must destroy it!
Maybe my Daddy could tell the Rebels how to do it, let’s rescue him!
Oh, no, Daddy!
Blast it, Cassian, you had orders to kill him? And didn’t tell me?
That raid was a disaster…
Well, neither you nor the Rebels knew Dad is a saboteur.
Now I’m an orphan… but you say you are an orphan too… forced to fight… knowing only war… just like me.
We must act now!
What? Can’t you see people this is the only way to destroy that doomsday thing?
If you won’t do it, I’ll do it even if I die trying!
Finally I have companions, who are willing to go with me, all the way.
We’ll take the chance, and another, until we win, or our chances are spent.
^^^Mhm, totally no “arc” thingy here! Is that right Mr. YouTube reviewer?
As you can read above, totally boring simplistic film with just pew-pew and ay-tee-es-tees! No food for thoughts whatsoever! Move along!