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Post Praetorian

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Warbler said:

Post Praetorian said:

It would seem, on the whole, that the longer one allows words to retain negative power, the less progress society seemingly has made in overcoming its past…or, from another view, is not the continued giving to an opponent the absolute power of knowing precisely which words will reduce one to emotional ruin necessarily providing said rival unnecessary strength and credibility at each outcry of its usage? For imagine an instance in which an American at large might be considered to be so emotionally slain by use of some specific epithet (Yankee, or perhaps more considerately phrased as the “Y” word, for instance) that it assumes an overwhelming and unjustifiable weight: would such a society truly be ameliorated by encouraging each successive generation to yet quail at the very nearness of the word so that an opposing nation might use it with impunity and redundancy to detrimental effect? Or might it not be an improved situation to teach, instead of fear, horror, and outrage of the word, the patent absurdity of reacting in any given fashion to any mere arrangement of letters…? For most certainly a word may retain emotional weight, but how is it best to deprive it of same? Is it to encourage all to view it at its greatest weight…consistently and repeatedly underlining its ability to wound and cause irreparable harm…? Or is it perhaps an improvement to strive at all turns to instead merely trivialize those who might consider it to be yet potent in light of today’s more reasonable era?

I’d be interested in hearing you say this to the NAACP and the ensuing conversation.

If said organization is comprised of reasonable individuals with a true aim of overcoming perpetual victim-hood, then would not any such possible conversation be received in a generally positive light? For in which situation have victims been most empowered: in being taught to remain so, or in being given tools and/or strategies to overcome any perceived shortcomings and/or alleged weaknesses? For if the aim is to bring a balance to a battle in which superior arms may be considered to be allegedly used by one party over another is it not permissible to at least point out the difference between that which is real and that which is illusory?

Or, to clarify, is it not more important to arm one’s friends with a superior strategy, even if potentially more difficult, over an inferior one?

To clarify, if a word were to be used against my children that appeared to cause them abject misery due to its ability to recall to them their cultural suffering at the hands of some previous power, it would seem to me to be bad policy to encourage them to feel outrage and to stagger into the field of battle,

If you ask me, it is bad policy for someone to deliberately use a word with the intent of causing them abject misery due the word’s ability to recall cultural suffering.

Is it not equally bad policy for one to steal…? And yet who among us would then consider the individual who has left his key in his front door on successive evenings in order to save time to be truly wise?

For while it is fair to condemn the aggressor, do not forget that the one over whom one actually has reasonable control is oneself in a general sense. The advice is provided in order to alleviate the potential for shots fired to find their mark…for is not a soldier who is given armour in a better position to resist the piercing of an arrow than is one given only the advice to shout repeatedly at the enemy to cease firing…?

already so wounded, demanding an apology (thereby greatly exaggerating the hurt being afflicted and thereby delivering themselves directly into the power of the bully at hand)

I see nothing wrong with demanding an apology from someone that tries to insult you(to be clear, I am not saying that is was the guy from netflix did).

Which is the stronger position:

  1. To demand an apology by admitting what was said was indeed hurtful, explaining both the depth of the wound and its long-lasting effect?

  2. Or to look up in amusement/surprise/disappointment at the would-be assailant and shake one’s head at the futility of the attack?

In which instance has the assailant most properly landed his attack? In which instance does the victim remain so? In which instance has the assailant been affirmed in his/her position of strength? In which instance have all other would-be assailants learned any form of lesson?

…it would seem instead a more plausible escape from the past to derail the significance of the word itself and to teach my children to laugh at each and every instance of same…stripping it of its power, removing any desire for an opponent to use it for fear that they will merely be laughed at and labeled a fool rather than being labeled a victor over another’s emotional stability…

I also think the bully/name caller should be taught a lesson too.

Agreed…yet what should that lesson properly contain? Is the bully to be affirmed in his position of dominance? Or is he to be instead ridiculed for his provable lack of power? For in an instance in which a bully might truly hate enough to call out a racial slur, expecting a given reaction and thereby reaffirming his sense of dominance, in which instance is his supposed superiority more clearly underlined? In a situation in which his words wound, or in one in which they fall flat?

I get kind of upset when we concentrate on how the bullied should react to the bully and as opposed to how the bully should have acted in the first place. To be clear I get upset, because I was once the bullied and instead of just simply stopping the bullies the punishing them, it seems like they wanted to concentrate more on how I reacted to them.

It is understood that those who have been bullied would have the experience and qualification to offer true empathy to any other perceived victims…yet if one knew that a bully thrived on achieving a given reaction from his victims, would one not at least caution them to avoid providing that off which their oppressor is logically feeding? For even though a response from all by-standers to act in support of the victims by turning bully to the bully at each perceived instance is indeed one measure of a solution, is not an improved version one in which the victims themselves simply cease to be so permanently…?

For in which instance is the lie of the bully more glaring and obvious? The one in which the victims might yet act wounded and defeated, whilst outwardly protected by their allies…or the one in which they might find the bully to be merely an object of pity rather than that of oppression?

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

It would seem, on the whole, that the longer one allows words to retain negative power, the less progress society seemingly has made in overcoming its past…or, from another view, is not the continued giving to an opponent the absolute power of knowing precisely which words will reduce one to emotional ruin necessarily providing said rival unnecessary strength and credibility at each outcry of its usage? For imagine an instance in which an American at large might be considered to be so emotionally slain by use of some specific epithet (Yankee, or perhaps more considerately phrased as the “Y” word, for instance) that it assumes an overwhelming and unjustifiable weight: would such a society truly be ameliorated by encouraging each successive generation to yet quail at the very nearness of the word so that an opposing nation might use it with impunity and redundancy to detrimental effect? Or might it not be an improved situation to teach, instead of fear, horror, and outrage of the word, the patent absurdity of reacting in any given fashion to any mere arrangement of letters…? For most certainly a word may retain emotional weight, but how is it best to deprive it of same? Is it to encourage all to view it at its greatest weight…consistently and repeatedly underlining its ability to wound and cause irreparable harm…? Or is it perhaps an improvement to strive at all turns to instead merely trivialize those who might consider it to be yet potent in light of today’s more reasonable era?

To clarify, if a word were to be used against my children that appeared to cause them abject misery due to its ability to recall to them their cultural suffering at the hands of some previous power, it would seem to me to be bad policy to encourage them to feel outrage and to stagger into the field of battle, already so wounded, demanding an apology (thereby greatly exaggerating the hurt being afflicted and thereby delivering themselves directly into the power of the bully at hand)…it would seem instead a more plausible escape from the past to derail the significance of the word itself and to teach my children to laugh at each and every instance of same…stripping it of its power, removing any desire for an opponent to use it for fear that they will merely be laughed at and labeled a fool rather than being labeled a victor over another’s emotional stability…

The means of gaining power over words is to gain control of their impact (and to encourage all allies to do the same)…to do otherwise is merely to underline the veracity of the statements used–rather than the opposite…!

Going away? Post so here!

With Ric back for a few months a conversation has led to a reminder of this site…and a coincidental dusting off of my old (and only) laptop has yielded a browser which yet recalls my password (which I had/have invariably forgotten). Therefore I suppose I am temporarily accounting myself as present whilst simultaneously predicting my imminent departure (as the primary use of my laptop occurs during field assignments–of which this is one that will terminate Monday). I will, however, endeavor to maintain some level of contact given the number of field assignments appears to be increasing rather than otherwise…

Hello to all…and future goodbye! I hope all has been well and trust all will continue to be so after my absence…

Random Thoughts

The divisions do tend to lend some clarity to this site, albeit at the expense of expediency…or, if one may consider it from another direction: the site has expediently offered clarity to topics whilst simultaneously denying the same original ease of use…or, perhaps more properly still, the expeditious clarity with which the site has sought to deliver the meritorious rendering of its topics has taxed some of us most exactingly and exceedingly with the new need to multi-task our multi-tabs more actively…!

The prediction thread

How “very” might a Tuesday be considered to be…? All things being equal of course…

I shall predict that I will eventually post a picture in the “what you look like” thread prior to the end of the year…provided I might be able to recall the commitment prior to potentially being committed…now would not that be charming…?

My music

Simply wished to drop by and mention how much I enjoy listening to your CDs. Typically they are in a rotation used during some of the more arduous programming sessions…they are quite well done…an admirable effort!

I must confess that this has inspired me to finally take up the bass guitar…a longtime ambition…likely to require an even longer period of practice…but we shall see…!

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

I expect any day, to see a trailer for the remakes of Casablanca.

I’m not so sure. They tend to avoid the untouchable classics like Wizard of Oz. They may try to make a sequel or spinoff or some other stupid thing, but I doubt they’d do a straight-up remake.

Michael Jackson actually did a remake of Wizard of Oz…it is a performance I can never quite properly erase from my mind…

The Say Something Nice About Another Poster Thread

TV’s Frink said:

Post Praetorian said:

TV’s Frink said:

Post Praetorian said:

I miss my good friend ATM…his private messages were a wealth of entertainment…!


The one and only ATMachine, of course…! 😉

That’s what I figured…only he’s not gone. Unless you mean he isn’t sending you messages any more.

Sadly he has stopped…I suspect my attempt at taking them “seriously” fell askance of his initial intent…that they were elaborate and cryptic is certain; that my responses were merely credulous in return might perhaps not have allowed for lengthy and meaningful dialog…

The Say Something Nice About Another Poster Thread

Trident said:

doubleKO said:

Post Praetorian said:

Tobar is excellent at crafting fine avatars.

Post Praetorian can craft a sentence.

Sorry… couldn’t resist…  : )


And I want to thank my pal Post for getting me onto that other site. Between these 2 places I think I finally got back to a level of normal.

My honest pleasure…I believe your post count has exceeded mine…!

Recommend An 80's Movie

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Post Praetorian said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Black Rain ('89), First Blood ('82), Fatal Attraction ('87), Die Hard ('88)

Uncle Buck ('89), Caddyshack ('80), The Dream Team ('89), Major League ('89), Beverely Hills Cop ('84), Airplane ('80)

A “classic” that I hate: The Breakfast Club ('85)

Out of curiosity…why do you hate the Breakfast Club?

It’s been so long since I watched it. I was still in high school, and didn’t relate in any way to them, and I thought it was boring. I know I’m the outlier. …

Yes they were somewhat stock characterizations…yet the cast was stupendous…!