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Post Praetorian

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

TV’s Frink said:

Regardless of HOF credentials, I’d say Green Day is a better band than The Cars, and I like The Cars.

Nothing The Cars made was ever as good as American Idiot.

There is clearly something I am missing in this group…and in this song…

My vote would remain with the Cars…

I would also suggest that inductions should be limited to after a performer has retired in order to better document their entire catalog of exploits. 😉

Ramblings of the Mad

moviefreakedmind said:

Since I have so many insane thoughts flowing through my brain at any given moment, I thought I should start a thread for people like me to share thoughts that cannot fairly be called random, but are mostly just wild and (arguably) crazy.

Recently I had another weird hallucination in the early hours of the morning. It was mostly just ghostly apparitions and haunting music in my ears… Very strange, but the stranger thing is that it felt very real, and I’m not sure how to react to that.

Lately I’ve been extremely preoccupied with thoughts of the past, so much so that I’m forgetting the future. I’m always thinking about how I would redo the past events I failed that resulted in tragic disaster. Not only that but just thoughts of the past in general: school, old jobs, previous hopes, and old friends of yesteryear now long dead. Maybe it’s just a natural part of progressing through adulthood yet I’d rather not dwell, but I can’t help it.

Another thing I have noticed is that while I do not believe the people who say rock music has evil powers (and other such nonsense) I do think that music has the potential to amplify insanity, as when I’m hearing some of my favorite, rockin’ music I tend to be at my most uncontrollable mentally and physically. Just a thought though, I’m not sure if anyone else here experiences that.

Your possible obsession with past events is certainly understandable…it is an affliction that affects many of a similar temperament…and given that music is essentially an amplifier of emotion it seems reasonable to assume it would have an impact on your mentality of the moment. Indeed it would equally certainly affect one physically as well inasmuch as it might cause one’s heart to speed up or slow down and create a strong desire to, perhaps…dance. I am not certain if this is to what you were referring…?

Completely Random Thoughts

The unobserved homeless person who had watched the entire ordeal waited until the woman had moved off to seek another victim…

Head tilted sideways she considered what she had recently witnessed. Shrugging, she took a meaningful bite from the remnants of a three-day old sandwich lately discovered in a nearby trash receptacle. Chewing thoughtfully, she pulled out a pen from one of her many inside pockets (she was wearing three coats) and made some hurried notes…six months later a new song was charting its way to success…and she was homeless no longer…

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

HansiG said:

moviefreakedmind said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Theists, don’t let your babies grow up to be creationists. It will spell only disaster.

What’s it to you? Why even care what other people believe?


Also saying that Evolution is a lie is the same as saying Gravity is a lie and Earth is flat and Obama is a lizard person and we live in Matrix and Moon landing was fake and Holocaust never happened.

Not all theists are created equal…I for one enjoy the majority just fine…