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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I feel like I'm developing personal problems of an alcohol/drug related nature.  It hasn't caused any problems of a "concrete" nature, like no job loss or anything like that.  And I don't do any hard drugs and I don't get shitfaced drunk.  But I'm always drinking and I always have a joint or something similar going except when I'm actually at work.  And while the weed itself might not be all that horrible for me, I feel like the frequency of consumption is damaging me mentally.  And the same with drinking.  I'm never "drunk" but I'm always buzzed.  Every day, the MOMENT I wake up, which is a nightmare in and of itself (not necessarily hung over, just totally windblown and lifeless feeling), the moment I open my eyes and get out of bed I immediately smoke some weed, and I mean immediately.  Then I drink a couple beers then smoke some more.  I go about my day, and literally only an hour or so later I'll be smoking again.  Whenever I go in to work, I smoke and have a beer right before I go in.  On my 15 minute break I smoke.  On my lunch break I smoke and drink some more.  On my last 15 minute, you guessed it, I smoke.  Then guess what I do after work?  Drink and smoke.  And record music and play guitar, which is positive enough but I am ALWAYS shitfaced when I'm doing it.  I'm never coherent when I'm recording.  I only drink 2 or 3 beers at a time, but I drink those 2 or 3 beers very constantly and every few hours or so.  And I smoke weed constantly all day and am very stoned at all times, until I go to sleep. And I often wake in the middle of the night and smoke a little bit to go back to sleep.  Mentally it's wearing me out, and I'm becoming very depressed and introverted.  Physically I feel like I'm just running out of steam, out of energy.  I don't feel tired exactly, just sortof rundown.  I still care very much about other people's wellbeing and my friends, the problem is I'm getting to where I don't care at all about myself, only others.

I don't really know why I'm sharing this with you guys, I just wanted to vent a little bit.  I'm not really sure what to do about it.  Can you call a guy who never gets drunk bit is ALWAYS buzzed an alcoholic?  Can you call a guy who never does drugs but is never NOT smoking weed a drug addict?  I don't know the answers to that, but I can tell you this lifestyle is wearing me out and I'm losing steam.  

Just venting.  I know there isn't anything anyone here can say or do to help, so feel free to ignore it and bitch about something else.  :P

Possessed Return of the Jedi-* Resurrected!!*

Well I was going to update my thread over at FE.org, but it's been so long since I've posted there and I had so few posts to begin with I apparently it's been so long since it was updated that it's been moved to the Inactive section, and I am a very low ranking member over there and I can't post in it.  Does anybody more comfortable and regular over there know how I can change it to active and start posting in it again?

The thread for the serious discussion that started in the "Am I a Bully?" thread.

No I think he's on to something, we should imprison all children who bully for life.  It makes sense.  If they go to prison, they should learn not to bully really fast.  Then they can use what they've learned in their next life.  They might be reincarnated as a frog, but you win some you lose some.  At least they'll be one of those peaceful frogs.

The thread for the serious discussion that started in the "Am I a Bully?" thread.

Also for the record, DrCrow, I'm sorry I used to the word excellent to you, and I'm sorry that I could not read your mind and understand the rest of the story that you didn't bother mentioning that would have influenced me to not use the word.  It's my fault really, my telepathy has gotten a bit rusty.  It's understandable to ignore somebody and say they want to destroy all christians when they use the word "excellent", especially when in context of a story they only have the least important part of.