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Pete Byrdie

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Can we get some love for Yub Nub?

Every time I watch ROTJ I miss Yub Nub. It’s that simple, childlike joy after so much adversity that reflects what freedom really means to ordinary folk better than does grand celebrations across the galaxy. I know a lot of people have a problem with Yub Nub, and with the ewoks in general. All too childish perhaps. I was a child when I first saw it and sometimes I like to feel like I’m a child again.

<strong>The Empire Strikes Back</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

G&G-Fan said:

It’s subtle things like how Darth Vader refers to everyone by their rank, species (in the case of Chewie), or last names, even his own son. He mostly calls him “Skywalker” (until the end). Can you imagine calling your own son by his last name? It’s almost dehumanizing, showing how Vader views everyone as tools, objects. Not only that, it shows how much he has mentally disconnected himself from everyone around him. His ability to empathize with anyone (until his son, in sparse moments until his redemption) has gone cold. He’s separated himself so much from Anakin in his mind that it’s not awkward for him at all to refer to his son by just his own last name like it would be for a normal person. In his mind, he’s just Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker doesn’t have meaning for him (or at least, he acts like it doesn’t).

When Vader refers to Luke as ‘Skywalker’, I interpret him as both spitting on the hated name of his former self, and as spitting on the current identity of Luke, hoping he’ll one day assume the identity of ‘Darth Something-sinister-sounding’.

Deathstar trench run

Channel72 said:

Unfortunately, the whole trench run makes very little sense in light of real-world technological advancements. Even in the 21st century, precision strike missiles can hit relatively small stationary targets from significant distances away. The latest precision strike missile system from Lockheed Martin claims to be able to accurately hit a target over 400 kilometers away, with a CEP (circular error probable) of about 1 meter. Granted, those missiles are designed to be fired from the ground, but even the much older Raytheon AGM-65 series systems, which are designed to be fired from a moving plane, can hit targets 25 kilometers away with a CEP of about 1.5 meters. So even with current technology, the 2-meter wide shaft on the Death Star would be possible to hit from at least 25 kilometers away. And obviously, the chances of hitting it directly would approach 100% if you fired at it multiple times.

Additionally, these 21st century missiles are designed for precision strikes inside a gravity well and atmosphere, meaning that calculations must account for the Earth’s gravity and curvature, air currents and weather conditions. But none of that would apply in the vacuum of space, so the calculations for a precision strike would be even easier and the strike accuracy would be much better on average. (Presumably the 140km diameter Death Star creates a negligible gravity well.)

Of course, to be fair, we’re not really comparing apples to apples here, because the goal of the Death Star trench run was not merely to hit the target, but to ensure the torpedo travels in a straight line down the shaft, perpendicular to the trench, for around 70 kilometers until it hits the reactor. Since the X-wing is traveling perpendicular to the shaft a few meters above the trench floor, the torpedo would need to follow a perfect quarter-circle arc, or else magically perform a very tight turn. This would require the torpedo to be fired at exactly the right moment. This seems very difficult to pull off even with some hypothetical super-advanced future targeting system, depending on how fast the X-wings are actually moving. However, assuming the torpedo has its own propulsion and maneuvering systems, the X-wing pilot could simply fire the torpedo well before coming into range of the shaft, and allow the torpedo itself to just travel in a straight line parallel to the trench and then make the quarter-circle arc turn at the right moment, adjusting speed as necessary. (Although admittedly that is probably beyond the capabilities of modern precision missile systems.)

But really, all of this demonstrates that the whole idea of a trench run makes very little sense to begin with. It would make way more sense to just fire multiple torpedoes from hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, in a straight line directly at the shaft. We can speculate that maybe they didn’t do this because the Death Star’s defensive laser turrets would just intercept the torpedoes. But this explanation doesn’t really work because (A) dialogue in A New Hope specifically says the turrets are too slow to reliably hit the small X-wings, so the turrets probably wouldn’t be able to hit every single torpedo if a barrage of them were fired at once, and (B) even if the turrets could reliably intercept every single torpedo, the Rebels could first fly X-wings along the trench with the sole purpose of destroying the surrounding turrets, and then after those turrets are neutralized, fire a barrage of torpedoes directly at the shaft from a distance.

Of course, then Luke wouldn’t fulfill his hero’s journey, and that would totally suck. So let’s just ignore this entire post.

I refuse to ignore this post.

Unfortunately, the whole ‘dogfights in space’ trope is rendered meaningless by the trajectory of current technology. At the very least, drone swarms would be the order of the day, if that day contains technology far in advance of our own.

However, I love a space dogfight. Star Wars has been described as fantasy cosplaying as sci-fi, and fantasy is all about tropes.

I thought Top Gun: Maverick was a mildly entertaining movie. I can’t be the only one who felt it was like an extended account of the planning of and run up to the trench run.

New Lucas interview 2: 'Insists Unaltered Versions Of The OT Will Never Be Released'

Post removed because I seem to have responded here to a different post on an entirely different part of the forum. Don’t know how, but I imagine accidentally backing out of one location and accidentally tapping in to another is responsible. I seem to have a unique problem navigating this place.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

henzINNIT said:

I’m gonna wait and see on this one. I just can’t count on a D+ series to wrap up nicely. It’s the show I had most hope for since that big annoucement, so I’m rooting for it.

adywan said:

Sadly, the dark side of the fandom is ripping it apart. The usual " Woke" bullshit comments are everywhere. Slating the show because of its female lead, the fact they mentioned " two mothers" and other crap. If it’s not white male lead they don’t class it as Star Wars. Wankers. I’m so fed up hearing how Star Wars is dead, just because it doesn’t follow their narrow minded bullshit. No one is allowed to just enjoy it any more without all their vitriol. I’ve seen so many commenting on how they refuse to watch it but will review bomb it wherever possible. Then attacking fans who dare to say they like anything “Disney” Star Wars.

Can I just say thank you for this. Traversing the internet, it seems impossible to avoid contact with that whole hateful eco-system and it is genuinely depressing. Just seeing someone else talk about it gave me a little sigh of relief.

Frankly, I usually avoid responding to any discussions with a ‘culture war’ aspect, but aye, well said.

New Lucas interview 2: 'Insists Unaltered Versions Of The OT Will Never Be Released'

JadedSkywalker said:

As for the Kennedy interview you wouldn’t be altering the films, the OT before the special edition existed for 20 years. With the exceptions with the A New Hope edition redone starfield, redone credits, different sound mixes and Empire having a different 70mm premier cut. But when people say original they mean before all the cgi shit was added, as Phil Tippet said.

I’ve noticed Lucas seems to want to keep the conversation about his right to alter his movies, something nobody is questioning. He can change his movies how he likes as far as most of us are concerned, I’m sure. We just want the option of seeing high quality versions of the originals. Could he really have always hated the original versions of these movies that have made his fortune so much that he wants them erased from history?

Kennedy wouldn’t be altering anything he’d done by pushing for the release of the OOT.

New Lucas interview 2: 'Insists Unaltered Versions Of The OT Will Never Be Released'

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Caston said:

And as everyone knows, ‘neither The_Empire Strikes Back or Return Of The Jedi are available as their respective directors intended, or indeed made, on a modern and quality digital format.’ 😦

From the comments it looks like many fans are now mentioning this which is really cool to see.

Lexa C said:

Who not just release all the main different releases of all the Star Wars movies?

It is only George’s ego that will be bruised when he finds out many fans will prefer the original theatrical cuts.

George’s ego appears to have been the elephant in the room.

The audiences’ memories and experiences of the differing cuts, the other OT directors’ visions, and all pioneering work by all the creatives and craftspeople that no longer appear in the latest Maclunkey cuts, they all pale into insignificance when compared to that elephant.

This story is full of ironies. George Lucas is the man who taught us all how the will of the people is irrelevant when one person has too much power. He taught us that not when he was trying to, in his art, but by having too much power and ignoring the will of the people.

Things you DISLIKE about the Original Trilogy ( but not the Ewoks, Leia and Luke being siblings, Death Star 2 etc.)

Channel72 said:

Yoda can’t help the Rebels because he’s old and he’s basically just a teacher, not a warrior. The Prequels messed this up by portraying Yoda as a warrior.

As for stuff in the OT I don’t like:

Well, ANH and ESB are probably my favorite movies of all time - but they’re not perfect. ANH in particular has a lot of problems, which is understandable because it was the first movie, and a lot of “Star Wars lore” hadn’t yet been established. But I have to admit, the entire ending to ANH barely makes any sense:

  • Leia takes the Falcon to Yavin IV, despite knowing they’re being tracked. She spent the entire movie - even endured torture - trying to keep the location of the Rebel base a secret. But at the end, after strongly suspecting they’re being tracked, she’s just like “well whatever hopefully it all works out.”
  • You can argue she did this strategically, to lure Tarkin and the Death Star to Yavin IV, so the Rebels would have a chance to take it out - but from her perspective this would have been a completely insane gamble. She didn’t know if the Death Star plans would reveal any weakness, or even if they did, whether it was something they could discover and figure out how to exploit in the few hours they would have before the Death Star arrived.
  • Even if this was supposed to be some insane strategic gamble on Leia’s part, they still make no effort to evacuate the base, like they do with Echo Base in Empire Strikes Back. The moment Leia arrived at Yavin, they should have initiated an evacuation of all personnel except for the fighter pilots necessary to attack the Death Star.
  • And then even after they miraculously blow up the Death Star via Luke’s one-in-a-million shot, instead of immediately evacuating, they still don’t evacuate the base. Instead, they stay around for an award ceremony. It’s unclear why a fleet of Star Destroyers doesn’t immediately show up at Yavin and obliterate the base.

That last point is likely partially a result of ANH being the first movie. With only ANH in mind, we can perhaps infer that the Rebels didn’t evacuate Yavin IV because they figured it would take weeks or months for the nearest Star Destroyer to arrive at Yavin. (Later movies made this an impossible option, as hyperspace travel seems to take only a few hours most of the time - perhaps a few days at most.)

These issues with the Death Star assault likely occurred because originally, the ending to ANH was written without any “ticking clock” countdown as the Death Star comes into firing range of Yavin IV. Originally, the Death Star didn’t come to Yavin at all. Rather, the Rebels just someone know where the Death Star is (I guess it was still parked at Alderaan), and after discovering the weakness they fly X-wing squadrons to the Death Star. I think Marcia Lucas suggested that the Death Star should actually show up at Yavin, which introduces a much-needed “ticking clock”, so the Rebels have limited time and a dramatic count-down before the Death Star blows up Yavin. But unfortunately, this introduces the side problem that it makes Leia look incredibly reckless. I thought of a solution to this once that probably makes everything work, providing both the ticking clock and not making Leia look crazy - but I wouldn’t bother trying to implement a fan-edit because most people don’t have any problems with the ending to ANH.

I do now! Thanks for that! 😉 The only thing that ever bothered me (since childhood) is Leia intentionally leading the empire to Yavin. Now I’ve got to contend with the rebels all smugly having a frankly quite extravagant, almost imperialistic looking ceremony (not exactly your ragtag group of rebels kind of thing) when at any time the whole base could be taken out with an orbital bombardment.

I’m guessing Yavin wasn’t the entire rebel fleet (although it is definitely implied it’s the rebel base), that they probably had a better chance luring the Death Star there and approaching it from behind Yavin (because the imperials had to leave hyperspace on the other side of Yavin because… er…) than approaching it from deep space somewhere where they’d be largely picked off by star destroyers.

I like to think they had a fair idea there was a weakness to be exploited that could be found in the plans. Did Rogue One cover that a bit?

After the battle the rebels are keeping a close eye on imperial movements and know where the rest of the fleet are. I also like to think there are people and droids packing stuff up during the ceremony and that huge hall is just filled with whoever could be spared, and the moment the credits roll someone shouts, ‘Right, that’s it, you’ve had your fun. Pack everything up. We’re outta here!’

Details about the making of the Death Star CGI in ANH &amp; ROTJ

I’d honestly always assumed the Death Star animation in Star Wars was just animation, made to look ‘computery’. Curiously, with all the changes Mr Lucas has made to the original, that often look like out of place CGI, how he hasn’t changed this scene showing this technologically advanced society using primitive looking wireframe graphics is beyond me. Not that I’m calling for such a change. There’s been enough burying of the groundbreaking work of people who worked on the original OT as it is.

Show us the Death Star II construction

Channel72 said:

Interestingly, regarding point 3, in A New Hope Palpatine doesn’t seem to be interested in relocating to the Death Star, and is instead content to entrust command to Tarkin. (But that’s really because at the time ANH was written, Palpatine was an ambiguous political puppet and an insignificant background detail, rather than a powerful evil sorcerer/mastermind.)

Yeah, he was waiting for DS2 to be built with a shiny throne room, squash court and jacuzzi, before packing up his My Little Pony collection for transport. It was already planned, I reckon.

My uploaded Avatar image is not showing

My avatar also isn’t showing. I’ve uploaded it twice, it appears in my profile page, but not anywhere else. It’s not a big issue, just niggly.

Sorry, when I say it appears on my profile page, I mean my edit profile page, but nowhere else.

EDIT Never mind, I’ve figured it out. I just had to delete the shortcut from my phone’s homescreen and enter the site again in my browser.

Show us the Death Star II construction

In my head-canon, I like the idea that the DS2 was always the goal, as the ultimate mobile centre of imperial power, and that the smaller DS1 was what they could produce in the time available to finally dissolve the senate and crush a growing rebellion. I think construction on DS2 had begun with whatever resources were available before construction of DS1 was even complete. I agree with everything that’s been said about how much more quickly the construction would be after the technology had developed and many of the problems ironed out, though. But, at the very least, I find it improbable that the Empire would have left it at one Death Star, and once one had started construction, or even after it had been designed, plans for a second, bigger, better Death Star would already be filling imperial drawing boards.

(Even though destroying a planet completely is utter overkill anyway. But I view the Death Stars more as mobile governing centres than just superweapons.)

<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Gandalf the Cyan said:

Pete Byrdie said:

My understanding is that George Lucas maintains he intended for the Jabba scene to be in the movie, but they lacked the money to create the alien Jabba he wanted using stop motion or something.

It’s exceedingly likely that Jabba was originally intended to be a human; it’s been covered thoroughly here-

According to Paul Hirsh (one of the editors) in his biography, Lucas came up with the alien Jabba idea in post-production, but it had to be dropped due to being impossible to achieve with contemporary special effects technology.

My phone’s protection software through a fit when I tried to follow that link. But it makes sense that Jabba was intended to be human during production. That still leaves us with two scenes that just don’t work together. Oh well! Filmmaking is not always a linear process, and in reality the details of the complications of a movie made half a century ago may remain unknowable.

<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Channel72 said:

Pete Byrdie said:

Greedo talks as though Jabba has already given up on Han and has already put a significant price on his head.

Shortly after, Jabba and Han talk as though Greedo is just Jabba’s lackey and Jabba is looking for Han to pay up, threatening only then to put a bounty on his head.

I agree with all this. Of course, there are ways to rationalize it. Perhaps Greedo is exaggerating Jabba’s anger level in order to trick Han into handing over all the money he owes Jabba - so that Greedo can pocket it, perhaps after killing Han. Greedo tells Han “If you give [the money] to me, I might forget I found you.”

But I agree the whole thing is still very weird - the two scenes are redundant, and suggest entirely different threat levels from Jabba. But early drafts of Star Wars indicate these two scenes were NOT supposed to be mutually exclusive. Both the Greedo scene and the Jabba scene appear together in early drafts, indicating Lucas really did originally want to have both scenes. The best explanation is that Greedo was trying to pocket the money owed to Jabba from Han. His name is “Greedo” after all.

Well, the earliest drafts of the scripts are all we can go by. Honestly, there was a part of me considering that Greedo’s dialogue was originally completely different, and the scene was repurposed when George couldn’t get the Jabba he wanted. I was actually considering looking again at the scene and figuring out what Greedo’s original dialogue might have been given Han’s responses, not that it would have helped because they could easily have chopped and changed the scene in places.

<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Pete Byrdie said:

I’ve been to page 19 of this thread, and realised there’s 96 pages, and I have no idea how to find anything on this forum. So please let me know if this belongs elsewhere, or if it’s already been discussed (it surely must have been).

I don’t think the Greedo scene and the Jabba scene filmed for Star Wars but only included together in 1997 were ever actually supposed to appear together. I think it was always intended to be one or the other.

I use the Index threads pinned up in each section on here.

The OT Index thread has a Character category and also a mini index for Han Shoots First / Han vs Greedo

and these have some discussions on Jabba and Greedo:

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist… - categories 9 & 34?

Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes

and most threads on the 1997 and 2004 releases probably have some sort of discussion on the scenes, and the Jabba remodel.

There is a search function of sorts; site:originaltrilogy.com jabba or site:originaltrilogy.com greedo

^ from I can’t find the Search function on this site - Is there one? How can I do a search? in General Assistance

It is kind of strange putting the 1997 Jabba scene into the film given it mainly repeats information from the previous Greedo. Even Gary Kurtz mentioned it in an interview on it.

Thanks. I’m really struggling to find my way about here.

After I posted, another thought occurred. Almost any dialogue could have been put in Greedo’s snout, and Han’s responses aren’t always necessarily specific. If the two scenes had been intended to be together, I’ll bet there was originally a different dialogue option.

Greedo talks as though Jabba has already given up on Han and has already put a significant price on his head.

Shortly after, Jabba and Han talk as though Greedo is just Jabba’s lackey and Jabba is looking for Han to pay up, threatening only then to put a bounty on his head.

Something’s off about the story at least as I’ve heard it about the Jabba scene always being intended. At least, I think there’s more detail to the story.

<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

I’ve been to page 19 of this thread, and realised there’s 96 pages, and I have no idea how to find anything on this forum. So please let me know if this belongs elsewhere, or if it’s already been discussed (it surely must have been).

I don’t think the Greedo scene and the Jabba scene filmed for Star Wars but only included together in 1997 were ever actually supposed to appear together. I think it was always intended to be one or the other.

They both serve the same purpose of setting up Han’s character and motivation.

They include two very similar lines (“smuggler who dumps his cargo at the first sign of an imperial starcruiser”, “Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice?” I can’t recall the exact lines in both scenes). No script would usually have two such similar lines in two separate conversations in scenes so close to each other. It’s weird.

I don’t know why, if Jabba and his goons were hanging about, they would send Greedo in to talk to Han in the cantina. And Greedo talks as though Jabba doesn’t know Han’s there, but Jabba talks as though he sent Greedo specifically.

If it wasn’t for Jabba’s line about Han frying Greedo, I would be certain they were never meant to both be in the movie. But, although it would be odd, that could be a reference to something that happened days ago off screen.

My understanding is that George Lucas maintains he intended for the Jabba scene to be in the movie, but they lacked the money to create the alien Jabba he wanted using stop motion or something.

That doesn’t feel right to me. Does anyone have more information on these possibilities?

EDIT: And I just remembered another thing that feels off to me. Greedo’s blasting feels like an escalation in his situation from being in debt to being physically under threat. That plays into his urgent need to take on paying passengers, no questions asked. That situation seems diffused by the relative lack of any real tension when he meets Jabba shortly after.

What's everybody's favorite Original Trilogy movie - Star Wars, Empire, or Jedi?

Empire has always been my favourite. I first saw the first two movies as a double bill, and after being thrilled by Star Wars, I was gobsmacked that it could get even better in The Empire Strikes Back. Interesting that the changes to Empire from 1997 are the fewest and least egregious in my opinion. In fact I can think of only a handful that aren’t quite good, although completely unnecessary.

❕ <strong>Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com |</strong> Introduce yourself in here | <strong>Useful info within</strong> ❕

Hi, I’m Pete. I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember, although I can’t remember what age I was when I first saw Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as a double bill at the cinema in the UK. I know they were released that way in 1980. But could I really have been only six? I know I already had some of the toys. Much has happened since then, both in my life and in a galaxy far, far away, but the original trilogy has always been part of my life, and some of the more recent stuff has continued to entertain me.