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Pennsylvania Jones

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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

6 Pop Culture Visionaries Who Get Too Much Credit wrote:

Even minor characters like C-3PO weren't the juice of Lucas' mindgrapes. Lucas originally wanted 3PO to be an "oily, car salesman type" rather than our lovably gay robot butler friend. If that character archetype sounds familiar, that's because Lucas would later get his sleazy salesman in The Phantom Menace, in the shape of the flying anti-Semitic stereotype, Watto. The actually likeable, not-racist version of C-3PO that we know today was largely thanks to Anthony Daniels. Daniels was originally hired as just a mime inside the gold suit, with someone else providing the voice-over. But actor Stan Freberg convinced Lucas to not use a different voice and stick with Daniels -- which is particularly remarkable since Freberg was one of the actors considered to replace Daniels' voice. That's right: A struggling actor actually had to step up and sacrifice his own livelihood just to kill one of Lucas' terrible ideas.


Preserve your avatar, title, and/or signature, plus give an explanation

Well, since someone roasted me about my avatar in The Big Roast, I think I might as well 'fess up.  I made this avatar all the way back when IndyLounge was the only forum I was on.  At the time, I was obsessed with an animated Penguin feature from my childhood called Scamper the Penguin.  (But maybe you already knew that)  For those who haven't seen it, it's actually a lot cooler than it sounds, as long as you have the right music. ;)  I wasn't intending for Indy to be "looming menacingly" over Scamper, just for him to be smiling at him.  The intended caption is "Cute!  What an adorable creature!"

Well, it just goes to show that when it comes to my obsessions, it doesn't get much worse than this.






























...Or does it?

Say!  Since my avatar's preserved, I guess it wouldn't hurt to change the avatar now. Twisted Evil  What do you think?  Keep it Scamper, or Change to Brisby?



Oh!  and here's my title and signature:



Video Editor, Obsessive Fan, and Semi-Weirdo

Yeah, I don't remember why I put Semi-Weirdo in my title.  I guess I was in a rush to put something silly in there.


 My current non-Star Wars obsession is:

Indiana Jones!


It's a sad day when fans wish that George would do a 1080p24 scan of the Unaltered Trilogy, even without any sort of restoration.

Alternative obsessions include...  Well, just the Secret of NIMH.



Don't be too surprised to hear me talk about The Secret of NIMH here.  It's become my thing on this forum.


It's a sad day when fans wish that George would do a 1080p24 scan of the Unaltered Trilogy, even without any sort of restoration.


In case anyone's wondering why I speak of an unrestored Star Wars in my signature.

The Big Roast! (Only pick on the poster before you; NO TAGBACKS, but you can LOL the person who roasted you.)

Jeez, Ender!  What gives a depraved puppet fan like you the right to sic Statler and Waldorf on mrebo?

The Swedish Chef said:

Herm boing de shper di Peensylveeniee Joons du slingy stringy Greedo.  Ger sloopy mix in du hoopy goopy!

...  Anyone else wanna roast the Chef?  I'd do it, but that'd be tagging back. >:(

Blame George!

DuracellEnergizer said:

I'm sure a George was involved in the development of Stargate SG-1, which is a lamesauce spinoff of the much cooler movie, so I blame him.

According to IMDB, there's Jarvis W. George, Jason George, George Touliatos, George Ramage, and Carol Marks-George.  Take your pick! ;)

Biff Tannen said:

I blame George McFly for ruining it with me and Lorraine!

The Big Roast! (Only pick on the poster before you; NO TAGBACKS, but you can LOL the person who roasted you.)

doubleKO, that avatar is too violent. You need to downgrade it to PG-13, at the very least!

Darth Vader said:

Pennsylvania Jones, you are as clumsy as you are stupid.

Mrs. Brisby said:


Darth Vader, only you could be so bold! Picking on someone in better medical condition than you!

What a colossal worrywart, that Mrs. Brisby. (Look, ma, no tagbacks!)

The Big Roast! (Only pick on the poster before you; NO TAGBACKS, but you can LOL the person who roasted you.)

Hey everyone, it's Ziggy!  That dude who's obsessed with that creep, David Bowie! (laughs mockingly)

DuracellEnergizer said:

Pennsylvania Jones has an obsession with a certain animated adaptation of a certain book about intelligent rats.

I resent that, good sir!  Check my signature again. ;) (I'm not picking on this guy because the rules say to ONLY pick on the poster before you)

Ultimate Villains

doubleKO said:

Best villain to love to hate: Dr. Zachary Smith

TV Show Dr. Smith said:

I resent that, sir!  If you ask me, the real villain is the Robot!

Movie Dr. Smith said:

Pathetic fool, he was talking about me.  I'm actually evil, you just complain about your brittle back endlessly.  Nobody takes a guy like that seriously.

Spider Smith said:

But of course he was talking about me!  I'm the ultimate villain!  I'm actually a monster!  I can swallow the both of you in one bite!  In fact, I may do it anyway...

Movie Dr. Smith said:

Ha!  Don't make me laugh.  Without me, you wouldn't even exist!

Spider Smith said:

That didn't stop me from throwing you out the window, did it?

TV Show Dr. Smith said:

Enough of this!  This bickering is pointless.  There's only one way to settle this.  Double KO, which one of us were you talking about?