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Ok, straight up... is this the last time we will ever see the OOT?

I think if ever they are going to be released, the first time you will be able to buy these you won't be able to get them for $30. You will have the buy them in the biggest, shit-laden box-set the world has ever seen, all loaded into lifesize model of Darth's helmet. New versions plus old of each of the 6 films. They will be packaged with everything you never wanted to see or wondered about the SW films, and lacking most of what you did want to see. The price will make us weep openly, and we will get about 12 to 15 extra shiny disks of crap to go with the 3 OOT disks. At todays prices, I guess $350 US minimum. Ohh, and they would be rushed too, so they would be loaded with goofups, poorly mixed sound, you know..all that usual crap some of us have come to expect. I can't see anything to make me think if he does release them, that he wouldn't go for a huge wallet hit first time.

I'd imagine he would have some more time here in Oz before he recuts the first three with added scenes, or maybe they will just all be done on computer. I'm not sure they would have it ready for the 30th aniversary.I think they will sell enough product for the 30th aniversary anyway, without having to make a super boxset, and could release that at anytime when it's done.

I could be a pessimist though. I'm pretty sure I am.

Star Wars 3-D?
wireless battery-operated glasses that blink maybe a thousand times a second

That's insane..on so many levels. They don't need to blink any more than 100 times a second at the most, probably closer to 50 would be something they might try to obtain. I wanna see a picture of someone wearing some glasses with a 12volt car battery hanging off each ear to power them. Yeah, thats a comfy way to watch a movie. The hummmmm would drone out the noise of any movie.

I'm so freakin old (43 and 3 days) , I remember when they did a update on the 3d movie process back in the 70's. Was pretty funny. I'm a sucker for that kinda stuff though. I remember when the used to promote movies with Sensesurround or some thing like that. Earthquake was promoted like that, and Battle for Midway I think. I think it was just huge subwoofers cranked up so you could feel the pounding in your chest, but at the time it was promoted as something not every cinema could do, as though it may shake the foundations.

I had the scratch and sniff card I kept from seeing Polyester at a midnight session on it's first run too, but I lost it a couple of years ago. That was a fun idea. The whole cinema groaning and roaring with laughter when they scratched one of the numbers as it flashed up on screen, and it was dirty socks. George, with his love of poo-jokes, should latch onto that gimmick. He could just fill the whole card with different kinds of poo.

Confession: My favorite movie is ROTS
Well, that's very interesting. I might change my viewpoint on everything by applying those rules you set out.
It seems to make perfect sense now you've pointed it out.

I dare to ask though...What is your favorite jell-o flavor ?

If you had to choose between a chocolate milkshake and a banana-flavored milkshake, knowing anything but the chocolate would make you sick the next day, which would you drink? By the way, the banana flavor is the third flavor on the shelf, going from left to right. And it says " Improves Scowling by 22% " on the label.

Does this method apply to other choices you make? Like..6 pens laying across your workspace..which one gets picked up to write the personal post-it note to yourself reminding you to breathe deeply and stay calm? ( and don't tell me Im the only one who writes those. My therapist says everyone does)

I'm gonna try to get my wife to work GT"s method of t-shirt selction into her selecting what-is-for-dinner routine too.

first viewing of the 2006 OOT dvds
I have no idea if there is any strength to those explanations or not, but if there were, how would him purchasing the rights from Fox affect either one of those claims? If she was entitled to a certain percentage of the income he obtains thru profits from the films he made while with her, I wouldn't think it would matter if he owns them or Fox owns them. Then again, I'm not a lawyer and have had zero experience with divorce personally, let alone divorce in the US.

Ohh, and the latest from TheDigitalBits.com:

By the way, I've learned that our very own Russell Hammond was at the Star Wars panel at Comic-Con on Friday, and his reaction was much like the others we've heard who saw the DVD clips. Apparently, Lucasfilm went to a lot of trouble to first show a doctored clip (supposedly from the DVDs) designed to look deliberately bad - something that they'd spent money to actually create! - in order to make light of the criticisms we at The Bits and MANY others have leveled on the forthcoming DVDs' quality shortcomings, and in order to make the actual DVD clips look somewhat better by comparison. In fact, Russell says that Sansweet's comments (that we posted earlier) were made right before showing the deliberately bad looking clips, as a way of playing up the joke. THEN he played the actual clips from the DVDs, and according to Russell, "It looked like crap too!" (Russell's exact words, spoken in an outraged tone to me this morning over the phone.) In other words, it looked exactly like we figured it would... soft, washed out, lacking in contrast and detail, etc... exactly what you'd expect from 15-year-old, non-anamorphic laserdisc transfers gussied up for DVD and blown up on a big screen. I'd like to refer you all to a lengthy post we made here at The Bits in May, which remains our definitive statement on this issue. In it, we point-for-point refute every single argument that Lucasfilm has made as to why this is the "best they can do." It was written by myself, along with our own Robert A. Harris, who is one of the foremost film restoration experts in the industry. I think you'll find it interesting reading, and we stand by it 100%. By the way, you'll find more fan complaints about the new DVDs here at OriginalTrilogy.com and a funny bit here at MSNBC.

I got a response from Leonard Maltin.....
knowing and caring are two different things

I really didn't mean to depress you in what I said on the other thread.

I think the response from Leonard confirms what we have said before though...that what we (or anybody else) want doesn't matter to him at all. He hated being told what to do by a studio, and built himself a world where noone could dictate to him . Including us.

It must have really pissed him off when his lawyers told him he HAD to give his ex-wife some bucks ..but thats a post for another thread.
David Gilmour: "No George Lucas Syndrome"
Gillean, many of your claims on the process of recording Dark Side of the Moon and the members of Pink Floyd feelings about some of their previous work are in fact wrong. Even a basic search of wikipedia will show you that . There are also a few good books on the band, which I can't be bothered finding and quoting at the moment. Pink Floyd was in our record collection at home before Dark Side was released. It wasn't a matter of a bunch of stoners going into a recording studio and following a set of rules. They were breaking totally new ground with the techniques they used.

The time travel scenario the person asking the questions mentions is from A Sound of Thunder , by Ray Bradbury, first published in 1952. With Delicate Sound of Thunder being the name of the Pink Floyd live album released in 1988 while under the leadership of Gilmour, it would be a stretch of the imagination to think he is not aware of the story. I have no doubt Gilmour is familiar with the concepts presented in this story and mentioned by the interviewer, as they have been presented many times in various media (perhaps most widely seen by visitors to this forum on one of the Simpsons Halloween episodes, with the malfunctioning toaster). I also have no doubt that Gilmour knows who Lucas is and his attempts to re-write Star Wars 'history'.

first viewing of the 2006 OOT dvds
It's a dead horse. Not sure why 'we' keep flogging it.

Most people just don't care. Sad, but true. We are such a tiny tiny group that no-one really gives a crap what we think or how upset we may get. At least half the people that will buy and watch this release won't even notice it's not a decent release. They will just watch it, and then maybe comment to the people at work that it looks like crap compared to the SE, without ever realising why. George gets what he wants all the way.

The majority of people that love the original movies as they were seen in cinemas in the 70's and 80's dont vist sites like this one, or even know they exist. People really just don't know or care.

During the screening at the Comic Con, did the room rise as one and cry " Bullshit!" ? Of course not. That is a large gathering of fans, that probably do have access to web info, and probably did have prior knowledge of the poor release prior to going to the Con...yet, they don't voice any protest. If they don't care enough to cry foul, why on earth is your average dvd buyer or Star Wars fan going to?

Sending disks back might cause a chuckle in the mail room at LFL, but it's just not going to cause anything to change. You've already paid for the disks. Thats why they are being released, to make money. Not to calm the flood of web postings across the net, but to make a few more easy dollars. I don't think they would care if every single copy was sent back with a hole drilled in it, or mint in a case. They won't repackage them as some of suggested. It would cost more to pick them up, check for scratches and send to a factory to repackage than it costs to simply make a new disk. Send back if the idea of owning them turns your guts, but don't expect it to change anything.

Would buying a million of them convince George that people want to see the OT on dvd in a decent release? Not unless he already knows that to be the case anyway, and either way, he has sold a millon of these crap things. I don't think its possible to convince him of anything he doesn't want to be convinced of.

It is just about the money. Not appeasing the fans or judging the market. It's just a release to drain some more money from fans. He will release a better version if he wants to , but I don't think high or low sales or a couple of thousand returned disks with angry letters will make him changes his plans. If he thinks by actually spending the coin and releasing a better print in a decent format will make him more money, then that's what he'll do. He doesn't need or want our admiration anymore. In fact, I think it just annoys him.

What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
a coherent storyline with semi-plausible characters with slightly understandable motives

cgi used as a backup, not as a reason to make three films to sell your junk to other film-makers

an everyman character that points and cries " bullshit! " every now and then (ripped and paraphrased that one from Hammil)

someone that Lucas respected that wasn't counting on a cheque from George for their next meal, to have the knackers to say ' this sucks man. don't you want to do better ?'

to be honest, I think he got to the stage where he knows he could make a fifth rate movie, and it would still make crap loads of money, and sell a squillion copies when it went to dvd. He could film a carpark for 120 minutes, and people would still pay to see it. I honestly think he just hates us. Many people once they get to a certain stage of success do just loathe the so-called fans and their fawning admiration.

I saw the first two, and thought they were total shit, to the point of feeling embarrassed that I had sat through it and not walked out. Yet, I still paid to see the third one with my nephews while on a visit to their home state. I've seen other movies with them, but I'm sure in 20 years time, the only one we will remember seeing together will be that piece of junk. Ohh, and all laughing out loud when Vader goes " Noooo!". Maybe thats the bond we walked away with? " Man, that George is one angry clown."

Fox France confirms the French OOT release >NOT< to be anamorphic
Can someone translate and post the article please? I've seen the link to this site before, but have no idea if they are as reputable as Digital Bits or others.

I have...A New Hope...

Perhaps it was George's last laugh at us before caving in? His final jab? Wind us up with a press release that implies we get a third rate release, let us do all the talking and spreading the news across every site we can, let the dvd sites fill their screens with blurbs about Star Wars and how much it means to everyone .... then let it be known it will be a decent release ?

If that is indeed the case, I guess it got far more press than it would have otherwise. If they had said right from the start it was going to be anamorphic, then we would have just focused our bitching about the lack of extras, or any number of other gripes.

I said before I'd wait and see what was released before making a call on buying or not. I stand by that.

Ebay is having a 10 cent listing day, so I'm flatout listing a couple of hundred SW figures to sell anyway.
Episode 7 in 2021..Is this a joke?
Ahh. Just read a few lines of the post to get the impression that it being made up by some clown. I scrolled down the bottom of the Lucas interview to get the punchline.

(George Lucas: Many of you are frustrated that you send in dozens or hundreds of comments or questions and never get them answered by me. The problem is that we receive countless thousands of questions and comments here each and every day. I want to encourage all the true fans to donate a little money to SuperShadow. If you send a gift to Shadow through PayPal, SuperShadow will send you my PERSONAL E-MAIL address. You will be able to contact me as often as you so desire. Finally, everything you’ve ever wanted to say to me can come to fruition. I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you. As always, may the Force be with you.)

Dirty scammers.
Episode 7 in 2021..Is this a joke?

Is this an april-fools joke that I've somehow missed untill now?

George Lucas: Well, you do raise a legitimate concern. The original actors are getting old. However, their roles won’t really be all that action oriented except for Luke Skywalker and Leia engaging in light-saber battles. Most of Han’s action will be piloting the Millennium Falcon during dog fights. I don’t think they will be too old. Mark and Carrie will be in their sixties while Harrison will be in his seventies.

Lucas answers fan question

Lucasfilms survey, including how much would you pay for deleted sceens

Another survey about 7, 8 and 9

Is a bunch of other stuff on the site that you can find thru the site, like rough outlines

Should Wedge have been tried for cowardice?
Must have been a tense time while they were waiting. All your best pilots bite it trying to get into and along the trench that just may have an exhaust port at the end of it, as long as the plans they have are the final ones and no revisions were made in final constructions...like a 2 metre x 2 metre piece of mild steel plate welded there. Then you all stand around hoping some wet-behind-the-ears kid who spends his days bombing rats while not doing minor chores on the farm, takes time out from giving orders to the Rebellion's top-gun pilots to pull out and go back home cause they cant help. The other Rebellion must have been asking one another just who the heck the kid was ..." Ohh, he went with the last Jedi onto the Deathstar. There are no more Jedi now. " " Ohh. Great. Hold me tight."