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The Multiverse Saga (RE-EDITTED)

So I know how badley Phase 4 has been for many of us MCU Fans, leading to us not being as captivated as we once were. So I layed here a blueprint of sorts of what I want to do to fix Phase 4 of The MCU.

  1. Focus on telling The Multiverse Story as a Limited Story (Just for the beginning, thus this is the first act of the Multiverse Saga)
  2. Less is More (Quality over Quantity)
  3. Focus on the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame
  4. Limit Comedy
  5. Fix Character Arcs

First Movie: Ant-Man: Quantumania

Remove MOST comedy from MODOK
Remove MODOK from final Battle
Remove Kang Being defeated by The Ants (He doesn’t go outside at all)
Make MODOK say “I don’t have the parts for The Pym Patricle” or Something in those lines because of Bad Plothole.
Remove Jokes involving Kang (To make him more threatening)
Remove both Post Credit Scenes (Just to use the two for later)

Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Make into Movie format
Make US Agent more of the Main Villain
Karlee is less sympathetic
Make it feel like “The Winter Soldier”

Thor: Sins of The Gods

Cut out almost every joke
Korg actually dies
No More Hammer Jokes
Make Gorr even more scary
Limit the Bad CGI Scenes
Cut out Bad Dialouge
Keep both Post Credit Scenes: They Work


Make it into a Movie format
Cut whole Love Story (It’s weird and unnneeded)
Cut Infinity Stones being Paper Mechays (Stupid right?)
Cut explanation of The TVA
Write a Better Explanation for The TVA (Say it was just created?)
Cliff Hanger = The Time Keepers aren’t actually real
Post Credit Scene: Loki meeting the Other Lokis

Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3

Cut Adam Warlock being an Idiot
Keep = Everything Else


Make it flow as a Movie
Cut out episode 4 almost entirely
Keep Episodes 1 to 3 mostly
Last Episode Shift around
Post Credit Scene: Kingpin meeting Echo with a Shot, 2nd Post Credit Scene: No Way Home Trailer

Spider-Man: No Way Home

The Extended Cut, Nothing is removed

The Scarlet Witch

Make Wandavision into Movie format
Make her less of a hero at the end of the story
Make her not learn her lesson of letting go?

Shang-Chi: Legend of The Ten Rings

Remove Certain Jokes
Fix Pacing Issues
Include some Deleted Scenes

Loki II

Episodes 5 and 6 of Loki

Remove some Jokes of He Who Remains
Make He Who Remains Kang The Conqueror Varient (They are both the same varient as Kang was “killed” by Ant-Man and The Wasp it landed him in where He Who Remains is in, in Loki)

Post Credit Scene: Time is everything (2nd Ant-Man Post Credit Scene)

Doctor Strange: Prophecy of The Scarlet Witch

Cut out a lot of the movie
Cut out The Illumanti
Cut out other stuff

Post Credit Scene: The Council of Kang (1st Ant-Man: Quantumania Post Credit Scene)

End of Phase 4

Projects Canceled: She-Hulk (Because I dont’ know how to fix it, Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight is moved to Phase 5. What If is not needed. Werewolf by Night isn’t needed either. Black Panther Wakanda Forever is moved to the First Installment of Phase 5.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

RogueLeader said:

Tying into the idea of clarifying the actual war that is going on in the ST, I thought of an idea that would require some effects but could clarify the First Order’s scale and strategy.

During the Starkiller Base establishing shot before Hux’s speech, it would be interesting to add in the First Order’s invasion fleet to its orbit (I’m picturing just a distant armada of Star Destroyers above the planet). After Hux completes his speech, we cut back to that establishing shot and see this fleet jump to hyperspace.

Later in the film after Hosnian Prime is destroyed, we could have a montage of establishing shots of notable planets where we see one or multiple Destroyers arriving at each world. You wouldn’t have to necessarily depict any battles, but this could visualize the idea that the First Order basically blitzkriegs major systems as it simultaneously destroys the Senate. If it disrupted the flow of TFA’s climax, this montage could potentially be included at the beginning of TLJ instead.

I love the idea. It would honestly fix the TLJ Crawl with, “The First Order reigns!”

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Darth Malgus said:

My radical ideas to edit (and improve) the Sequel Trilogy:

  1. The Resistance Isn’t a separate group from the New Republic, but is simply what remains of the New Republic fleet. The New Republic has already been destroyed and overwhelmed by the First Order before TFA, and the Resistance is only what remains of the New Republic fleet.
  2. Snoke doesn’t exist. The resurrect Palpatine is the direct leader of the First Order and Kylo Ren is his apprentice. The Knights of Ren are basically the equivalent of the old Imperial Guards, but they’re Force-sensitive. Also, the reasons of Palpatine’s resurrection are already explained in TFA. At the time of his first death on the Second Death Star he managed to transfer his spirit to his cloned body on Exegol and so he managed to survive. Just like in Dark Empire.
  3. Luke and Rey meet in TFA and Luke explains the reasons of his exile to Rey in TFA. At the end of the film we see Rey starting her training with Luke. Between TFA and TLJ a year has passed.
  4. Luke didn’t exile to escape his responsibilities, but simply because he realized that he failed with Kylo. So he felt the need to exile and meditate to understand what he did wrong, so that he could return to action at a later date, with a clearer mind and clearer ideas. He hadn’t explained to anyone why he exiled, so everyone’s looking for him, but no one knows why he disappeared until he explains his reasons to Rey. Luke made the same mistakes of the old Jedi Order, and after his long exile and his long meditation he understood that the Jedi Order Need to be transformed, he understood that attachments must be allowed and the Jedi must not be too dogmatic and rigid. In other words, he understood that the Jedi Order Need to be transformed into what Luke’s Legends counterpart has managed to do. So, “it’s time for the Jedi to end” turns into “it’s time for the Jedi to change”.
  5. Rey is nobody. She’s neither a Skywalker nor a Palpatine. Rey is basically the Nomi Sunrider of the Disney Canon.
  6. Yes, Luke tried to kill Ben Solo in his sleep. Yes, Ben Solo was already corrupted by the Dark Side. But Luke immediately regretted what he did and tried in every way to redeem Ben and bring him back to the Light, but without succeeding. In this way, the fact that he tried to kill him in his sleep is balanced by the fact that he then tried to redeem him in every way and he regretted what he did. So in this way it doesn’t feel out of character. Luke dies against Kylo in the same way we see in the original version of TLJ.
  7. There are no sacred Jedi texts. Rey is trained by Luke, but she can only draw on his teachings, and there’s no sacred Jedi text that contains forgotten teachings by which Rey can learn how to resurrect people through the Force. So, Rey never learns the power of resurrection through the Force, and so this power doesn’t appear in TROS.
  8. Leia dies to help Kylo to redeem himself like in the original version of TROS, but Anakin Skywalker’s Force ghost appears and guides Kylo to redemption instead of Han Solo.
  9. Rey doesn’t kill Palpatine. In the final battle on Exegol Anakin Skywalker’s ghost (played by Hayden Christensen) appears while Rey is unconscious, after which the ghosts of Luke, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Qui-Gon also appear to help Anakin. There’s a clash of Force powers between Palpatine and Anakin’s ghost, and in the end Palpatine dies at the hands of Anakin AGAIN, confirming that he’s the Chosen One.
  10. Kylo Ren redeems himself and returns to be Ben Solo in the final battle on Exegol. He survives, takes Skywalker as his second surname (becoming Ben Solo Skywalker) and begins training a new generation of Jedi with Rey, putting into practice Luke’s ideas for the change and innovation of the Jedi Order.

These are my radical ideas to change the main plots of the Trilogy. Of course, I also have in mind many radical ideas to change the subplots, but for now I prefer to limit myself to the radical changes for the main plots.

Bro I would love to help with this edit when you want to.

Episode VIII. Sins of The Past (WIP)

Episode VIII. Sins of The Past (WIP)

I for one really enjoyed The Last Jedi in theaters back on December 16th in 2017, but ever since my first viewing something in me has felt like the movie didn’t feel right. So I began searching for the reason. Was it because Snoke died? Was it because of how Rian Johnson portrayed Luke Skywalker? Or was it because Rey was a Nobody? The Answer is actually none of those things. To me, my biggest issue with Episode VIII. The Last Jedi was that it didn’t feel like a Sequel to The Force Awakens, and the tone shifted from Episode VII. Characters like Hux didn’t feel like himself, while Kylo Ren was the best character (Yes- BEST PART OF THE MOVIE) but the movie made him less threatening. So my plan is to make The Last Jedi 10 times better than what it use to, while making a reasonably theatrical cut runtime.

Basic Cut List (First Act Only for RN)

New Crawl (To Bring up that both sides are racing to reclaim the galaxy, as well as state that Supreme Leader Snoke has sent Kylo Ren on a Mission, while Leia sent Rey off in search for her brother to seek answers inside herself across the stars)
Pans down to two tie fighters flying over Mustafar (From TROS)
Use Extra Battlefront 2 Footage for Mustafar Battle
Kylo finds the Wayfinder, as Kylo holds it, he’ll hear Leia try and communicate to him
The scene slides off to a New Shot of Ach-To, where Rey hands Anakin/Luke’s Saber, while grabbing the dialogue from a cut sequence later. Luke looks upon her, gets a quick vision from the Saber and hands back the saber to Rey saying “No”
Luke runs off, while Rey says, “Please Master Skywalker” (Add the “Please” from TFA)
Rey runs down and we get multiple camera angles of the huts to make it feel more mysterious and that Rey is looking for Luke
She’ll stop and knock on the closed door, “Hello?” she’ll ask
Scene cuts to Finn in his Coma dreaming of what happened on Starkiller Base, Like PTSD (Idea from Ivan Ortega, loved the scene in his)
Finn wakes up and sees a Resistance soldier running by, he then goes and looks out the window to see transports
We see the huge shot of the fleet’s evacuation, then down to D’Qar’s surface, where Connix is trying to load up everyone
“They found us” Poe’s on The Bridge
The First Order Bridge (Remove some of Hux’s Pointless overly explaining, Show, don’t tell)
Make Poe afraid to Face Hux and The First Order’s Dreadnought/Fleet
Remove Poe talking to Leia throughout this entire sequences, including the C-3P0 Whip that nervous expression Joke)
Remove BB-8 Gag with the Multiple Arms
Make The Space Bomber Battle not be AS fast paced (restore Paige Tico deleted scene)
Trim some of Paige’s fall sequence (Just made it feel like too late)
Dreadnought is down, Leia sees the Fleet in turmoil, and Hux is left in fear of Snoke
Cut to Poe and Finn reuniting (Maybe insert a better Line for Poe instead of the Leaking bag gag) Finn then asks Poe, “Where’s Rey?”
We get a new shot of The Island, where Luke is in his Hut, Chewy kicks the door down
Cut Rey “He said” and now make it, “You’re coming back with us…”
Cut the entire Rey explaining to Luke scene, dialogue will be repurposed for Rey meeting Luke but this has to be one of my least favorite scenes of the movie just on directing level and execution.
After Luke questioned “Where’s Han” it stays on the Island with a clean shot, where Luke goes to his hut, with no Rey peeking in at him, (very Stalkerish Rey)
Scene translates with Music back to Leia on The Raddus, coming out of Hyperspace
Finn and Poe get there scene, where Finn explains he didn’t join this army, and Poe gives him the coat
Leia slaps Poe’s face (Remove the Demotion) -Because I can Fix Holdo by doing this
After Leia talks to Poe about being a Leader, scene translates back to Ach-To
(Remove Sea Cow, JUST NO)
Now Use The Rey peaking into Luke’s Hut
Luke gets out of his hut, “You’re wasting your time.”
Rey follows him till she gets called to The Force Tree
When Luke raises the question, “Who are you?” Rey responds, “I’m no one.”
Remove, “They sent you…” because this is being said so many times, it’s a bit annoying
Keep Jakku Joke (Sounds like Luke Skywalker
Trim Rey’s dialogue, “Something deep inside me has always been there, and now it’s awake and I need help.” to “Something inside me is awake. And I need help.”- Feels More Like Rey
Cut lines, “I’ve seen your daily routine you are not busy” “I came to island to die”
Trim off “We all do” from Rey’s line towards Luke, He should be focusing on His Sister, also it gives off more emotion of Rey
Scene translates to Kylo Ren on The Supremacy using a New VFX Shot looking outside the window, scene would transition to him in his mask walking towards Snoke
Whole Throne Room has a bit of a darker color (Just a Personal change)
Remove, “Take that ridiculous thing off”
Somehow redub Snoke to say, “There is someone who I want you to eliminate, someone dear to your heart, your mother” that sounds almost exactly like Andy Serkis
Scene translates to Ach-To at night, where Luke visits the Falcon, Remove first Porg Joke, and remove “Nothing can change my mind” from Luke to R2
Cuts back to Resistance, remove Kylo, “Follow me” it will be used later
Kylo Ren shoots Leia out the Window
Leia is saved by Luke (So it’s better than Leia Poppins)
Because of this, Luke wakes up Rey and tells her training will begin tomorrow, Remove “Three lessons” as well as “And why they need to end.”
Scene translates to The Meeting on the Raddus, Admiral Ackbar has survived and has his Resistance attire on. He’ll say, “General Leia is in a comma and the majority of the bridge crew did not survive the blast” “There will be time to grieve later, my self and remaining senior officers will attend to the CIS to formulate an escape plan. In the meantime I am turning leadership to Senator Holdo (Might still keep her Vice Admiral), she has my full trust and support.”
Possibly recolor Holdo’s Purple Hair (Nothing against Purple Hair, but I just think it’s too distracting at points for a Vice Admiral)
Remove Holdo Bringing up His Demotion Because he didn’t get demoted in this cut
Restore BB-8 and Finn Deleted Scene (1 of the most important deleted scenes that would have made it feel like a Sequel to TFA, also continues the bond between BB-8 and Finn)

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

That would certainly alleviate pacing issues, as the film as it stands feels like it has two final acts piled on to each other, which, combined with the runtime, makes it feel like movie really should’ve ended after the Holdo Maneuver.

Anyone have any ideas on how to reduce the RotJ retreading with the Throne Room scene? I feel like it’s too baked in so the only way to get rid of it would be to eliminate the scene entirely, and it’s too plot critical for that.

We could also add the ending of TLJ, The Battle of Crait to the Beginning of TROS if we wanted to

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Mxylv said:

thebluefrog said:

Holdo’s kamikaze scene, while visually great, was not a good addition to the SW lore. Yes, yes, all the arguments have already been made, especially as this kind of overpowered attack would actually win the rebellion.

So…why not make that scene part of the final dogfight battle…and involve Luke.

Maybe something like:

Instead of dying after the Force projection, Luke pulls off the greatest Jedi trick and wipes out the fleet from afar and THEN dies. Proving size means nothing and the Jedi are one with everything, including space. He’s gone beyond sabers and fighting with lasers.

I really like that! It has me thinking… what if it were reordered so Luke has an (optional) force hologram moment, then dies, and then the battlefleet is wiped out, driving home Obi Wan’s words of “becoming more powerful than [one] could ever imagine?” I’m not entirely sure how one would indicate that the ship was his doing; probably an echoey voice for a couple lines.

(Of course, that would raise the question of why he wouldn’t destroy Exegol by himself afterward…)

What if we make the Throne Room scenes accure during the Battle of Crait?

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

sherlockpotter said:

Nindroid243 said:

sherlockpotter said:

Something I was thinking about adding - would there be some way to depict the Sith Destroyers beginning to leave Exegol? It would add some decent tension to the sequence (“Guys, it’s starting! We’re out of time!”) and it would help to establish how so many Destroyers have already traveled to other planets for the ending montage, when the whole battle is framed around the idea that “We have to stop them before they leave.” (Except for the one ship that blows up Kijimi.)

It could be easily done by recording a new line of dialogue from a random Resistance pilot somewhere - “Did you see that? Two of them just jumped into hyperspace!” - but I wonder if there’s some way of repurposing footage to depict it visually?

I am also using this idea in my own fan edit/fan film. The Idea is that Palpatine reorganizes The First Order into The Final Order, under General Pryde as leader of the entire fleet. This would work best probably by using The Fortnite broadcast message while ships are being deployed across the galaxy, while Poe and the Resistance are listening.

This is my Rough Cut- https://streamable.com/adrmda I know it’s very poor but it gets the concept of the scene.

Ha! I also wanted to pair Palpatine’s speech with the “Anthem of Evil” music! I like what you’re going for here with all of the ships invading the galaxy. Redubbing all of the dialogue would probably be a challenge, but I’d be interested in seeing how it could all come together! Maybe skipping the stuff with Poe and Merry in the beginning, and just starting from Rose’s “Listen, there’s a broadcast coming through”?

Yeah probably

Recutting TBOBF Chs. 5-7 into The Mandalorian Season 3's prologue?

So in my opinion, we don’t need the whole Building the Naboo Starfighter plot, if needed make it still happen with Book of Boba Fett, but I much rather just show some time between Seasons and Shows. This is what I was thinking.

  • Open with Mandalorian at the taun, taun butcher place, he then goes to get info

-Everything with Armor and Mando

-Visula vs Mando

-Armor assigns Mando his mission.

-Mando goes straight to Grogu

-We see Luke trainning Grogu

-We then get Mando and Ahsoka’s convo

-Luke and Ahsoka talks about Grogu

-Grogu Needs to Choose his choice

-Mando and Grogu leaves on Naboo 1 Starfighter

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

sherlockpotter said:

Something I was thinking about adding - would there be some way to depict the Sith Destroyers beginning to leave Exegol? It would add some decent tension to the sequence (“Guys, it’s starting! We’re out of time!”) and it would help to establish how so many Destroyers have already traveled to other planets for the ending montage, when the whole battle is framed around the idea that “We have to stop them before they leave.” (Except for the one ship that blows up Kijimi.)

It could be easily done by recording a new line of dialogue from a random Resistance pilot somewhere - “Did you see that? Two of them just jumped into hyperspace!” - but I wonder if there’s some way of repurposing footage to depict it visually?

I am also using this idea in my own fan edit/fan film. The Idea is that Palpatine reorganizes The First Order into The Final Order, under General Pryde as leader of the entire fleet. This would work best probably by using The Fortnite broadcast message while ships are being deployed across the galaxy, while Poe and the Resistance are listening.

This is my Rough Cut- https://streamable.com/adrmda I know it’s very poor but it gets the concept of the scene.