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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

Sir Ridley said:

Tobar said:

It’s a nice moment but I’m in favor of cutting it. They were standing right by each other in the map scene and then the very next scene she’s wearing a new outfit, so time has passed. You’re telling me Poe wouldn’t seek out the girl that Finn just almost died trying to rescue? And to top it off he’s in the front of the crowd that sends off Rey as she leaves the base.

I understand that it’s something that Rian wanted to include to make up for one of Abrams many slips but it doesn’t make sense in context. It’s something that should have happened in TFA, even the novelization of TFA had them meet at this time:

“The map.” Rey could only stare in wonder as her eyes wandered over a shining, resplendent portrayal of a substantial portion of the galaxy. “It’s the whole map!”

“Artoo!” C-3PO’s tone was that of a proud relative complimenting a member of his family. “Artoo, you’ve done it!”

Cheers and spontaneous embraces filled the room with so much joy that no one paid any attention to who was hugging what representative of whichever species. Rey and Poe were not excluded, though their sudden, tight clinch of shared excitement led to a moment of mutual awkwardness.

“Uh, hi,” the pilot mumbled. “I’m Poe.”

She nodded slowly, searching his face and finding that she liked it. “I recognize the name. So you’re Poe. Poe Dameron, the X-wing pilot. I’m Rey.”

“I know.” He smiled back, a little more at ease. “Nice to meet you.”

Which is now non-canon and a really weird slip-up for the Story Group to make.

Huh, yeah, that is a bit weird. I wonder if the meeting could be edited into TFA instead.

Leia: “May the Force be with you.”
Rey: (enters Falcon)
Poe: “I’m Poe.”

This must be done.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

DominicCobb said:

If you consider the prequels canon, Vader was a school shooter too, and a much bigger school at that.

A school whose teachers tried to murder the democratically elected leader of the Republic.
He was also doing all of this ostensibly to save the life of his wife and unborn child.

The situations are different. Sure we know Anakin was “a good friend,” but that then he was “seduced by the dark side of the Force.” On the other hand, we are told that Ben seemingly struggled with a darkness inside him from a young age (due to the “Vader in him”)

If Vader’s evil was transmitted genetically, Luke would have had a lot more of it than Ben.

…and was manipulated and seduced by Snoke specifically. So while Vader is implied to have turned because of a greedy quest for power,

And the whole Padme thing.

Ben is implied to have turned because he was exploited and possibly (in a way) brainwashed into doing so.

Ben also wanted to finish what Vader started, which I assume has something to do with this quest for power.

I’d honestly argue that Ben’s story is more tragic, and to see him die a full villain would just be plain sad.

They are both tragic for sure, but I was referring in Vader’s case to the classical definition of tragedy, where a great person makes an error of judgement and this has unforseen and calamitous effects.

“Aristotle wrote in his work Poetics that tragedy is characterised by seriousness and involves a great person who experiences a reversal of fortune (Peripeteia).”
“According to Aristotle, “The misfortune is brought about not by [general] vice or depravity, but by some [particular] error or frailty.””

Ben never has the chance to rise to greatness, so this definition doesn’t really apply. Of course it is still tragic in the general sense.

It also seems to me that the act of redemption is a return to the greatness already seen from a character. Since Ben doesn’t have this greatness, he cannot be redeemed. The only way forward is for him to commit to his dark path forever, or to grow enough that he understands the error of his ways.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

Vader was a much worse person.

What feels so odd is that even though this point holds absolutely true upon objective analysis, I can’t help but on an emotional level, feel that the redemption of Kylo would feel incredibly jarring and not right.

I attribute this mainly to the fact that within the OT, (not counting dead children from some awful prequel movies) we only see Vader murder random people who we never know all that much about. In Rogue One, it’s a dynamic of him just being a “badass”. Kylo Ren on the other hand murdered Han Solo. It just sits differently for some reason.

I think what makes Vader so much more redeemable is that he was once a definitively good person for many years of his adult life, even if you consider the prequels canon. He was a Jedi Knight acting in ways that he believed were to safeguard the Republic, the legitimate government of the galaxy. The fact that he fell so far was the tragedy.

Kylo on the other hand is portrayed as essentially a school shooter. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone like that.

Last movie seen

^I remember seeing the third one with my girlfriend, who dozed off halfway through.

Coincidentally, I just finished watching the Appendices for the Hobbit trilogy (all 30 hours!), in preparation for my long-awaited 3-in-1 fanedit. It’s split between showing the art department’s dedication to making the most impressive sets and props ever seen, and showing how much of that effort was obscured with last-minute barrel chases and CGI rivers of gold.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

darthrush said:

I just need episode 9 to really make it clear the effect that Luke had on the galaxy. If they are able to communicate the necessity of his sacrifice toward the eventual peace of the galaxy then that would help uplift his actions even more in TLJ.

I’m just happy that Episode 8 gave us one final performance by The Last Laser Master.

A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit

I am not concerned about the TV show either, at least with regards to contradicting anything that’s done to the movies. If you start down that path of making sure every product conforms to a strict continuity, forever will it dominate your destiny.

RogueLeader said:

As of now, there are some points I think would be useful for the project’s guidelines:
Continuity. Does this change help tie the movies together? Not all changes have to, but it’s a plus.
Practicality. How realistic or doable is the change?
Motivation. How does the change benefit the narrative? (a flimsy rule atm)

But I think we should still have enough levity for some edits just because they’re “cool”.

Some other things I think could be important are (4)seamlessness and (5)runtime. Seamlessness: can the change be made and still feel professional? Now, there could be radical changes to the movies, but I don’t think the movies should be completely redone, if that makes sense. I think the basics of each movie should be kept, mainly because I like the idea of somebody watching these edits and maybe not initially realizing it is a fan edit, just a lot better than they remembered. I do think maintaining a decent runtime is crucial, and it shouldn’t go under a certain length, because it being too short would make it feel not like a realistic version of the movie, to me at least.

Good guidelines. So as a general rule, continuity would be the most important of these, correct?

If so, perhaps one way to organize this edit would be to come up with a set of changes that forms a subplot linking all of the prequels and beyond. There are many loose threads to follow here, such as:
1: What is the plot of TPM? What does the Trade Federation want? What is Palpatine cooking up? He is surely working on the clone army, what foreshadowing can we concoct?
2: What happened to Sifo-Dyas? How does Tyrannus fit into Palpatine’s plan? Is the Death Star a plan of the Geonosians, or something else?
3: Where did Grevious come from, and what makes him more than a random stock villan? If Plagueis was around in TPM, does that change the film?

You can see how most of these questions arise from confusion about Palpatine’s master plan. Perhaps the organizing principle of these edits is to illuminate this plan.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

Well obviously I’m exaggerating, he only wants to rape them, and only the hot young ones.

Let’s maybe calm down here.

But you guys really think he actually wants to solve problems, let alone problems that actually exist? Are you really this gullible?

Sure he wants to solve problems. But since he seems to think that a trade deficit with a country equates to that country getting a ‘better deal’ than us, it’s safe to assume that he has no earthly idea how to solve them.

A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit

RogueLeader said:

NeverarGreat said:

Having strict continuity between all films is a good place to start with this idea, but could the idea be extended to apply to character actions and plot issues?

For example, in AOTC there are some real issues with characters acting inconsistently like when Obi-wan jumps out an open window after urging restraint in the previous scene.

I have a few other ideas like this for Episode 2, and in a collaborative thread we could probably come up with many more. It would probably help to have separate threads for each movie.

I’ve thought a lot about this too!

Eventually I came to the thought that maybe Obi-Wan is a little more reckless than he likes to believe. He wants to be the perfect master for Anakin, but he was only 25 when he became Anakin’s Master, and he might be more brash like Qui-Gon than he thinks he is. So when he says, “I hate it when he does that”, I take it more as he hates when Anakin shows that he has inherited more of Obi-Wan’s more reckless traits than he would like, like jumping out of a window. I think making Obi-Wan choose to train Anakin rather than being forced to by Qui-Gon’s dying wishes could help with this as well.

That’s at least one interpretation, but regardless you do bring up good points about some of their antics in this scene being a little outlandish. But these kind of questions would be good for discussion! I would to talk about your other ideas too. And maybe separate threads for each movie would be a good idea. I guess I could put links to each thread in the first post of this one?

Yeah, this would be a good ‘catch all’ thread for saga-spanning ideas, but I expect most of the changes would be contained to the single film.

I suppose one of the big questions out of the gate is whether this project would use deleted scenes, even if they were in standard definition. AOTC’s deleted scenes really improve the story.

I’ll hold off on making more movie-specific suggestions until there are threads for them, but in broad strokes for the prequel trilogy I’d like to see a more cohesive narrative with more understandable characters, even if it means taking some dramatic measures to achieve, since cutting the things that don’t work can take you only so far. I’m thinking along the lines of subtitling the Neimoidians and writing/performing entirely new lines for Jar Jar. Maybe giving more story importance to Naboo (that huge generator room should really have some purpose), and generally finding ways of framing the unfortunate aspects of the trilogy in ways that negate their terribleness.

I feel like the OT and ST are of lesser importance, simply because there’s less obviously wrong and there’s currently a horde of editors at work on TLJ.

Revenge of the Jedi (The Snooker edit) (Cancelled: *unfinished project *)

snooker said:

I have gotten back to where I was before in editing!

Here’s a change that I’ve been working on that I would like some help with:

Password: Vader

I feel like 2004 JEJ doesn’t mesh well with 82 JEJ, and I can’t make “the” sound right. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks!

The final ‘e’ of ‘the’ isn’t pronounced enough. You could use another ‘ee’ sound like the end of ‘will be’ and blend it into that section.

snooker said:

Emperor’s Eclipse preview


Password: Sheev

Looking at this again, it would help to show a closeup of the docking bay from the outside, like in the original film with the Death Star.

A Collaborative Star Wars Saga Edit

I’m very interested in working on such a project! After watching Hal’s Episode 2 (The Approaching Storm), it fired up my imagination as to what might be possible with prequel edits. That version makes the characters and romance almost bearable, an impressive feat in its own right, and with a few more effects-heavy edits it could be improved even more.

Having strict continuity between all films is a good place to start with this idea, but could the idea be extended to apply to character actions and plot issues?

For example, in AOTC there are some real issues with characters acting inconsistently like when Obi-wan jumps out an open window after urging restraint in the previous scene.
In imagining what could be possible with some vfx wizardry, we could have Zam pull up beside the window in her speeder and cut a hole in the glass, through which she would ty to shoot Padme with her blaster. Anakin runs into the room and deflects the blasts with his lightsaber, then he leaps out the window and grabs onto the speeder. He is knocked around a bit and pulls out his lightsaber, finally losing it. Then we see that Obi-wan is following in a yellow speeder, and catches the lightsaber.

An edit like this solves many problems, such as why Jango hired another assassin for this job (he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty at such close quarters), why Obi-wan acts so recklessly (he doesn’t, he just goes and finds a speeder like a normal person), and how Jedi can do such silly death-defying falls and still manage to keep track of a single small speeder in an endless city (all removed by necessity).

I have a few other ideas like this for Episode 2, and in a collaborative thread we could probably come up with many more. It would probably help to have separate threads for each movie.

Mr. Plinkett's Prequel Reviews Remastered in HD? (TPM &amp; AOTC - done; ROTS - a WIP)

I can see why the Tech inclusion is odd, since it’s quite saturated compared to ESB and ROTJ which are a bit desaturated even compared to the clips used in the original RLM video.

It might help to reduce the saturation of Han’s conversation with Ben in the Cantina 20-25%, since that got a lot less saturated when transferred to home video.

Mr. Plinkett's Prequel Reviews Remastered in HD? (TPM &amp; AOTC - done; ROTS - a WIP)

BlueCopy said:

I might just re-cut all the non-special edition parts from harmy’s editions to just give it a consistent feeling for the Original Trilogy clips. There aren’t that many clips from the OT so it shouldn’t take that long.

Since Harmy’s using my project for V3 of Despecialized, doing the Tech version for ANH and Despecialized for the sequels would be a bit of future-proofing.