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- #1568221
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- Thoughts on One Canon?
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1568221/action/topic#1568221
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im ok with mixing timelines but what happens after ROTJ for me is the Yuuzhan Vong War
im ok with mixing timelines but what happens after ROTJ for me is the Yuuzhan Vong War
I like how the Old Expanded Universe Star Wars felt very nerdy was like a true Sci-Fi saga that could compete with Star Trek Dune or Warhammer 40k there was a passion for the stories they felt memorable in Disney Expanded Universe the novels are very meh very generic and not so memorable stories my favorite era in the EU was the Yuuzhan Vong War the New Jedi Order are my Sequels to the OT
Tales of the Jedi is my favorite EU Comics is a shame that this story never had an animated series in the 90s i imagine it being similar to He-Man or Thundercats
Exar Kun being a Sith using a blue lightsaber is very similar to how Anakin after falling to the dark side in Episode 3 used his blue lightsaber to destroy the Jedi Darth Maul lightsaber was inspired in Exar Kun lightsaber so there is a possibility that Lucas took the character of Ulic Qel Droma as a base or inspiration for Anakin Skywalker in the Prequels
SWTOR that game ruined KOTOR lore for me so in my headcanon that game never happens and the Exile is a male Jedi for me
TFU 2 also never happens in my headcanon since Galen Marek sacrifice in the first game was a perfect ending to his story and for inspire the Rebellion
I think Anakin Skywalker fall would have been much more tragic if Anakin had been a character very similar to Luke the Anakin of Lucas Prequels is a kind of a jerk and arrogant that it is difficult to feel empathy for him i know that in TCW they try to fix this but i think that if Anakin had been a more likeable character his transformation into Darth Vader would have been a lot more tragic i think Lucas dropped the ball with the Prequels the idea was good but it needed a better execution but well Disney Sequels are worse than Lucas Prequels so at least i admire Lucas creativity
Ignore Disney Sequel Trilogy or Filoni Mandoverse Movie the Original Thrawn Trilogy this is how the Real Sequels of the OT Start
Disney Sequel Trilogy,TCW Show and Kenobi Show have affected my enjoyment of the Prequel Trilogy Movies now i dont care about this Trilogy anymore i consider this Era to be very Boring
But he said there is no Episode VII 😉
And he was right that awful Disney Sequel Trilogy are not the Real Sequels to the OT
The Original Version of the OT was better than the Special Edition i prefer Sebastian Shaw Force Ghost over Hayden Christensen Force Ghost i think that Vader would have liked more to show himself to his Children as a Father Figure and not as Guy in the same Age of his Children for me the Original Version of the OT is the Real Version of the Movies
There is not Logic in Disney Star Wars they dont respect the Canon of the Movies but well Lucas didnt either to the Point Darth Vader vs Obi Wan Fight broke the ANH Canon and Leia never knew about Obi Wan in ANH only Luke knew about Ben or Obi Wan
Firstly, what’s really bad is not the Karma for George, but the total lack of punctuation in your post.
Secondly, we can say many things about George, but to blame him for the total mess that Star Wars has become today is exaggerated. If Star Wars today is mostly bad, it’s not George’s fault but fault of who is directing and writing Star Wars nowadays. Since they’re in control of Star Wars, then they are also responsible for what’s happening with Star Wars today. It is not Lucas’ fault if the Sequels are bad, it is fault of who wrote and directed the Sequels. It is not Lucas’ fault if The Mandalorian is a mediocre show, it is fault of who wrote and directed The Mandalorian. It is not Lucas’ fault if the Kenobi series is unwatchable, it is fault of the people who wrote and directed the Kenobi series. Everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions, so blaming Lucas for something he didn’t do is intellectually dishonest. Also, George has never blamed the fans who don’t like the Prequel Trilogy for anything. He never said that the fans who didn’t like the Prequels are the reason he sold Star Wars. He has always reiterated that he sold Star Wars because he was tired, and wanted to spend his old age with his family. In fact, I believe that George was more intellectually honest than many of the people who work for Disney Star Wars, because contrary to Disney, which calls anyone who doesn’t appreciate the Sequel Trilogy a “fake fan”, a “racist”, or a “sexist”, George always said that even the fans who despised the Prequels should be considered fans, and always called them fans, even in the interviews in which he openly criticize them.
Well George Lucas himself chose Kathleen Kennedy as the Boss of Lucasfilm so its his fault Lucas never cared about Star Wars that much thats why he Sold it 11 Years Ago have Fun with the Palpatine Saga
I never understand why TFA was very Praised back in 2015 by some Star Wars Fans to the point they said that JJ Abrams was their savior some Reviews of TFA dont aged well TFA Movie dont aged very well its hard to believe TFA is a 8 Year Old Movie TFA feels a more Older Movie
TCW Version of Anakin Skywalker was just a Bad Clone of Han Solo
The Actual Mess of Star Wars its all George Lucas fault for trying to Erase the Contribution of Marcia Lucas or Irvin Kershner in Star Wars, for Create the Special Edition and Erase the True OT from History, for trying to Discredit EU authors and make the EU Non Canon with this Quote and TCW:“I’ve left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That’s because there isn’t any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn’t at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn’t come back to life, the Emperor doesn’t get cloned and Luke doesn’t get married.” just for Palpatine to get cloned again in Disney Sequel Trilogy, for contradicting himself many times about what is Canon in Star Wars like Lucas wanting to kill Ahsoka but Filoni Lucas “Apprentice” that tries to persevere Lucas Vision did not allow it:“They have their own kind of world. There’s three pillars of Star Wars. I’ll probably get in trouble for this but it’s OK! There’s three pillars: the father, the son and the holy ghost. I’m the father, Howard Roffman [president of Lucas Licensing] is the son and the holy ghost is the fans, this kind of ethereal world of people coming up with all kinds of different ideas and histories. Howard tries to be consistent but sometimes he goes off on tangents and it’s hard to hold him back", for criticizing the Fans who didnt like the Prequel Trilogy and using that as Basis for Selling Star Wars to Disney, for saying that Star Wars was in Reality the Tragedy of Darth Vader Story that there would not be an Episode VII but a Good Dose of Money changes your Perspective and whatever Kathleen Kennedy is thinking of doing in her Glorified Future Fan Fictions with the Dead Corpse from Star Wars just adds more Comedy to the Sad Fate of this once Great Saga Lucas was the responsible for this Destiny happening to Star Wars and Disney, Filoni and Kennedy are going to take Star Wars even a lower level
I dont care what anyone says TCW TV Show contradicts Revenge of the Sith Movie Anakin tells to Dooku in the Movie “My Powers have doubled since the last time we met Count” and Obi Wan says “You wont get away this time Dooku” a clear reference that Anakin and Obi Wan have not seen or fought Dooku since Attack of the Clones that was the Original intention but now i have to pretend they fought several times during the Clone Wars Anakin now had a Padawan and Darth Maul is still Alive and the Clones now use Chips so Kids who watched the TV Show cant be Sad about the Clones turning Evil but well George Lucas never cared about the Continuity of the Movies since Yoda “There is Another” being Actually Leia, Anakin not being the Already Good Pilot when Obi Wan met Anakin or that Lucas forgot that Padme must have Survived to make Leia Quote to Luke about Leia Remembering her Real Mother to be True also TCW is Overrated i cant take that Show too seriously and its not the Best Work ever Created in Star Wars like many Fans say it is Star Wars for Lucas was just a Big Commercial to promote Toys
It is very interesting and intriguing the idea that Deleted Scenes that nobody knows about can exist and that they are now Lost Media
The Jedi Knight Games are the only Games that really feel like they are in the same World as the OT Movies, Shadows of the Empire too and Knights of the Old Republic 1 Video Game is a better A New Hope Reboot than the Force Awakens
I think George wasnt sure what tone the Prequels Movies should had George tried to make the Phantom Menace into a Political Movie but at the same time he wanted the Phantom Menace to be a Kids Movie too because of Jar Jar Binks, Kid Anakin or the Pod Racing Race etc i think that affected the Prequels George tried to make a more Complex Plot but he wanted those Movies to still have a Childish tone for Kids only Revenge of the Sith was the only Movie when George really wanted a Movie to have a “Serious” tone but failed Anakin motives for Turning to the Dark Side are not clear at first he says it was because of Padme then he said that it was because the Jedi did not understand his Power and that they were holding him back and also Lucas wanted to make the Jedi being seen as Arrogant when the Argument for why they are Selfish from Anakin Perspective is not clear or well defined the Prequels also contradict the Original Trilogy since Obi Wan is not the one who finds Anakin, Anakin is not the Already Great Pilot Person that Obi Wan told to Luke in ANH, i dont think Anakin being a 9 Year Old Kid was the Original intention and Padme does not survive Revenge of the Sith a contradiction with Return of the Jedi since in there Leia tells Luke that she remembers her Real Mother George Prequels might have been interesting but i think some EU Stuff like Knights of the Old Republic Video Games or the New Jedi Order Novels made the Jedi or the Force more Complex than George Prequels Movies are
Disney should already Turn Star Wars into the Palpatine Saga and not the Skywalker Saga lol in the Disney Universe Rey Palpatine Skywalker Palpatine Granddaughter is the one who truly defeats the Emperor and not Luke or Vader lol Disney should know that we are not in 2015 anymore when everyone liked the Disney Sequels after Rise of Skywalker the Disney Sequels are too controversial in a certain sector of the Fandom but Disney pretend to ignore the Old Fans who didnt like how they portrayed Luke, Han and Leia in those Movies the Disney Sequels are Flawed like George Lucas Prequels or even more
According to the Wookieepedia page for List of Legends elements in the films:
“…we’re inspired by the comics and the books…” ― George Lucas
so it sure is a possibility.
Is the old Marvel comic you refer to the Star Wars 68: The Search Begins?
I’ll have to try and get my hands on some of those old comics again, and give them another read. If that is the comic, then I remember it being pretty cool. So it would be a shame if that was the inspiration for what would become some of the lame execution for the Clones and whole Clone Wars backstory in the Prequels.
i also think he was inspired by Tales of the Jedi and Dark Empire Comics for the Prequels supposedly George helped in the creation of Tales of the Jedi
There is a really good article somewhere listing many of Tom Veitch’s contributions and ideas from his EU work that later made their way into the films and series. I’ll see if I can find it, maybe at CBR or comicbook, at some place like that.
I think the New Jedi Order also has some stuff in that Lucas was going to use, or was inspired by, for his unused Sequel Trilogy ideas too. I know next to jack about the EU compared to others, but these folks seems to believe so on the NJO stuff:
Though more knowledgeable heads on here will know far more than me.
Yes it was that Comic the Clones are practically Clones of Boba Fett in Lucas Prequels there is also an image of Young Obi Wan during the Clone Wars with a Black Suit similar to Luke the Threads you left are interesting
Honestly i dont like Anakin Version of TCW Show i dont feel that Anakin is Hayden i think TCW is a Reinterpretation of the Prequels for the OT Fans that didnt like the Original Prequels Movies in the Original Prequels Movies Anakin dont have a Padawan, Darth Maul dont survive and Anakin is more introverted personally i do not consider the Cartoons to be Canon with the 6 Original Movies the Cartoons are just an Alternate Universe to me
Its strange that Anakin wants to show himself as someone of the age of his Son i think that the Original Version makes more sense with Anakin looking more Older i think Anakin Force Ghost would have shown himself as a Father Figure for Luke thats why i like the Original Version of ROTJ more
Doing a Sequel Trilogy with a Old Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford was always Doomed to Fail i dont think Lucas Sequels would have been better than Disney Sequels the Sequels Movies should only have been made when Mark, Carrie and Harrison were still Young Disney Sequels are just the Star Wars equivalent of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
The Prequels werent necessary but im fine with the Original Lucas 3 Prequels Movies but i dont like how they want to keep expanding that Era with Shows like TCW the Story of the Fall of Anakin only serves to make Luke the True Hero i dont like how Lucas wanted to turn Star Wars into the Tragedy of Darth Vader also the Prequels Movies could have been much much better
I dont understand why some Fans cares about what is Canon in Star Wars that much Lucas is not Tolkien Lucas never had a Story planned originally he wanted Star Wars to be a Saga of 12 or 15 Movies he didnt plan for Vader to be Luke Father then when he made the Prequels he said that Star Wars now was the Story of Darth Vader later when Lucas wanted to do his Version of the Sequels now Star Wars was the Story of Vader and his descendants Lucas never created a detailed Worldbuilding as Tolkien did with the Silmarillion i dont think Lucas cares that much about Lore or what is Canon in his Universe as Tolkien if you strictly follow what Lucas considers Canon Boba Fett does not survive the Sarlacc Pit. the Empire was Destroyed in ROTJ and we will never know what happened to Luke, Han and Leia or the Rebels after ROTJ
KOTOR 2 i liked how Chris Avellone portrayed the Jedi Order as flawed institution just like the Sith in other Stories of the EU and especially in Disney Canon or Lucas Prequels and TCW Show they romanticize the Jedi a lot that they cant do no Wrong but if the Jedi Existed in Real Life the Jedi would most likely be as they are represented in KOTOR 2 as some Religious and Egomaniac Fanatics KOTOR 2 Subvert your Expectations and broke the line of Always Good vs Evil or Light vs Dark in Star Wars better than The Last Jedi did