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Master Lawdog

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

FUN FACT: Babu Frik is voiced by the same actress who played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter, Shirley Henderson.

Also, I know that I asked you if you would do another version of your edit if the deleted scenes eventually came out, but since you said you wouldn’t do a V2, does that kill any chances of doing another edit if the deleted scenes do come out later on, Hal?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

I think the problem is finding good footage of Adam Driver with a look on his face (and the right camera angle) as would fit with Luke and Leia, something with subtle contentment and little motion. It’s actually hard to find. I think jonh did a great job moving over Luke and Leia- so Kylo can be next to Leia- and giving him Jedi robes, but it was just a still.

I still say that someone should use the footage of him from here.


Someone here said that it was from Marriage Story.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I tend to obsess over things, and setting a boundary for myself would be healthy. Maybe some other non-SW project could come up, but for me I have considered these to be a few long-term projects rather than hobbies. They just… went on for a long time!

You and me both. I get obsessed with my own edits as well, if nothing seems perfect or if I’m overthinking things.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’d use the unused music cue from The Force Awakens for that scene. The Burning Homestead track doesn’t really work well with this scene, not to mention, it was used in place of the unused cue in Episode VII. What Hal put together with the unused cue and the sounds of Exegol lightning was the best take on the ghost scene that I’ve seen thus far on this thread.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

JakeRyan17 said:

As elegant as that is, Abrams’ choice to not have her disappear until he dies later confuses that. Her body disappears when she dies, Poe talks to a comatose Leia before her body disappears. It’s complicated to fix all of that continuity.

It’s possible that her body could disappear when the Resistance departs towards Exegol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

This is how Wookieepedia apparently describes why Leia died.

“Rey’s search for Exegol took her to the wreckage of the second Death Star on the ocean moon of Kef Bir, where she engaged in a duel with Kylo Ren. During the fight, Organa sensed the confrontation and realized what she must do to save her son, Ben Solo. Prior to that moment, Leia had kept a secret: unknown to anyone but herself, Leia’s attempt to save herself from the vacuum of space during the attack on the Raddus had taken a heavy toll on her. In the intervening months, her health had continually deteriorated and she would constantly hear her brother’s urging to let go and be one with the Force, an action she consistently resisted as she did not wish to leave Rey nor the rest of the Resistance without first preparing them adequately. Upon sensing the confrontation, however, Organa knew that it was time.”

“Organa used the last of her strength to reach out with the Force and call out Kylo’s birth name to him. Upon calling for Ben through the Force, Organa collapsed and died, the last of her strength spent. The only witness to her death was R2-D2, who proved true loyalty to her at that moment, as he had also been present at her birth. Organa’s final act helped to redeem her son, who eventually sacrificed himself to resurrect Rey after the latter died in the process of smiting her malevolent grandfather at the battle of Exegol.”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Movies Remastered said:

jonh said:

What movie did they use for Ben’s head nodding? If someone passed me that shot, I could do the test, with Jedi robes

Could you use the footage of Ben smiling after the kiss?

I don’t think it’s doable based on how much of a close up shot, as well as his face being slightly obscured by Rey’s. I think using this as inspiration would help out.


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Speaking of the ending, has it been decided on how Ben will appear at the end? I really don’t like having just a still image of Adam Driver’s head photoshopped onto Luke from A New Hope. I actually think it would be nice to take the clip posted several pages back of him nodding to Rey, but place his head on someone in Jedi robes.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Does anyone here know a good way that we could extend Ben’s death to allow for time to grieve his passing, and maybe even re-score the scene, as I felt the music that was there was quite unfitting for the scene taking place. I already did a re-score with Sam Kim’s Reylo theme several pages back, but I think the effort could be improved greatly. Possibly adding in shots of Exegol could help out.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

jarbear said:

Had a few minutes of free time, thinking back about removing the “early Chewy reveal” which Dominic came up on his thread of ideas by removing that scene and replacing it with Kylo and Palp’s conversation a little later. It totally works.

This is SUPER rough and just to see how it can work. just need to tweak the music a bit and use some TIE sound clips to replace the original ones since their sound gets mixed with Hux’s voice a little bit at the end. Totally doable if one sits and play around with it.


(Internet has been random so if it doesn’t play, just wait for the transcode to complete)

There is no video feed playing.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

See above comment. TIEs if that era are explicitly stated in ANH not to have hyperdrives, whereas a shuttle is seen using hyperdrive in ROTJ.

Oh, okay then. My mistake. 😄

I’m not that knowledgeable on certain technologies of that capacity when it comes to Star Wars. It’s always the Force that comes to my mind when I think of the technical aspects of the Star Wars universe, as I’m invested in the Jedi and Sith.