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Major fatal Moebius

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What is a big fat ass dinosaur doing in my ANH?
That was one of the more embarrassing additions to the film. Even back when I liked the SEs I never understood why we wanted a great big zoom of a digital creature's skin for three seconds

Only three seconds? It felt like forever! Not only that, when Obi-wans doing his little magic shit jedi mind trick on some troopers Lucas actually shoves the motherfuckin' dino for another glorious encore into the background...dragging his ass behind him like he was Eddy Murphy playing Jabba the hutt.

What is a big fat ass dinosaur doing in my ANH?
Let me vent a little bit please. Normally I don't complain too much, but everybody does it here, there and everywhere and I wanna do some petty bickering too! =D

WHY IS A BIG FAT ASS SAUROSPOD DINOSAUR OR GIRAFFEDUCK/FAILED ILM CREATURE BLOCKING THE ENTIRE FUCKIN' SCREEN FOR MORE THAN 0,000000001 SECOND AT MOS EISLEY SPACESPORT? Now that's what I call villainy and scum! What's the point? Did George Lucas just zoom on a miserable dinosaur's ass to piss off star wars fans? Who with a right mind swallows this fuckin' tripe haha?

BTW dinosaurs in the star wars universe. A long time ago is a long time ago, but FUCKIN' DINOSAURS. What's in store for us next in the newer special editions? Darth vader isn't really a human being, but actually a big fuckin' T-rex? NO, I AM YOUR DINO-DAD!

From all the changes in the original trilogy this one actually bothers me most haha.

Just release the OOT on dvd with better quality already, mister. How difficult can it be.

Anyone have a normal explanation for why this 'thing' is there?
Hey guys, Remember when Star wars had writing like this?

I just had to sign up after flipping through this thread and trying to decipher what the fuck this Gomer is trying to achieve. What's with all the second-rate philosfy? Did you mould your fuckin' face after Yoda or something? More like PT-Yoda if you ask me, so you're more like a degenerate, computer fuck. You're CGI-bullshit. You can't just debate some one with supposedly preceptive, but essentially, extremely cringeworthy, and fuckin' meaningless one-liners. It doesn't work like that. You're not Kant, you're not Yoda, you're not even fuckin' Miyagi. You're not a magic bean, seed that sprouted into some fuckin' philosofy beanstalk. Let's face it.

I'm all for niceness and fuckin merry making on the internet, but this guy tops it all, this is fuckin' ridiculous. I just hope he's a big, phoney prank, but I'm not sure, cause you guys say he's been presenting his case like a shitty lawyer for ages now.

Any way, nice to meet you all. ;P