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An upvote/downvote system for posts.

I’m on the site at least five or six times a week but I post maybe once a year if that. I’m always lurking and always reading but I don’t have a lot of input to provide. I see the site as more of a way to see and appreciate what amazing things people are working on.

That being said the ability to “like” a comment would go a long way to making someone like me feel like I’m contributing to the community even if I only ever do that behind the scenes.

The Phantom Menace HD Theatrical Reconstruction (rough draft uploaded) (a WIP)

I’m not sure if it will be useful but I have a DVD which contains a laserdisc rip done by Rikter in 2005 I believe. It’s been so long I don’t remember right now. Only thing I remember doing is the menus. I’m not even sure if he released this rip.

I’ll dig that out and upload it to spleen in case anyone can use that as reference for this project or future theatrical Episode 1 projects.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

slumberdore said:

Could you upload the raw scans someplace like MEGA? I just can’t stand YouTube compression.

Maybe at some point but not anytime soon. I should also point out that the video files that were uploaded to YouTube had already been converted to .mp4 before upload due to my limited bandwidth around here. 😕 Sadly it’s the best I can do for now. On a more positive note I updated the titles of each YouTube video to represent what was on the film reels.

SKot said:

I don’t suppose you wound up with any Felix the Cat in there?

See my separate thread on this for details on the missing Felix films…


Good news there. I went through all the film reels I have and did come across this little gem.

Felix the cat film reel

I’m not sure what I’m looking for but this is what the start of the film looks like. Not sure how that helps.

Felix the cat film reel

Sadly you can see the start of the film is gone. 😦

Just to give you guys some idea of what I’m working with, here are photos of all the stuff I haven’t had scanned yet.


In super bad news the two film reels posted earlier in the thread that had Mickey Mouse and Little Orphan Annie on them ended up being raccoon and bobcat trapping films. 😦

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

I was going to take time to label these correctly but I might not get to it with the holidays upon us. So I thought I would share what I’ve uploaded to YouTube so far.


This is all the test scans I’ve had done so far. 5 16mm films and 13 8mm films in various formats. This is cross section of all the formats I have to scan eventually which explains the random nature of the files.

I really wish I would have found those two cartoon films I posted photos of but that was already after I sent the first batch off to be scanned. Maybe in the next batch.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

Sure is. 😃 I don’t know if that’s what’s on the film or not.

Hopefully I find some stuff worth scanning in these boxes. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for rare stuff for sure.

I’ll try and upload the test scans to YouTube over the next week or so. I’ll post a link to the channel I setup for this when I get started doing that.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

Funny you ask because I just got back the first batch of film scans last night.

Sadly I haven’t even had time to go through and see what we have yet so no idea about Felix. I found a local guy who does film restoration and I took him a box that represented the various film formats we have to get some test scans done. My next step is to setup a work flow and archive system for the rest of the films. That will be sometime early next year.

Once I have that process in place I’ll start uploading the scans I do have to YouTube. This will primarily be to share with family and friends. While I do have a lot of stuff to scan the family films will be the first priority.

For now here is some cool box art I found while quickly going through the box to get the films for the test scans we just finished.

Comic Films


Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

Thanks for the info. That’s a huge help. 😃

There is a heavy Vinegar smell on these for sure. They were stored in a wood trunk for god knows how many years. I’m thinking this is end of days for more than a few of these reels.

For now they are sitting in my house at room temperature and I hope to get to them this weekend. At the very least I was planning to separate the Vinegar smelling reels from the others. Hopefully a few of these can be saved and scanned before they go completely.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

Thanks for the names to contact, I’ll keep them in mind once I get back to this. I haven’t gotten around to looking into these films yet and still a lot to do around the house. Could be more like a few months instead of my earlier estimate of a few weeks. I’m glad there is some interest in this stuff. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

We’ll see what we have to work with in a few weeks Wazzles. I got a great message from Williarob with a lot of information to start. Now it’s just a matter of finding the time to go through all this stuff. As you can imagine cleaning out a whole house is quite a process. I’ll be sure to update everyone. I’m glad that there is at least some interest in this stuff. From that feedback I’ll see what we have for WWII newsreels first and go from there.

Info & Help Wanted: 16mm Cartoon & WWII News Reel Restorations...

This site has a ton of great film based restorations and with all my years on this site I never thought I might be able to contribute to anything film based. That changed this past weekend when we found a trunk full of 16mm films while cleaning our my grandparents house. I didn’t have time to really dig into it to see what was there but from a quick look it seems like mostly home videos, news reels from WWII and old cartoons. I snapped a few photos and will post them below.

I know the forum probably isn’t interested in the home videos but would anyone be interested in the cartoons or news reels?

From what I could see it’s a least one box full of cartoons and one box full of news reels. I saw labels for Popeye, Krazy Kat, Donald Duck (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9T0dsLMCMY) & Pincushion Man. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fuqN8r4OlY)

It could be nothing but it could be some interested stuff.


Star Wars 1977 releases on 35mm

This is absolutely heartbreaking to read. As someone who lost months of work in the past I can feel your pain. In fact I got out of working in 3D animation just because of how much stuff I lost to a hard drive catastrophe. If I can give you any advice it would be not to give up the hobby. It’s the one thing I regret more than losing all my work. Hang in there man, we’re all pulling for you.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I always enjoy the comments that come in waves when Harmy releases a new version of these movies.

  • First comes the “When is this getting released?” comments.
  • Second are the “Where can I download this?” comments.
  • Third are the most intense… “THIS IS AWESOME! HARMY IS A GOD!”
  • Next come the crushing lows of “Are the colors right on this shot Harmy?” and “Is this an error or was it supposed to be here?”
  • Luckily, for Harmy, that wave of comments is usually followed up by a second round of “THIS IS AWESOME! HARMY IS A GOD!” posts.

I’m going to skip to that last round of comments and just say thanks. This is truly a the best version of Jedi that I’ve ever seen. As always this is greatly appreciated.