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ROTS: What REALLY Pisses Me Off

I was forced to see the movie by my dad and brother.

Beyond everything else, INCLUDING the BLATANT references to real world events, the thing that pissed me off the most:


Damn Lucas and his fucking political correctness!

Organa is supposed to be the KING of Alderan not some 2-bit elected official piece of shit!!!

How the hell is Princess Leia princess Leia now???

Star Wars is supposed to be a space fantasy, (hence all the magic and mysticism) and in fantasy worlds, Kingdoms are always good and empires are always evil.

But NOOO!!!

Lucas has to be a Yuppy liberal dipshit and say that ANYONE who is a “ruler” and not a member of Democracy is automatically a bad guy and so he CHANGES THE STORY I GREW UP WITH to please those damn bleeding hearts!

George Lucas, you changed my childhood into a Japanese Schoolgirl, and sent a raging tentacle beast after her. Thanks a lot, you can die of gonhorea and burn in hell.


I like the Special Editions ..... minus some scenes

Originally posted by: electrictroy

Originally posted by: Darth Simonharrison ford stepping on Jabba's tail was never supposed to be in the movie from the start.
Nit-picky much? Okay, not "stepping", but Ford WAS talking to Jabba. The original plan was to use a Puppet of Jabba, but it didn't look right, so Lucas dropped the scene. NOT because he didn't like the scene, but because he was limited by technology.

I'm glad he used modern technology to finally do that Ford-Jabba scene, the way he originally wanted.

Also, what do you mean the original didn't need fixing? I already pointed out the black matting squares around all the ships. Even in the 1980s when I was a kid, I thought that looked dumb. That's at least ONE thing that needed to be fixed.


Thats just what Lucas claims, and what Lucas whores use as a mantra.
I can't see no damn matte lines, even today. Its hardly bloody noticeable!


Anakin's Father...
I always thought the little buggers fed off of a person's attunement to the force, and that more Midchlorians meant that someone was strong with the force. like, there's no PHYSICAL way to measure how strong the force is with someone, but the little guys feeding off his chi indicate how well he interacts with the spirit realm.

You know, like how Sewage is really clear, its only green because of the algae feeding on it?

Luke's ROTS Review (plot holes included)

Originally posted by: MeBeJedi
Still... there's something familiar about this place. I feel like...
LOL...is that the extent you are going to take it? Now the novelization is canon over ANH as well? Are all the films unneccessary now?

No, it is canon on the same level AS a new hope. It is cnaon WAY over the prequels.

The books and original trilogy go hand in hand, The prequels contradict both.

How do you rate EpIII?
A New Hope: 10/10
Empire Strikes Back: 10/10
Return of The Jedi: 10/10
Phantom Menace: -9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Attack of The CLones: -9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Revenge of the Sith: -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Do not the "negative" sign before the ratings of the prequels.

My review of Episode III (minor, minor spoilers)
That's all a moot point.

Obi wan first met Anakin as an adult during the clone wars, and he was amazed at how strong the force was with him. He decided to take it upon himself to train him as a Jedi, just as Yoda had trained him in the past, NOT by Qui Gon Jin, who didn't bloody exist. He thought he could instruct as well as Yoda, but Anakin eventually went over to the dark side because Obi Wan wasn't nearly as good an instructor as he thought.

My review of Episode III (minor, minor spoilers)
The line was from the movies.
Force dreams are a creation of the prequels and are therefore bullshit.

Geore Lucas originally used the books as canon, ROTJ and Empire even refer to the books occasionally (Battle of Tanab, etc). They were canon originally, so they should have been canon today.

Lucas should have built the prequels around the books and the original trilogy instead of tryibng to rape the original in favor of the prequels.

I am boycotting EpIII.

Originally posted by: Kingsama
good for you, i thought about doing the same, but i need the closure that Ep III will bring, things will have gone full circle, and i can fade away with some oot backups...

Closure? Yeah, with an unlocked door made of rotten balsa wood that doesnt keep the rain out because of all the holes.,

Circle? More like a long, twisted line that goes through an extradimensional space into the nine hells.

Episode 3 was disappointing on many levels...

Originally posted by: Cable-X1
You people are nitpicking waaaaaaaay too much. The movie does have some minor, minor, minor problems.

Overall, it kicked ass. Cut some slack here guys. It was good. It felt right.

You are a fool, a sellout and a heretic.

I agree with all those who posted before this fool.

Padme dying i sno tonly stupid, but it contradicts the storyline.

"Do you remember your mother, I mean your real mother?"
"Yes, a little. She died when I was very young. She was very kind and very beautiful, but somehow sad."

I don't recall the EXACT dialogue but Luke and Leia's mother was supposed to have Fled to Alderan with Leia where they dwelt with the king. After the mother died YEARS LATER the king adopted Leia as his daughter and the crown princess of Alderan.

Meanwhile, obi-wan fled to Tatooine where he handed over Luke to HIS BROTHER Owen Lars.

Yes, Owen Lars was originally Obi wan's brother. He still is as far as I am concerned, not Anakin's mother's fuggin inlaw!
