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Office Space

Originally posted by: Shimraa
yeeahh hey peter wwwhats happening.

so i gonna need to ask you to come in tomorrow at uhhhh saay nniine, if you could do that it would be greeat.

oh and peter, i going to need to you come in on suuunday tooo at the same time, lost some ppl this week, and need to play catchup. thanks a bunch byee.


The "office speak" is so right on in that movie. My wife often asks me what's so funny about it, and I'm like "Unless you've worked in an office environment you just won't get it".
A Big Debate for the New Century

Originally posted by: Warbler
I with Starkiller on this. I don't know what to think. But I will say this. I do think it should be taught in schools, as a theory. If you want to point out the flaws, I'm ok with that so long as the flaws are found scientifically. In other words don't go saying that the theory of evolution is wrong because the Bible says its wrong.

This is the rub for me...the evolutionist side of the issue has so framed the debate so as to paint anyone who questions it as a bible toting whacko. For instance, the case in Georgia where the school board wanted to put stickers on the text books stating that evolution is a theory, and that many people consider it to be flawed. Immediately the press labeled anyone in favor of the stickers as being "creationist", which due to decades of negative imagery since the much lauded (inaccurately, I might add) Scopes Monkey trial carries some pretty heavy baggage.

I have no problem with evolution being presented in classrooms, however alternate theories should also be presented...as you say, as theory.

Gas Prices

Originally posted by: ricarleite
There was this guy who was in the army, in tle late 80s, who came up with a way to move cars with water. People claimed it really worked. He disapeared and was never seen again, along with his models and his prototype. Buried next to Jimmy Hoffa.

Kind of like ol' Nick Tesla, no? Didn't his stuff disappear under mysterious circumstances, too?

Gas Prices

Originally posted by: starkiller
Its been roughly $2.35 around Cleveland. Ahh, the benefits of walking to work. Not only do I get exercise every day, but I save money on gas.

Actually, no amount of oil from ANWR or anywhere else is going to help. Part of gas prices being so high is the fact that no refineries have been built in the US in the last 20 years. The one's in operation now are at 100% capacity.

Blame the tree-hugging freaks that don't want the added pollution. But it not all them. There is also the average citizen and their 'not-in-my-backyard' mentality.

Another refinery HAS to go up some time though, to replace the one in Texas that blew up this past month.

Yeah, I was just joking about drilling in Alaska, although I think there's a huge amount of hipocrsy in the "No dependence on foreign oil!/Don't drill in ANWR!!" crowd.

All I can say is: Thank God we're not dumb enough to still be a Kyoto signatory (for now anyway).

A Big Debate for the New Century

Originally posted by: starkiller
I try to keep an open mind about things. I like to listen to everyone and then accept what I think makes the most sense.

That is all we can hope for. Unfortunately, the debate seems to get mired in the Noble Scientist vs the Religious Nut and vise versa name calling and the facts get lost in the mix. I don't think pointing out the flaws in evolutionary biology (as it is used to explain origins) to school children who are supposed to be learning the truth is an evil thing. I hope this can continue to be a good debate.
A Big Debate for the New Century

Originally posted by: ricarleite
OK I separated your reply to make it easier to answer:


Originally posted by: JediSage

1- For instance, what fossil record is there indicating that one order evolved from another (transitional)?

2- Is there evidence that one order at one point was a different order (ie: a dog that became a horse)?

3- Does the complex almost mathematical code in DNA have a natural (random, blind) order?

4- Why would Einstein have said "God does not play dice with the cosmos" if he had not at least considered a designed universe? There are other reasons to believe in a designed universe...the Big Bang (an ultimate beginning in time and space), the conservation of matter (matter can neither be created or destroyed)...it goes on and on.

1- Have you heard of homo erectus, neandertal man, homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens (us)?

2- What do you mean?

3- It's not like that. After hundreds or thousands of years, the genetic code of a specie might get mutated/changed for a number of reasons. Let's assume a generation of bears gets born with eyes who can see in the dark better: those are more fit to survive, therefore they carry out these genes to the next generation, and the non-adapted species tend to disappear slowly. I KNOW it's not that simple, it was just an example.

4- Uh, that einstein quote is related to the whole "multi-universe-Schrodinger's cat" theory thing, about the randomness of the universe and such. I fail to see in what it relates to Darwin.

Taking yours in order:

1. Homo erectus, neandrethal man, et al: Has it been conclusively proven that they are common ancestors of homo sapiens? The only "proof" I've ever seen was a poster on the wall in my grade-school science classroom of a long line of apes starting at the beginning of time, each one standing more erect than the other. Perhaps when they find this year's missing link?

2. Is there anything in the fossil record that would prove one form of life that used to be another? Using my example above, is there a horse with canine type teeth?

3. Again, not disagreeing that evolution can account for changes to existing species over time. It CANNOT however, account for origins of species.

4. Whether Einstein was talking about randomness of the universe or whether the sky was blue, my point in using it was that the quote pre-supposes that one of the greatest minds in the history of man believed in a guided universe. This can get tricky, as I've never read too deeply on Einstein, so again, take this as I've stated. The QUOTE pre-supposes belief in a guided universe.

If a fish were to evolve lungs, would it swim to shore and get out of the water? No...it would drown.
A Big Debate for the New Century

Originally posted by: ricarleite
JediSage, it wasn't clear to me if you oppose darwinism because of your religion or because you simply dosen't "belive" it. To me, there's nothing to "belive", it's the truth. I mean, how many people today "belive" the Earth spins around the Sun, and not the opposite? People don't belive it, they KNOW that. Darwin's evolutionary theory is true, it has been documented, studied, and prooven. Even the church has partially agreed with it, in it's route to modernization.

And it's not "random", it dosen't work like that. On every specie, future generations may have different atributes, and if those atributes are better for survival, those "different" species are most likely to survive and perpetuate their own species. It's logical to me.

My reasons for believing what I do are many-fold, however a belief rooted in religion should not necessarily disqualify it without a hearing. Couching an argument as Science vs Religion automatically puts the folks who may be religious on the defensive, and I have to ask who's being more dogmatic in that situation. Unfortunately it seems like that happens a lot nowadays when Darwinism is called into question.

Anyhoo. A theory is just that...a theory. Theory: Noun, An assumption based on limited information or knowledge, a conjecture. Theories have been disproven or modified in the past. Darwin's theory has been used to "prove" evolution as the origin of species (no pun intended), however as an origin theory it falls short by a mile. For instance, what fossil record is there indicating that one order evolved from another (transitional)? Is there evidence that one order at one point was a different order (ie: a dog that became a horse)? Does the complex almost mathematical code in DNA have a natural (random, blind) order? Why would Einstein have said "God does not play dice with the cosmos" if he had not at least considered a designed universe? There are other reasons to believe in a designed universe...the Big Bang (an ultimate beginning in time and space), the conservation of matter (matter can neither be created or destroyed)...it goes on and on.

BTW: I do believe the more moderate Darwin theory that evolution is responsible for changes in an already existing species over time. This is often called Survival of the Fittest. However, and I realize this is off topic in this thread...a lot of the people who tend to buy into Darwinism as an explanation for origin, tend to forget this piece of the theory. For example, over the weekend I saw one of those "amazing video" programs where these folks from some environmentalist program went nuts trying to save a polar bear that climbed up a cliff and couldn't get down. Why bother? Hasn't it been "selected" to die?

A Big Debate for the New Century

Originally posted by: Windexed
I'm just curious, but where do you get the low probability variable? Due to the sheer size of the universe (it being limitless and all), I would think that the probability of life developing somewhere would be relatively high.

Actually, the people who support the evolutionary side of things tend to espouse that life is not unique to earth, however given the limited number of planets that would support life (relative to the overall size of the universe), I believe you're still talking about a long shot. I am a believer in Intelligent Design, however I realize that I cannot support my arguments with the bible. The ID side of the debate has MANY proponents who are not carrying bibles as their only means of defense (see this link). Unfortunately, they're in the minority. "Give a professor a false theory early in life and he'll defend it until he dies" - not sure who said it but I like it...

see this link
A Big Debate for the New Century
Intelligent Design vs Evolution:

What are your thoughts? Can random chance account for the complexity of the universe, let alone life itself? Why do evolutionary biologists steadfastly cling to what many consider to be a deeply flawed theory? Why is it that if you question Neo-Darwinsim you're immediately branded a nutcase religious whack job? Who really controls the debate? Can a proponent of intelligent design get a fair hearing in any forum?

A simple formula: Low probability + High information content = design (most of the time)
Office Space

Originally posted by: Galahad_Skywalker
I thought it was fair when I first saw it, but after three more viewings, it's grown on me. I find myself saying, "It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care" all the time, because it's so true.

Yeah, I was to the point where I was getting physically ill when I'd go to work...that's how stressed I was. However, after a few months in a zero supervision atmosphere I got loose, and took the opinion that life's too short to get like that. My new motto is "Life got a lot better after I stopped giving a sh*t". Office Space is like a big wink at those of us who've figured this out.

Office Space
Anyone an Office Space fan? We made it a way of life where I used to work. They were shutting down the site, so for 3 years I worked with a skeleton crew and we got away with a lot, ie: Rent movies and watch them in the break room all day, go to the go-kart track/driving range for about 2 hours during the day. We adopted a saying from it: "It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care". Picked up the DVD last week.
Sin City

Originally posted by: GlopOfGrease
I put City of God on my top ten films of all time. Sin City is not quite there, but it is better than anything I've seen in the past two years. Only Eternal Sunshine had come close. When everyone else is triumphing the latest intelletual picture, big epic, or biopic as the best of the year, I'll be reminding everyone about this visual masterpiece.

I was serious about thinking that Elijah Wood looks like Tobey Maguire in the movie. He looks like him, has the Peter Parker glasses(although I would guess that is from the Sin City comic as well), and seems to be imitating Maguire's goofy trademark smile. Am I the only one that thinks this?

Spoiler alert!! Don't continue reading if you don't want a spoiler!!

Wood's character, to put it as they do in Texas: He needed killin'... (only state where that's a legal defense)
New Doctor Who

Originally posted by: Moth3r
Anyone watching it? What did you think?

I'm still undecided. I think Eccleston makes a good Doctor and the teaser plot line hinted in Ep 2 could get interesting. OK some of it is a bit crap - but that sort of gives it an authentic Dr Who feel.

The only thing I would say is that I don't like the 45-minute long stories. Four episodes per story with cliffhangers at the end of each episode would be better IMO.

I've heard that the new Doc has already quit for fears of being typecast:

BK Commercial

Originally posted by: ricarleite
Morgan Spurlock eats at McDonalds three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), for 30 days. Meanwhile he goes on a journey showing how people got addicted to fast food, how much money fast food companies spend on advertising, how the children today dosent know who christ was but know who Ronald McDonald is, how the lobbists in washington dc dosen't want laws that might get in the way of the food companies, and so on... Everyone should see it, and it's not political so both liberals and conservatives might agree with his point.

My peeve on something like this is: Too much of anything is not a good thing. Eating greasy fast food 3 times a day for 30 days makes you fat? NOOOOO! Addicting? Debateable. I grew up in the 70's and 80's, so I practically lived off the stuff. However, a time came when stopped living off it because I made a choice. Seems like when someone's doing something that makes another person unhappy/angry, we blame first "Corporate America/The Military Industrial Complex", two "Politicians/Lobbyists", three "Addiction". Does anyone bear any responsibility for their own actions anymore? Sorry for pontificating, but this is a slippery slope issue. It begins with law suits against McD's when a woman puts a hot coffee between her legs when driving and spills it on herself...somehow it's the restaurant's fault. Where does it end? GRRR...

BK Commercial
Has anyone seen that whack job Burger King commercial with Hootie from Hootie and the Blow Fish? Talk about wierd, but man once you hear "The new tendercrisp bacon cheddar raaaanch" lyric it's all over. Prepare to have it in your head for at least 24 hours.

God, I've got terrible insomnia tonight...Been posting like crazy. LOL
24-Hour Reality Channel... God save us all!

Originally posted by: Bossk

Go figure that FOX is behind it...

I know I'll probably get clobbered for this, but IMO Survivor is one of the best shows on television over the past several years. It's quite dramatic, albeit edited for drama, however I think it provides good twists and turns consistently week after week. However, 24/7 reality...echhhh.