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Your first words of reaction after watching one of the PT movies for the first time.
TPM: (I was 12) Well...Podrace was fast and cool, lightsaber fights were fast and cool, Padme is damn good looking....but what are midichlorians? They sound made up and stupid...why did Jar Jar HAVE to talk like that....Anakin is a whiny bitch and sucks at acting, I hope the grown up one is better. Still a hopeful SW fan.

AOTC: Those ending few shots were cool but the Yoda/Dooku fight was totally lame. Padme is still real hot. Hayden Christiansen is pile of shit, hell I coulda done better. Ohhh....so Boba Fett is a clone....I guess. The CG looked better in the last one most of the time...what the hell? It's official...these ones just aren't as good...just kinda cool to watch.

ROTS: (first midnight SW premiere for me) Well, at least the huge nerd party outside made this easier to bear. Final saber fight was cool if overdone a bit. Hayden can again lick a shiny black plaything. Padme...still hot but seems to have gotten real stupid. Ewan is the island in this ocean of poor acting. Wow, Grievous looks pretty real sometimes. CG is buttloads better this time around.

well actually....after seeing each one I thought about them for days afterward trying to figure out where I stood on them. Then I realized that if I had so many problems with the PT movies that I actually had to sit and think if I liked them.....that I didn't really like them overall. They had their moments which were best only the first time. They just aren't movies I can watch repeatedly like the OT.
Article in the LA times about movie theaters
Originally posted by: lordjedi
If more theaters were like the ArcLight (in Hollywood), I'd go more often. No cell phones allowed (not sure how they enforce it, but I've heard they don't allow them in, period), no children allowed, doors close at showtime and you're not allowed in after that, assigned seating, and you can order food right from your seat (good food like lasagna or spaghetti and beer or wine). It costs a bit more ($15/ticket I think), but it'd totally be worth it. It's to far to drive for me, but if there was a theater in the area that was like that, I'd go there all the time.

Just awesome....I have now made it a point to go to this or a place like it before I die.
I just can't watch Star Wars anymore....
man....seven posts in and you're done?

i kid

I'll never stop watching Star Wars. I mean, I moderate myself so I don't get burned out (which goes for music and other movies too) but I'll always be up for a viewing in the right company of people (or like, a really nice TV)

But yeah, this is the right place to re-invent the way you watch Star Wars...especially if you're not a fan of the PT.
Hello I'm new and have a question. (re StarWars.com and its message boards)
I've never posted on either the official site of TF.net. I just come here first when I wanna read up on anything Star Wars. It's a smaller, less intensely and rediculously moderated community were posts critical of SW aren't seen as some sort of personal attack on the people talking about it. At least that's what I gather from discussion I've heard about those sites.
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Oh man....Pokemon. 6th grade memories come rushing back to me. That was like...8 years ago though.

But seriously, I only ever played the games until shortly after there were 250ish of them. It was awesome and I won't deny it but i'd never have the time these days. How many are there these days?

Video games are something I miss having the time to just get lost in....Final Fantasy VII being the main culprit back in the day.