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What is wrong with... <strong>Attack of the Clones</strong>? - a general discussion thread

I prefer the acting and characterization from Browning’s version, but the Mexican does make more sense. I suppose the American would have, too, had it been edited correctly.

To be specific, I would have liked to see a confrontation like this one to take place (minus the “arrrgh” part):

Movies generally considered &quot;bad&quot; that you like.

The Giant Claw is another classic. Straight faced actors against that ridiculous looking monster is one the reasons I love the genre so much, and something these modern “good” bad movies seem not to get. It would be nice if someone could debunk the myth about Jeff Morrow and the cast not knowing how terrible the puppet looked until the film’s premiere. It’s featured prominently in the trailer, so what gives?

Also, with the recent debacle about AotC’s love story, let me tell you this B-movie has a much better written and acted romance, with some real chemistry between the leads.

Great movies you hate.

Rogue - That killer crocodile film everyone praises as though it was the next Jaws.
Black Water - Same as above.
Gone With The Wind - There are much better ways to fill 3 hours.
The Wizard of Oz (Technicolor) - Give me the silent versions any time over it.
The Lion King - What’s all the fuzz about this one? It’s not even Disney’s best.
King Kong '05 - Not that any Jackson’s post LOTR film is great, but often I see people excusing it with “Well, it’s much better than the DeLaurentiis version”. It is really?

ROTJ is the best Star Wars film... discuss!

Ryan McAvoy said:

Another mistake of the prequels was filling the screen with wall-to-wall Jedis, it diminished the power they had in this one scene from ROTJ. The PT had them protecting the galaxy with force of numbers… instead of just protecting it with THE FORCE.

The prequels had more CGI backflips and people swinging swords over their heads, though.

(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?

“At least he’s wearing black armor and not white robes like what’s-his-name suggested.”
“what’s-his-name” would suggest it’s either a stupid name, or one that’s nor worth copying and pasting. But for the record, I’ve never suggest “what’s-his-name” should wear white robes, I said it wouldn’t be a problem if he did. But go back to writing that really good Star Wars film, though.

(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?

“He also wore black. Do you want Kylo to wear something else just to emphasize the unnecessary points of originality?”
Originality/subversion alone doesn’t do anything. However, if we’re dealing with a good film that features competent writing, direction and acting, would you think its quality be hurt if you saw the villain wearing white robes and using a blue lightsaber?

(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?

We’re trying to make a Star Wars film? That’s news to me.

In any case, I don’t see how giving the villain a blue or green lightsaber would in any way make it feel like a fan fiction.

And again, just because they were slightly important in the first film, there’s no reason to feature them again other than “Hey cool! It’s CP30 and R2D2!”.

(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?

If we’re to retain to same basic plot and story similarities, then the changes ought to be purely cosmetic:
-Kylo’s saber ought to be a different color, to eliminate the “bad guise use red” cliche.
-No visual callbacks, like the binary sunset, the chessboard, the cantina, etc.
-Starkiller base ought to be a decoy, “These rebels will think we’re stupid enough to build yet another Death Shhtar!”. Ideally they could come up with a more clever way to be threating.
-No “landing after coming our of hyperspace”, it’s enough with the recycled OT moments, why insert an unused concept from TPM?
-No storm troopers, the enemy force would look like a Frankenstein’s monster of an army with many different species and uniforms. No ETs, though.
-No C3P0 or R2D2. Seriously, why are they so important to this universe? They’re just droids that happened to be in a few major battles.
-Have the Millenium Falcon heavily modified, after all the version Han had was not the original to begin with.

How did the original sail berge assault play?

Neither of the versions for the musical accompaniment as written by Williams match the action, and of course the final film features said cue in a heavily edited form, more so than other cues in the film. So if Williams indeed compose the track for an earlier version of the scene, are there any clues as to how it played, what the order of the scenes was, etc?