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Hal 9000

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Something softer and panned off to one side might help. I’ll play with it and see. It need not be prominent! If George Lucas reached out to us and wanted to add his voice to the fleet cacaphony, it’d still be a mistake for the noise to pause so that he can speak super clearly. As long as that guy’s voice is at all audible, I’m content from an easter-egg perspective.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

So while I really liked the delivery of that line, it got cut short every so slightly at the end because of the AI being derpy. It’s been bugging me every time I listen to it. So I’ve gone through a bunch more generations and found a non-derped line that sounds pretty similar.

I’ve updated the links above but I’m not gonna bother posting them again lol.

Big like. Thank you.

The only outstanding item on my list is the dagger. In TROS, it was Ochi’s murder weapon. We have the following:

  • Rey sees a flash of her mother during her training vision, and a scream of “NO”
  • Rey hears this again when finding the dagger and senses “horrible things have happened” with it
  • Rey hears it again when finding the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, and we see it being used to kill her parents

In Ascendant:

  • Rey sees a flash of her mother during her training vision, and a scream of “NO”
  • Rey finds a dagger, hears Sith whispers, and seems to sense something about it
  • Rey hears more Sith whispers when finding the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, and we do see it being used to kill her parents

I wonder if simply re-instating the line, “horrible things have happened with this” would be good. To NOT try to obscure the dagger’s original role as the murder weapon, and possibly just roll it into the dagger as dark conduit that she makes herself step down into in order to get what she wants.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

The focus should remain on Rey and not get too detailed about Luke. I don’t like him saying “I failed” in the present tense in TROS.

The existing line sets up his point well, in saying it’s what “kept him here” before Luke interrogates Rey’s misguided journey to that location.

I don’t know how to rephrase the existing line to retain the link to the location, lead naturally into a question of Rey’s fear, and change the implication about Luke.

In isolation, it wouldn’t be fair to characterize Luke’s reclusion to the island as due to straightforward fear. But in the context of the whole TROS Ach-To sequence, I don’t have a problem with this line. He’s making a point by picking up on a relevant factor from his own experience that mirrors Rey’s closely enough. Luke didn’t shut himself away due to fearing his raw power, but he did fear Ben’s. And perhaps that (but not only that) is enough to extend this question to her to relate and begin to pull her out of her slump.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Wow, what a flurry of activity in the last day and a half!

At least what I can tell over phone speaker, those sound pretty good,
JJB. For the flashback, Luke speaks at about the right pace, though he sort of rushes through “chose compassion over hatred.”

Couple quick thoughts to respond to holdups!

I don’t feel a need to tinker with “it was fear that kept me here” as it’s a natural lead-in to the point Luke wants to make. Even if we quibble about TLJ, it’s not untrue that fear was part of the equation for him.

I do not think it works to shoehorn in dialogue during the X-wing scene, so I’m not interested in pursuing that.

As far as “final lesson”… could we perhaps try a few variations on it, to see if it can fit in seamlessly? It’s tricker now that we’re keeping more of the conversation. Maybe “My final lesson, Rey:”?

And once we can get things right, I’d be happy to assemble an entire Ach-To sequence to present.

Thanks so much for all the effort and discussion. As has been the case for this project from the beginning, it would have been dead in the water if it weren’t for you. I can’t dedicate meaningful time to these projects any longer, but want to
make V5 worthy of its finality.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Okay, I finally found some time to dig into this project a little. Here is the state of the flashback sequence.


The delivery of “Leia sensed it as she trained you” could be better, and possibly the wording. Rey responds with, “She still trained me,” which sounds a little redundant.

I hate to lose the reference to Padme, but I think it flows better (and lets us get away with the alteration a little more cleanly) without it. 😕