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<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Marooned Biker Scout said:

Spaceman’s 15 minute review video Andor Is A Star Wars Masterpiece From 1978 more or less puts my thoughts into better words than I ever could come up with.

It is a drag we have to wait until 2024? to see Andor’s 2nd season, but for this quality a show, I will happily wait. The first time since 1983 that felt a believable, compelling and expansive part built upon OT universe. With honorable mentions for R1 and Solo in parts.

I also find it refreshing to see people from all across the fandom enjoy the show online too. To see that love and appreciation for Star Wars once again.

Thanks for that recommendation; what a terrific YouTube review that is.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

jedi_bendu said:

I honestly don’t really like it happening at all, but I’ve accepted that it will. I think it’ll reduce the significance of their duel in ANH, but perhaps they’ll spin it in such a way that provides more substance to that or to other moments in the OT. For example, perhaps we’ll see how Ben came to completely lose hope in Vader ever being redeemed (as he says to Luke in ROTJ)?

“You should not have come back"

Unpopular Opinion Thread

NFBisms said:

Rian saved Luke Skywalker from being a boring generic superhero in my eyes. The whole zen monk vibe he had in RotJ felt somewhat disingenuous to the initial character anyway (Mando helped me realize this), and to see that contrast adapted into a philosophical struggle in TLJ was really interesting and more satisfying storytelling than Force God fan wank.

The kid didn’t want anything but a dad, his friends, and a sweet piloting gig, especially when thrust with the Jedi responsibilities he didn’t really understand. In the end, his human heart and love for his dad beat The Empire, not his powers or sick saber moves. He certainly didn’t have to follow in Obi-Wan and Yoda’s footsteps. Badass Jedi Knight? Nah, just a good son.

Luke dealing with the expectation that he was more than any of those things is perfect meta commentary on how so many people thought or wanted it to be otherwise. “Like my father before me” is more important than the “I am a Jedi” part and I’m glad Rian found that soul from a character so muddled by pop culture.

I simultaneously agree with this very well written post, but also enjoyed seeing him a hero/badass in Mando.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

Tobar said:

rebothejedi said:

Z6PO said:

rebothejedi said:

only true fans know why this is christmas themed


(which is most people on this thread)


Wookieepedia says: The Holiday Special aired in the United States on November 17, 1978. Not really Christmas!

It’s about Christmas (life day)

The modern interpretation of Life Day is that it’s a Christmas analog but given its airdate, it’s a better fit for the American Thanksgiving.

Adding to the evidence is that Christmas was officially recognized as a holiday in that galaxy, far, far away as can be seen here.

1 December each year that CD comes out in my house!

Should Han have died in ROTJ?

Servii said:

GlastoEls said:

I’m forever glad.

Meaning my childhood is locked in a happy - and not bittersweet - party on a forest moon.

Same, man. Same.

Kasdan seemed oddly intent on killing off characters. I know he also suggested killing off Luke and having Leia take his place. It seemed he was really after a darker vision of Star Wars than what Lucas wanted. I do think Han and Leia should’ve had more of their own story going on, but ultimately, it was the better choice to have the main cast survive. After all the struggles and character separation of ESB, it was satisfying to watch all the heroes coming together and succeeding.

Couldn’t agree more!

<strong>Lego Star Wars: Holiday Special</strong> - a general discussion thread

doubleofive said:

I found it to be more heartwarming than I expected. I appreciated that accepted a post-TROS storyline while not being afraid to make jokes about TROS itself. The people who work on LEGO SW again prove to be us judging by the variety of prequel/SE/JJ-movie jokes.

This, exactly.

My 7 and 10 year old nephews will love it.

I don't think Revenge Of The Sith is as good as everyone says it is.

Rodney-2187 said:

Prequel fans are taking the criticisms that fans of the Originals heaped upon the Prequels and passing those same complaints along to the Sequels. It’s a new Star Wars tradition it would seem. Everyone overlooks the flaws in the things they enjoy, but are entirely intolerant of similar flaws in other things.

Sure, movies made in different eras by different people have their own unique qualities and therefore certain unique flaws, but all the Star Wars movies (including the Originals) have a lot more in common regarding flaws than some seem willing to admit.

I feel fairly certain we will eventually see Sequel fans and Skywalker Saga fans saying the same things about whatever comes next, though I think the majority of people have a very positive outlook on the Star Wars franchise as a whole.

Is Revenge of the Sith any good? It’s as good or as bad as any other Star Wars movie.
“Your focus determines your reality.” - Qui-Gon Jinn


<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

canofhumdingers said:

What am I missing that everyone thinks Annie Hall is so great? It was just whiny and pedantic and miserable at every turn. I just don’t see the appeal. I’ve never really paid any attention to Woody Allen, but if this is his typical brand of comedy it clearly isn’t for me.

The very appeal of Woody Allen is his self-aware whininess, pedantry and miserablism (“I wouldn’t want to join a club that has someone like me as a member”). It’s okay not to like it - but I personally love it!

It was also innovative like breaking the fourth wall with a Woody talking to camera (see the Marshall McLuhan scene)- and playing with other conventions like split screen scenes. It had a brilliant and iconic part in Annie Hall for Diane Keaton.

Also echoes of Woody’s earlier slapstick stuff (the sneeze scene).

A simple comedy or romantic movie it ain’t!

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

BedeHistory731 said:

GlastoEls said:

Tantive3+1 said:

I’m with Gary Kurtz in that the DSII and going back to Tatooine were too derivative to ANH. I also believe that like him the ending should’ve been bittersweet with the Rebels winning but with heavy casualties and few survivors (just like in the Battle of Yavin it didn’t have everyone making it afterwards for a happier ending).

My head agrees, but I’m forever grateful to George for not doing that, meaning my childhood is forever alive on Endor watching the Ewoks have a party!

Same. I’m glad that the bittersweet ending was kicked to the curb. I much prefer having a happy ending to the trilogy, even though I wish it was a tetralogy sometimes (i.e., Jabba’s Palace as one movie, Endor as the other - draw out the redemption and sister plotlines more, Han’s rescue is the climax of the palace part, and we get more development of Lando and a few other characters).

Interesting for sure!

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Tantive3+1 said:

I’m with Gary Kurtz in that the DSII and going back to Tatooine were too derivative to ANH. I also believe that like him the ending should’ve been bittersweet with the Rebels winning but with heavy casualties and few survivors (just like in the Battle of Yavin it didn’t have everyone making it afterwards for a happier ending).

My head agrees, but I’m forever grateful to George for not doing that, meaning my childhood is forever alive on Endor watching the Ewoks have a party!

<strong>Star Wars (1977)</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

canofhumdingers said:

I saw Annie Hall was on amazon Prime so I thought I’d give it a watch. This dreck beat Star Wars as best picture in 1977? WTF!?

It was so awful I couldn’t finish it. Turned it off after about 20 or 30 mins. And that was being generous. I wanted to stop after about 10 mins but tried to give it the benefit of the doubt.

But geez. It’s basically a pathetic, miserable man being pathetic and miserable and making everyone around him miserable too. What was wrong with people that they would vote for this trash over Star Wars?

Can’t agree with that.

Annie Hall is a surefire classic.