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Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)


The Royal Children and their bodyguards move through the swamp. They wind their way through the tall trees and the thick foliage, following a narrow path, taking as much care as possible to be silent and keep themselves from being seen.

OETA : Stupid speeder ... Couldn't get past the trees, could it. Had to get stuck, didn't it. (to Panaka) I'm tired of this. My legs are cramping up.

AMIDALA : Shhh, Etey. This is hard on all of us. It’ll be over soon, I promise.

CAPT. PANAKA : Don't worry, little Prince. Lake Paonga has underwater tunnels that'll take us to Otoh Gunga. We're almost there.

AMIDALA : A group of Gungans will be waiting to take us to the city. We won't have to find our way there on our own.

CAPT. PANAKA : (hearing a sound) Quiet! What's that? Listen.

Standing completely still, they notice the low, distant whine of approaching single trooper aerial platforms (STAPs). Moving fast Panaka searches the area around them and finds a small shallow pond half-hidden beneath the deep flora of the bog.

CAPT. PANAKA : (to his men) Grab the children and get over here! Take cover - quickly!

The bodyguards hurry over to the pond, dragging the Royal Children with them, and roughly push them into the stagnant water. Panaka and his men slowly lower themselves in after the children, keeping their heads and shoulders above the mire and hidden behind the foliage, moving their blasters into firing position.

A convoy of mercenaries slowly cruises by, moving along the path the Nabu were following. The Neimoidians survey the area, looking out for their quarry, but fail to spot them.

The soldiers soon move out of view, disappearing into the thick trees.

AMIDALA : Is it safe to come out now?

CAPT. PANAKA : I think so. We should be cautious though. They may come back.

The Royal Children and their bodyguards draw themselves out of the murky water, stepping onto dry ground and wringing the moisture from their clothes.

Panaka tentatively peers down the direction the Neimoidians took. He signals the others to come to him. They join the captain.

CAPT. PANAKA : We'll have to take an alternate route to the lake. We don't want to come up behind those soldiers.

A line of blaster fire suddenly flashes past, missing their heads by centimetres, and shatters the branch of a nearby tree - sending its leaves ablaze.

A sole Neimoidian soldier - a straggler - zooms down the path firing his guns.

CAPT. PANAKA : Kids, duck! (To his men) Open fire!

Ric Olié tackles Amidala and Oeta to the ground as the airborne Neimoidian speeds by them, and the bodyguards aim and fire at the mercenary. Their blaster fire strikes the Neimoidian before he can reorient himself and evade, killing the soldier and demolishing his floating platform.

CAPT. PANAKA : We gotta get moving. Let's go!

Olié takes Oeta into his arms. They take a detour off to the left of the path and run through the thick trees as the convoy of Federation soldiers backtrack to their position, opening fire.

A few soldiers try to follow them on their STAPs, but are unable to manoeuver past the thick trees and end up blowing themselves up against the massive trunks.

The Nabu try to stay together, attempting to huddle close to one another and run through the ingrown trunks at the same time. Amidala looks behind her to see the Neimoidians now following them on foot.

AMIDALA : Captain Panaka, they're following us!

CAPT. PANAKA : Just hold on, girl. We're almost there.


The heirs and their protectors finally break through the final line of trees, setting foot on the vast shoreline of a gigantic lake.
Far to the distance at their right stands a contingent of Gungan warriors beside a partially submerged bongo submarine. The Gungan warriors are tall, lean frog-like creatures, armed with unusually shaped rifles.

The Nabu begin to run toward the Gungans. As they cross the shore the Neimoidian mercenaries emerge from the trees. The Neimoidians gain chase, firing after the humans.

LEAD GUNGAN : This way! Come! Hurry!

The Nabu make it to the Gungans and their bongo. The lead Gungan picks up Oeta and lowers him into the aquatic craft. Amidala
steps into the submarine after him, followed by the bodyguards.

Once the humans are inside the Gungans turn their weapons on the Neimoidian soldiers, cutting down three of them, before entering the bongo themselves.


The lead Gungan starts up the bongo's controls, and begins to steer the craft out into deeper waters.


The soldiers come on the bongo as it submerges, futilely firing into the blue water as the submarine drops down and disappears under the deep lake.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)


The children flee the palace through a back door with their bodyguards into a courtyard. On the grass sit two vehicles: a sleek, silver starcruiser - blackened by weapons' fire and inoperable - and a landspeeder.

The children and their bodyguards run toward the protection of the speeder, and begin to climb aboard in a hurry. Bodyguard Ric Olié settles in behind the controls.

A lone Neimoidian soldier comes from around the side of the palace, entering the courtyard. The mercenary spots the Nabu, and opens fire. Sola is hit in the back and goes down.

AMIDALA : Sola! No! Sola!

As Amidala struggles to lift her elder sister into the cockpit Panaka roughly pulls her in, and a pendant with a small aquamarine crystal snaps off Sola's neck, coming away in the Princess's hand.

CAPT. PANAKA : (to Ric Olié) Go. Let's go!

Several Neimoidians arrive to assist their comrades, opening fire as the speeder zooms off past the blasted ruin of the royal starcruiser into the safety of the swamp beyond the courtyard.


Vizier Dantius Palpatine sits at his desk, asleep in his chair. Palpatine is a rather inconspicuous looking man, with bland features and dark hair, in his early sixties.

The office door is forced open, waking Palpatine as Neimoidian mercenaries swarm into the room.

PALPATINE : What? What is - ?

The lead Neimoidian seizes Palpatine's hair in a fist, toppling the chair over and dragging the vizier onto the floor. Palpatine begins to curse the soldier.

NEIMOIDIAN COMMANDER : (turning his blaster on him) Resist and I’ll put a shot in you. (cont’d) It would be preferable to keep you alive and intact for questioning, but it is not necessary.

Palpatine backs down, and the Neimoidian commander drags him from the room.


Two columns of Neimoidian soldiers occupy the throne room, standing on either side of the central thrones facing each other. Between the two columns crouch twelve of the palace servants, hands behind their heads, with eight armed mercenaries keeping their weapons trained on them.

Surveying the captives is the menacing Kaleesh Qymaen jai Sheelal, a Supreme Commander in the Federation army.

He looks up away from the captives as the Neimoidian leader dragging Dantius Palpatine enters the chamber from a side door.

COMMANDER SHEELAL : Ah, we shall soon be getting down to business.

The Neimoidian leader with his contingent of soldiers passes through one of the columns, pulling Palpatine down through the room to Sheelal. The Neimoidian pushes the vizier to his knees before the Supreme Commander.

COMMANDER SHEELAL : You are Dantius Palpatine - vizier to the Royal Couple and their children. You, of all on this miserable rock, should know where the brats were sent off to. (cont’d) Tell me where they can be found, and I may petiton for your release.

PALPATINE : Their Highnesses didn't put me in their confidence. I don't know where they went and can't begin to imagine where they could have gone. Regardless, I wouldn’t tell you a thing you scum!


Sheelal smacks the vizier across the face, knocking him back and over.

COMMANDER SHEELAL : (to the Neimoidian commander) Send scouts out into the swamps. The children cannot have gone far. You can catch them if you move fast enough!

The commanding Neimoidian bows his head in acknowledgement, proceeding to broadcast Sheelal's orders to his fellow mercenaries waiting outside the palace.

Sheelal turns to face the throne room entrance as a Neimoidian soldier enters the chamber, a mobile holographic projector following along behind him.

NEIMOIDIAN SOLDIER : Incoming message, My Lord. His Honour Viceroy Nute Gunray wishes to hear a progress report.

COMMANDER SHEELAL : Patch it through.

A beam of light is projected from the small tripod, forming a blue 3D image of Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray and his aide Rune Haako.

NUTE GUNRAY : How goes it, Supreme Commander? Have you terminated the members of the Royal Family?

COMMANDER SHEELAL : All members of House Naberrie are in the process of being tracked down and exterminated. The King and Queen along with their oldest daughter are among the confirmed dead.

NUTE GUNRAY : (surprised) The other two children aren’t with them?!

COMMANDER SHEELAL : Those brats escaped.

NUTE GUNRAY : You are to find those children and do away with them as soon as possible. One of the Royal Couple's couriers managed to escape the bombardment and make the leap to hyperspace. The heirs must be dead before agents of the Republic can be sent here to retrieve them. Am I clear on this matter?

COMMANDER SHEELAL : My men are on it as we speak, Lord.

NUTE GUNRAY : They had better be, Commander.

The image of Gunray reaches out and touches an off-screen control. The hologram disappears with a flash. Sheelal turns away from the projector, returning his attention to the captive servants on the floor.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)

TITLE CARD : A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...

A vast sea of stars serves as the main backdrop for the main title, followed by a roll up, which crawls up into infinity.


It is a time of uncertainty, a time of war. The Galactic Republic is pitched in battle with an incomprehensible enemy. Law and order stand at a breaking point. Chaos reigns.

The nefarious Federation Neimoidia, a confederacy of mercenaries, has taken advantage of the universal strife. Having invaded the peaceful world of Nabu, they seek to depose the Royal Family and replace their benevolent rule with a bloodthirsty new regime.

In a race against time the King and Queen of Nabu hope to send their children to a place of safety among their allies the Gungans, to secure the continued existence of their government along with their royal bloodline.


From a star-lit sky to the Palace of Theed, which is surrounded by well-cared-for trees and trimmed green grass. Fifteen Nabu soldiers are at the palace's front steps, firing their blasters at something before them. The soldiers are quickly cut down by return blaster fire.

A company of Neimoidian soldiers move forward, trampling the dead soldiers underfoot. Bringing a battering ram to bear, they begin to pound away at the heavy front doors.


The palace King and Queen tearfully bid farewell to their three children.

King Ruwee is in his mid fifties, with grey hair and blue eyes. Queen Jobal, slightly younger, has black hair with intense green eyes. The children share all the same features - dark hair with brown eyes. Sola is eighteen, Amidala is fourteen, and Oeta is five. With them are sixteen loyal bodyguards, lead by Captain Panaka.

SOLA : Mother, Father - you have to come with us. You don't have to stay here!

QUEEN JOBAL : We can't go with you.

KING RUWEE : It has to be this way. We don’t have any choice in the matter.

AMIDALA : We've all had flashes that have never come true before! Why stake so much on this one? What is any different this time?

KING RUWEE : Your mother knows.

SOLA : She knows!? How can she know?!

KING RUWEE : (annoyed) Because she knows! ...

QUEEN JOBAL : (to Ruwee) Dear, please ... (to Sola) I’m sorry, Sola. I have a feeling ... I just know this.

OETA : Why ... ?

QUEEN JOBAL : You’ll be safe with Boss Nass in Otoh Gunga. A courier has been dispatched to Coruscant with news of the invasion. You’ll be safe with the Gungans until the Senate can arrange a rescue.

SOLA : This isn’t right.


The great front doors to the palace are smashed in. A single armed guard is swiftly cut down as the Neimoidians surge into the great corridor.


QUEEN JOBAL : Remember that we love you, all of you. (to Panaka) Captain Panaka?

CAPT. PANAKA : Yes, Your Highness!

QUEEN JOBAL : Take them out back, quickly. Time is definitely not on our side.

CAPT. PANAKA : Yes, milady. (to the children) Come children - Princess Sola.

The bodyguards firmly grab hold of the children, dragging them away from their parents.

OETA : I love you Mom!

The bodyguards take the children to a door at the back of the throne room, and disappear through it.

KING RUWEE : (taking Jobal's hand in his) So this is it.

QUEEN RUWEE : I do love you.

The Neimoidians break into the throne room. The Royal Couple turn to face the soldiers as they approach them, weapons levelled at them.

NEIMOIDIAN SOLDIER : Your children - where are they?

QUEEN JOBAL : They're gone.

KING RUWEE : You'll never hurt them.

Before they can say another word the mercenaries open fire, quickly cutting them down.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)

Well, here it is: the first episode of my PT rewrite. Well, technically, not quite; so far, I've only completed half of the script - I'm currently rewriting the second half, and I'm having trouble with it. But I'll put up what I have anyway. =D

I'll put up one post per day, for any possible feedback; constructive criticism and advice is always welcome.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning takes place 40 BBY (or 40 BSW4, for those who don't go by the EU dating system).

Whaddya say we get to know each other a little?

My online handle is DuracellEnergizer (obviously), but my real name - which I shall not reveal - is alliterive. I'm a 23-year-old schmuck - a fact I sometimes come close to forgetting due to apathy. I never finished high school, thus I never graduated thus I have no diploma of any kind. I've only had one job so far, as a dishwasher, until I was laid off - a job that lasted barely six months - and have been unemployed for over two years now; my ability to obtain a new one is strangled by my lack of work experience and my social anxiety disorder. I live with my parents and sister - none of whom I can stand - with three dogs and an odd number of cats (five dogs until recently; one died from old age/illness, and the second was a puppy who had to be sold). I don't see my life improving at all, and - once my aged parents die - I expect to be become homeless. I occupy my days surfing the internet in an attempt to rid my mind of all these troubles, but the effort is useless.

Oh, and I have sciatica. @#$%ing icing on the cake.