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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Warbler said:

I have had enough of this.  I am leaving the forum for now.  I don't know if I will be back.

Jeez louise! If Bingowings gets under your skin so bad, just put him on permanent ignore and refuse to read through any posts which quote his comments. Leaving the forum just because you don't get along with a single poster is like amputating an arm to treat a cat scratch.

Flaws, plotholes, and "could-have-been-done-betters" in the OT (alternate plot points especially welcome)

hairy_hen said:

They don't 'take their bodies with them'.  They transcend the need for physical existence altogether.

It's meta, man.  Deal with it.

That doesn't explain why Ben and Yoda's bodies faded away after they died but not Anakin's.

SilverWook said:

It was also a way to communicate to the audience Ben isn't just a crazy old man on a damn fool idealistic crusade. There is something to this Force stuff.

Ben's death in the Marvel comic is kind of graphic though.

Graphic? Comically stupid is more like it. =P

What do you HATE about the EU?

Tobar said:

His species is so weird and different I would have pegged you for liking him. What about him do you despise?

Let's just say that Heroes utterly ruined my ability to like characters capable of rapid cellular regeneration and leave it at that.

imperialscum said:

It is hard to understand DuracellEnergizer and darklordoftech and their double standards. :P

Star Wars: The New Dawn (The First Episode in DuracellEnergizer's New PT Re-Write) *COMPLETE*


A thin man in light blue coveralls stands outside a sealed cell door, a tray of food in his hands. Crouching down, he sets the tray on the floor and reaches through an open slot set in the bottom of the door, pulling out another tray of food that has gone cold from neglect.

CELL BLOCK WORKER: (sighs) If you don't eat, you'll get sick. You know that, don'tcha?

When he receives no response from the prisoner inside, the worker sighs again with disappointment, then slides the new tray of food through the slot and into the cell. Standing up, he presses a button set into a remote strapped to his wrist, closing the slot, then takes hold of the handle of his hovercart of food trays and saunters off to attend to the other prisoners.


Zull sits alone in the far corner of the small, bare, dimly-lit windowless cell, her legs uncomfortably crossed, her arms lying limp at her sides. Though she is in a meditative trance, her black-rimmed, bloodshot eyes are wide open.


A shot of the embryo developing within her womb.


A close up shot of Zull's face.

ZULL: (subtitled) I don't want you, I don't want you. I hate you, I hate you inside me. Die, Gods damn you, just die!


The embryo stirring within her womb.


Zull as her face twists with rage.

ZULL: (screaming) (subtitled) I don't want you inside me! I don't want anything from that son of whore inside me! Get out of me! Get out! I'll cut you out of me! I'll cut you out! I'll kill you, you bastard, I'll kill you!

As tears begin to run from her eyes, she falls face-forward, pounding the floor of her cell with her fists.

ZULL: (subtitled) Why have the Gods done this to me? Why ...?

DUAL-TONED VOICE: (O.C.) (subtitled) It is not what the Gods have done to you, but what you have done to yourself.

Hearing the unearthly voice, Zull immediately looks up, towards the source. Across from her, on the other end of the cell, a dull orange glow appears and -- from that glow -- a black, humanoid silhouette fades into existence; the silhouette -- feminine, tall, and sporting a pair of large, curved horns -- is an intimidating sight to behold.

ZULL: (confused) (subtitled) Great Princess?

Before Zull looms the black, featureless shape of the GREAT PRINCESS, also known as the Princess of the Power of the Air, the spirit which serves as the primary intermediary between the Meketrex and their gods.

GREAT PRINCESS (DUAL-TONED VOICE): (subtitled) I am she, Zull Uquesne, daughter of Egon and Stantz.

ZULL: (subtitled) Great Princess, please -- deliver me from this! Save me!

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) You had the means to deliver yourself, but chose not to. Why do you think I have come to do what you yourself did not?

ZULL: (subtitled) What do you mean?

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) You looked into the myriad futures available to you, and out of all the possible universes you could have chosen to enter, you chose this one. (beat) Do not ask for deliverance from a destiny you chose to accept.

ZULL: (subtitled) But the other futures I saw were so uncertain -- many would have led to my death!

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) So what if they had? You know more than any Meketrex alive that death is merely a transition, a means of escaping the prison of flesh so as to set upon the path to ascension. Would the fleeting pain, the passing fear, have been a greater burden to bear than what has transpired?

ZULL: (subtitled) I had a duty to the Meketrex, to the Sebouillia!

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) You served the Gods faithfully, and as a reward, They offered you the chance to sit with Them under the All-Seeing Eye of the Almighty Father. (beat) Your only duty then was to yourself, and you betrayed yourself.

ZULL: (yelling) (subtitled) I betrayed no one! I was the one who was betrayed!

GREAT PRINCESS: (points down at Zull) (subtitled) By yourself! You betrayed yourself. You perverted the gift of the Breath of the Gods by using it to kill, and by doing so, you betrayed yourself!

ZULL: (screaming) (subtitled) I was violated, damn you! I was beaten, and I was defiled! I was treated like an animal -- I was made into an animal!

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) And that gives you the right to murder an innocent soul?!

ZULL: (subtitled) That Mandalorian bastard was no innocent!

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) I do not speak of Dus Ubbs, Zull Uquesne, but of Tilos Metiya.

ZULL: Tilos ...?

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) Metiya's only sin was to bear a scant resemblance to your defiler, and for that you slew him -- slew him like an animal -- with no feelings of guilt, of remorse -- just to satisfy your own wrath. (beat) You have betrayed all that you were taught and all that you were -- you are the basest of heretics.

ZULL: (voice growing small) (subtitled) Please, no ...

GREAT PRINCESS: (subtitled) Seek me out no more, Zull Uquesne, daughter of Egon and Stantz, for you have been written out of the Book of Heaven and are thus shut out and cut off. You have forsaken the Truth of the Gods, and for that, you will suffer in the Hell you have created for yourself alone.

With those final words, the Great Princess begins to fade.

ZULL: (reaches out toward her) (subtitled) No! Don't leave me!

The shadowy apparition disappears and the dull orange glow that accompanied it goes out, returning the interior of the cell to its previous dim gray state.

ZULL: (crying) (subtitled) Don't leave me ...

The only response Zull receives is dead silence.

Last movie seen

Cries in the Night AKA Funeral Home (1980)

While it's a blatant ripoff of Psycho with a completely predictable twist ending, it's a rather well done blatant ripoff of Psycho with a completely predictable twist ending (I find the lead actress cute, too, so that helps).


Curtains (1983)

It could have been an above average horror flick, but the lack of a central protagonist and the sloppily-executed ending really brings it down.

On the plus side, John Vernon's performance was excellent, and I'm definately interested in seeing more of his work.


Star Wars: The New Dawn (The First Episode in DuracellEnergizer's New PT Re-Write) *COMPLETE*

Another heads up: to give this story more of an original Star Wars vibe and bring it more in line with it being precursor to the OT, I've removed most depictions of the Jedi and other Force adepts using telekinesis; Pre Vizsla AKA the Force Hound is now the only character to display any overt telekinetic abilities.

We all know that stand-alone Star Wars movies are a done deal (Like it or not) so what do you want to see???

I've got an idea for a film that's basically a Lovecraftian horror story set in the Star Wars Universe.

Two Jedi archaeologists -- a master and his newly appointed apprentice -- are sent to serve as consultants on a remote backwater planet where the ruins of a long extinct civilization have been unearthed. Apparently, this civilization wiped itself millions of years ago after succumbing to some bizarre pandemic which caused them all to develop conflicting memories about themselves, their peers, and the history of their world, driving them to homicidal madness in the process.

As the archaeological team digs deeper and deeper into the ruins, they, too, begin to suffer from the madness which wiped out this lost civilization, recalling conflicting memories about themselves, their peers, and the universe around them.

Eventually, it is discovered that this plague of madness is caused by some bizarre orb buried at the heart of the ruins -- an orb which serves as a window into the multiverse. Anyone who gets too close to the orb and its emanations gains the memories of their counterparts in other timelines, driving them insane in the process.

In the end, the Jedi master sacrifices himself by merging with the orb, defeating it in the process. His apprentice, who suffered prolonged exposure to the radiations of the orb, is left insane, unable to distinguish one reality from another, existing in multiple worlds at once.