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Star Trek Into Darkness

Well, I always saw it this way: they rarely visited Earth on the show, so the films were their chance to show it. As for why they kept coming back, I don't know. I guess they needed a grander scope. Generations and Insurrection both feel like the smallest of the ST films. Something about showing Earth and then showing deeper parts of the galaxy subtly expands the scope of the film, for whatever reason. Or maybe it doesn't. That's just how I feel.

Anyway, it made sense in the last one (origin story), and my guess is the reason for this one is that the bad guy (whoever it ends up being) attacks Earth, which would make threat more personal, I guess.

I definitely agree about The Voyage Home, though. Love the movie, but it's all on Earth! In the 80s! 

Star Trek Into Darkness

skyjedi2005 said:

Did not the screenwriters say a couple of years ago this would be more dark like the Dark Knight, comparing the first film to Batman Begins as an origin story.

That made me as worried as the idea of a Dark Superman ripoff of the Batman Nolan movies.  Now i hope i am wrong about Man of Steel and Star Trek Into Darkness, but its a wait and see thing.

Hopefully the villain in the new trek film is not another Khan ripoff like Shinzon or Nero.  Or worse a Dark Clone of Kirk. Like a remake of Nemesis.

As for Man of Steel, it's produced by Christopher Nolan so I wouldn't worry about that being a TDK rip-off.

And I don't think there's anything to worry about here with STID. Didn't you say that they compared ST to BB? So what's wrong with STID being compared to TDK? Yeah, TDK was darker, so that just means that STID will be darker than ST. It doesn't mean that it will be TDK level dark. Just darker.

So I think darker is a good thing. Why? Let me recall another sci-fi franchise you might have heard of, whose second part was darker. What was its name? 

Beats me.

Star Trek Into Darkness

I loved the last one, Star Trek in general, and J.J. Abrams. So I'm pumped.

Also, going to have to agree that I think it will be Gary Mitchell. At least I hope it is. That would be awesome. 

As for the title, I like it. It's sort of retro, in a way. Like I could see that as a title of of an old comic book or serial. I think that's cool.

When/Why did you become an OT purist?

McFlabbergasty said:

While technically being a part of the generation that grew up on the prequels (I was born in 1992), I've come to see them as the lackluster works that they are in comparison to the originals. The OT just resonates better in terms of characterization, screenwriting, art direction and smart use of special effects. I'm not so much a purist as I am a guy who likes the originals better than the prequels.

Similar here. I was born a bit after you, but was an OT fan through and through before I saw the PT. But I've always liked the PT, though never as much as the OT. The gap between them in my mind has grown greatly since 2005.

As for the "one last time," the VHS's I have were the 95 ones, and I do vaguely remember that, now that you mention it. I had no idea what it meant as a kid, though.

48 fps!

Yes, very interesting post zombie. I've never thought of it before, but that does make sense, now that I think about it. 

So, yeah, if I decide that I still prefer 24 fps, I'll own up to it and say that it's because I'm used to it. 

There's really only one argument that I can pose as to why less realistic might be better. If you were to watch a movie, shown at a very high framerate, and in 3D, I would assume that it would almost look like it was right there, like it wasn't actually a picture. While I think it's cool that an effect like that could be achieved, that's not always what I want when I'm watching a film. When I watch a film, I'm watching a story. It's not real. Movies aren't real, they're make believe. So, to me, watching a film at 24 fps kind of keeps that storytelling aspect in check. I'm trying to think of a good analogy, but I can't really at the moment. I hope you understand my meaning anyway.

When/Why did you become an OT purist?

Okay, so I was starting to feel a little bad about feeding the troll (what with my joke thread and posts and all) as that has gotten way out of hand, so I was hoping to repent via a real thread.

So, actually that troll guy got me thinking about the OT vs. the SE, and when I decided to become a purist, like you guys. I thought this topic would complement the thread about your first OT viewing. So here's my story:

Like I said on that thread, I was two when I first watched the OT, and watched them non-stop throughout my childhood. Oddly enough, my parents did not take me to see the SEs in theaters, so my first viewing was at a friend's, some years later (probably 2000ish).

My first thoughts throughout: "why is that different?"

I didn't really understand why they added things. I also didn't really like most of the changes because, well, I loved the original trilogy as it was and didn't like that it was in some ways different. I think the changes that irked me the most were the music ones in ROTJ, oddly enough.

Anyway, few years later the DVDs came out. I got them, obviously. I remember, the first time I viewed them was with my uncle, and when he saw the changes that were made he was livid. I didn't care that much. I already owned the originals on VHS, and these were a kind of cool, alternate version. And I liked that they, visually, fit the PT better. 

When the 2006 DVDs came out, I almost bought them, but decided against it because I didn't really want to buy something I kind of already had. 

Few years later, I decided to do some research on the SE changes. That was when I realized a great deal of them were horse-shit. I couldn't look at my DVDs without thinking they were tainted. 

Then, last year, a few different things happened all at once. I the Blu-rays came out, I discovered this site, and I downloaded ANH-Revisited. So I actually have a good SE of ANH now, and I have tainted HD versions of the other two. And no HD versions of the original versions of all three. And that annoys me. The last time I saw the originals was probably in 2003, and that was on VHS. So that means that I've only seen the three movies that defined my childhood at resolution that's something like ten times less than what it could be. 

And that's why I'm a member of this site, and an OT purist.

48 fps!

I'm very interested to see what 48 fps looks like. I will be seeing the 24 fps first, however, so it will be cool to compare. 

As for my opinion on the format at this moment, I have a feeling I will still prefer 24 fps, but, well, you never know.

As for where it's going? Well, once it's all digital projection, it will be easier to show 48 fps films movies everywhere. I don't see it as a 3D add-on experience type of thing, I feel like it will end up being a director's preference type of deal, with some 24 and some 48. I would be surprised if it didn't take off after the Hobbit, but I have a hard time believing it would ever completely replace 24 (or 30, I guess).  

The Empire Strikes Back is a "junk movie"

Father Skywalker said:

DominicCobb said:

adywan said:

Father Skywalker said:

George Lucas is like Santa Claus, the wise old white-haired bearded man who gives everybody (millions of people actually) gifts and presents (kickass SW movies)!!!!!

You mean except for those loyal fans that supported him since 1977 and gave him his Empire through ticket and merchandising sales, only to get shafted with the suppression of the Original versions that they love.


That would be like if Santa gave you the best present of all time, then a few years later shat on it, gave it back to you, and refused to clean it up.

Nice comedy and humor and sarcasm attempt, I appreciate and understand your witiness, and I understand what U R trying to say, but I can't disagree with you any more than i disagree with you now. The prequels kicked serious ass, i mean, seriosuly......


Do you understand the point of this site? I liked the prequels almost as much as you did. I'm talking about the special editions. The fact that I can't watch the original versions of the films I grew up with is appalling and the whole reason I'm on this site. 

Starting to wonder if I should even be talking to you, as you are a very obvious troll.

The Empire Strikes Back is a "junk movie"

adywan said:

Father Skywalker said:

George Lucas is like Santa Claus, the wise old white-haired bearded man who gives everybody (millions of people actually) gifts and presents (kickass SW movies)!!!!!

You mean except for those loyal fans that supported him since 1977 and gave him his Empire through ticket and merchandising sales, only to get shafted with the suppression of the Original versions that they love.


That would be like if Santa gave you the best present of all time, then a few years later shat on it, gave it back to you, and refused to clean it up.