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Idea: Non film/tv edits? (any interest in a Dark Disciple audiobook?)

It kinda went on pause as other things took over my life, but I’m trying to finish up my CW/RotS edit and then I want to get this finished.

I have it broken up into the individual “episodes” I just have to add the Clone Wars opening fanfare and end credits music to the episodes and then test them on my beta watcher/listener.

Revenge of the Sith: Refocused - a Clone Wars: Refocused Companion Edit (v3.03 Available now)

I am. Took a bit of a break while waiting for a more final version of NCC, only just recently got back to working on it. Then there us the additional hurdle that since I want to release on FanEdit.org I really want to wait the seadonn7 blu-ray release.

On the project development note, I will probably be splitting the edit into a Part I and Part II, as I would prefer to avoid a 3 1/2 to 4hr movie.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

I really really love having the Balcony scene before Order 66, and then having him killing the younglings.

I’ve always felt that scene as a loss, and this change makes it work for me.

(And I’m a little biased here, but I think it would help with the flow of Order 66 in my edit.)

And as said having Anakin’s crimes at the temple be the turning point in his characterization makes so much more sense than his slaughter of the separatists.

I really thought I it is an excellent change and works really really well in melding the two Anakins. And giving us a truly fallen man.

Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

I think you could make the new rough version work. I personally quite like it, and keeping Anakin’s explicit authoritarianism is helpful for Padme’s turn as long as you have no plans on having Obi-wan outright tell her earlier that Anakin killed other “jedi”.

In the workprint I have, Padme’s “yeah i brought him hear to kill you” reaction is great, but at this point the audience had not been privy to Padme hearing about or witnessing behavior from Anakin that she finds murderously objectionable. Even his short rant about ruling the galaxy with her, on the context of saving her life, goes a long way towards fixing it.

I think Obi-Wan visibly being there the whole time is great. Though I wish there was a way for the exchange about Obi-wan wanting to help/knowing about them to feel less clunky, cus Anakin already knows Obi-Wan knows and I know Padme just found out Obi-wan knew, but it still feels weird to me.

There’s a moment where Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan and he’s just standing there, it cuts back to Padme/Anakin and back to Obi-Wan who is now walking down the ramp, and I think it could help the visual flow if the first time Anakin looks up at him he is walking down the ramp.

And I’m in agreement with some of the other posters now, “I’m so sorry” feels weird where you have it. I wonder it might work after the fight?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Neerb said:

jonh said:

just adding in the opening, something that kylo has found the wayfinder …

Don’t even do that. Just keep the crawl ideas already going around about him searching for power or whatever. All we know initially is why he goes to Exogol, not how.

On Ajan Kloss, Rey learns that a wayfinder is needed to get there, beginning the search.

On Pasaana, Lando says that two were made, and he and Luke were just tracking one of them.

On the Death Star II, Kylo destroys Rey’s wayfinder and says “The only way you’re reaching Exogol is with me.”

Finally, on Ach-to, Luke tells Rey she already has what she needs, and Rey digs Kylo’s wayfinder out of his ship, repeating “two were made.”

I never got why that last part seemed so odd in the theater, but I’m just now realizing it’s because the audience knew from the beginning that Kylo had a wayfinder, and Rey never knew until Luke suggested it to her. I didn’t realize while watching that Rey didn’t know, and so my reaction was “how did Rey not think of this earlier?”

By removing Mustafar and Kylo’s nebula navigation, however, now the audience learns Kylo had one at the same time that Rey does, making it a twist reveal, although not too cheap of one since there are hints for the audience to guess scattered in the dialog throughout the movie.

How exactly Kylo got the wayfinder may seem confusing to people, but it’s a Sith artifact and we know Palpatine’s been talking to Kylo in his head, so it’s not hard to use your imagination. And really, the original movie never explains how he learned:

  • the wayfinder’s location
  • what a wayfinder even is
  • why exactly he even needed it

so we’re really just moving the goalposts and sparing the audience some extra headache.

Bringing this back in, because along with starting the film with Kylo either arriving at Exogol or navigating there, I think these are excellent points. We should find out about the 2nd wayfinder when Rey does.

Additionally, the shot of the fleet rising from the water or whatever absolutely needs to be later in the film. At the start all we need to know is Kylo found Palps and Palps has promised him more power, which Kylo grudgingly accepts. Maybe we know he wants Rey dead, maybe we don’t yet. But the fleet reveal at the start is what killed the tension for me. We shouldn’t know exactly what Palps plans for the galaxy are quite yet.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

idir_hh said:

This guy’s Mustafar test from the radical redux thread is amazing.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hello There! here is an unfinished test to place the battle of Mustafar in TLJ, I have an idea behind my head with the voice of Vader, so that he guides Kylo to him to link the line “finish what you started” with the he story of Palpatine pulling the strings, to me it is more important that this revelation is made just after the death of Luke.


That’s fucking wild. And to think that is partly video game footage. I wonder what else BFII could help with.

Info: TROS Edit Opinions Poll - RESULTS & ANALYSIS

Thinking about Ben’s story.

I do think that in any version of this film where Ben is “redeemed”, him going to live in exile is a strong choice.

But I can’t help but wonder if his redemption is the right choice? He literally does nothing in the movies to earn a redemption. He never makes up for what he’s done, the billions of people he had killed remain dead and he makes no attempt at reparations or restitution. We never get any apology, recognition of wrongdoing, nothing…

I was a Rey/Kylo shipper until this film as for me that ship was predicated on Ben actually doing anything to make up for his evil deeds. As it is in the film he doesn’t even speak after his “redemption”, I just feel like we’re missing a lot of his story after he throws away the vader saber.

Which makes me want to cut it altogether. Just have him be dead after Rey stabs him.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Movies Remastered said:

thebluefrog said:

Any official reason why they refuse to release those scenes?

Nothing official but I feel Disney was going to do a cashgrab and release an extrended version blu-ray at some point. They did delelted scene for every other movie but TROS. So frustrating!

That’s my theory. Disney has always had deleted scenes, and Lucasfilm too, it’s definitely a cash grab for the eventual extended directors cut

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Movies Remastered said:

idir_hh said:

Continuity error with Rey and the saber.

Has anyone managed to edit this out yet? I’ve been trying but can’t seem to find a fluid cut. I didn’t really like either of those Leia scenes tbh but I’ve already had to cut a few of her scenes.

The easiest thing to do is just cut out the back and forth with the lightsaber so that Rey holds onto it the whole time, that’s the most thematically consistent with TLJ anyway. There’s no reason for her to suddenly feel unworthy of a lightsaber she’s been using for a full movie already.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal, for the end are you thinking of using Idir’s “Rey Skywalker” with or without music?

Also, I was thinking about the scene where Rey hears the voices of Jedi past, and I was thinking that if it works with the audio, that cutting Ahsoka’s line would be a good idea.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s my favorite SW character and I love Ashley’s voice for her, but her presence in that scene was confusing for fans.

Because all of the other Jedi Rey hears are dead, people of course wondered if Ahsoka was too, prompting Dave Filoni to say that she was fine. Which makes it weird that she’s in the scene.

Secondly, she’s getting ready to make a live action appearance played by a different actor, which imo compounds the weirdness of her TRoS appearance.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

Info: TROS Edit Opinions Poll - RESULTS &amp; ANALYSIS

That’s kind of an accurate description of a lot of the characters after TFA… Lucasfilm can claim all they want that they had an outline that always included TLJ & TRoS/DotF, but it’s pretty clear that if they did they didn’t communicate that clearly to the directors and writers, which I think is partly to blame for the misuse of Finn. The writers didn’t know what to build to, so they didn’t.