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Final Consensus On 2006 OOT
No. Although there are a couple serious flaws with the 2006 OOT from what I've seen:

1. Different parts of the frame wobble around independently of other parts- very bad effect. Don't know what even caused it
2. The DVD release of "Empire" is REALLY grainy

But Star Wars is the best quality anyone's ever seen it in, and so is ROTJ. ROTJ is pretty much perfect, I think- not as sharp as the 2004 version, but still good quality even for DVD.
What is wrong with people??!!
Sorry, just had to add one more thought. Why does everything in modern movies have to be explained to death? There's a loss of innocence. I didn't need to know about the Grinch's childhood trauma, for instance. He was the Grinch! He's a bad guy! No explanation necessary.

I really wish that I could go into movies, because I have so many ideas- it keeps me awake at night, stringing all the shots together in my head. But directing isn't considered a "real" job, like an engineer or a doctor. Oh well....
What is wrong with people??!!
I agree that movies REALLY stink right now compared to the past (especially 50's-60's). Where are the Alfred Hitchcocks, John Fords, and classic Steven Spielbergs?

I'm a teenager and I love film (especially the framing, the way music is used, suspense, overall style, and so on). I would become a movie director and try to start making great movies again if I thought it was possible. But from what I've read, movies are a really political thing and you can't just walk in, get complete creative control, and make a classic. If I could actually do that, then I'd go into film in a heartbeat.

Everything's just so smooth and slick and stupid now, with very few exceptions. Everything seems just so disengenous, in my opinion. Movie music also really stinks now compared to before. Possibly because more and more composers are just plugging away at a synthesizer in real time, and not even necessarily writing down their music. (I know J. Williams, Howard Shore, and others are not like this, but still..).

A lot of it is probably that people have changed. How successful would "To Catch a Thief" or "Vertigo" be if they were released today? Not very. And yet they're classics.

Maybe part of it is that what a lot of people find funny in movies today... I don't find funny. He said the F word three times in a row! Ha ha! Ha! Hmm...
Star Wars: The Stupidest Quotes!
We can start by copying and pasting all three PT scripts into the thread....

No, but seriously, one of the best out of all the movies has to be,
"I'm haunted by the kiss that you should not have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that kiss does not become a scar."

Another winner is, "I don't like sand. It's course and rough and irritating. Not like here where everything's soft and smooth."


"I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little each day since you came back into my life."
Movie Ratings
I'm really confused about the whole system. How do they figure this stuff out?

Films like Amadeus and THX-1138 are rated "R", but recently I saw "Soylent Green", one of the most violent and disturbing sci-fi movies I've ever seen, rated "PG". What the heck?

It seems like PG movies from the seventies were a lot more raunchy than R movies of today...
Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound?
Originally posted by: Number20
I don't have TR47 release to compare these all against, but there is also a PCM track on the Moth3r PAL/Dr.M NTSC releases that is excellent. Don't know if it is a digital capture or not.

@Arnie - The DD track in addition to the PCM track is to solve the potential problems that a few players have with PCM. But it might be unneeded for most everyone. So, If one wants to get a bit different about it and not repetitious, one could make the DD track the actual theatrical sound mix, taken off the earliest laserdisc release.

Seriously, I have never heard the original stereo track to Star Wars, but I've heard the mono and the 70mm, which is kind of ironic because the stereo mix was actually released. And it hasn't been used in ANY projects....

I would LOVE to hear the original stereo mix coupled with the new OOT DVD.
Audio tracks on 2006 OOT
I just had a question- have any of you checked out the foreign language tracks included on the OOT DVD's? Are they different for the PAL release? Are they the original dubs, or newly created?


P.S. This is pretty good for a "bonus" feature, to have the movie in three different languages. Almost makes it seem like it's the main attraction....
The music in the prequels.
Obviously John William's music for the prequels is far inferior to the original music, but who can blame him? If I was a composer, I wouldn't be that inspired by that mess either.

Here's the other problem with the music in the prequels: Rather than asking politely asking Williams to compose a new cue when he didn't like it, Lucas instead opted to track music from elsewhere after the scoring session was over. This didn't happen in the OT. With the Hoth battle or the Endor battle, it was just one huge, great cue, and the whole thing was kept.

In contrast, here's the music for Geonosis in Ep. II:

Mace Windu Arrives (0:06) * TPM computer game -- sqdanger1.imc
Mace Ignites His Lightsaber (0:06) * Unknown
"This party's over!" (0:06) * TPM:UE, Disc 1, Track 3 [1:55-2:01]
The Jedi Reveal Themselves (0:12) * TPM:UE, Disc 1 Track 4 [0:50-0:56/0:58-1:01/1:04-1:13]
Back to the Balcony (0:02) * TPM computer game -- sqdanger1.imc [0:08-end] (last note)
Impossibly Outnumbered (0:10) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 3 [2:02-2:13]
Super Battle Droids Advance (0:04) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 9 [3:01-end]
The Battle Begins (0:28) * TPM: OST Track 9 [1:58-2:26]
Jedi vs. Droids (0:14) * TPM: OST Track14 [0:50-1:04]
Stolen Chariot (0:40) * SW:E1 RACER computer game -- Podloop1.wav [0:01-end]/TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 33 [1:44-end]
The Battle Continues (0:32) * TPM: OST Track 9 [2:27-2:59]
The Reek Charges (0:38) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 12 [0:09-0:41]
Mace vs. Jango (0:04) * Unknown (a few looped notes)
Mace Decapitates Jango (0:03) * TPM computer game -- sqplayerdeath.imc
Jango is Dead (0:02) * Unknown (a few timpani hits)
Count Dooku and Boba React (0:08) * TPM: OST Track 13 [4:34-4:42]
Threepio Down/Aggressive Negotiations/Obi-Wan vs. The Acklay (1:06) * TPM: OST Track 5 [0:26-0:45/0:19-0:24/0:46-0:49/0:55-1:25/2:20-2:30]
"This is such a drag!" (0:20) * TPM: OST Track 9 [1:36-1:57]
Surrounded (0:39) * TPM: OST Track 5 [1:51-2:23/2:29-end]

The Droids Re-activate (0:02) * Unknown (timpani rumble)
Imminent Execution (0:11) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 14 [1:02-1:13]
Send in the Clones (1:04) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 15 [0:03-0:29/0:51-0:58/1:01-1:38]
A Most Peculiar Dream (0:08) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 14 [1:00-1:08]
Boba Mourns (0:08) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 3 [1:55-2:02]

Underground Chamber (0:04) * Unknown (timpani swell)
Dire Straits (0:13) * Conflict Theme (probably tracked from "The Councils Confer")
Republic Gunships (0:48) * TPM: OST Track 6 [0:03-0:48]
Spider Walker (0:08) * TPM: OST Track 10 [4:02-4:10]
"Attack those Federation Starships" (0:14) * TPM: OST Track 14 [2:27-2:41]
Reporting to Master Yoda (0:10) * TPM: OST Track 14 [3:15-3:25]

The Ultimate Weapon (0:47) * Tracked from "Spying o­n the Separatists" * Track 10 [6:45-6:50/6:08-6:51] (ends with timpani-roll snippet)
Wheel Tanks (0:10) * TPM:UE Disc 1, Track 5 [0:02-0:12]
Droid Explosion (0:05) * TPM computer game -- sqplayerdeath.imc (a few extra timpani hits tacked o­n)
The Conspirators Escape (0:26) * Tracked from "Arrival at Kamino" * Track 1 [2:13-2:39]
Concentrating All Fire (0:44) * Jedi Power Battles computer game -- Track 5 [0:15-0:59]
Attack of the Clones (0:22) * Unreleased

THAT'S what's wrong with music in the prequels.
Info Wanted: Did anyone do a preservation of the 'Behind the Magic' DVD?
It's true that Behind the Magic is too interactive to put on DVD in it's original form. But maybe just the content? It would be easy to take text that was too big, and instead of having to operate a scroll bar, just make two or three different DVD slides.

At least, someone has to figure out how to transfer the stormtrooper weapons testing room
Info: Original Trilogy in HD screening this November!!
Originally posted by: Duke of Crydee
Originally posted by: Davis
But what good would that be if your final project is in DVD format? You have to compress it anyway.

Why does the final project have to be on a DVD?

If someone has the ability to capture the HD broadcast as HD in their computer, then they can keep it at HD quality and just release the data file uncompressed. So people with home theater PCs, or just a PC with high enough resolution support, can enjoy the OT in HD quality that way.

OK, but now we're talking about a VERY limited audience. It's a lot easier to send out DVD-R's than hard drives.

Also, we don't have the OOT in HD, so all this is pretty useless unless you like SE's. It's not like you can reinstate the missing footage.