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First Impressions of the OOT ...
Post #2

I did a comparison of the opening scene of ANH comparing the TR47, Cowplops V1, Editdroids and the GOUT versions and the GOUT version seems sharper and more vibrant (colorwise) to any of the previous 3 excellent transfers.

It may not be perfect but as far as I can tell, because of the GOUT version, I don't need my copies of the TR47, Cowplops V1 or the Editdroid version anymore.

Thanks to the fine folks here w/ their GREAT transfers, I think it showed LFL that there is a definite hunger for an Unaltered version of SW. May be next year there WILL be a higher quality version of the GOUT version, but until them I'm pretty happy w/ this 2006 release.

Sorry everyone, I'm probably part of the problem you guys are struggling with, in that I did purchase the 2006 OUT and will probably buy a higher quality copy of the OUT if it comes out.
First Impressions of the OOT ...
Next year will have the saga box set, which i feel probably wont sell very well unless they include the OOT in a restored form.

(Coming in late, but...) Zombie I agree with you.

I have the 2004 DVD's and I just purchased the GOUT's, and unless there's a restored version of the OOT -or- unless there's some major change to the 2004 DVD's, there is absolutely no reason to purchase a "Saga Set".

I'm in the minority group of this sight, in that I pretty much enjoy the SE-OT and (blasphemy!) I even enjoy the PT.

My only complaints about the SE-OT are pretty much the most common complaints: "Greedo shooting first" and the Jedi Rocks sequence in ROTJ. I'm on the fence on the Christian Hayden sequence at the end of ROTJ, but other than what was mentioned, I pretty much like the SE changes.

May be somebody can answer me this question: How come nobody acknowledges (if not praises) how much better the Battle at Yavin looks in the SE-ANH? I can pretty much understand every complaint except this one. The newer Battle at Yavin looks SO much better than it did in the OOT (and I was there in 1977 being 12 yrs old at the time).
<strong>The Cowclops Transfers (a.k.a. the PCM audio DVD's, Row47 set) Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Not scientific, I did an informal side by side comparison of the EditDroid and the Original TR47 ANH disks. In short, on whole both disks are equal in quality.

- PQ - the EditDroid set is slightly sharper, but you can only tell on freeze frame. With picture in motion, it's difficult to tell the difference.

The TR47 set is brighter (looks nice), but the shadowy areas are just a little washed out - very subtle.

- AUDIO - The TR47 set sounds nicer, but I think the original audio track is louder than on the EditDroid set.

- FEATURES: The only one I noticed because I don't dig into extras that much is that the EditDroid set has menus.

- MY SYSTEM: (Not the greatest in the world, but nice for the money)

MONITOR: Panasonic 50 in. PHD-6UY
DVD PLAYER: Toshiba SD-6200
RECEIVER: Pioneer VSX-D711
SPEAKERS: 5 ch. SpeakerCraft in Ceiling AIM-3's
SUB: SpeakerCraft 12 in. Sub
Which of the 6 films is your favorite?
I have been a SW GEEK since I was 12 in 1977. I think I've got a lot of the stuff down pretty good (SW / PT Apologist level) and while watching ROTS I found myself saying "I KNEW IT!!!" throughout the movie. I was pretty pleased w/ ROTS. I wish they discussed more of why C-3PO (and NOT R2-D2) needed a memory wipe. Also I wished they discussed the possibility of Luke one day defeating Palpatine.

My rankings of ALL 6 movies:

TPM = AOTC = ROTS = ANH 2004 DVD (minus the 19 frames of blasphemy - "Han Shoots FIRST" always and forever) = ESB 2004 DVD (I like the new Emperor and the new snow beast thingy) = ROTJ (toss up between 1983 and 2004 DVD [minus the horrible "Jedi Rocks song"] - unsure of the Hayden / Shaw swap)


If a gun was put to my head, I'd say that AOTC was the most disappointing to me. More so than TPM (which was not a disappointment AT ALL). Admittedly the romance of AOTC was hard to swallow. But after reading the book and talking to my fellow Gushing-Geeks (a label I proudly ware I might add), I think a can defend the romance pretty good. If I ever get any re-edit projects off the ground, AOTC's would probably get the most changes and all in the Padme / Anakin romance story line.

On a off topic side note:

I was able to compared the 1977 ANH and the 2004 DVD ANH side-by-side and I have to say the Deathstar battle is MUCH better in the 2004 DVD than the 1977 (TR47 and EditDroid copies).
<strong>The Cowclops Transfers (a.k.a. the PCM audio DVD's, Row47 set) Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
I did a little more extensive side-by-side compare between EditDroids and the TR-47 set (ANH only). The EditDroid is slightly sharper, but the TR-47 set is brighter which sometimes makes the picture look better in some scenes. The 2 sets are almost tied in quality, but for different reasons. If the new CowClops set has the sharp picture of the EditDroid set and the bright but less washed out colors of the TR-47 set you will have a DEFINITE WINNER.
How do you rate EpIII?
Caster, what gapping Leia plot hole. I've seen ROTS twice now and I'm in the middle of my annual SW Marathon (finishing ESB and will probably watch ROTJ next week)

I have been a SW GEEK since I was 12 in 1977. I think I've got a lot of the stuff down pretty good and while watching ROTS I found myself saying "I KNEW IT!!!" throughout the movie. I was pretty pleased w/ ROTS. I wish they discussed more of why C-3PO (and NOT R2-D2) needed a memory wipe. Also I wished they discussed the possibility of Luke one day defeating Palpatine.

During my annual Marathon I compared the 1977 ANH and the 2004 DVD ANH side-by-side and I have to say the Deathstar battle is MUCH better in the 2004 DVD than the 1977 (TR47 and EditDroid copies).

My rankings of ALL 6 movies:

TPM = AOTC = ROTS = ANH 2004 DVD (minus the 19 frames of blasphemy - "Han Shoots FIRST") = ESB 2004 DVD (I like the new Emperor and the new snow beast thingy) = ROTJ (toss up between 1983 and 2004 DVD [minus the horrible "Jedi Rocks song"])

<strong>The Cowclops Transfers (a.k.a. the PCM audio DVD's, Row47 set) Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Cowclops or TR47,

Have you seen the EditDroid version??? If the new Cowclops set is as good or better...WHOOO!!! WHOOO!!!

My complaint w/ the EditDroid set is that the subtitles are all gone. I do not speak Huttese so I need the subtitles. Also, I have a widescreen set so I would like the subtitles in the picture and not in the black area.
Info Wanted: Preparing for SW marathon, wondering about O-OT - which preservation set is best?

I not doing the ultimate marathon, but being a "Gushing Geek" myself, I've already watched Ep1 and Ep2. Now I'm waiting for Ep3.

I will then follow up w/ HipHops corrected DVD ANH, the 2004 ESB then follow up w/ ADigitalMan's ROTJ (I wish all the sub titles were there though )
<strong>The &quot;EditDroid&quot; Trilogy DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Did some initial A/B comparison to the TK47 and the Faces LD and this EditDroid set. The EditDroid set is probably the best available in video quality. I didn't do too much in comparing sound. Nice thing is my copy of the EditDroid set plays on my older Toshiba so I am literally able to flip from back and forth between the DVD's. The TK47 is definitely fuzzier on freeze frame, but it's hard to tell the difference while both are running.

My LD Player really SUCKS, lots of dot crawl and my monitor is not calibrated to it (video pushed way too much to red), so the Faces LD looked unnaturally brighter than either the TK47 or the EditDroid DVD's. Both DVD's had a more natural tone to them, but like I the monitor is not calibrated to the LD player.

Hopefully I'll beable to do a more thorough comparison.
Thought on de-SE'ing the DVD

Any chance to talking you into simply adding the "Fairwell to Jira" scene for me??? I've been watching this scene repeatedly (jumping from "Anakin saying good bye to Shimi" -to- "Fairwell to Jira" -to- "Droids talking to Maul") and it fits very nice. I don't see why it was even cutt out.

Ask Rikter of my willingness to make donations, I already own the Ep1 DVD and my PM is working.
Thought on de-SE'ing the DVD
Well, I for one want the "Ultimate Edit" (basically only cutting the Greedo shooting first).

So PLEASE don't give that up.

Except for Greedo shooting first, the Luke's green lightsaber and the messed up scene in Mos Eisley were the walking beast and the droid walk in front of Luke's speeder before being questioned, I've got no other problems w/ the SE Edition.


What software can you use to create your own sweeping soft scene transition like they do in you typical SW movie??? Eventually I would like to put back some deleted scenes into TPM and AOTC.

Thanks in advance :
What would you like to see in a scifi/fantasy web site? The time has come for a change...
I say do what ever to trim the cost to keep the forums open, including eliminating the petition (since it won't do any good anyway, why waste the money).

Combined this sight w/ Riktors (DVD distribution) and see if that will help cut costs.

Also put a "PayPal" link for donation. I'm willing to give to keep sight going.
Thought on de-SE'ing the DVD

ADigitalMan, where did you get that version of (is it) "Lip Nik"??? Anyway whatever the original song in Jabba's Hut is called.

It's about 99% of what I want and like what you stated your goal was, it will be the perfect base for any upcoming project for what I would like to do.

If / when the XO project finishes I would like to put back the original Sarlak and take out the beak thingy. Then ROTJ will be 100%