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<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I thought the finale was fun, though it wasn’t great. Probably a 6/10, and it’s my favorite episode of the series, which shows how little I cared for the rest of the series.

So is Boba now the mayor of mos espa? He never seemed that interested in doing any crime throughout the series, but now since he’s abandoned the spice trade, it seems like there’s nothing left for him to do except enforce the law and provide for the city’s general welfare.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

rocknroll41 said:

I gotta say: I’m really starting to hate the spice arc in the boba show. It rips off dune, for starters (which starwars already does too much as is). Also it makes Tattooine more important than it should be. What made Tattooine cool before is that it was a backwater world. The biggest thing tho is that why would boba, a crime lord, want to stop CRIME?

I’ve been saying this since they announced the show. If Boba Fett is going to be a crime lord, how can he be the protagonist of a show? The protagonist is supposed to be someone the audience can root for. If he’s a crime lord, supposedly he’d be committing crimes, ie doing cruel and unethical things for profit.

It’s like Disney wants to have their cake and eat it, too, without understanding the consequences of what they’re doing. They know people like Boba, so they gave him his own show. They also know people like the idea of Boba being a badass outlaw, but the two ideas are mutually exclusive. So we end up with this awkward show where Boba Fett is a crime lord who is also somehow honorable and noble, and doesn’t seem interested in committing any crimes other than collecting tribute from casinos. He also seeks help from Cob Vanth, an officer of the law, so he’s apparently a crime lord who also requests help from the authorities.

They could have side stepped this entire problem if they just kept him as a bounty hunter who is now working for the new republic, bringing in the galaxy’s worst criminals. That way he can be a likeable protagonist who is also a morally grey badass.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Tobar said:

yotsuya said:

And Mark is a voice actor. A very good one. I believe the voice is his, but they have adjusted it to sound younger. I found his appearance in the episode to be very well done.

They used a program called Respeecher, a neural network powered voice synthesizer. Here’s Matt Wood on the process:

Matt Wood said:

It’s a neural network you feed information into and it learns. So I had archival material from Mark in that era. We had clean recorded ADR from the original films, a book on tape he’d done from those eras, and then also Star Wars radio plays he had done back in that time. I was able to get clean recordings of that, feed it into the system, and they were able to slice it up and feed their neural network to learn this data.

Isn’t cinema magical?

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

I guess for me, part of what makes something fan service (and why it’s a problem) is that it feels pointless beyond giving the audience something to point at and go “hey, I recognize that.” Luke being so prominent in the Book of Boba Fett doesn’t really serve the story. It’s just there so fans can think, “hey it’s Luke! I remember him!”

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

WitchDR said:

Hal 9000 said:

With time, you will eventually see a piece of media depicting Grogu being trained by Rey Skywalker.

Oh god no. Please keep our precious Grogu away from that abomination.

And it’ll be cgi Rey, with AI voice…and script written by an algorithm.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Burbin said:

I really hate how they’re immediately undoing the ending of Mando Season 2. I was hoping we would get one season or at least part of a season where Din is on his own, dealing with all he’s learned and how he’s changed, as well as focusing on Mandalorian culture. Instead we only got one episode of that and in a series that isn’t even his.

I guess Grogu’s just too popular for it’s own good, though they easly could’ve had him pop up on his own in Ahsoka or whichever other series. The Din and Grogu reunion could’ve been really memorable if they gave it some time, but it seems they’re desperate to get back to the winning formula to the point they ripped two pages off of Boba’s Book just so we start Mando Season 3 with the duo back together.

Yeah…unless Grogu decides to stay with Luke. Except if he stays, he’ll get killed by Kylo Ren, so I’m assuming he chooses to go with Din…which makes me wonder what the point was of having him go off with Luke in the first place. I really have no idea what they can even do with Grogu going forward. I have a hard time imagining he’s gonna become an adorable little Mandalorian warrior, with a tiny helmet and jet pack.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *


I feel like the world’s gone crazy. The last episode got rave reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Every now and then, I peek at the forums on the force.net and everyone is raving about how great this episode is. I even saw someone say they hope they get an entire series of movies with cgi Luke, Han, and Leia. I just…don’t get it.

I’m of the the opinion that as much as I love Star Wars, it’s kind of limited. I’ve mentioned this on forums before, and people have responded by saying that the galaxy far far away has all this unlimited potential for different stories. But it really seems like all anybody wants is endless stories about Luke, Han, and Leia.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

jedi_bendu said:

MalaStrana#2 said:

Bottom line is this tv show has been completely disjointed and weirdly produced. I don’t watch that many modern shows but from my experience I have never seen something like that, with such a poor narrative structure, such poor character objectives, unclear world building (I really don’t care about the Pike syndicate, the biker gang, the mayor, etc.: everything is highly uninteresting since the very beginning).

I agree. This is probably the worst structure to a TV show I have ever seen.

I know we have one more episode to go, maybe it’ll be awesome to watch and the Luke and Grogu stuff will actually connect to what is supposed to be the main plot, but I feel like it’s fair to say The Book of Boba Fett is my least favourite star wars series. I didn’t think they could do worse than The Bad Batch in my eyes but they’ve somehow managed it.

I hope I’m not raining on the parade of anyone who really enjoyed the episode - I can see why you did and am happy for you! But personally this show has me worried for how future series will connect to each other.

I’m in awe of how badly the show is structured.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Using CGI and AI voice to recreate the look and sound of actors is one of those things where I don’t care how high quality the effect is, I just don’t like the idea of it and I don’t think it should be done at all. On a purely technical level, the cgi in this episode was very impressive. But I still don’t like it. It just feels wrong and awkward.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

jedi_bendu said:

Robert Rodriguez wasn’t kidding when he said The Book of Boba Fett “way over-delivers”. What did I just watch? What show am I even watching at this point?

If transferring characters from animation to live action is so difficult, don’t do it. If trying to get different series to inter-connect with one another in a natural way is so difficult, don’t do it. It really is that simple.


<strong>The Bad Batch</strong> (animated series) - a general discussion thread

JakeRyan17 said:

Clones, with two exceptions, grow at double the rate of other humans, by design to have a large batch of adults in 10 years.

Seems like they wouldn’t be able to grow very many clones in 4 years. Don’t they say in AOTC that the army was 200,000 strong with 1 million on the way?

For some reason I thought they’d established there were 5 years between AOTC and ROTS.

<strong>Shadows Of The Empire</strong> | Lucasfilm's mid-to-late 1990's EU multimedia project

I remember this pretty well. I was 12 at the time and it was pretty effective at getting me re-hyped for Star Wars. It was my first EU novel (for a while it was my only EU novel) and I remember kids at my school reading the comics. I read the issue where IG88 fights Boba Fett and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

fmalover said:

Strip away all the supplementary material, and judging him exclusively on the movies, I must say Boba Fett is amongst the most overrated characters in Star Wars.

The only thing he has going for him is the undeniably cool looking suit of armour. Apart from that he does absolutely nothing noteworthy, and in TESB they only call him “bounty hunter”, just to show how little Lucas thought about him.

I sincerely don’t understand why he’s so popular with fans as he’s pretty much a nothing character.

I agree, completely. I never really gave Boba Fett much thought when I watched the movies when I was a kid. When I discovered Star Wars fan websites around 1997, I was kind of shocked to find out that he had this massive following.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

Servii said:

Cthulhunicron said:

The Star Wars universe is pretty limited, and I don’t think there’s really anywhere for the story to go.

Hypothetically, the universe has limitless potential for new stories to tell and settings to explore, but since the people in charge of this IP are unwilling to step outside of the franchise’s comfort zone and make anything too unfamiliar, it will continue to stagnate, and the universe will shrink. This isn’t just Disney’s fault or modern Lucasfilm’s fault, by the way. This was a problem under George, as well. The franchise is too fettered to its past.

Possibly. It just seems to me that if you attempt something drastically different with Star Wars…it kinda ceases to feel like Star Wars and just becomes generic sci-fi. If it just becomes a series about the Republic fighting against various different military threats from other planets, then it basically becomes Star Trek or Mass Effect.

I feel like what makes this franchise feel like Star Wars is the spiritual aspect, the emotional struggle of resisting the dark side of the force, and the family drama at the core of the story. You can attempt to keep this going indefinitely, I guess, but what do you do? Introduce another Jedi protagonist, descended from a Sith Lord?

Now obviously we have the Mandalorian, which I agree does feel like Star Wars and it also feels fresh and original, but it also feels like a small background story. I think there is potential for some spin-offs like this, but I don’t really see where Star Wars can go in terms of the larger picture. Theoretically anything can happen in this galaxy, but is it going to be interesting? If episode 10 is about a Trandoshan civil war, is anyone going to care? Will that feel worthy of being episode 10, or will it feel like something they should have just done in a novel?