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The Criterion Collection Thread

Here’s a list of the Criterion LDs in my collection:

The 39 Steps (#3)
Black Orpheus (#13A)
Singin’ in the Rain (#52)
The Wizard of Oz (#59)
2001: A Space Odyssey (#60)
West Side Story (#72A)
Casablanca (#73)
Ghostbusters (#75)
Rebecca (#98A)
Notorious (#100)
Taxi Driver (#109A)
Ikiru (#114)
Wages of Fear (#127)
Citizen Kane (#142)
Spartacus (#155)
The Tales of Hoffmann (#157)
Jason and the Argonauts (#160)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail {#168)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (#169)
The 400 Blows (#173)
Great Expectations (#262)
The Blood of a Poet (#289)

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

A case could be made for any of the three prequels being the absolute worst film in the Skywalker Saga. Lucas never learned from his mistakes from Phantom Menace, and made Anakin unlikeable in Attack of the Clones and outright irredeemable in Revenge of the Sith. This undermines Vader’s redemption, the key moment of the OT.

Info: Mono soundtracks that were butchered with 5.1 remixes in later releases

JadedSkywalker said:

I’ve been looking for the mono mix for Help!, but cannot find a home video release that has it. They did finally release the mono for a hard days night on the blu-ray released by Criterion.

This Laserdisc of Help! claims to have the mono mix. https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/10263/CLV1342/Help!:-The-Beatles

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

Spuffure said:

DVDs are superior to online streaming for a number of reasons:

  1. You own it in a way.

  2. If you have a region free player you don’t have to worry about geo-blocking.

  3. You don’t have to worry about the film being removed from the streaming library.

  4. You get special features on DVDs.

  5. It’s offline, so you don’t need to be reliant on the internet.

I have over 600 physical movie/TV releases across 6 formats (8mm/VHS/Laserdisc/DVD/Blu-Ray/4K) and 103 years of cinema history (ranging from 1916’s Intolerance to 2019’s Doctor Sleep) because I don’t trust the studios to keep original versions of films or controversial titles on streaming services.