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In what way I should watch a Star Wars Marathon?

Star Wars: a certain Project that i haven’t seen it being mentioned here as much, but that will be coming out in the next few months or Revisited’s Purist version.

The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited or Despecialized

Return of the Jedi: Remastered, by darthrush

The Phantom Menace: Hal’s

Attack of the Clones: Hal’s

Revenge of the Sith: all sorts of things

The Force Awakens: Hal’s

Rogue One: theatrical

In that order

Revenge of the Jedi (The Snooker edit) (Cancelled: *unfinished project *)

HerekittykittyX said:

snooker said:

darthrush said:

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to take most of the Crawl establishing the imperial capitol and why the rebellion might destroy it and give more information on that end of the story? Considering you probably will be lacking for elaboration upon their attack in the regular film. Which kind of brings me to a question, what do you plan to do with the briefing scene? That could be a place to help lay out some expositon.

The rebel briefing scene will have General Madine dubbed over explaining that there is a major Imperial Weapons Depot on the forest moon of Endor. Successfully attacking this base will both be a major setback for Imperial Forces in the outer Rim as well as supply the rebellion with an extensive weapons supply for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps after the sheild generator blows up a whole bunch of rebel transports go down to the surface to aquire weapons and recover the remaining ground attack force. Madine could have his own cruiser just so he can have some exposition like “The shield is down, send the transports” or something, so that the rebellion has a minor victory.

The vfx of the gr75’s should be easy enough.

Keep in mind that there will be no attack on the capital in this film. It is simply where the Emperor sequence happens.

Wouldn’t the ending be a little Blade Runner-ish?

Random Thoughts

ChainsawAsh said:

yhwx said:

Quite a riveting game going on in the Chess thread at the moment.


I actually don’t know anything about chess, but what’s going on looks interesting.

I keep checking it for some reason, even though all I see is a bunch of seemingly-random letters and numbers. Not that I’d be able to truly follow/understand it anyway if it was images or video of pieces on a board, mind you.

pretty much this, but i would understand if there were images.

edit: i think it’s for the reactions.

Random Thoughts

i’m in an airplane waiting to fly back home. i used to be afraid of airplanes but it became so common for me to be in one and fly in one in the past 2 years that i’m just as ok in here as i’d be if i were in a bus. maybe i feel even safer in the plane.

just a random thought.

i should have airplane mode on already but i’m waaaaaay too nasty to obey to the flight attendants.

now i have to turn it on for real.

i’ll listen to the OT soundtracks during the flight.

i love you guys

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

White&Nerdy69 said:

TLJ is out on digital and Blu-ray

it’s not.

DuracellEnergizer said:

darthrush said:

Collipso said:

sorry for any inconveniences, i didn’t take it in a mean way whatsoever. i guess star wars is a delicate topic for all of us 😃

We need more Collipso’s in this world.


thanks guys, that actually means a lot. really.

DominicCobb said:

Collipso said:

sorry for any inconveniences, i didn’t take it in a mean way whatsoever. i guess star wars is a delicate topic for all of us 😃

You are not forgiven.

ahhh new england sass, how i love it.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Collipso said:

i could argue that you hurt my feelings, dom

But did he?

he did not, but i will say i wasn’t expecting to be treated like i’m out of my mind simply because i don’t think an actress did as good of a job as i know she can do.

but i will say that from what i’ve seen of dom, he isn’t the sweetest person ever (even coming off as “harsh” every once in a while) but i wouldn’t say he’s rude or an asshole, simply direct and maybe cold.

Revenge of the Jedi (The Snooker edit) (Cancelled: *unfinished project *)

I tried to do this, but didn’t work:

1st paragraph general state of the galaxy: it’s in darkness; post esb; weak regrouping rebellion.

2nd paragraph setup of the plot: assault on Endor;

3rd paragraph setup of initial first few scenes: luke jabba etc,

i ran into the same problem with tying paragraph 2 to 3