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The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube

Funcha said:

I love the amount of thought you put into the edit thus far! I really look forward to seeing more of your videos detailing your ideas. I’ve always thought there was a decent performance from Hayden Christiansen in this movie, once you edit out all the awkward crap that was in the script.

Thank-you! Positivity really helps! And yes, I agree. I really wish Hamil, Ford, and Fisher were invited on set to tell the new actors about Lucas’s strengths and weaknesses. I really feel like they must have treated him like he was a know-it-all which he really isn’t.

The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube

SparkySywer said:

I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t very interested in this project, but that is an outstanding trailer.

I understand. “Wow Attack of the Clones re-edited AGAIN.” I completely get it. I’m mainly doing this for myself. Now it’s gotten to the point where I have edited nearly every scene, and I thought, 'it’s for to be worth showing people now, right? I must be doing something different enough to be considered original!"

Thank-you for your kind words about the trailer. I want to make my edit to that (if not a higher) standard.

Making a compilation of things I had cut out of the movie felt risky. Thanks again!

The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube

NeverarGreat said:

The red lightsaber angle is quite interesting.

Everything you said here is very interesting. I have even already cut the line “Not again! Obi-Wan is gonna kill me.” So it would be so easy to have that happen narratively (he wouldn’t say that if he knew he needed to hide his lightsaber). My only problem is finding a reaction shot of Anakin with the appropriate emotions on his face. He needs to look at the lightsaber the next time we see him use it (on Geonosis) and have some kind of emotional reaction to the permanent change in color, either fear or confusion, I would say.

It would be very time consuming for me. I don’t know how others do it, but I’m going through frame by frame to change the color. I’m not saying I won’t do it, but I need to be certain it would be better than returning to its blue colour without an explanation before I even try.

Alternatively, his lightsaber could flash red several time during the last time he uses it, and then it is fair to say Anakin didn’t notice in the heat of the battle, meaning that reaction shot I was talking about isn’t needed.

Can you separate the vocals and the soundtrack in EpII? (region 1)

Hi. I’m in the UK (region 2) and both my DVD and Blu-Ray of ep II have the soundtrack in multiple channels, including the one with vocals. I know that on some DVDs and Blu-Rays, the channel with the vocals (the centre channel) is completely soundtrack-free.

Can this differ between different region codes of the same film? Sometimes US films are re-edited for UK release, so it seems likely that the way the soundtrack works on a technical level could be different.

I have watched fan edits of other films that presumably used a region 1 source, which have a completely new soundtrack without any audio distortion/quality loss when the characters speak, presumably because the soundtrack was not in the centre channel so they didn’t have to use “background noise removers”.

My region 2 copy of the same film, however, does have the soundtrack in the centre channel.

Has anyone replaced the soundtrack in episode II or another one of the prequels from a region 1 disc? Does the centre channel have the soundtrack in it?

The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube

SilverWook said:

It’s a golden rule of fan editing to own the source material. AOTC can be had for around five bucks or less on Ebay these days.

I did spot this at my local drugstore recently. 😉

I have the source Material on Blu Ray, but the British release doesn’t have any deleted scenes. I’m not trying to avoid buying it, I’m trying to avoid buying it multiple times.

Removing the soundtrack from a movie.

Hi, I love doing fan edits and pour hours into them, the one thing that stops me from doing more seriously and allowing others to see them is the way the soundtrack sounds after you have cut out shots and removed a few frames here and there. I would like to find out how to remove the soundtrack so I can add it (or another one) back after my edits are complete.
I have tried splitting the channels, but so far most of the soundtrack is still audible in channel 3 (which is where the vocals and the majority of the sound FX are in the discs I have tried).

I have watched fan edits that completely re-score the movie. How is this achived?

The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube

Okay, so I found a close up of an eye that isn’t Natalie Portman, but I think it is close enough. I am colourblind, but I have checked with non-colourblind people. (opinions welcomed)

Here is a picture from the original video. As you can see, a reflection of a horizontal phone, as well as what looks to me like a window frame can be seen in the person’s eye.
The other image is my edit of it, that tries to make the skin tone accurate as well as remove the reflections. I added a “zoom” effect which helped smooth out “low pixel” looking problems created by the effects used to remove the reflections. As Anakin and Padme have just communicated via The Force, it makes sense that this is what Anakin is seeing, hence the slight distortion (it is canon that force communicating/visons can have strange visual side effects, such as Anakin’s visions in Ep III, and Rey and Kylo stating they could not see each other surroundings). I added the same “zoom” effect in previous shots for consistency.


"Two Part Trilogy" Ep 2&3 fan edit. (* unfinished project *)

Hello all! I have a lot of problems with epI that I feel originates from the story structure, which seems to agree with that infamous video of the editor explain to Lucas why the ending doesn’t work. My edits take place in an alternative time line where someone convinced Lucas to cut his losses and never release The Phantom Menace. Episode 2 is still episode 2, (not one) and it is the edits in Attack of the Clones I would like to explain the reasons behind today.

Before going into this, you should know this should be watched after 4,5, and 6.

  1. Removal of Anakin’s “poetry” to Padmé,
    My Reason: Jedi have many stoic straits Anakin’s development through the film is that he struggles with his desires and the Jedi way. Due to his sudden moments of intense disproportionate amount anger that appear in II and III it makes sense that he has difficulty expressing his emotions as that is the main cause of anger issues. However, not only does he talk about his emotional stress, he also has enough clarity to make it sound poetic with a presumably small time to think about it.
    Result: most of the romance scenes are shorter and focus more on expression to convey emotions than words.

  2. Removal of unnecessary information.
    My reason: sometimes during the movie the characters talk for no other reason then to add world building (I love world building, but from a film making point of view, if it is out of character, clunky, or makes no difference to the narrative, I don’t think it should be there, unfortunately).
    Secondly, sometimes conversations play out too realistically. For instance, on Kamino the line “the Prime Minister has been expecting you” is said by a local, then Obi Wan is lead into the building. This sets up we are going to see the Prime Minster. However he then introduces himself a minute later. So we have the same introduction twice. In real life, this would probably happen, but for the narrative, the quicker the exposition is out of the way, the better. It is a commonly held belief that exposition gets in the way of visual story telling, so it must be done in a way you hardly notice, or get it done ASAP. There are a few moments like this throughout the movie.
    Result: faster paced scenes with less world building and small talk.

3: Removing actions that directly contradict the characters motives. The main one is Anakin having a long, calm talk with Padme before he rushes off to save his mother.
My reason: He obviously cared about his mother and considering everyone has given up on her, time is of the essence.
Result: more believable characters.

4: Adding an edited version of the Darth Maul fight from the end of episode I to the beginning as a “cold opening.”
My reason: This introduces us to Obi Wan, the colour of his clothes and lightsaber show us he is a Jedi, and Darth Maul is a Sith. Obi Wan’s name is spoken from Qui Gon’s dying lips, and I thought the fact he trained Anakin because it was the dying wish from his friend was important. It also sets Anakin up as “The Chosen One.” which means a much more expostion scene can be cut (the only purpose it serves is to remind people he is The Chosen One, by adding another reminder, it serves no purpose, and can be cut).
Result: Darth Maul!! Bimbumbahm! (That’s his theme music)

5: shortening scenes with returning characters from episode I. Notably, The Leader of the Trade Federation, and Jar Jar.
My reason: lots of these scenes need the first film for context, instead of the main villain from the first film, Trade Federation Guy is just a corrupt businessman, and cutting out the first film actually makes Padmé’s choice to hand Jar Jar her power while she is on Naboo more believable. We know from the first film he is unreliable and silly. If that is cut out, he just looks like a politician. Also, because in this version he is “just a politician” some of his lines are cut… Most of his lines are cut. 😛
Finally, any mention of the Trade Federation being used an a synonym for The Separatists has been removed, since Ep I is the only film that sets that up.

6:Obi Wan goes to Dex, he learns about Kamino,and he finds Kamino.The scenes where Obi Wan can’t find Kamino in the archives ultimately don’t add anything to the narrative other than setting up that Yoda is emotionally attached to younglings, which deepens their desths in the next film. I still think that because it is not epII that the younglings are important in, that their scene should be cut to get the story rolling quicker. (Currently, Obi Wan finds Kamino 8 minutes ealeir than the original cut, even with a five minute Darth Maul fight added to the begging.)

I am also adding J and L cuts to most conversations in the scenes, and trying my hardest to iron out continuity errors. Notably, I have made a life size Yoda-stick that will fix the error of it disparing during the fight between Yoda and Dooku. This still barely scratches the surface of how many edits I have taken. I am considering making a YouTube series comparing the original cut to mine and how and why I have made what changes I have in more detail.
Thank you for reading.

The Jedi's Apprentice - My AOTC Fan edit - trailer on youtube


My trailer, with what I want to achieve in my edit in the description.

Here, I want to write what I wanted to achieve with the trailer itself.

The opening shot of Slave I heading to the planet is entirely new. I made it from compositing images from Star Wars as well as unrelated images together. I wanted to show you the differences I have made, what I have added.

Next, we see a gloved hand block a reed-like snorkel. This is from the Bounty Hunter video game TV advert. I added multiple layers of fog as well as color corrections. I wanted to make sure it felt creepy and that the fog was realistic. It is thicker in the background than the foreground.

The next shot is of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I wanted to have them as the first people we see, as my edit of the film focus more on them, compared to then the first clone battle, like the original edit of Attack of the Clones does (the battle scene is cut short, and the line “begun, the Clone Wars has…” is removed).

The shot of the forest is from the planet that Jango goes to at the beginning of the movie. What happens on that planet, is the beginning of Sidious’s plans. The sun setting represents the coming of darkness, the fade from Anakin to that shot creates a connection between the two of them. Along with Vader’s theme and Palpatine’s voice over, I wished to suggest this movie will focus more on Anakin’s journey to the Dark Side.

The shot of Anakin in pain was originally physical. In my edit, it is emotional. After falling off The Republic Gunship, Padmé is near death. for a brief moment, Anakin finds he is able to use the force to communicate with her. Her heart stops. Feeling her passing is the emotional pain you see him in. Clutching his fist instinctively, he unknowingly brings her back to life. I filmed the shot of the hand, especially for this edit!

The recolorings are pretty simple.

I desaturated the first shot since they are lit in a warm white light and the background lights are blue. It didn’t feel like they were actually in the enviroment. By desaturating I hoped to make this less jarring.

Then there’s the shot of little Boba holding his dad’s severed head. I just wanted to make it more dramatic. As if the darkness reflects his emotions.

I wanted to make the battle “pop” by increasing the saturation just a tad.

Edit comparisons
I really struggled to think of a way to show what I have done in a quick pacey way. These comparisons, along with the total time of the scene both in the original and my edit was my end result.

Deleted Scene
Pretty standard to say you have edited deleted scenes back in, right? (thank-you to Hal9000 for making the upscale I used)

Things I cut out
This was a hard one. How do I show how different my edit is, where the majority of the differences are by cutting things out? I have done a lot to this edit, but cutting stuff out is a clearly in the lead in terms of changes. I could show the new cuts and transitions, but I felt like casual fans wouldn’t understand what dialogue and scenes were cut. I decided to make a compilation of the bits I cut from my edit that I thought would be mildly amusing to see assembled as if they were a trailer for the original film. I understand that it is weird dedicating a whole section to things not in my edit, but I felt this was the best way to show you a large chunk of my edits.

Red Lightsaber
In the canon, lightsabers become red when you pour your dark side emotions into them. I want Anakin’s lightsaber to flash red as he kills the sand people to show that. In Ep III, I will have it flash red more than once. The voiceover in this shot is supposed to be ironic. Like Obi-Wan’s warnings come too late, mainly, I just thought it sounded cool with the visual context.

Feedback welcome!


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Cathy said:

I really enjoyed creating the nightmare sequence. Do you like what I have done?



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Cathy said:

Let me know what you think!

Part 1: https://youtu.be/hsC7ZRe2DBE


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Cathy said:

Bit of a long shot, but has anyone watched anything where there is a shot of Natalie Portman opening her eyes? (one eye in shot is also okay)

In my edit for Ep II, I am experimenting with the idea that Padme’s heart momentarily stops after she falls into the sand dunes, with Anakin bringing her back to life almost unknowingly.

Here’s a link to an early version of this scene along with other edits. The scene in question starts at 6:49. The password is: star wars

I am going to add a high pitched buzzing after her heart stops along with three added shots: A long shot of Padme, zooming out and fading into darkness (done) a close up of Anakin’s fist closing to represent using the force (I’m thinking of filming this myself) and Padme opening her eyes to show she has been revived.
This fixes the plot hole of how Padme knows where the hanger is, as she has “connected” to Anakin before she says the line.


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Cathy said:

Hi, sorry for two posts asking very similar things, but does anyone know of a upscale or just a less compressed version of this scene?


I have been messing around with trying to fit it in to EpII


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Cathy said:

Hi! I’m doing an extensive re-edit of Attack of the Clones, the details I want to put on later, but in short, less of Anakin’s poetry, less of Jar Jar, less set up (Komino is found much quicker), less pointless action (fights and battles shortened), and less continuity errors.

I’m sure many of you are aware of Yoda’s missing cane in his battle against Dooku. And when it re-appears, it is much further into the room then where it looks like it should have fallen (Yoda chucks it down behind him, and it appears in front of him by several feet). So even if you place a still image of it laying on the floor where he drops it, he doesn’t pick it up anywhere near the same place.

I am going to attempt to green screen a cane into the first few frames of this shot, it will hopefully look like he has just stopped holding it, then roll it will drop and roll out of shot towards the center of the room: http://customstarwars.x3.hu/holokron/levitacio_yoda.jpg

I’m thinking of making a clay model of the cane which I can experiment with either live-action or stop-motion and see what works best.

My question is: does anyone know if this continuity error has been fixed before? Or does anyone have a Yoda cane with a bit of screen accuracy for Ep II they could film on a green screen?


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Cathy said:

Hi, I have posted before about a “two-part trilogy” for the prequels, (thank-you to all who replied) and just generally making ep II to my liking. I really like this scene:


The easiest way would be to download it but YouTube’s compression destroys video quality. Are there any high-quality downloads for this scene? If not, does anyone know which disc (I assume) this is taken from? Please also specify the country or DVD region if you know it.

Thank-you in advance!



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Cathy said:

Hi! I wondered if any of you were able to send me a HQ version of the “God, That’s hot!” line spoken by Anakin in the bloopers from the DVD. I don’t expect an upscale, but just one that hasn’t been further compressed.

The clip, from YouTube, for clarification: https://youtu.be/gqzlHhF5XTM?t=157


Hi! I’m still relatively new to this site but I’m sure I saw a topic or something about requesting Sfx for fan edits, but I can’t find it anymore? Has it been removed?