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Cameron Samurai

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Batman & Superman: Justice (Released)

DC’s Rebirth was a near perfect example of what happens when a comic company, in this case DC, actually benefits from reconstruction rather than deconstruction. A lesson Marvel Comics have even learned lately, hence the spirited resurgence in their own comics.

Naturally, Rebrith didn’t last, the reconstruction didn’t last, and thus we’re left with more dispiriting titles where pain, isolation, detatchment and lonliless appears to eat away at the heart of every hero. If all titles are the same, what little point is there investing in variety?

In this, the second of my two Batman v Superman edits (the other, Superman: Dawn of Justice, can be found here), I intend to honour Rebirth by going back into the movie and taking out any attempt at a fight between god and man. Here, Bruce is wary of Clark, but is willing to give him a chance, he is not easily fooled by Lex’s manipulations, not even when you think he’s about to. Thanks to a handy online voice distorter, I worked out a way for Bruce to become aware of Lex’s plan without having to drag Clark and Bruce into a fight.

Clark also doesn’t decree that Bruce might have to die. He’s Superman, he’s not going to consider the worst case scenario, he’s going to use his common sense and appeal to Bruce’s humanitarian side despite how he might personally feel about him.

No Doomsday, no fight, no arrest for Lex (because everyone who could connect to him is dead), no league, all we have is justice dealt with by the world’s finest acting in tandem. Hopeful, and heroic.

As for what the sequel hook is, well, I hate to be of those edits that leaves out the Knightmare sequence like every other edit does, so it’s used here as motivation for him to go all “Tower of Babel”

Running Time: 1 hr 41 mins

This edit is available to view now. PM and request.

Men in Black - Mission : International (Released)

This edit needs a lot more work than just a sound modification, lots of hard cuts with minimal if no transitions to cover the joints, some parts were out of synch, the use of “Black Suits Comin” didn’t completely drown out the established background music in the suit-up scene, there’s a bit near the end where K is clearly saying something but we miss what it is entirely.

It has legs though, the ideas are strong, and if the cuts could be smoothed over, I think you’ve definitely got an improved movie here, something more in line with the spirit of the original movies, and T saving the day is actually a much better ending and shows how flimsily tacked on the original climax was.

So yeah, cut it together a bit better and you’d be good to go.

Avengers: Cosmic Quest (a WIP)

(contains spoilers for the movie)

The intent is to create an Avengers edit where there is only one casualty (Widow), Tony living, less moaning from Thor the focus is chiefly only on the core Avengers and their few allies.

The main beats:

-We open the movie with the support group, five years have already passed. This is largely because I want to present Thanos in this movie at peak efficiency rather than open with him in a weakened state, besides this version of Thanos’ fate is reprised later in the film when Thanos is looking through our Nebula’s data records.

-Lots of little nips and tucks to reduce humour or otherwise humiliating moments for Thor, though I had to keep in his spiel when discussing the reality stone. A little of his reunion with his mother is left intact to maintain his arc in Asguard but other than that, it’s “get in, get out” without much fuss.

-In the final battle, it is Steve who defeats Thanos using Thor’s hammer, the defeat comes before any of the other heroes can arrive.

-Footage of Tony and his daughter in the forest outside his house repurposed for the end of the movie, it also connects pretty nicely with the scene where Cap readies himself to return to the branched timelines with the stones.

-End credits trimmed seeing as not many of the heroes make it into this cut

Doctor Who: Day of The Doctor Extended Edition (Released)

In addition to the extended cut, I’m putting together a “renegade” edition which will integrate footage from Confesion Dial’s fan made mash-up “Gallifrey Stands” and Oliver Comet’s “War Doctor Regeneration Updated”

Support Comet and Confession Dial at their respective Youtube channels, don’t forget to subscribe.



Doctor Who: Day of The Doctor Extended Edition (Released)

I’m putting together a new extended cut of Day of the Doctor that integrates the near entirety of “Night of the Doctor” with the 50th anniversary special. The only footage cut from “Night…” were anything to do with the titles, and scenes that list producer and director credits. “Day” is unaltered.



Sample clip


password to view both: who

DVD Covers

Night and Day Edition: COMING SOON

Extended ‘Renegade Cut’:


Avengers Forever (Infinity War and End Game Edit) (Released)

I like the idea of starting the Infinity War footage much later on in the film and a narrator bringing everyone up to speed…but the way you’ve done it really needs some work. Don’t use numbers as a substitute for words in the description, this is a movie, not texting, also I could detect a few hard cuts here and there.

Also, edit your post to remove the download, we’re not allowed to host links publically. Offer it via PM.

Skyfall: A Personal Statement (Released)

What’s This About?

Nothing too radical, it’s by large the same film you’re used to, with a few light trims and only a couple of major omissions

Original Title: Skyfall
Studios: Eon Productions, MGM, Columbia Pictures
Faneditor: Zarius
Originally Released: 2012
Original Running Time: 143
Fanedit Running Time: 121
Cut Time: 21 minutes


-Movie begins in media res on the battle aboard the train. Everthing preceeding that has been cut, we learn why things happen throughtout the film anyway.

-“Skyfall” by Adele cut, replaced by “The World” by Sela Sue. Skyfall titles slightly trimmed so the new song fits.

-Glimpses into life during Bond’s exile abroad is cut

-Bond’s talk with the psychologist cut after he calls M a “bitch”

-Bond and Q’s banter at the museum cut entirely. Q’s there on strict buisness, hands Bond what he needs, and leaves

-Battle at the Casino is cut

-Sex scene in the shower cut

-Train crash cut

-M’s death cut, scene in the church ends on a bit of Bond wit

-References to M’s will being read out by Moneypenny cut, it’s implied she simply retires as her job’s done.