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The Dark Knight: Retribution (Released)

krausfadr said:

CMMAP said:

As per my little review in the Review-Thread, astonishing work you´ve done here.
The problem is, no i´m keen to see what you can do with the superb The Dark Knight and not so outstanding dark knight rises 😄
But i figured you´re not planing anything like this.

Little note: perhaps a lower value for the crf would awesome, somekind around 18. Don´t know if staxrip produces any difference in quality between 22 and 18, could you shed some light on this matter?

CMMAP thanks for watching and especially writing a review! I am really happy with how this edit turned out. I could definitely do an encode at crf 18, (there would probably be a difference to discerning eyes) but that would produce a filesize likely around 30GB (or possibly larger with the amount of grain). Now if that’s something you want, I can do that. I could provide a Super HQ crf18 version for temporary download. Let me know if you want a very large file like that.

As far as lowering Bruce’s voice tone, this really was a trade off between settling for Bale’s unsuitable, high pitched normal voice and a few parts where running sfx on the just center channel might not sound 100% natural-- such scenes audio have to be totally rebuilt from scratch. There were a few scenes that were so unnatural (robotic) sounding I had to do just that-- rebuild them from scratch.

Let me know any scenes with Bruce’s voice that still strike you as too artificial sounding, and I’ll take a second look at those to see if they can be improved easily. One notable scene is Bruce seeing Rachael outside the hotel; the L and R channels carry reverberation from the original voices and could be heard by the discerning ear as a very slight chorus effect. Some scenes I did rebuild the audio from scratch but not this one because I felt the voice was just normal enough not to warrant the major effort to redo all music and foley SFX. I would appreciate it a lot if you could identify which scenes or Bruce’s lines stood out the most for you, regarding Bruce’s lowered voice.



Well, i would appreciate something like this, but only under the circumstances it doesn´t mean to many extra work and energy costs for you, since encoding can take a while. If it makes a bigger difference in encoding time, crf 20 would be probably enough quality i can live with for sure. I know that i´m kind of odd in this regard 😄

Just to make it clear and we don´t misunderstand each other: my refer to bruces voice is only meant for the scenes where he is batman. As Bruce himself, the lowering of the voice is great:

  • the first time i´d needed to get used to it --> 50:41 (in gordons office) but this is ok because he´s just starting and therefore doesn´t have the right voice modulation equipment.
  • 1:08.33 to 1:09.06 --> his voice seems way different than in the rest of the film, more hollow and “siri”-like. Is it possible to get it like in 1:20.44-1:20.54?
  • when he catches flask --> just great voice alteration. I assume it was easier to edit, because he already yells on a relativly low pitch
  • 1:11:59 (when the guys head got smashed into the mirror) --> looks like a or 2 or 3 frame drops. Checked with the original and there isn´t any stutter
  • 1:22.46 --> is a good voice alteration, very similiar to 1:20.44
  • 1:29.05 - 1:29.27 --> seems to be off again like 1:08.33 but less distorted

i hope this is helpful and there is a possibility, if you deem it to, to alter this.

kind regards

The Dark Knight: Retribution (Released)

As per my little review in the Review-Thread, astonishing work you´ve done here.
The problem is, no i´m keen to see what you can do with the superb The Dark Knight and not so outstanding dark knight rises 😄
But i figured you´re not planing anything like this.

Little note: perhaps a lower value for the crf would awesome, somekind around 18. Don´t know if staxrip produces any difference in quality between 22 and 18, could you shed some light on this matter?

FanEdit Reviews - Post Your Reviews Here

The Dark Knight: Retribution by krausfadr

Oh boy, what can i possibly tell you about this fine piece of art other than astonishing. This colour-grading, what a dream and it fits so well. The cuts made (and inspired by JMB’s edit) are set a pace for this movie, that´s incredible, in the original i got bored sometimes. The little additions like the blood and extra scenes completing the circle. Sound editing is superb.
The only thing that bothered me a little is that sometimes the altered voice modulation sounds a little bit to artificial, especially when bruce talks calm and normal.

This is my new cinematic experience if i decide to watch the trilogy again!

FanEdit Reviews - Post Your Reviews Here

Dark Phoenix - Reborn by Krausfadr

So this will be a brief review, because this version is what the movie should´ve been - dark - to open a new narrative from the comics where Jean aka Phoenix is on a path of destruction for a while.
The added scenes to the end are awesome. The HDR is alright, but krausfadr adressed this by himself in his thread.
My ony complaint would be technical wise:

  • would loved to have a 5.1 ch
  • watched it on a projector and got some artifacts (6-7) in black areas. Might be the choice of compression if he used crf 22 as in his other edits, but i kind of expected it when watching on a projector. So as far as tv goes, there were no or very very minor artifacts.

All in all definitly a recommendation, it´s great work.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Movies Remastered said:

What do you think of Palpatine getting ulitmate red Sith lightning inspired by the line “look what you have made”? (WIP)


To be completely honest, I’m against this. I feel like it’s way too “DBZ” to do this. “My power level is stronger and now I have RED lightning!” I think the film already conveys well enough that Palpatine is stronger than before after sucking in that sweet dyad power.

in general i would agree with you, but in this instance i don’t think it matters. He changed so much, this would be an surprise addition.

The Dark Knight: Retribution (Released)

krausfadr said:

Update: I’ve made a few unreleased Workprints and corrected various major mistakes. Currently am encoding what should end up being the the official 4K release of TDK: Retribution (somewhere around 10GB). If that looks good to me without mistakes then I’ll also encode a 1080 version at a smaller file size and release both. Should be this week.

what great and unexpected news!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

As you said, they were really straight forward edits. 23 Minutes of the massacre of dothomir seems good enough. Seven warriors, for me, is interesting as we see Anakin don’t give into his darkside as he could kill Hondo, but decided not to.
For me, these two solid edits do just fine and are some kind of lighter episodes to watch after a stressfull day.

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

smudger9 said:

fredpankratz said:

smudger9 said:

Ice said:

The added “Moff Gideon” line given to Bo Katan still sounds rough. Can you pitch shift it down a few percent?

I’ve totally changed that scene now and it sounds much better. I’ll post a clip when it’s completed.

Hey! Loved your Season 1 cut, near flawless on my opinion, how’s the season 2 cut going?

95% complete. Unfortunately the last 5% include the opening crawl, opening pan shot, episode link scenes and the 2 major story alteration scenes… those take time.

What doesn’t help is being a medic with children during a pandemic lockdown… free time is scarce at the moment!

love from blue to red line

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

Movies Remastered said:

I’m Celebrating my 1 year youtube anniversary today so I thought I’d make a video walking through of a bunch of new VFX scenes and ideas for this cut. A massive thank you to everyone who’s helped so far, especially to @poppasketti, @Dominiccobb @kewlfish, @snooker, @skenera, @bobafett89, @jxeditor, @luka, @21 peasant


incredible work mate and everyone who was involved. just dope.
About your idea with red sith lightning: very creative idea, but i don’t know if it fits the sw universe. but ultimately it’s your creative work.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:


(Fixed the pops in audio)


(Accidentally deleted it but it’s back now)


(For a treat)

So, watched Blockade of Ryloth and as you described in your workprint for this episode you definitely made the right decisions. Intercutting between breaking the blockade and the trouble on ryloth itself works great.
Pacing ist tight and we get everything that’s important.
My only suggestion is a technical one: The transition from the space battle (were Ahsoka failed) to Ryloth shouldn’t be smoothend (video-wise). The audio itself can work as a hard cut and therefore the video, too.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

So, I’m doing some planning for my next arc, s02e03 now. This is Cad Bane and the Holocron Crisis.

It’s pretty super, but I’m just thinking about one particular issue at the start.

It opens on Felucia, where Ahsoka disobeys some orders as they’re getting evacuated, which subsequently results in her getting disciplined by the jedi council. It’s a gorgeous looking scene, too, with some great colourful combat.

However, in the Ryloth episode we’ve just had Ahsoka disobey some orders, causing far more loss of life, and get told off by Anakin but no larger discipline.

So there are two options:

  • Keep both instances of disobedience, using something in the intro text to make it clear she’s on thin ice after the first instance, or something.
  • Cut the second, recontextualising the discipline scene from this into the punishment for her behaviour in Ryloth.

Pro of keeping it is that it’s a lovely looking scene, and maybe emphasises her disobedience that much more.
Pro of removing it is that it saves us a bit of time for pacing, and makes a bit more flow between episodes, which is something I’m eager to achieve.

throwing in a third option:
would it work to change ryloth and this episode? so ryloth ep03 and felucia ep02?
Otherwise i would pitch for the first option via crawl.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:


See the few prior posts for details.

PM for a link to the tracker if you don’t yet have it.

Using the link, it says on the google drive page „File not found…“

I’m tending to BB > M > F for the same reasons you mentioned.

If you want to live in this fantasy world, find peter pan otherwise there’ll be none 😄

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Oh shit, that’s serious. I’ll check that out, but I have no idea why that might be. I may need to reconstruct the audio from scratch, yay.

Sorry everyone.


watched it anyway^^
So apart from the already adressed and awaiting of intro and credits polish, i’ve nothing to mention. felt great, the hour is long but needed and it didn’t felt long.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

i get the point of artan42s view, but disagree. Is it necessary for this episode? not really. But it gives the viewer some sense of first hand experience what kamino is all about and of course the hint to bad batchers/99. I would keep it.

„hevy always did hate this place“ i would agree it isn’t really needed, but that’s a personal preference. the first time viewer wouldn’t bother, i think.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

s01e05 The 501st Legion - OPTION 2 available

That’s the updated version with the smaller start, it’s in the spreadsheet under the new ALT LINK column, highlighted in yellow.

It seems there is some kind of problem with your google drive, specifically with this episode. If i click the alt link from the spreadsheet, it says „access denied“ at the google drive website

EDIT: fixed

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

So, thinking about that:

  • If we want to have only one test, then it should be the first half of the first cut into the second half of the second. The first half of the first because it has the main character exposition.
  • If we have the first half of the first, we therefore have the combined test overseen by Shaak Ti rather than by Commander Colt, because she gives the exposition.
  • Commander Colt is necessary to show up to tell them they’ve failed, but I don’t think it’s particularly worth emphasising his character via the introduction/Bravo squad scene, EXCEPT if the replacement start needs a slightly punchier kick-off, which his scene gives. (Without context, he’s just an instructor or adjudicator.)
  • The Bravo squad scene would only slow us down, I think it’s only necessary if this episode itself has a three-act structure, which it no longer does.
  • Scenes that should definitely be kept if we’re going for a single test version are the second test, Bric and El-Les’ recut dialogue which emphasises failiure, and Hevy deserting.
  • But before that second test, we currently have the clones arguing about failing their first test (quite useful but not a great opening), Echo and Fives asking to change teams (useful and good but not a great opening), and Shaak Ti and Lama Su discussing clones (not vital and distracts a little from the main message of this act, but fine).
  • None of those really work as an opening scene, and I don’t think the Commander Colt scene would fit there since he’s implying they’re going to be tested right away, but cut this way they’d go to bed and stuff.
  • You could maybe start halfway into the clones arguing with themselves scene, at the part where Bric calls them down from bed and tells them they’re useless. That, I think, is the only decent start other than the first, if it follows from an intro which explains they’ve failed their final practice test.
  • Therefore I think the only viable alternative would be: Bric criticises Domino Squad for failing > Echo and Fives ask to change teams > Combination first/second test FAILED > Bric and El-Les confirm fail > Hevy attempts to desert > TWO WEEKS LATER into Rookies.

i’m fine with this. As i suspect you’re already putting it together?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

McFibb said:

Nice work everyone. Just a heads up tho, that outro is about 2 versions older than the current version! Here’s the most recent “published version, with additional tweaks still in the works c/o @EddieDean feedback: https://vimeo.com/499092432

regarding your new one:

  • kind of loved the beginning up till 1:47 (except the first 2-3 seconds - there i like the old version of 2 revisions back and it was overall too loud - as long as the episode is going it should be quieter) 😃 you’re leaning towards a mando end of episode thing, very nice.
  • 1:48 - 2:40, personally didn’t liked it. sorry. the old one is my fav, but all after 2:40 is just fantastic!
The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Let’s all celebrate Chase’s gorgeous art and McFibb’s gorgeous arrangements with this gorgeous final(?) outro from my episode s01e04 The 501st Legion:


Damn, that is near perfect if not perfect…truly love the work of McFibb and Chase!
i’ll watch the outros more than the episodes.