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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

ThatPixarGuy said:

My preference may still be 4K83 2.0 in the end due to the DNR’d Disney source, but I can’t deny what an amazing release this is. 3.0/3.1 is a huge improvement over 2.5 and will be my go-to if I want to watch a cleaner version of ROTJ.

Thanks for everything, Harmy.

While I share opposition to DNR, we need to remember why it’s a problem… because it kills detail. The DNR’d and regrained O-neg has more detail than the non-DNR’d print.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

HanDuet said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

has anyone else encountered an error that part 2 of the RAR is corrupted, when trying to extract the 3.1 UHD MKV? I’ve tried redownloading part 2, and still get the error.

The multipart downloads also include a .SFV file that contains the checksums of each individual multipart RAR. If you use a checksum verification program to open this .SFV file, it will verify if part 2 (or any other part) is truly corrupted or not.

If all parts pass checksum verification, you may be getting this “corrupted” error when something else is wrong, such as using the wrong extraction password. This depends on what extractor program you’re using and on what system.

I fixed it by downloading the latest version of Unarchiver… rather embarrassing.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

jdryyz said:

I am now going to derail this monumental occasion with an ignorant question. Isn’t GOUT and “theatrical” referring to the same thing?? I thought anything pre-Special Edition adheres to George’s original trilogy.

Yes and no. GOUT is a presentation of the OOT on DVD. In terms of this discussion though, the “GOUT standard” refers to a precise collection of frames for syncing audio tracks. Theatrical prints differ by a handful of frames from the GOUT. These aren’t substantial content differences but are enough to throw off sync with audio tracks if they are used on different video presentations.

To use a GOUT synced audio track, the chosen video component needs to have the frames synced to the GOUT standard.

Info & Opinions Wanted: Choosing Between Various 4K Restorations

I just finished a marathon of the OT.

I thought 4K77 DNR looked really good. I’m glad I went with this version. I would not want anything noisier than this. I can’t wait to see what the next versions of 4K77 and SW Despecialized bring.

D+80 was entirely different. Detail on the UHD Blu-Ray footage is amazing, but the frozen grain is distracting and the quality drop of the DNR’d restored footage is unfortunate. This is certainly an amazing effort and a great stepping stone to ESB Despecialized. Can’t wait for this and an eventual polished 4K80.

4K83 minimal DNR color by Dr.Dre: drop down gorgeous. If there was never a new version of ROTJ, I’d still be happy.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

This was inspired by my viewing of D+80, but since it’s pertinent to all of the films, and I imagine Star Wars 3.0 is the current project, I am posting it here.

I found the UHD disc footage to be great in detail and color, but was really (really) distracted by the godawful frozen grain, especially in bright footage on Hoth and Bespin (I absolutely do NOT mean this as a criticism of ohteedee’s fantastic work putting this together). Further, I found the DNR’d 35mm footage to leave a lot lacking in detail and continuity with the “official” footage.

I am curious where on the spectrum the 3.x versions of Despecialized will lie. Will restored footage be DNR’d to match the UHD Blu-Ray footage? Will Blu-Ray footage be “re-grained” to match the restored footage? Or will both be done to some extent to “meet in the middle”? In addition to its utility for “matching,” I think some artificial grain added to the Blu-Ray footage could help hide the frozen grain.

Thank you all for your hard work, I can’t wait to see what you come up with on the next round!

Info & Opinions Wanted: Choosing Between Various 4K Restorations

I finally upgraded to 4K, and am trying to decide which versions of the Star Wars Trilogy to download. Hopefully this thread can also be a resource for others, so feel free to also post your related questions!

I have been reading about 4K77/80/83 DNR/noDNR and D+77/80/83, and that’s a lot of choices.

My general preferences: I prefer home video transfers that have a filmic look (as in, no need to turn O-neg and interpositive transfers into wax fests), but I also have no real desire to see a warts and all “what it would look like in the theater in 1977” look for these movies.

In the DNR vs noDNR of 4K77, the DNR is distractingly noisy for me. I think I’ll go with 4K77 DNR or D+77. Is there good info somewhere about what in D+77 wasn’t restored to theatrical? Any thoughts on what I should try first?

For Empire and Jedi, I don’t see any such comparison videos. I will probably go with 4K83 given how high marks it’s gotten, but how grainy really is the noDNR compared to the DNR? Is there a sample somewhere? Same for ESB, but also, what changes were left in D+80?

Thanks for your thoughts!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

CatBus said:

Very nice as always, Dre. Since you seem to be following along roughly chronologically, you may need to think about the giant disclaimer you’ll need for your color-corrected Mos Eisley frames, to avoid fan panic 😉

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to some great looking dino hide!

Rey's lightsaber color in the Sequel Trilogy

Mocata said:

It wasn’t very consistent before though, it’s much more pale in SW compared to ESB. Probably because of the visual effects change. Then the prequels that feature it are different again.

Yeah… I remember seeing the first previews for TLJ and thinking Rian must’ve like the 1977 effect.

Personally the SW/TLJ is my favorite. I thought it was over saturated in TFA.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Fang Zei said:

There was speculation on these boards as to whether or not the ‘97 cg shots were transferred directly from the digital filmout tapes for the 2019 4k version à la the 2011 rebuild of TPM or if they were simply scanned back in from the negative just like any other shot in the movie.

There was also speculation somewhere (maybe it wasn’t here) that the ‘97 re-comps were re-done from scratch yet again to take advantage of the higher resolution.

Has any evidence emerged to support either of these theories?

Can modern computers/software even read 90s digital rendering files natively? Do they (Star Wars or in general) keep old machines stocked for such purposes?

Edit: oh I see you said filmout flies, not the digital renders themselves. Still curious re my question, though.

4K restoration on Star Wars

SilverWook said:

I could see Disney doing a massive set of their animated films, which would then be the only way to get The Black Cauldron, just to tick me off. 😉

Don’t give them any ideas… Having just gotten some Pixar and Star Wars 4Ks with my 60% VIP deal, I’m just hanging on to a Disney Movie Club membership (which I singed up for for The Love Bug, 20,000 Leagues, and Black Hole) so that I don’t have to go through the whole song and dance again to pick up the Black Cauldron if it’s ever released as an exclusive.

I’ll take 4K or Blu-Ray at this point. Just give me a gd >480i disc with The Black Cauldron on it.