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Solo: A Star Wars Story (Alternate Cut)

Hey thanks for the questions! And I definitely don’t take any offense or anything at all like that, I’m just happy folks are interested and care to toss some questions my way! Onto the bullet points:

  • I kept all of the Lando + L3 stuff. Not just because I don’t mind it (I thought it actually fit pretty solidly with that pulp paperback feel I was trying to preserve as much as I could) but because like 99% of Donald Glover’s best stuff in this movie is rooted there to some degree. I also feel like the Kessel Run doesn’t work as well as it can without L3 at full volume, as it were. She’s how they get out of the colony, and she’s how they complete the run, so it lessens the impact of both those things if I truncate the setup for those payoffs by muting her somewhat. The shower scene never occurred to me as a thing to cut, actually! I just thought it was one last physical comedy button on the preceding “Beast” scene where they’re both messing with each other pretty ruthlessly.

  • The origin of his name is completely gone along with anything that happens on Corellia.

  • The movie is still “Solo: A Star Wars Story” - down to the logo appearing on the screen. it doesn’t look exactly the same, nor appear in the same place though (again, no Corellia. No crawl, either)

  • I did address Han’s “softness” to some degree. There’s a few moments where the original version of a scene plays out in a way that makes him look like a neophyte to crime/smuggling that doesn’t track, and I’ve clipped lines/reactions so it reads less like he needs his hand held, and more like he’s just observing or waiting for an opening. There’s at least one moment that’s been edited quite a bit to make his reaction to a meaningful event less sympathetic.

Hopefully that’s not too much of a deal-killer?

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Alternate Cut)

Thanks for that! I did a scene-by-scene correction, but not shot-by-shot. I tried to keep it a little punchy/crunchy still, but I didn’t want to lose any details in the highlights or blow out the upper-registers if I didn’t have to - which ended up being harder than I’d anticipated. Often I’d think “well, that looks pretty solid” - and then I’d check the scopes and the shots on either side of it, and realize I’m clipping the hell out of everything past a certain point: suddenly clouds are just solid white sheets, windows are just blank white squares, etc. For a movie that is generally thought of as being flat and dim, you’d think there’d be a lot of headroom to play with, but nope!

Finding the right balance for the saturation levels was also kind of a weird tiptoe through the dials - and I probably slipped here and there, too, LOL. I’m no Dre, after all. But all in all I think I landed in a place where it looks right for the paperback vibe - not oversaturated, not blown out - but not low-contrast or faded, either. Just the right amount of pulpy & vivid, if maybe a teeeeensy bit inaccurate (or color-cast in a slightly too-strong direction) for a scene or two.

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Alternate Cut)

Hello again!

I wasn’t really expecting to do another edit so soon after the Alien: Romulus one, and I didn’t really think I was actually doing one until I realized I’d spent couple 2-3am nights in a row poking at what I thought was just an idea or two I had. I guess it was inevitable. You hang around OriginalTrilogy, you’re gonna give a Star Wars edit a go (ya lumpy brute!)

Anyway: Solo! Why that one? Well, I think the last 7 years have been okay to it, really! There’s always been sort of rueful charm there, a ramshackle vibe that feels like a dog-eared Del Rey paperback come to life, and almost 10 years later, I feel like it’s actually grown into that more. I liked that it didn’t really take itself or “Star Wars” that seriously! I didn’t mind its tone, or the irreverence with which it treated its “legends,” none of that!

What I minded was what everyone else seemed to mind: The look is a complete mismatch with that tone (all respect to Bradford Young), it took way too long, and it took way too much pleasure in stopping to pull up Wookieepedia pages and explain them way too loudly. Now, this edit doesn’t get rid of all the “And here’s how Han did X!” stuff, because then there’d be no movie; that’s just the cost of admission here, unfortunately. But there can be some balance between letting backstory just be backstory, in the back somewhere - and letting things also be foreshadowing without signaling that through on-the-nose yapping about it as it’s happening!

So that’s the goal of this Alternate Cut - to keep that paperback vibe alive, while minimizing the “lore”-fest it gets bogged down in visually and metaphorically. I’ve tried to do that via some scene and dialog deletions - primarily conversation trims (a few throughout), especially with Han’s would-be “mentor”/enemy Tobias Beckett, and through the excision of Corellia entirely (that’s the big one). There’s also the removal of that one special guest star since it was always kind of a goofy Marvel-esque inclusion that never went anywhere in the first place; and your by-now-standard color-correction. It’s no “The Bold One” or anything, but hopefully it’s providing the show a little more punch. (examples below).

  • Runtime is now 1hr, 59min. Burnt-in subs for alien languages, english subs (srt) and chapters included. Dolby Digital 5.1, 1080p.

Please PM me if you’d like to check it out! As always, any suggestions, questions, critiques, comments, whatever you got, I’m all ears 😃 Thanks!

Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut (A Rook-Free Alien Experience)

DAMN! Thanks so much for saying that, and for taking time out of your holidays to check this edit out, too! Very, very much appreciated 😃 - I did in fact remove the Reebok closeup, as part of getting rid of Kay’s self-injection scene/ending giveaway.

That one cut is… yeah, you nailed it - it’s the best option of getting out of that room without Rook in it. I kinda worked backwards from the progression of the “One Directive” shifting over the course of the movie already, and figured that without Andy stopping to talk to Rook after the Corbelan crash (where the “one directive” first starts breaking down actually), I’d need to imply/allude to the module rewriting him pretty rapidly before that. I cut some lines in the previous scene (i.e. “for what purpose I do not know”) and added music to his preventing Rain from trying to pop his module out to hint at this even more strongly than the theatrical already does.

BUT: the real reason I’ve got him up at the front of the room obliquely being confusing/ominous about his One Directive isn’t story-based, I gotta admit. It’s geographical. It’s because without Rook, I need to have a reason to have him separated from the group (the original version of the scene has him huddled down there with them when Navarro comes to), and saying SOMETHING that will cause the whole group to look at him, and specifically Rain to look really shook and Navarro to go “what is he talking about” - and puts him in the position, geographically, to move across the room and intercept Bjorn. And… it’s not 100%. It’s the one knot in the pine board I can’t sand out, haha. I got nothin really, when people call it out, other than “yeah - well spotted! that’s the one.”

I was hoping the deleted/alternate scenes would give me something that I could work with there, but nada. I have heard that for people who aren’t very familiar with the movie, they don’t really question that transition, it just seems like Andy doing weird shit and they roll with it - which helps a little, but considering 99% of the audience for this is probably going to be people who have seen the movie a couple times… LOL.

ANYWAY: Thank you so much for the subtitle spot, that’s been cleaned up, fixed and remuxed - if you redownload at the link you got this from, the file should be updated to the fix now. Thank you SO MUCH for that. And for this feedback. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas Day!

Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut (A Rook-Free Alien Experience)

You weren’t wrong! Also I just… don’t think my design chops are that great. The idea’s okay but I don’t know that my execution of it is solid enough for people to be slapping up on their Plex or Jellyfin or Emby or whatever, LOL. So instead I think I’m gonna go with this and call it the final:

It’s taking the ScreenX alternate poster (The Scorched variant, not the Helmet one), reframing/recoloring slightly, and setting it inside the border of the Matt Ferguson alternate poster, also slightly recolored and altered to fit the “Alternate Cut” subtitle into the block. I think it works a little better not just as a quick visual at smaller and larger sizes on a screen, but like you said, it’s a little more representative of the cut itself. The chrysalis is the first thing you see in the movie, but that poster design is basically a callback in and of itself, and nothing much more than that, which is counter to the point of the edit. So - thank you for the critique! This is a better choice.

Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut (A Rook-Free Alien Experience)

I appreciate the poster designs! They’re definitely the part of this I was not thinking/expecting to be fumbling with so much, LOL. I’ve got a couple ideas I’m poking at myself, I’ll post one here later tonight when I get one in shape (I think I’m close)

The red one with the dripping chin was a base I was thinking of working from, absolutely. My first thought was using the Dolby Vision poster (the facehugger crawling over Rain’s helmet) too. I might go back to it, but I figure I should at least try something

Miami Vice: The "Miami Nice" Cut

Hello again!

Years ago, when I first started thinking about taking the plunge into fan-editing instead of just lobbing suggestions from the sidelines and offering up a test here and a demo there, I actually saw a version of this project through to completion, although I since lost the password to the account (and forgot the username on top of that, LOL). Which is fine - even for an edit as technically uncomplicated as this one is, (it really is, honestly, like 4 total cuts and an audio track replacement in the front channels) it’s probably way better that I start over from scratch on this one.

The edit is named in honor of the “Miami Nice” podcast, from the creators of “One Heat Minute,” where the concept of this cut originated. The hosts have since created their own version of this cut for their own personal use, but I figured I’d try to make that dream a reality as well, since - unlike most dreams - it seemed so easily within reach.

For fans of this once-derided but since-reclaimed film, there’s usually a big dilemma: Which version do you put on when you start to feel that familiar fiending for mojitos? The Theatrical Cut; which most people love for how abruptly and beautifully it starts and never slows down, or the Director’s Cut; which most people love for how it fills out the side stories without interrupting the movie’s immaculate vibes. This cut tries to scratch that itch like this:

  • Movie begins as per the Director’s Cut: Universal logo, and two title cards (Universal Pictures presents, A Michael Mann Film)

  • Cuts straight from black to “Numb/Encore” in the club as per the Theatrical Cut

  • Movie then continues as per the Director’s Cut alllll the way to the Hospital meeting, just before the climactic shootout.

  • Movie reverts back to the Theatrical Cut, before the Director’s Cut can include the (not very good) Nonpoint cover of Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight.”

  • The actual Phil Collins version of “In the Air Tonight” is instead placed into the sound mix.

  • The movie concludes from the shootout to the end titles there as it would in the Theatrical Cut.

And that’s the “Miami Nice” cut. An attempt to realize the hypothetical “Best of Both Worlds” synthesis of Director’s Cut and Theatrical Version. My only other tweak to the concept was to replace the end credits suite with selections from John Murphy and Klaus Badeldt’s original score.

The edit runs 2hrs and 16min. 2.40:1, 23.976fps, 1080p, DDP5.1. PMs are open, or if you prefer email, it shouldn’t be too difficult to figure the gmail address out 😃 Any suggestions, comments, critiques, questions - all are welcome.

Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut (A Rook-Free Alien Experience)

Haha! Aside from the fact I don’t have any experience in either of those things, it would have been pretty weird to use either of those tools when the point of the edit was to excise a character who could only exist because of those tools.

The craziest thing about Rook as he stands in the movie – aside from the fact the initial concept was apparently a woman synthetic who was (maybe?) a physical version of MU/TH/UR (initially intended to be played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge!), and aside from the fact Alvarez spent most of the PR trail pre-release, talking at length about “real sets” and “practical effects” despite knowing the whole time that primary villain of the movie would be a CGI+AI resurrection of a deceased person – is that Rook is the cause of a weird, ugly sort of metatextual dissonance going on. Especially considering the end of the movie, which is just one big reference/callback to Alien: Resurrection.

The foundational horror of Alien: Resurrection - such as it is, the movie is pretty goofy mostly - is that Ripley has been resurrected and turned into a thing, completely outside her control. She was not asked if she wanted to be brought back, she had no say in it, and she probably would not have agreed to have been brought back as that no matter how good a basketball player she became as a result! But that choice was never hers, the giant corporation that bought the corporation that essentially ruled her life in the first place, decided they weren’t done exploiting the Alien financially, so here she is. Back from the dead.

Romulus does this to Ian Holm in real life. For basically the exact same reason! And what’s even crazier is that when all is said and done it’s not even necessary to the story to have done this at all. It’s a weird, and expensive (!) exposition-laden distraction from the story of Rain and Andy, and nothing Rook says or does isn’t done by Andy himself, in a much more succinct and interesting way. You can cut Rook out of the movie completely and not only does it not hurt the movie, it arguably (hopefully!) improves it. It certainly removes that weird dissonance (and bad VFX work) at the very least.

Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut (A Rook-Free Alien Experience)

Well, a mostly Rook-Free Alien Experience… mostly. Aside from two scenes of his prone, immobile and unspeaking half-torso, face-down on the floor, it turns out the character of Rook can be removed from the plot of Alien: Romulus with zero effect! Andy can also save Rain without needing to steal Ellen Ripley’s best lines! This edit is an alternate cut of late Summer 2024’s breakout horror hit, with some of the more egregious “memberberries” trimmed from its tree, along with an answer to the biggest question about it’s release: “Did they really have to do that?”

It’s not too radical a cut beyond that, though. The oft-described “big swing” ending featuring The Offspring is still intact, for example, and there are no CGI or AI implementations used in the edit as fixes. Aside from the edit’s main calling card (the aforementioned de-Rooking) the bulk of the remaining changes are a few second act sequences getting trimmed/slightly rearranged, some dialog removal (largely as part of the un-Rookifying, but sometimes not!) and some score re-edits.

UPDATE 12/2/2024

The finished (I know that’s tempting fate with any fan-edit, but I’m feeling pretty safe in calling it finished) version of Alien: Romulus - Alternate Cut is now ready and available. If you grabbed the original version about a month ago, good news: the link you grabbed it from has already been updated with v2, so all you need to do is redownload, and the final version is yours. If you lost that link, or never reached out for it in the first place, well hey: The PMs are open and the edit is also listed at Fan Edit Central currently (FanEdit org soon, maybe?) so it should be pretty easy to find the contact info.

There’s been about 1-2 more minutes of changes across the film total between the last version and this one, including some edit fixes, some rearrangement of shots/scenes, and some audio enhancements and score additions. Thanks to everyone that gave their feedback, it was very, very much appreciated, and helped greatly with this revision.


  • Replaced 20th Century Fox Fanfare with remixed version of 20th Century Fox Fanfare (Based primarily on Eliot Goldenthal’s Alien 3 Version)
  • Removed Scott Free logos
  • Removed premature reveal that Tyler, Bjorn, and Andy are in a 3D printing lab for Facehuggers
  • Intercut Navarro’s discovery of X-Ray Torch w/ Rain’s module recovery
  • Cut Rook’s jumpscare during Rain’s removal of his module
  • Added partial “It’s Here” cue from Alien: Isolation to everyone trying to figure out what’s stuck to Navarro’s face, and deleted Andy’s “for what purpose I do not know” line, to underline Rook’s module changing him for the worse (and to also blend the removal of upcoming Rook scenes more cleanly).
  • Cut Rook out of Navarro’s Facehugger removal completely - Andy never points him out, nor do they ever plug him in. Instead, Rain comes up with the solution to getting it off Navarro’s head after the initial scuffle between Bjorn and Andy.
  • After Navarro wakes up, Andy now moves to the front of the room instead of comforting Navarro, and refers to his new “One Directive” strangely, and then expands on it; which alarms Rain and confuses everyone else, before crossing the room to intercept Bjorn and prevent Navarro from leaving.
  • After the Corbelan crashes into Romulus station, Andy is already with Tyler and Rain as they reach the Facehugger infested hallway, there is no detour to meet with Rook anymore.
  • Kay’s hallway sneaking from the crash is intercut with Rain/Andy/Tyler’s hallway sneaking towards Kay
  • Kay’s struggle to find the key is shortened, and a continuity error involving the Alien’s emergence from the cocoon is removed. Kay’s fall happens quicker, and her landing starts the Facehugger chase faster.
  • Added partial “Alien Reveal” cue from Alien: Isolation to Kay’s abduction.
  • Removed mention of Rook in the abduction aftermath, Andy clarifies his new “One Directive:” that “what is required of him” is now simply to “Do what’s best for the company.”
  • Removed mention of Rook and his mission from Andy & Rain’s elevator conversation; now the scene is just Andy reminding Rain that everyone’s original plan involved abandoning him on the station.
  • Removed Rook (and all mentions of him/orders from him) from Romulus Beta Lab scene.
  • The pathogen is explained mostly through visuals and music - Alien, Prometheus, and Alien: Covenant themes have been pushed forward in the mix over shots of the pathogen being extracted from facehuggers and being injected into the rat. Andy explains the experiments are meant to combat the miners weaknesses, and that he will be taking the pathogen back to the colony for that purpose.
  • Andy’s delivery of “This is a much needed, and overdue upgrade for humanity” from an alternate/deleted version of the lab scene has been restored to the Romulus Beta Lab Scene over a shot of the rat being resurrected.
  • Removed Andy’s ADR’d “Busy little creatures” line as they discover the hive below the lab.
  • Removed the shot of multiple aliens converging on Tyler due to their disappearance from the scene once he is killed - they never reach his body and they never drop down during Rain & Kay’s escape either. They’ve just completely disappeared in any reverse angles and follow-up shots despite full-on sprinting at him just seconds earlier.
  • Removed explicit shot of Kay injecting herself with the pathogen by using match-cut transition from Kay’s arm holding pathogen canister to Rain’s arm unlatching gate to go back for Andy.
  • Removed Rook taunting Rain and Andy on monitor at end of blocked hallway
  • Removed Rook “seducing” Kay on the monitor in the Corbelan.
  • Removed “Get away from her… you b-b-b-bitch.”
  • Removed Rook on video screen as Rain and Andy get on Corbelan, Rain gives control to MUTHUR, and they escape the station
  • Removed the flight to just above the planetary rings for Andy and Rain to betray Rook. The ship escape/station crash is now one continuous sequence.
  • Manipulated shot angles/shot timings to increase focus on Kay’s neck post-cryotube malfunction, to make it clear she had injected herself, and mixed Alien: Covenant cues into the score to underline the pathogen’s use.
  • Removed the “Cryosleep Log” since the ship is stolen in the first place so there’d be no reason or point for anyone to log anything or anyone to check for a log.
  • Re-edited the “Get Away from Her” music cue originally tracked into the end of the film, both to account for the “Cryosleep Log” removal and to fix the noticeable time-stretch effect applied to it
  • Removed the ending Title card
  • Removed the Rook credits (kept animatronic credit, and thanks to Ian Holm estate)
  • Replaced the End Title track with a new End Title symphonic suite from Wallfisch’s score, using the cues “Andy,” “Prometheus Fire,” “XX121,” and “Searching”
  • Added credits under “Songs” for Thematic Elements used from Alien 3, Alien: Covenant, and Alien: Isolation.
Alien Romulus Edit Ideas. (Spoilers)

Broom Kid said:

My big question is this: Considering the plotting, the way the plotting works, and the way the movie ends up working out - instead of trying to fix the bad mishmash of CGI/AI elements used to digitally resurrect Ian Holm (for basically zero reason), is there a way to simply eliminate the character entirely?

I figured I might as well see if I could answer this question myself, and it turns out the answer was, so far as I could tell… yes! You can!


Alien Romulus Edit Ideas. (Spoilers)

Looks like the movie has just hit digital today, so the tinkering should begin in earnest.

My big question is this: Considering the plotting, the way the plotting works, and the way the movie ends up working out - instead of trying to fix the bad mishmash of CGI/AI elements used to digitally resurrect Ian Holm (for basically zero reason), is there a way to simply eliminate the character entirely?

Can you pull Rook out of the movie entirely, remove all the exposition he dumps, and simply have Rain take his chip, put it in Andy, have Andy start acting spooky/weird, and still have the movie make sense as an Alien movie? I think you can. I think you’ll lose one or two jumpscares (starting with Rook grabbing Rain) and some of the explanation as to what exactly is happening in the title sequence, but I think a lot of that explanation is pretty unnecessary anyway, and the lack of it being spelled out might actually help the tension.

I do think ultimately folks are gonna have to wait until the physical release to see what the deleted scenes/scene extensions are, but until then: I’m most curious to see if there’s a way to just pull Rook out of the movie entirely, because so far as I can tell, in terms of what the story is actually doing - he’s completely unnecessary.

Everything else I think you can kinda leave mostly alone (although I think if you simply remove “you bitch” and the smile from Andy’s rescue of Rain, THAT scene is salvaged) - maybe cut the log (why is she leaving a log, it’s a stolen ship) but otherwise I think the biggest offense is Rook, not just aesthetically but in terms of story.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

If the r/fanedits mods are cool with faneditors posting links to their fanedits, that’s their thing (fanedits are also a super-niche audience that studios don’t regard as a threat at all and don’t care that much about pursuing) - and honestly, letting those links out in the open is probably for the best for the health of that community. But the problem with a couple folks repatriating myspleen’s hoards and dumping it all on the r/fanedits front lawn is that none of those scans are, by any stretch of the definition, fanedits.

Studios being cool with r/fanedits posting the 4 millionth cut of Justice League is one thing. But a 35mm scan of Titanic isn’t a fanedit. It makes zero sense any of that stuff was ever allowed to stay up in the first place, and then on top of that it turns out the guy being a real punk about what he’s doing, is doing it in a place that has nothing to do with any of this.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

DigMod said:
I’d like to better understand the claim that some have made that copyright does not apply to film. Can anyone share that info?

No, because it’s a false claim.

Like any fairly insular community, perspective can get warped a little and people can start to believe “facts” that aren’t really facts; but if someone who illegally scanned and further illegally distributed a copyrighted print (setting aside whether or not they fundraised off it) tries to say they “own” that scan, they’re not really correct. Granted, they would in fact “own” the repercussions should any studio decide (against their better judgment) to go after enthusiasts that have spent an exorbitant amount of money on said studio’s official products.

But the legality of “owning” the scan they made is zero. Which is why putting it up for grabs is always a bit of a risk, because it’s out of your control as to what happens to it after that point, and you’re effectively trusting the small circle of pirates in your pirate community to honor the unspoken code everyone’s presumably operating by.

It sucks when someone decides to - effectively - steal from the dealers (you’ve seen this scenario on TV certainly: “what are the dealers gonna do - go to the cops? Say someone stole their stash?”) and get a brief rush or thrill for playing “robin hood” to some degree. But nothing beyond an unspoken community rule actually got broken.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

DigMod said:

Lately we’ve started to notice an uptick in 35mm prints. I just got back from a very extended vacation and see that it has caused a major concern… All 35mm print posts have been removed from the subreddit while the mod team reviews and seeks to better understand the situation. I’ll be reading over this thread and most likely posting follow up questions.

I think honestly it’s probably for the best if they never come back. Not for any of the reasoning that’s been cited previously, some of which is better than others, but because your sub is supposed to be about fanedits and nothing being posted even remotely resembles a fanedit. It’s just straight up piracy, full-stop.

Granted, ALL of this is (and it’s a thing places like this have historically tried to soft-shoe around) full-blown piracy. It’s well-meaning, super-niche, extensive, complicated, caring, careful piracy, but there isn’t any real question of ownership and copyright that isn’t pretty clearly answered by “you’re not supposed to be doing this, because none of this stuff is yours.” The people who scan this stuff know it, the people who upload this stuff to long-calcified private trackers know it, the people who keep a healthy ratio sharing it know it, everyone knows. It’s largely harmless piracy (MOST piracy is, fun fact, but that’s a whole 'nother topic) but it’s still technically illegal activity.

Now: everyone seems to - after almost 30 years now of people talking about and distributing stuff through and around here - have FINALLY realized the tiny piracy niche this place (and the communities orbiting it) occupies isn’t hurting the major studios, and the studios have largely decided since we’re not trying to hurt them, or undercut them, that they’ll leave us all alone.

But so far as a subreddit about fanedits is concerned: I don’t see how someone kicking open the door to myspleen and storing every film scan it’s ever had uploaded to it has anything to do with fanediting. It was off-topic spamming in the first place.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

Obvious cuts, bad audio levels, messy music replacement. I would just hate for my version to feel like that.

I get you. All I’m gonna say is - don’t forget to give yourself some credit.

I’ve found a large preponderance of fan-editors are almost entirely ABOUT giving themselves credit. Like, as in, LITERALLY giving themselves credits. Putting themselves in the credits. It frequently seems like people make edits SOLELY so they can put their names in a credit block, because THAT’S the feeling they want more than anything. The edits are just the means to that thrill.

But what I mean to say is that - just because other people aren’t as good at what they do, doesn’t mean you need to second-guess yourself (or triple-guess yourself) in response. Give yourself some credit for having a good eye and a good ear. Don’t start calling your own senses into question because you see that someone else is getting recognized for subpar work.

I think those three changes were good ones. I think you employed them well. But I also think if you seriously trust your own instincts (aside from whether or not you compare your abilities to that other TikTok cut) and you believe it’s ultimately better to leave it alone… you know what you’re doing.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

I appreciate that, but my concern is mainly that I won’t 100% sell it and it’ll feel too “fanedity”

I get that, and again - that’s a thing 99% of all fan-editors DON’T do, so that your concern is there is why your edits work as well as they do, and I wish more (WAY more) folks were willing to apply that level of discernment. But as someone who looks at these things with that eye (and ear) I think you HAVE cleared that bar in this instance.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

I’m leaning toward maybe keeping the quiet bit while they stand off, then pivoting to the original music when Kenobi says “I will do what I must”.

I gotta say, I really like what you have as you’ve posted it. I don’t think the original music works that well there, how you’ve mixed that version of Battle of the Heroes maybe only needs the tiniest of nudges downward at most, and probably not even that. It’s not a subtle piece (it isn’t a subtle fight) and the fact you’ve managed to make it fit this sequence as well as it does is quite a feat.

For what its worth, as a person who REALLY keys into the music choices and music editing, I think you’ve done a good job here with your choices, and how you’re executing them.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

SpenceEdit said:

Yeah, that one would take some tweaking to get absolutely right. I’m just trying to figure out if it’s worth the effort.

I think it’s absolutely worth the effort considering how well you’ve gotten it there already (the hallway cue is from The Last Jedi, right?)

I also think Jkimm’s little tweak posted directly above is a good one, too!

Obi-Wan Kenobi Redux Ideas Thread

No PM necessary (although I answered it) - if I’m putting ideas out in the ether like this, then you don’t need an okay to use them! Take them, refine them, improve them, dustbin them - once they leave the keyboard, they’re basically anyone’s to do with as they will.

I’ve only really got the two shower ideas anyway, LOL - this duel-end reformat we both landed on (I think at least one other fan-editor also landed on a similar version of the concept), and the Episode II flashback/rescore being used to set up that redone duel (the flashback more or less becomes Anakin rewriting history as visualization to finally REALLY “beat” his Master)

I also just like the notion of Anakin’s Theme in a flashback finally resolving into the Imperial March full-stop as Vader gets suited up, LOL.

Dat_SW_Guy said:

  • The fade-in to the womprat shot is very un-Star-Warsy. It needs to be a hard cut to that, then you have to extend it by around 5 - 10 beats before the Womprats get in the frame so the audience starts to get invested and ease in better into the film.

This is the only real note I had for that intro too (everything else about that intro is spot on, I think) - maybe you don’t have to do any extending or anything, just bring up the sound effects of the womprat moving into its held position and then hard cut to it there from black. Or instead, replace the sound effects with just wind and sand? But I think you can just go from full black without a fade in by letting the sound effects come in first before the images follow.

Another sound editing idea (this is apparently mostly what I have to offer, haha) would be regarding the Muppet Man Leia smuggle across the hangar, which as it stands is ridiculous, and there’s no way it’s not ridiculous. I think at that point you have to almost lampshade the ridiculousness like would often happen in the OT, and the best way I can think of to do it is to maybe insert some close-up shot/reverse shot between Obi-Wan and Leia as he picks up the big coat to highlight that this is… a bad idea. And then cut to the idea in action, and it IS, in fact, a bad idea. But score it with the droid motif from Empire Strikes Back (there are some interesting variations on it in that score that should allow for transition from the beginning of the hangar to the cover being blown)

It doesn’t fit, textually of course, but I feel like the tone of that piece is the only way that scene gets sold as being intentional instead of accidental. Williams would often use pieces that didn’t make textual sense but the emotion of the cue would carry the scene (He did this a couple times in Empire, in fact!) and I think basically swapping out the music from serious/tense to acknowledging this is not going to work, and then transitioning to action music, would get a lot of the way towards selling that.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Redux Ideas Thread

Phase3 said:

I posted this in NFBism’s thread, but also wanted to get other people’s thought on this:

I was thinking about the following:
During the second duel between Obi-Wan and Vader, instead of Obi-Wan walking away, getting into his starship and going to Tatooine, what if it’s Vader leaving Obi-Wan for dead, and leaving the planet first?

I pitched something VERY similar in another Kenobi Fan-Edit thread, I think maybe I thought it was this one, haha. Getting old sucks.
