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Resident Evil Zero (Released)
This was really cool. Will you be making a DVD quality version of it? As far as gameplay, I wouldn't include much. I think it would be best to only include boss fights or scenes where things are chasing the characters. Only stuff that is necessary to show how they got from one location to another. Does that make sense? Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to this! You should do all the games.
Shatner Out, Nimoy In
Recently Leonard Nimoy (Spock) was offered a cameo role in the upcoming prequel Star Trek XI. William Shatner (Kirk), however, was not, despite lobbying for such a role. Apparently, Shatner is furious over the snub. I can't blame the guy. Star Trek arguably wouldn't have gotten where it did without him. I hope the producers come to their senses, and include him, before it's too late.
star trek XI J.J. Abrams
It definitely was Cruise, not Abrams that killed the Mission Impossible franchise. People weren't saying, "Oh my god, the directing is horrible, don't go see it." They were saying, "Tom Cruise sucks ass." He's not an outstanding director by any means, but he's competent enough to create something good given the right script. I am going to remain optimistic on this one for the time being.
Evangelion anime Project (Released)
Good news guys...

The project is finally completed! It is seeding at Demonoid, so go there to grab the DVD!

The final size weighs in at a hefty 6 gigs, so you'll need a dual layer burner if you want full quality. Otherwise, it can be brought down to size by DVD Shrink, or you could even split it onto two discs. I felt this was the best way to include all the content at the highest possible quality. My apologies to those of you without dual layer capabilities.

I'll be out of town the next two weeks, so if you need an invite code, you'll have to get it from someone else. Sorry. Also, if I promised to mail you a copy it will have to wait until after I get back home.

This project has been a pretty big pain in the ass, but it is finally done! I hope you guys have fun with this one.
A Crime, but Not by the Man Doing It
"(Wayne has) made the point that not reading a book is as good as burning it."

This is totally illogical. Just because someone is not reading it today or even this year, is not the same thing as burning the book. When you just leave it sitting on a shelf somewhere there is a chance that someone, someday will eventually read it. If you burn it, then no one will ever have the chance to read it.
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Why the hell do I have it? Who can I blame? Why me? Am I lucky to have it? Should I be proud to have it?
I don't believe the mechanism of it is understood at this time, but really there is no one to blame. I wouldn't say you're lucky or should be proud to have it, but on the other hand you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Don't let it run your life. Try your best to be socially active, even though it may seem difficult at first.

Originally posted by: The Cassidy
Seriously dude, you should seek out people with the same condition...it could be helpful in dealing with it.

The problem here is that Asperger's is characterized by social isolation, and a difficulty to interact with others in social situations. There probably are very few support groups due to this fact alone. However, something must exist. Becoming as active as possible in small group settings (only a couple people) could be somewhat helpful.

Don't try and place blame on anyone or anything - life happens and all you can do is deal. If you try and place blame all you'll do is wind up confused and angry - then you'll never get laid

I wholeheartedly agree.