I meant the scrolling intro (can't remember the exact name). But then again it might have been due to the bugged burning process.
Currently I'm about halfway through it. Will watch the rest tomorrow. So far I'm not too sure about the colour correction. Jabba's palace seems a bit too bright for my taste (but I'm used to my old videotape recordings, so my opinion is a bit biased). There's also some ugly colouring in the "soon you'll learn to appreciate me" shot; did you use the GOUT for that one? It looks a bit off. I do however love the subtitle font, as it is pretty close of the original burned-ins.
As for the menus, I think they could've used a bit more work. I was scared out of my ass when the main theme blew all out of the sudden with no previous warning. Perhaps a little fade in could've eased it out. That, or simply picking another tune.What I really don't like, however, is the menu font. It just looks too bland and doesn't match the background at all. I do like the chapter selection menu however. Seems pretty tight.
Oh, and you could've hidden the "secret" a bit better. A cute extra though.