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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

clutchins said:

quin82 said:

jjmorfeo said:

hello good morning , my name is Jesus , it seems a spectacular job , mipregunta is where I download the ISO image Star_Wars_SSE_TN1_v1_6 , thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
a greeting

On myspleen. But you’ll need an invite first, if you haven’t one already.

The ISO is only on usenet, not on myspleen. There is an MKV based on the ISO that is on myspleen, though.

I’m looking at a link for the ISO on myspleen at this very moment. It says it was added on June 18.

Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blue ray?

moviefreakedmind said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Well I view it 3 ways. You have fans who prefer the OUT, fans who prefer the SE (any of them), and fans who aren't concerned otherwise and will watch the film's regardless of what versions they are. When you break it down the real battle is only between the first two groups of fans. The last will be happy with whatever. So I wouldn't say the OUT fans are a minority but they shouldn't be the target audience that Disney's aiming for should they reissue the OUT. As much as I prefer the OUT over the SE, I'm not gonna be part of the crowd that goes 'you're not a true SW fan if you like the SE's' or vice versa. If the originals are to be issued again, Disney should package it with the SE, whether it's a previously released version or a new edit, to please both camps. As I said the third group will probably be pleased with whatever.

 I definitely agree that both should be packaged together. The SE, like it or not, is now an irreversible part of the OT's history, and should be preserved as such alongside the originals.

 When you say the SE should be preserved, are you talking about the most recent SE or all of them? And if Lucas decided to re-release the SE on blu-ray again with a few more changes, would you want those preserved too?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Since the GOUT is just a DVD version of the '93 Laserdiscs, does anyone know where the coloring from the laserdiscs came from? A few pages earlier in this thread someone said the coloring of the DE is the same as the theatrical version, and I noticed the GOUT has different coloring. So was there a difference in the coloring between the theatrical, VHS, and laserdisc versions?

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

I'm not sure if anyone else brought this up, but the movie doesn't end on a black frame; it ends on the credits and they don't fade out completely. At least this is how it is on the DVD5 version, not sure about the 720p. So I just wanted to bring that up so that in the next release it doesn't just pause on the almost-faded out credits. Also I noticed that it's on a loop. So when it ends, it starts playing again. The DVD5 of Star Wars and Empire just stop after they're done.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Yeah I downloaded the one from the link you sent me. I compared the 720p to the DVD5 one and sometimes the actors' skin look a little more pinkish or yellowish than in the 720p one. For instance, the shot of Luke's face at the 34:15 mark looks a bit more purple in the DVD5.

Also, compare the clothes of the guy walking by at the 42:32 mark. Way more yellow in the DVD5 than the 720p. Actually almost everything in that shot has a yellowish tint that isn't present in the 720p.

Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blue ray?

It's pretty ridiculous that George Lucas stated that the special editions are the way he always wanted the films to be. That's total BS. If that were true, then there wouldn't be several versions of the special editions. If they are how he always wanted them, he would've included the infamous "Noooo!" that Darth Vader says in ROTJ in 2004, not several years later. If he really wanted a rock covering R2D2 in Star Wars, he would've done that when he filmed it. The fact that he constantly makes changes to his films proves he never intended anything really. He's never satisfied with what he has so nothing he ever does will ever be what he "always intended."

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

In my earlier post when I said I wanted to burn a dual layered DVD with the .iso file and play it in my DVD player, I had no idea what I was talking about. Back then when I read Harmy's first post saying that the .iso could also be put on a dual layered DVD and would play in most Blu-ray players, I thought that meant that it would play in all DVD players and also most Blu-Ray players. I didn't really have any knowledge about this stuff. But recently I was talking with Erik Pancakes and he explained everything to me.

So thanks again to Erik Pancakes, and also to everyone who responded, and especially to Harmy for brilliantly re-creating these awesome movies, and to Chewtobacca who made the officially-sanctioned DVD5 versions. I ordered some Verbatim DVD-R discs and can't wait to burn them with the beautiful Despecialized Editions!!! :-D

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I'm having a problem burning dvd+r dl discs with the despecialized editions. I imported .iso file into Imgburn (actually I think it made me import the mds file) and when I burned the disc it didn't play in my my dvd player. I noticed when I opened it on my computer it just had the .iso image on the disc. Isn't it supposed to convert it to some other format that can play on a dvd player? Since it just copied the .iso file I thought the program thought I was just burning a data disc. But I chose "write image file to disc" in Imgburn. Can anyone give me some help on how to make DVDs of the .iso files that will play in a DVD player? Thanks!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

If the rule is you should have the blu-rays before downloading the despecialized editions so that you aren't technically getting something for nothing, then why aren't you supposed to own all the different versions of the movies that were used as sources for the despecialized versions? If you only own the blu-rays, then it could be argued that you're profiting from the piracy of all the releases that aren't blu-rays.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

In the first post on this thread it says:

"The ISO image can be burned to a DVD-DL and should work in most Blu-Ray players.

To burn, you can use image burn following thse instructions: http://onlineitpro.com/?p=181"

but when I click that link it says:

"Error establishing a database connection"

Is there an updated link to get the ISO? Thanks.