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Best software for printing Bluray covers

I use Photoshop. I think its 9.25x5.75 inches for the Blu-Ray insert cover. Any photo editing software should work. Just import your artwork and resize it to those measurements and set it at 300dpi and it will work. You may have to trim a millimeter or so off to get it to fit just right, so make sure you leave a little margin on the edges for fine trimming.

When did you sense a disturbance in the Force?

The thing everyone has to remember is that Lucas was creating a kids movie. His target demographic was kids age 7-13. Its impossible to be objective as an adult and watch the pequals with the same child like filter we had when the originals came out. As bad, no as horribly atrocious, as the Star Wars Holiday special was, as an 8 yr old, I craved it! I couldnt wait to watch it once I knew it was coming out. Then roughly 30 years later when I got a copy of it and watched it again, I about lost my lunch it was so bad. But as an 8 yr old, I filtered out the crap, the bad acting, the fact Carrie was high on acid or drunk one, and enjoyed visiting with my favorite Star Wars heros in a different setting again. I remember my Dad making a comment several years ago about the bad acting in ANH. In my mind Im thinking, “Bad acting? You had some world class actors in that movie. How could it be bad?” But TOT is so ingrained in our minds and psyche, that its next to impossible to be objective when watching it. Fast forward to the prequals. As adults, in contrast, it is impossible to watch with the objectiveness of a childs mind. The one thing that came through for me, was the love in my heart for these movies. The prequals are like a red-headed step child that you grow to love, no matter how bad it is. I can remember as a kid listening to Obi-Wan tell Luke about his father and the clone wars, and my imagination running wild trying to create scenes of what the clone wars mightve looked like. Or a young Obi-Wan side by side with Anakin in his prime. The prequals gave us a glimpse of that, but through the muddied,cynical mind of an adult. Yeh, its not what we imagined as kids, but at least we have something as a referance, albeit kind of bad. I have not yet sensed a disturbance, but I do try my best to summon my inner 7, 10 and 13 yr old everytime I hear of something new from the Star Wars universe coming my way. The most recent thing being the discovery of TN1’s Silver Edition a week or so ago. Ive sat and watched it on my projector screen 2 or 3 times and everytime Im whisked away to that place a 7yr old me was the first time I saw it.

What Listening Mode is Best For The TN1 restore?

Pardon if this sounds like an ignorant question, but it seems so many are focusing so much on the visual aspect of TN1’s endeavor, that I have yet to hear a suggestion as to how to listen to it. Correct me if Im wrong, but the 35mm print had a MONO soundtrack with a Stereo movie track. The TN1 restore was released with a 2ch audio track. So what listening mode should we listen to it in? Stereo? All channel stereo? Pro-Logic? Im not entirely sure how a theater was setup back in 77’. Im guessing, for SW, they had a speaker behind the screen far left and far right, Then a side or rear left/right “psuedo surround” set of speakers and finally a sub. If that is correct, or close to it, that would make me lean towards an all-channel stereo setting. But I could be wrong. Any thoughts?
BTW, in researching this, I found a really good article that relates to this:

Info: Finding Original Trilogy DVDs - for any of the original theatrical versions

Im a week new in this forum and have just finished burning, yes I know a lot of you dont burn anymore, TN1’s restore to a BD. It looks great! Anyways, after reading through this site and all the talk of the different cuts, I broke out my GOUT copy (which I didnt realize I even owned) and compared it to the TN1 version in a side by side viewing. Of course the first thing I noticed, like the BD release, the colors were over staurated, especially the blue in R2. Ive always noticed that, but had nothing to referance it to, ubtil now. I knew my memory wasnt failing me. I also noticed what I guess you would call aliasing around objects. Also noticed what looks like over sharpening to make the image look “sharper.” But one thing I didnt expect, and maybe its because I just watched TN1’s restore at 24fps, the GOUT version at, Im assuming, 30fps had that soap opera affect going on. I dont know if its because I was watching it on my PC or what. Are my eyes and brain playing a trick on me, or is that what Im genuinely seeing?
OP, defintely get these fan restored versions, far superior to anything youll find elsewhere!

I need advice on video converting..

Yeh, thats what I used. One bit of confusion I had was, in all the tutorials it states to choose the “burn to BluRay” option if you want to that. But in my version, it only gives the “BluRay ISO and BluRay Folder” options. If I just want to remux and burn straight to BluRay as is, which option do I choose?
The reason I want to import into Premiere, is so I can add a menu with chapter selections. I was under the impression I can do that in tsMuxeR, but I havent really messed with tsMuxeR GUI much, so Im sure Ill get more familiar with it. Thanks for your help.

I need advice on video converting..

I’m using Premire Pro. It doesnt support MKV, nor do most mainstream editing software. I cant understand why there isnt a simple way to convert the MKV, without losing quality, so that fans can create there own menus and burn to blu ray. I should rephrase that, Im sure theres a fairly easy way, but I havent found that answer yet. Ive done several conversions, some horrible, and others so-so. My problem is that Im color blind, so its tough for me to see if the conversion affects the color. Heres one conversion I tried. Can you tell which is the MKV and which isnt?

Info: Preserving VHS on DVDs?

Ive never really tried transferring store bought VHS to digital. Everything Ive done, like you have, is home movies. I was lucky enough to have an old Sony Digital 8 cam-corder that allows for video bypass to my computer to perform my transfers. Ill see if I can find a store bought with protection and see if it works. Are you using one of those simple plug and play converters?

Info: Encoding tips and ideas

First off, Im new to this forum and I would like to give a big thanks to TN1 for their labor of passion and most definitely of patience. I cant imagine maintaining the same level of patience and discipline in restoring over 170,000 frames throughout! Thats amazing. Secondly, yalls knowledge of video authoring and what not is light years ahead of my own. Can anyone provide a link or give me a push in the right direction as to how to get the MKV file to a file type that I can import into an editor and burn to BD? Ive tried one convert and it looks horrible. I really want to have a BD with the artwork that I can watch on my projection screen. Thanks!

I need advice on video converting..

Forgive my ignorance, but Im new to video editing. I have the TN1 Silverscreen restore and want to burn to BD to watch on my projector. I have read several different “how to’s” of the best way to convert the MKV to an editable file type. What is the best lossless conversion method? I tried converting with ANyVideo Converter, but after reviewing the original MKV side by side to the .AVI file, I could see differences. Any help woild be much appreciated.