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<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

I have similar views to the above. At school, ROTJ was commonly known as “Muppets in Space” due to some of the silliness in Jabba’s palace and the ewoks. The Leia/Luke twist felt contrived, and I hated Boba Fett’s demise by total fluke.

On the plus side, I thought the speeder bike scenes and final space battle were truly epic, and loved the visuals and atmosphere in the throne room.

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Small details that took you <em><strong>FOREVER</strong></em> to notice in the <em>Star Wars</em> films

JeremyJenki said:

This doesn’t count but I recently found out that General Veers is played by the big bad in The Last Crusade, I don’t know why but I thought that was funny. Hitler was also played by another Imperial admiral, the guy who gets choked by Vader.

Snap! I only realised this quite recently. And while looking at the cast list of Game of Thrones, I noticed that Julian Glover also played Grand Maester Pycelle: the old, lecherous adviser with a white beard on the Small Council. I thought those eyes were familiar.

Going back on topic and sticking with Veers: it took me about 35 years to realise the AT-AT commander (with the groovy helmet) was the same character as General Veers…

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

adywan said:

My TV is an LG too. But other UHD HDR films i have don’t seem to suffer with being overly dark and dull like the Star Was films. Even on Disney+ the HDR on films other than SW seem fine. Netflix HDR is fine too

The Blu-Rays look great though. Colourful and not dark.

That’s great news regarding the Blu-rays, assuming the “Blu-ray only” set has exactly the same Blu-ray discs as the full UHD set.

Given the problems with the bonus discs, I might wait a bit longer to see if Disney fix them in the next few months.

Guide to Downloading Projects from Usenet

DS-61-4 said:

Man, that was a confusing process, but I got everything downloaded thanks to the amazing instructions in this article. Unfortunately I’m having the exact same message and issue as Sigmoid’s PAR2 issue. Am I missing a whole bunch more PAR2 files? I forced each one (I think there were 7 or 8) to download and attempt a repair. If I look on the Binsearch page where I combined everything into a single NZB, it looks like there are a lot more PAR2 files there than were included in my NZB but I’m not sure. Feel free to PM me if you need to.

If you have a PC, you may be able to salvage the mkv file with the COPY command to concatenate it all back together. Something like this may work, but I haven’t tested it:

  • Press the Windows key, type CMD and press Return. This will open a DOS command window.
  • Navigate to the 4K77 download directory using the CD command. If you are using NZBGet, it will probably be somewhere in C:\ProgramData\NZBGet\intermediate or C:\ProgramData\NZBGet\complete
  • Type the following and press Return:
    copy /b 05-Star.Wars.4K77.1080p.No-DNR.35mm.x264-v1.4.mkv.??? 4K77.mkv
  • Rename the 4K77.mkv output file to whatever you want.
Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

Argh. I’m all confused now. I’ve had another look at the thread by “Star Wars Visual Comparisons” on twitter. In the opening tweet, he states,

  • “Confirmed by @thedigitalbits that if you buy the Blu-ray-only set you get 11SE on Blu-ray”.

But in a later response, he says,

  • “I wasn’t aware they were making a new Blu-ray only box set.”

This thread is rapidly turning into the Chewbacca defence.


Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

oojason said:

https://twitter.com/StarWarsVisComp/status/1242646906846826500 (with more comments in the link):-

‘Confirmed by @thedigitalbits that if you buy the Blu-ray-only set you get 11SE on Blu-ray, but if you buy the UHD / Blu-ray combo set you get the 19SE on Blu-ray. Because that’s not confusing to consumers.’

I can imagine it won’t clearly marked as such on the packaging either…

That’s very disappointing news. And a crazy decision from Disney! There is now no incentive for customers to buy the new Blu-Ray set, given it is the same as the previously released (and rereleased not long ago) 2011 versions.

For those in the same boat as me who don’t have any 4K equipment, the UHD set seems far too expensive as a means of getting the new Blu-Rays.

What a festering pile of pants.

Pattinson confirmed as Batman.

Something bugged me the first time I saw that clip, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Having seen the clip a couple more times, I’ve now realised what it is: they don’t show us the ears of the mask!

Will they be long (Keaton), medium (Bale), short (Affleck), or micro (West)?
Will there be any ears at all?
Will Pattinson find his ears before it’s too late?
Tune in next year, same bat time, same bat channel, blah blah blah

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

adywan said:

… Are the Blu-rays just going to be the same 2011 versions , while the 4k will have the new scans? When you take a look at the purchase options for the older digital versions, you can see that the special features for each film (conversations & discoveries features)are the same as what is listed for the features on each of the new discs. …

Oh crap - I didn’t realise that. Has it been officially confirmed whether or not the Blu-Ray set will use new (better) scans for at least the main films? I’m no fan of the SE, but I was looking forward to a decent release and upgrade of the 2011 poop.