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Details about the making of the Death Star CGI in ANH & ROTJ

Lexa C said:

Bewy said:

Hey, here’s a video from a guy who makes very interesting videos about how CG was done in movies:


It’s in French but there are English subs.

I really like what he does, he always interviews people involved in creating the effects he’s talking about! And there’s also a video about the Special Edition trilogy on his channel (in which he might talk about the CG trench effect) :3

I loved that interview, it was go cool to hear from William Reeves, one of the guys who worked on the actual VFX for those shots, explain how they all came about.

Also the part of the interview with Terrence Masson, part of Lucasfilm’s VFX department who worked on the 1997 Special Edition, as well as TPM, say about the SE alterations:

“There comes a time where you just have to stop and let it exist as it exists. Us hardcore Star Wars fans were horrified at George asking… you know, making Greedo shoot first, putting that ring around the Death Star explosion, it was just… you know… again I understand… kind of, but… we were y’know… ‘no, please don’t do that’ (laughs)”.

And also a mention for Harmy’s Despecialized Editions!

The whole Gorkab YouTube channel does appear to have some very cool videos and some great looking interviews with many people in the industry. I’ll bookmark that. Thanks Bewy!

^ It still looks stunning over 40 years later.

You’re welcome! I love that Gorkab doesn’t only rely on what’s already been published to rehash it times over, but that he goes to the artists to interview them and get some new anecdotes and facts!
The video on the SE is for instance filled with details probably not many of us knew about. And the one on E.T. (the 20th anniversary version) is also particularly very interesting and full of new information.

And he adds English subtitles to his videos, so everyone can watch 😉

Details about the making of the Death Star CGI in ANH & ROTJ

Hey, here’s a video from a guy who makes very interesting videos about how CG was done in movies:


It’s in French but there are English subs.

I really like what he does, he always interviews people involved in creating the effects he’s talking about! And there’s also a video about the Special Edition trilogy on his channel (in which he might talk about the CG trench effect) :3

Friends: The Complete Edition - Blended Uncut and Blu Ray together. (Released)

I happened to have watched the final episode of the series last night (I had never watched Friends before, I started doing it last September), and I’ve loved it!
So I guess a longer, high quality version would be something interesting in order to revisit the series in the future, would you please send me the link? 😄

YouTube/Vimeo/etc... Star Wars video finds

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Read-Along Story Book and Cassette - from 1980

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0rxQIiblzA - 13 minute video, at Star Wars Radio

more information: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Empire_Strikes_Back_(book-and-record)

a flick through the actual book 13 minute video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZDwLnMXg4k

I don’t have the cassette (found the book without it in a bric-à-brac shop in France), awesome, now I can listen to it, thanks! 😄

Do any of you happen to know some more obscure prog rock recs?

darth-gary said:

Return to Forever - The Romantic Warrior (1976)
I used to play Nintendo/SNES games listening to this album in my youth. It’s considered jazz/fusion in some circles but I’ve always seen it as prog-rock. I’m pretty sure the entire album is still up on youtube, I’ve owned the album 4 times on vinyl (people keep stealing it!)

I love its album cover (and the album also) 😄

Terminator 2: which version to watch - Theatrical vs Special vs Extended?

By “wax looks” I think you’re referring to the latest Blu-ray edition from 2017, whici was overly DNRed (for the 3D conversion), and only the theatrical cut was restored. It also contains the extended versions, whose footage was ported from the previous Blu-ray editions which, while not having the 2017 transfer waxxy look, are not really demo-worthy material (but still watchable I guess).
And I think you can start with the theatrical cut, just as Slavicuss said 😃

Info Wanted: Star Wars prequels on VHS - Original theatrical versions?

Bluto said:

Is your VHS missing Jango Fett’s headbutts in the fight with Obi-Wan? I seem to remember buying the Australian DVD rather than the UK DVD in circa 2003 for that very reason.

Out of interest, is the UK Blu-Ray of AOTC cut, too? I have never watched the prequels on Blu-Ray.



JEDIT: Replied a bit late 😛

Small details that took you <em><strong>FOREVER</strong></em> to notice in the <em>Star Wars</em> films

Until recently I’d never noticed that when Luke enters the Falcon cockpit after his rescue and says “It’s Vader”, Lando goes past and touches him on the arm like “You all right buddy?” and Luke nods briefly to confirm it. Now that I’ve seen it I like it very much, I don’t think there are many of these interactions in the movies.

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

benduwan said:

Bewy said:

I might be wrong, but at first glance the second pic could come from Empire of Dreams (if I recall correctly this shot reveals us that the X-wing we see on the left is only its nose).

i don´t find it in empire of dreams.watched it several times.

Rats! But I still think it might come from the OT special features DVD (or again I could be just wrong 😄). I don’t have the disc with me so I can’t check that.

Current Events. No debates!

My sister called me last night just to check if I was alive (I moved in Strasbourg a month ago), but I didn’t understand why at first. Then I read the news… As the killer was in my neighbourdhood, we all had to stay home. Not to mention the people in bars and restaurants who were allowed to go home at 2:00 AM! Who knows where the creep is now, but I don’t think I’m gonna meet him on my way to work (that is, in a few minutes) 😉


Citroën 2CV, so awesome (I would give up my current Peugeot for one without hesitation, well one can still dream 😄). When I was a kid, my parents have had all 3 or 4 2CVs over the years, I was so damn proud. It’s a collector car now, so it ain’t exactly cheap…