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Am I a hipster?

Possessed said:

Astroboi2 said:

Possessed said:

Fair enough but I think there’s an actual petition out there to change that.

I think the question as to whether or not you’re a hipster has just been answered. 😉

I never said I supported it. I only even call it vinyl so people know what I’m talking about.

No worries… I’m just buggin’.

And for the record, I tend to use “vinyl” for singular (as in, “I have the new Depeche Mode on vinyl”) and “records” for plural (as in, “I bought a shit ton of Brian Eno records today”).

And the more we discuss this, the more I suspect we are both hipsters (again… I’m kidding).

Am I a hipster?

Possessed said:

I might be. I listen to all my music at home on vinyl. But it’s because I legitimately like it and have since I was a little kid before I even knew it was cool. And on my system with hide cabinet speakers they legitimately sound superior and I’ve verified this through a/b testing of the same songs. Whether it’s because vinyl is actually better or if vinyl releases are just mastered better is irrelevant because the vinyls I have sounds better than the cds I have.

Do hipsters a/b test things to verify sound quality? I’m the type to do that too, but I always felt hipsters claimed things to be superior regardless of any proof… not that I really know much about hipsters. I’m 42, so i think I’m too old to be a hipster or to even understand them.

Oh… and I hate to do this, but the plural of vinyl is just “vinyl.” I worked at a record store for a few years and saying “vinyls” was forbidden. Wait a sec… maybe I am a hipster!?

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why?

crissrudd4554 said:

The Faces tape actually did say Star Wars A New Hope on the sides and top flap of the cover and the cassette label.

My apologies for the error. You are correct. “A New Hope” is in small type (while “Empire” and “Jedi” are in the large type on their tapes) on the VHS release. However, the laserdisc release of Faces still just says “Star Wars” on both front and spine (and I just double-checked that to be sure).

So, worst case scenario… It was called just “Star Wars” for the first 18 years.

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why?

Ryan-SWI said:

Astroboi2 said:

I call it Star Wars because that was the name of the movie for the first 20 years.

It was called “Star Wars” for only four years. “A New Hope” was added to the crawl in 1981.

It’s hard to say. Yes, “A New Hope” was added to the crawl in 1981, but that didn’t necessarily change the official title of the movie. All movie review publications I saw from back in the day (Leonard Maltin, Roger Ebert, etc…) listed it as just “Star Wars” well into the '90s. All pre-SE home video versions I have on VHS & Laserdisc just call it “Star Wars” on the front and on the spine… which includes the final Faces editions from 1995.

Unfortunately many modern databases refer to it as “A New Hope” though, which adds much confusion as to when the title officially changed, but I strongly feel that it became official with the first DVD releases. I wonder if the national film registry would have any kind of record of when the title changed? Not that I really care personally… I call it Star Wars, but I’m not offended with whatever anyone else wants to call it. 😃

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why?

I call it Star Wars because that was the name of the movie for the first 20 years. Even with “A New Hope” added to the crawl, the movie was still officially just called Star Wars… on all the home media releases I ever saw anyway.

I call anything released from 1997 onwards The Special Editon. To me the long-winded re-naming of the movie to “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” is just part of Lucasfilm’s attempt to rewrite history, and I don’t use any of it when referring to Star Wars… except the Star Wars part 😃

Question about the 2006 "GOUT" DVDs

Wazzles said:

I’m fairly certain those are legitimate- the 2008 set had an outer box like that and were kept in slim cases.

Yep. Those look like official releases. They came out a while later with slim cases and no inserts. Widely available in Canada. I actually work at a store that sells used DVDs and we’ve had these versions many times (and we do not sell bootlegs). I also own this set myself and it’s professionally pressed.

If George Had Made The Sequel Trilogy...

TV’s Frink said:

Astroboi2 said:

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Since this kind of describes the prequels, I can see it for a Lucas ST as well.

Sorry… I don’t use forums often. But I’m glad my error has entertained you!

I have corrected my post though, so you can all stop picking on me now 😉

If George Had Made The Sequel Trilogy...

I think it would have been okay. He’d be free to do whatever he wanted, and wouldn’t have to worry about things lining up with future events like he had to in the prequels.

Honestly, I think it would actually turn out somewhat similar to The Force Awakens. It would be different stylistically, but the overall “quality” of the film would be similar.

Well… maybe not quite as good as TFA, but still in the same ballpark.

Team Negative1

Team -1 keeps saying in their defense that they obtained the permission of the owner of the prints they used. How?

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that individuals weren’t legally allowed to own a print of a film… they technically are owned by the studio. And if a studio did decide to let someone own a print, that print would still be just for private use. All copyrights and distribution rights would still be retained by the studios and distribution companies… and making a scan of the print would be a violation of those laws (very much like ripping a movie you have on DVD and putting up on a torrent site). It just doesn’t matter if you get the permission of the guy who is in possession of the print.

I realize that fan-edits and reconstructions in general are a bit of a grey area, but this isn’t either of those… and there’s nothing grey about the area that it falls in.

My apologies if this has been covered already, but I was just skimming though this, and it seems that Team -1 keeps either ignoring or forgetting this fact.

And I must admit that it pains me slightly to say this, because the team did do a great job on the scan… but that’s not what this is about.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hey everyone! I hate to be “that guy,” but could I get some advice on how to obtain Chewtobacca’s NTSC DVD-5 version of this latest verion of Jedi? I can’t seem to find it on tehp anywhere (maybe if I knew who the uploader was, since it doesn’t appear to be Chewtobacca).

Or better yet, if someone was willing to post it on the spleen, that would be even more awesome!

What if TFA is awful?

SilverWook said:

Were there any insiders expressing dismay about TPM back in 1999 though?

The internet rumor mill wasn't what it is now of course.

I don't recall any insiders expressing dismay, but I do remember many of my friends being very worried about TPM (those same frinds are a little more optimistic for TFA) . At the time I was pumped just because it was new Star Wars, but my first glimpse of Jar Jar made me immediately nervous... plus the fact that George hadn't really directed anything for quite some time.

What if TFA is awful?

Bingowings said:

I fear after TPM and Prometheus I am now un-pumpable.

Understandable. Those two movies did leave me feeling rather deflated too... but I just can't seem to help myself on this one!

But maybe I should tackle the actual question. If TFA is awful... I'll probably honestly distance myself from Star Wars in general for a while. I'll always love the original trilogy, and I know I'd go back to watching and enjoying it eventually, but I'd probably shift my focus for a while. I'm a big fan of various kinds of movies - especially art-house and early B&W stuff - so I'd probably dive more into that.

Although, if the OUT ever actually comes out on Blu Ray, that would definitely get me excited about the Star Wars universe again in a big way! But that's for another thread...

What if TFA is awful?

Damn. I just typed an epic post and it somehow got deleted before I could put it up. I'll try to paraphrase...

I'm pumped. I can't see the TFA being awful. To make me happy, it just has to be better than the prequels (not hard to do... to be better than the worst movies ever made in the history of man).

Plus, I think I have more faith in J.J. Abrams than most. Sure, not everything he's done has been great, but most of it hasn't sucked either (wasn't a fan of Into Darkness but it wasn't terrible... just "meh"). And with Lawrence Kasdan involved, I'm just not worried.

I said a lot more originally, but I'll leave it with that. I know it's dangerous to be pumped for this, (better to be cautiously optimistic), but I can't help it... and having tickets for an advance screening helps!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

The versions of Star Wars by people like Harmy, Adywan, etc, are incredible! The time and skill that goes into these things just blows me away! I can't understand what anyone would have to complain about.

Besides, if you really do want to see something different in a Star Wars edit, you could always try your own edit! It's fun! I'm not too swift with computers (and I have a pretty old one) but I'm still managing to work on my own edit... and if I can figure it out, I'm sure almost anyone could. Less complainin' and more playin'!

Sorry... maybe a little off topic... Harmy, you RAWK!


Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I've seen that weird effect before too in your previous DVD5 (version 1.0 I guess)... looks almost like "painted digital rain" in some shots (especially when there's sky in the background). I noticed it more when watching the files directly from my computer. For some reason when I turned them into a proper DVD (but still watching them on the computer with the default player), these effects were very much minimized.

At either rate, awesome work Harmy!

ADigitalMan's Guide to MPEG2/AC3 Editing

This guide is awesome and has tons of great info. Unfortunately I'm still having problems (skimmed over the forums to see if this was covered anywhere, but I didn't see anything)

I've been attempting to use Womble with no success - actually, more like no sound for some reason. I've checked the usual dumb things (like speakers not being on) but the audio on everything else on my computer seems fine. Just Womble has no audio (or there will a brief burst of sound, then nothing, but rarely occurring at the same spot).

I also attempted Vegas Move Maker, since I was having problems and have used ACID Pro in the past, but it kept running the video too fast. Although, I guess I should post more about that elsewhere)

My apologies for being so helpless with this stuff. It's probably something easy that I'm just not seeing. I admit that I'm a total newbie at this (is that the right word... newbie... or "noob"). I just have ideas for edits, but I'm worried that I'll never get to see them realized.

Anyway, thanks in advance!

STAR WARS - Special Widescreen Edition (Technidisc) (Released)

DonnieDarko said:

I think this will be my preferred way of watching the original, I LOVE the color on the Tatooine sunset, it's exactly how I remember it as a kid.

Thank you very much :)

You're welcome. :)

I am actually a little surprised that people do seem to enjoy this crude old transfer, I may revisit this LD for a second attempt at a later time as there are things I would like to improve.

I have to agree that this my preferred version at the moment too! Please do revisit (when time permits).

Spielberg comments on digital alterations to his films

I more or less agree with Mr. Spielberg. However, I have mixed feelings when new flaws begin to occur as a result of the cleaning up the image for modern HD.

He uses the original War Of The World as an example and states that he would not want to see the wires digitally removed. I respect his idealism of not wanting to mess with things, but the fact remains that those wires were never visible in the original film prints (all of the FX tests were done taking into account the kind of film stock they were using). Over the years however, different versions of the film appeared on different kinds of film stock, and the wires started to become slightly visible. The original DVD release actually used a print that thankfully did not have too much wire work showing at all. Then, when the anniversary edition was released, it featured a remastered transfer that had great color, but made the wires pop out as plain as day! In this case I think that removing the wires might have been acceptable, since it is being done just to return the film to it's original theatrical intention.

Or perhaps there is another solution... don't remaster everything the same way. Older movies were shot taking into account the resolution of the film image of the day. When these images are remastered with modern digital clarity, often the results are horrible. Backdrop paintings start to look way more obvious, as do make-up and wardrobe defects that were never intended to be visible... and out-of-focus backgrounds just look plain weird. These details personally take me out of the film.

Is it possible to remaster an image for HD without changing the film's original image? To just provide high quality images that match the theatrical image with quality color... and without any enhancements? I know very little about the processes used to do these things, but I hope there's a way, and I hope it gets used on some of these classic films. In the case of War Of The Worlds, I just watch my older DVD and only pop in the newer version if I want to hear the commentary.

Just my humble opinion...

STAR WARS - Special Widescreen Edition (Technidisc) (Released)

This is pretty awesome. I actually recorded Star Wars off TV when I was a kid when it had it's network television premiere (in '84 I think), and the colors on this version seem pretty much the same as that broadcast (I always remembered the explosions on the TV version being kind of green in the battle between the Falcon and the TIE ships)

It's cool to see it like this again... since that VHS tape died many years ago from me watching it so much. Thanks msycamore!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I've been lurking around this site for a while now, but this is my first official post. I gotta say, good work Harmy! I just got the Despecialized Edition today and I never thought I would ever see such a good quality version of the ORIGINAL Star Wars! (I watched it on an old big screen CRT though... everything looks fake somehow to me on an HD screen)

I just wanted to say that you (and everyone else working on these preservation projects) are doing a real service and it's greatly appreciated... Thank you!