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The Rings of Power - The Film Cut [Released - Workprint stages finished]


Uploaded a new version, with Vranir’s suggestions as blueprint. Fixed bugs, some pacing issues and overhauled the entire ending. Didn’t agree with everything suggested - so not everything has been followed up on, but about 90-95% of it.

The ending is also way less 2001 Space Odyssey on a drugtrip. Now deeper, more linear and thought-provoking all the same. The Stranger and the witches-plotline also more fleshed out.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

WitchDR said:

I love Rebels, but I’m getting Kenobi-vibes from this. I’m hoping this is decent, but seeing how the Mandoverse is a sinking ship at this point, this isn’t giving me much hope.

I just want a good conclusion to Ezra and Thrawn. It’s the only open thread I’m still interested in.


And I dislike the lightsabers - look like plastic toys from Toys’R Us. I hope they revisit them before release.

If Episode 1 has Kenobi w/ Deborah Chow directing levels of quality to it, I’ll stay away until the full season is released and probably cringe my way through. I hope it’s up and beyond the quality of that.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

More like watching a spoof created by drunk college students and done in post-production by a rich studio, you ask me, but each their own I guess.

The thing is the show went from a linear, engaging sci-fi western with a father protecting his kid and now it’s turned into a cringeworthy, all-over-the-place Disney world with the main characters in the background and side characters in the foreground and no clear obstacles or goals for the main characters to overcome or seek after. 😉

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

This is the worst Star Wars content and worst storytelling i´ve witnessed for years. No excuses.

Pedro should leave this shitshow befare they put Din Djarin through a gender swapping operation and retcon his story to reveal that the true hero of his story is in fact Mon Mothma.

The cringe om this episode. The Voice acting. The effects. The cinematography. The storytelling. THE DIALOGUE! The new characters! E V E R Y T H I N G was totally and utterly a complete failure. They even retconned Din Djarins path to save Mandalore that was heavily hinted at in season 2 and shifted it to a vague side character because… what? Shes fucking female? Star wars is dying.

The Expanded Universe - The Movie Structure [Because Disney Can't Satisfy Me]


The Mandalorian Chapter I is released and uploaded to my Google Drive. The film (season 1) runs at 1 hour and 50 minutes, with credits.

Mandalorian Chapter II (Season 2):

  • Apart from all the major changes mentioned in the first post, the film will open with a cold opening on Coruscant and then a Grand Moff Gideon reintroduction to remind viewers of the stakes and make it clear what the evil guys are up to. Then we are reintroduced to Mando and Grogu, and their story start on Tattooine. The season is heavily restructured to fit into a film structure and I am pleased on how its shaping along. Soon to be released.

As for BoB:

  • Book of Boba Fett will be restructured in chronological order. We will follow Boba from the Sarlacc Pit and up until present day. His film will most likely end when Mando gets introduced.
  • Remove as much dialogue from Boba Fett as possible, to keep him less talkative and a man of few, and carefully selected, words.
  • All cringe removed. Like, everything you can imagine. Slapstick, pig guards being useless,
  • Boba Fett’s annoying sidekick Fennec is heavily reduced and tightened up as a character. I am never given a reason to care for her, know her or like her. The little character depth there is is in there, and she serves her purpose, but she doesn’t get to steal the sunshine in Boba Fett’s story nor talk 24/7 and say the most obvious things.
The Expanded Universe - The Movie Structure [Because Disney Can't Satisfy Me]

WitchDR said:

I’ve always felt this show could be far more heavily edited than other edits I’ve seen. Even though it’s still in it’s infancy, this show is one that could be taken to a whole new level with changing dialogue with new A.I. voice lines. The shows consist of so many lip-flapping puppets and helmeted characters, it just seems ripe for something like that.

It’s not something you’ve listed you’d do, just something other edits haven’t taken advantage of when doing radical changes to the plot. Even though just a change in a line or two could trim so very much.

Anyways, your edit sounds like a fun new way to experience the shows! Can’t wait to check it out! 😄

Couldn’t agree more. And interesting thought. I’ve already done plenty of audio work with dialogue, but to create new, fitting pieces of dialogue strike me as both interesting and clever - if needed for a scene or a premise to work in the later films. I did some Dialogue Work on (was-in-the-works) V2 of The Ancient Lore with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and it worked for certain scenes and allowed new interactions to be made. However, I hope for more improvements in the AI Voice department in the upcoming years for it to flow perfect.

However, as for Film I/Season I, I never found this an issue and removing stupid lines of dialogue - and following the less is more approach - a lot of interactions are heavily improved imo.

The Expanded Universe - The Movie Structure [Because Disney Can't Satisfy Me]


I’m making my own edits of the TV Series, and stealing the name “The Expanded Universe” because the TV Series expands on the Star Wars universe… and I’m making film edits of those series. So it’s like poetry, so it rhymes.

So, what’s this about?

I’m making my own fanedit universe (kind of like the Marvel universe i suppose). I’m making this solely for myself, my girlfriend and my family, but of course this lovely community is always welcome to take a bite if there’s something here to like (see what I did there?). It will all be on my Google Drive.

I have struggled to peak my interest in anything Star Wars-related these last years because of Star Wars fatigue and a complete lack of faith in Disney, not to mention my disdain for the Sequel Trilogy, but I feel that the TV Series has a lot of potential when you remove the overdose of all that’s bad. Also, there’s more material to work with, and Star Wars film edits have become tiresome and repedative.

Video Clips:

So, what am I doing?

I’m taking all the TV Shows (not watched Andor yet, heard it’s terrific - going to tackle it later) and turning them into suspenseful thrillers and/or dramas with heavy alterations;

I want a well-paced, suspenseful 2 hour-at-most film narrative of each of the Star Wars character’s stories that I can also enjoy with others without fatigue or having to invest six days to watch it because of 10 hours of filler or repedative dialogue and story points. I also want the character’s goals and struggles to be clear to the audience (unless it’s purposefully and intelligently kept back or untold) and I want suspenseful and interesting dialogue, characters and plot development. I DON’T want side quests, 10-minute lore expansions through dialogue and unintelligent dialogue or character decisions.


  • Filler scenes, sometimes filler episodes, are all but removed because I hate to try and enjoy a story and get bombarded with filler. The series contain non-stop Side Quests as if i was witness to an RPG playthrough rather than an engaging television show, so here I’ve put my scissors to work. Schnip-Schip, moddafokka!
  • Forced lore expansion and dialogue. The Mandalorian’s backstory and lore is SLOWLY and sparingly revealed, as to not force it down the throat of people. And to be fair, it’s so thin and repedative that during Season 2 and 3 I almost fell asleep when they mentioned for the sixth time that you shouldn’t remove your helmet or that Mandalore fell. And more.
  • Grogu’s Jedi Force Powers are kept as a surprise for the Third Act in Film I.
  • Tone down the amount of times The Mandalorian need saving.
  • Cringe dialogue, unecessary characters and heavy exposition are all removed throughout. Key characters to play a part later, like The Sherrif of Los Palmos or whatever, the “Last of Us Bodybuilder chick” / “The Shocktrooper” and Bill Burr, are just characters Mando knew from before and some dialogue have been removed and/or moved around to fill in the gaps and keep the story linear, paced and proper. Works wonders.
  • Kept Tattooine as little in the overall film series as possible, because I’m utterly tired of it. And since it’s also the main location of Book of Boba and also Kenobi, KEEP IT OUT. For goodness’ sake. It’s out of Film I / Season 1 of Mando, short appearance in Season 2.
  • A focus on clear First, Second and Third Act’s and a well-thought out film narrative. Focus on emotional weight, suspense and characters.


I’m doing the Mandalorian first, then Book of Boba, then Andor - but timeline-wise;

KENOBI - RUNTIME SEASON 1: 1 hour and 56 minutes (Finished May of last year) - --> FINISHED FILM
MANDALORIAN - RUNTIME SEASON 1: 1 hour and 48 minutes (before credits) - --> FINISHED FILM
MANDALORIAN - RUNTIME SEASON 1: Will be under 2 hours -
BOOK OF BOBA - RUNTIME - Season 1: Will be under 2 hours
MANDALORIAN - RUNTIME SEASON 3: Will be under 2 hours (perhaps even 1 hour and 30 - the season is useless thus far)
AHSOKA - RUNTIME SEASON 1: Will be under 2 hours.

In order to keep Grogu’s farewell to Din Djarin mean something and feel emotional and long, Book of Boba story and then Manda’s Book of Boba Story, will be in-between so that when you watch it in chronological order in a movie format it actually feels like a lot of time has passed.


  • Kenobi: A Star Wars Story (Chapter I) [Was done in MAY of 2022 as a seperate thing/fanedit that fits well in here]
  • The Mandalorian - Chapter I (Season 1) [Finished]


It is, and will all be, on my Google Drive. You must be a Disney+ subscriber and request over PMs.


  • The Ancient Lore
  • Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
  • Harry Potter Revisited
  • Game of Thrones Film Edits
  • Titanic Restructured
    … and more.
SCREAM Franchise - Revisited

Time to tackle some horror, and what better than my favorite horror series, “Scream”? 😃

Been working on for some weeks now, here is a rough changelist:

SCREAM (Scream original)

-> New opening intro title card
-> Using my custom color graded 4k Scan of the film that I feel now look amazing
-> Added a “April, 1996” Title Card (as I will do for each consequent sequel) to make them period pieces.
-> New Scream Title Card (but still red) to keep in line with continuity and modernization
-> Remove Ghostface headbutting window to break
-> Remove Ghostface falling to floor from being hit with Phone
-> Added a Subtle Scream 2-5 suspense soundtrack to build a continuity with music
-> Added an Establishing Shot before Sidney’s Introduction
-> Tightened up Sidney Vs Ghostface (less gimmicky and removed Ghostface obviously faking his incoming stab)
-> Added a Subtle remix of a sorrowful Scream 2 soundtrack to build musical continuity and increasing suspense in Interrogation Scene
-> Added Dewey’s Theme at Police Station when he and Tatum argue
-> Added Sinister Ambience to Cotton Wary’s face on the TV, to increase suspicison for Scream 2.
-> Removed Billy’s lines of “I think it’s time you got over that” etc. A lot of (purposeful?) bad acting and overly insensitive. Tone down red flag.
-> Removed Sidney’s line “Im sorry if my perfect existence … -” and her running off all drama-like.
-> Removed Principle Himbry going berserk at his students, but kept him cutting the mask.
-> Tightened up Mr Himbry’s death and made it seem more impactful and horrific.
-> Removed 90% of Ghostface hiding in some bushes after Sidney and Tatum’s conversation and the intense zoom as it is just goofy.
-> Same with Ghostface hiding in a store, in broad daylight. Removed.
-> A short, custom remix of Dewey and Gale’s Theme (from Scream 2) introduced in the last part of their conversation (“You’re much prettier in person”).
-> Tightened up Ghostface Vs Tatum to remove outright silly moments and increase suspense. Ghostface now doesn’t use forever to get back up after getting hit
by fridge door, Tatum doesn’t throw Ghostface (a 90 kilo man!) over her back as if she was the female incarnation of Jackie Chan etc. It’s important
to keep Ghostface scary enough to actually care the scares.
-> Added Gale & Dewey’s Theme (from Scream 2) to their midnight stroll right before Act 3.
-> Tightened up Ghostface behind Randy to be less of a cheap suspense.
-> Tightened up Sidney reaching the van and getting help from The Cameraman. Lessen cheap suspense and the “30 second delay” reminder.
-> Removed a 1 second shot of Sidney watching Ghostface trying to open Van Door when she should flee for her life.
-> Removed 19 frames of Ghostface being displeased with not catching Sidney inside the Van.
-> Removed overly long and goofy reaction shot from Gale when Cameraman falls onto front window.
-> Removed The Killer reveal as to keep it for Scream 2 (im joking, im joking!)

SCREAM 2 REVISITED (Scream 2 original)

-> New opening intro title card
-> Color graded to have some more life (more color and brightness and darker blacks), in tune with modern films and Scream 4 & 5.
-> Upscaled to 4K.
-> Added a “May, 1997” Title Card (as I will do for each consequent sequel) to make them period pieces.
-> Removed Goofyness and clumsyness in Ghostface Vs Cici stair chase (plant thrown at GF, bike pushed down stairs)
-> Shortened Sidney’s time and scene at The Theatre. It’s only there to establish the set piece and to make her feel even more isolated.
The Instuctor/Acting Coach never re-appears, the scene carries little weight imo and it isn’t needed
for Sidney’s character development. She can re-claim her confidence and take control of her trauma throughout the films rather than try to force it here.
Her acting career also feel like a very weird choice 13 months after previous events and totally misplaced in the context of the movie. It also give little
to no emotional or important weight and is never mentioned or pursued again in the upcoming films.
Also, the film goes very stale in The Second Act, and it’s time to move some momentum after 20 good minutes of character development.
-> Removed Derek re-appearing after The Theatre Act (that is now cut) to once again get pushed aside by Sidney. It’s a rehash of the same dialogue and dilemma presented 15 minutes prior. But i took and moved the beautiful music from this removed scene to the previous scene to give it its deserved emotional weight.
-> Removed Dewey falling down stairs and some goofy moments.

SCREAM 3 REVISITED (Scream 4 original)

-> New opening intro title card
-> Scream 3 is removed from my Scream canon (but can still be watched before my edit as I do nothing to outright remove it)
-> Re-arranged the entire opening, and removed overly long fake-outs/TV meta jokes
-> Re-inserted a lot of the deleted scenes to flesh out mysteries, characters and suspense
-> Removed a lot of flat jokes and insanely cringey moments or outright bad acting (smiling when stabbed@Olivia etc).
-> Re-scored the film with lots of new pieces from the original Scream OST
-> Color graded
-> Paced the film a lot better (imo, obviously)
-> … I want this film to surprise people in a positive way and don’t want to flesh out every change.

SCREAM 4 (Scream 5 originally)

-> … I want this film to surprise people in a positive way and don’t want to flesh out every change.
-> Deleted scenes of Dewey added and re-mixed to fit within the movie, as well as color grade
-> Original Scream OST has appearances throughout
-> Pace, goofyness etc all improved and altered
-> Borrowed some shots from “The Butcher” (fanedit.org)'s fanedit of Scream 4, as we both wanted the same, original and deleted opening.

Releasing all soon.

THE TITANIC [Titanic Restructured] (Released)


After great feedback throughout the years and a lot of people taking a strong liking to the increased focus and drama of the sinking, I’ve been working in the shadows on a IMAX / 16:9 version of the edit with new scenes (from the Titanic TV Series of 2012) carefully and sparingly crafted into the narrative (not character arcs, mostly scenes of the sinking and panic and deaths as well as some great exterior shots). The Deleted Scenes have also been color graded to a better effect, and the green tint removed from both the Theatrical print as well as the deleted scenes. The 2012 TV Show source has also been heavily and carefully color graded to fit with James Cameron’s Titanic.

Also re-arranged the opening soundtrack to keep the film score to its original ost, even though I thought the two new soundtracks from the original fanedit were beautiful.

Coming very soon.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

antani said:

Great, great update!

I could’t imagine the Revisited versions to become better, but you have outdone yourself and amazed me with the Ultimate edit! I really enjoyed the first movie so far! The color grading is nicely balanced with all the excess “shining” smoothed. The story is advancing in a good pace also. Bravo!

Already scheduling the second movie for a watch!

Keep it up, Andreas! ❤️

Now that just warms the heart even more on a day that Manchester United took a deserved win. ❤️ Thank you, antani, and have a lovely weekend.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

Chamber of Secrets Revisited V2/V3

in 16:9 and with mentioned changes (previous page) is now releasing within a few hours.

Major changes are:

  • 16:9 / IMAX Format

  • Film color graded to look like a mix of PoA and CoS original grade, as to have the grading evolve through the films; SS -> CoS -> PoA (colorful but darker - CoS, more thematically greener and darker to suit the Snake theme - PoA, a little bit more colorful but contains its original grade).

  • Hogwarts Castle carefully crafted to be more gray rather than orange or brown, as to fit with the castle in PoA and onwards.

  • Skies are now blue rather than purple (most movies shot on film before '02/03 have this issue where blue skies turn into purple due to no digital color grading as is the common practice now).

  • Keep the narrative focused on Harry and his story, rather than the occurence of two side-plots (Colin and Ron’s letter).

  • Prolonged reacion shots or close-ups (as are very frequent in Columbus’s slower children movies) are now shortened and/or sometimes removed as to keep the film(s) flowing at an improved pace. Helps the films feel more attuned to an also more grown-up audience.

  • The Whomping Willow sequence completely changed visually, to match with its location in PoA. The sequence is also re-arranged and even expanded on, + continuity errors are fixed (like flipped shots or broken continuity).

  • New Establishing Shots of Hogwarts, to set the mood and make the viewers invest more in the tone of the film as well as get a feel of the Castle and its size.

  • A lot of new sound mixing, to set a new and darker tone to the film.

  • Quidditch re-arranged, missing sound SFXs added (the bludger has two missing SFXs in the movie that always bothered me) and more.

  • The Riddle Flashback / Diary Memory majorly altered with visual trickery, a new and scary soundmix and better pace.

  • The exterior at night Hogwarts windows are now blue/green and dark as in PoA, OotP and HBP, rather than purple and bright.

  • The Harry and Draco duel paced and altered. Prolonged Duel soundmix. It imo feels more impactful and that more is at stake.

  • Harry talking to the snake has a new soundmix and improved pacing. I want it to feel impactful and scary.

  • Harry in the Library Study Group has a new and scarier soundmix, as well as trickery to the visual astetic as the original scenery feels dull and empty imo.

  • The “Hagrid with the trio in his hut at Night” sequence is majorly altered, with new establishing shots (to match with the Hut’s location in the following films) as well as to craft a more atmospheric tone. New soundmix and an improved pace.

  • The Forbidden Forest sequence altered. Some music removed as to allow the audience to feel as if they are in the forest with Harry and Ron.

  • Many instances of a dumbded-down Ron are removed. This also includes all but one instance of Harry yelling at Ron in this film. There are a total of FOUR outbursts from Harry to Ron in CoS. Now there are only one, and more fitting imo.

  • Third Act of the film majorly altered. Removed too much of the re-used Philosopher’s Stone OST and introduced a new and fitting soundtrack instead. Voldemort and CoS’s themes are kept intact. New soundmixes, alterations to pace and more as well.

  • Tom Riddle / voldemort deepfake morph (made by me) as the Diary is being ruined by Harry. I want Voldemort’s (SPOILER!) hidden piece of soul to emerge for continuity and foreshadowing reasons.

  • Ending is paced better, with a quicker emergence of the final scene with Hagrid in the Great Hall (which is also paced better, removing overly long shots and even some re-usage of same shots) as well as redundant reaction shots.

  • and then about a 100 or more changes I’m not going to mention here.

Apart from very few changes to the scoring of CoS - as I want CoS to keep its musical identity as all HP films have one, pace and cuts from the original CoS Revisited are mostly present.