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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

I, as a newly-confirmed anti-female (who is together with a beautiful woman who is way smarter than me but don’t tell her that!), by the jury of Neverar and NSFBisms, I also hope the film does well. I really, really do.

And I hope the director knocks it out of the park. And I hope Rey gets great character development and is allowed to stand on her own two feet. And although Rey is a rather bland character to me, Daisy is not! But! that will not matter if the politics behind the project will be more important than the story and its characters, which Disney has made a huge thing these past few years.

I think there is hope - but it might be a fool’s hope. 😃

BedeHistory731 said:

Anjohan said:

DZ-330 has said all there is to be said about the matter much better than I ever could, with harsh facts and a sharp mind.

Stating thoughtful opinions here that doesn’t match with the current cult following in America is seemingly so bad of a deal you are branded a wifebeater and anti-woman before the keys have been pushed on your keyboard, and everything is forcefully misunderstood so you can be the victim and the other the purpetrator.

It’s better than the cult following in America that gets people like me killed for “being different” and threatens to strip away our rights.

I’m thinking, all right. Thinking about the safety of my friends.

It saddens me to hear that you fear for the life and rights of you and your friends, and although I don’t know which specific case or scenario you refer to here (when it can be a multitude), no one should have it like that. I wish you health and safety, regardless of who you think I might be as a person.

When it comes to film and tv media, my stance has been known - although heavily misunderstood by many. I’d argue it’s even been forcefully misunderstood the second time around.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

DZ-330 has said all there is to be said about the matter much better than I ever could, with harsh facts and a sharp mind.

Stating thoughtful opinions here that doesn’t match with the current cult following in America is seemingly so bad of a deal you are branded a wifebeater and anti-woman before the keys have been pushed on your keyboard, and everything is forcefully misunderstood so you can be the victim and the other the purpetrator.

And in good faith all I can muster from the rest of the responses here is attempted bullying and hatred rather than the use of the brain’s primary function; to think. And that’s in good faith. In really good faith. I’m not gonna bend over backwards. And that was in good faith I read that btw.

Greetings, in good faith.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

What? Can you guys read? My problem isn’t female involvement. Any female can make anything as good as a man can and vice versa. My problem is that that is the focal point of the article and often also Disney when it should be about the story and the characters.

Since when did America and their corporations go so off-rail that gender equality and politics in film and tv media started mattering more than the story? THAT is my point. From a European standpoint it makes Hollywood look like a bunch of madmen (and madwomen, equality).

Why so sensitive and touchy, Neverar? You didn’t even understand my point; let alone you had to argue with an attempted insult rather than something thoughtful. Why would that even matter to my criticism or to me?

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Mocata said:


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is directing Daisy Ridley’s new #StarWars movie about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order. She’s the first woman to direct a “Star Wars” movie and says “it’s about time.”

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I feel what we’re about to create is something very special. We’re in 2024 now, and it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away.”

These people never learn. When it is more important to focus on gender equality (which is mainly a leftist, media-spewed myth) than the right person with the right passion and the right knowledge, then the product is strictly f*cked up before it’s hit the ground running (or in disney’s case, just flat out hit the ground).

They just never learn. MCU is dying. Their streaming platform is dying. Their animated movies are dying. Star Wars is nearly dead.

What do they do? Keep telling us that the problem is not enough female involvement.

Lord of the Rings: A Hobbit's Tale [The Hobbit Remade] (Released)

antani said:

Few days ago I re-watched A Hobbit’s Tale, and compared to the last time I saw the movie, around 2 years ago my opinion is somehow updated.

At first, it is greatly done in the style of The Lord of the Rings, loved the few shots and voices inserted from it here and there!
Secondly, it is as the title: A tale by the hobbit, the movie is almost done thru his eyes (except for the spinoff stories).
Another honorable mention are the flashbacks (Andreas signature mark as I say). LOVED THEM! And during the singing of “Far over the Misty Mountains Cold”…you just have to watch the edit! ❤️
The pacing is greatly done for one movie structure, and the only thing I could recommend if there ever is ever a re-revision, is to extend a bit from the third movie. The story just felt very rushed at the end.

Thanks for the great work!
As always, Keep it UP! ❤️

Cheers, my friend. Really warms the heart ❤️ I will most likely return for a 5.1 retouching of the film, and the third act will be refined.

King Kong (2005) - The "Story" Cut [w/ upscaled Deleted Scenes]

papill6n88 said:

Wooww, can’t wait to watch it!
Do you know how much time approximately you added to the movie?

About 6 minutes of the new upscaled Deleted Scenes, and then about 5 minutes from the Extended Cut. But I’ve also cut a ton from the first act so it balances itself out and even shortens the runtime (to keep a strong and character-focused pace for the first act). Example: the original film reach The Island at the 44 minute mark, whilst my edit reaches it at 40.

The Second Act is also shortened, with removal of a lot of bad CGI shots (mainly the dinosaur chase sequence) as well as scenes I feel either kill the suspense or the suspension of disbelief (characters falling 10-15 meters and surviving).

King Kong (2005) - The "Story" Cut [w/ upscaled Deleted Scenes]

So, another project - another adventure. First thing’s first;


I love and adore Peter Jackson’s King Kong. It’s great. It’s suspenseful. It has great moments of danger and even horror. It’s a great film, but not by any strech a masterpiece. What holds it down?

In the DVD of the official movie there are about 15 deleted scenes (these are not featured in the official “Extended Cut”), and all those scenes have great character development. Peter Jackson argues in his introduction of the deleted scenes that they were cut for pacing and because “the important thing is to get to the island”.

My Ideas and Thoughts

I think Peter Jackson’s arguement for pacing and why he deleted so much is a bad one at best, taking into account all the unecessary scenes kept in the theatrical cut that does not focus on the characters. Apart from Ann, Jack, Kong and Denham, all the other characters are food and fodder. Empty space with a few lines of dialogue. Faces to fill the screen and raise a false stake never felt since the beginning or before the end.

And the second problem is that the pacing just feels off. On the ship we jump in-between comedy, drama and unecessary screen time to random characters we never grow to care about way too much. I hardly know what to feel half of the time.

And then there’s the third problem I have to fix, which a techincal one; all the deleted scenes are in stereo, and in a 480p/trying to be 720p format. So when you take my high bitrate 1080p (which is superior to the 4k, but that’s another discussion) and put the deleted scenes next to it it’s like jumping into a distorted video file from the 60’s that wasn’t upscaled properly.


So, I’m upscaling each and every deleted scene (my computer has been sounding like a jetplane for the last 10 hours) to get the scenes into something resembling 720p-1080p, with the greatest focus on the character’s faces. This is after all every deleted scenes’ focal point. I am also creating new ambience and 5.1 surround sound for the scenes, as they only have a stereo input. I am also having to clean and remove some of the stereo to only keep the dialogue, as there is either too much noise or too much music that doesn’t fit the tone or previous scene.

Then, there’s the already overlong and bloated opening of the film. I’ve toned down all the unecessary backstories, keeping in tight on Ann and Denham, and when we get to the ship we depart rather quickly as Ann boards it. Jack trying to escape and all that is gone. Jack and Ann kissing in the first act rather than the last is fixed. Keep their relationship growing rather than reach a climax before the film gets going.

The new scenes and what they add

So, the characters of Heyes, The captain, Denham, Jack and Ann are all developed rather neatly with the footage available. I will recommend everyone YouTube-ing “King Kong 2005 deleted scenes” to see the amount of worthy content I’m actually talking about here.

However, some of the deleted scenes are heavily edited as they either go on to long or undermine something from the film/original cut. My focal point when I edit and add these deleted scenes are emotion and character growth.

What other changes are there?

With the Extended Cut as basis and a huge amount of deleted scenes at my disposal the film will focus more on the heart and the story rather than all the spectacle. I want the worldbuilding to be even better than the beauty it is in the original film, and I don’t want huge CGI battles around every corner. Some of the Extended Scenes are used to build suspense rather than build up to a battle (like the anaconda/water monster in the Extended Cut).

Changelist ?

No. Like always, I’m not a fan of changelists. I want people to discover this edit as a new and different way to watch Peter Jackson’s great adventure.


Hopefully christmas time.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

Light00 said:

Given PoA is my favorite HP movie, I REALLY love how the new GoF has been improved, it really scratches that Cuaron itch that the official cut (understandably) lacks. Are there plans for subtitles files? I kinda want to take a shot to make Italian ones for this project. Can’t wait for OOTP and beyond.

You are most kind, friend. ❤️ For the fans, by a fan

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

CamSMurph said:

I’m loving these new ideas! If we’re gonna get as much story as we can out of the films, then why not turn to external sources? 😄

True. But it has to feel organic, important and complimentary to the original film - or it will come across as cheap and fanedit-y. I’ll see What I can do when i come to HBP.

But Im happy the OotP flashback with Neville serves a purpose and works.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

CamSMurph said:

I’m loving these new ideas! If we’re gonna get as much story as we can out of the films, then why not turn to external sources? 😄

True. But it has to feel organic, important and complimentary to the original film - or it will come across as cheap and fanedit-y. I’ll see What I can do when i come to HBP.

But Im happy the OotP flashback with Neville serves a purpose and works.

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

DarthMarv said:

I’ve watched all 4 of your HP edits Anjohan and I had to sing my praises on here. Fantastic work! The new visual effects I noticed in HP1 & 2 and colour grading are bloody brilliant. It’s been years since I’ve seen the movie so any changes to musical scores and cuts you made I didn’t even notice (and I mean that as a good thing- it was seamless).
Oh and great work on building a real mystery with HPGoF, it actually felt like a mystery trying to figure out who was responsible rather than it dangling obvious ticks that gave away the reveal.
Hyped to see the rest of your edits.

Thank you so much for your review, and kind words. Greatly appreciated, and fuel for upcoming edits!

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

I might do a Gaunt flashback in HBP with a few quick shots from Voldemort: Origins, since the production is of so high-quality. But! And there is a but! If it looks fanedit-y and breaks with the immersion, I can’t use it. It all depends on how I can mix it in.

The immediate thought of the flashback structuring is something like: quick successive shots of Slytherin emblem on door in forest, the Gaunts faces close-ups, Voldemort’s mother in pain, a birth scene, some quick shots of a love potion, and then Dumbledore at the Orphanage and we follow the scene as presented in the film.

It would all have to be packaged like the transitions in HbP (and my GoF edit) with the smoke transitions.

I might also try and deepfake CoS Tom Riddle onto HbP Tom, but this would be problematic due to different facial structures as well as camera angles. An idea could be to crop his face out of shots, or leave his face obscured due to the lack of detail in Dumbledore’s memories (like his face is almost missing).

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]


So, for OotP not many fundemental changes are to occur. It will be mainly be musical alterations for a balance in tone and continuity, as well as some removal of repedative Umbridge music except for two scenes (rather than six!).

The narrative will stay the same and be unaltered, although I’ve done a reshape of the opening. It’s darker and opens with the previous events of Cedric’s death and Harry’s PTSD, followed by a alightly prolonged Dementor sequence to build suspense (I think the opening is good, but I always felt it rushed by to quickly and lacked enough suspense and dread for the dementors and their reveal - the scene goes from storm occuring to dementor reveal in about 20 seconds).

Another change I’ve been unsure about is a flashback for Neville’s scene with Harry. I always felt his parents subplot was ignored and emotionless in the films. Luckily, there is a brilliant fanfilm with a brilliant Bellatrix out there; and so I thought to use as little as possible from that to mix together what could be a heartfelt and disturbing flashback that would add some weight and emotion to Neville’s forgotten storyline. I also want Harry and Neville’s bond to feel stronger through this event.

So, does this work?


It’s important to not go into uncanny vally in terms of “oh, this is obviously a fanedit”.


I used to think your edits distancing themselves from all of the other SW trilogies was a mistake, Adywan.

But with age and wisdom, it is probably the smartest move you ever did for your edits. There is no reason to attach inferior products to a superior one. Can’t wait for ROTJ:R!

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

So there never really came a reason to watch the show I see. I guess I’ll watch them through my favorite reactors on YouTube somewhere down the line - as long as the “highlights” in such a format doesn’t bore me to death. I can at least get a sense of what the story was before we watch whatever shit film they have planned down the line that will be bombared with memberberries, a tame story and paperthin characters.

We wish Disney a speedy recovery!

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

honestabe said:

Thank you for making these edits Andreas. I hope you find fulfillment and happiness making these while having a good and lengthy life. (I read about your prior health issues).

I will look to watch these as soon as possible with hopefully other people to enjoy as well. I loved the first 2 revisited Harry Potter movies. I had a slight disagreement removing the opening dream sequence, but I understand you want these to be friendly for all ages.

Thank you, my friend, for those kind words. ❤️ I hope you (and friends) enjoy them, and please leave a review if you so do. Always neat to read about what a group of people thought.

And i wish you a happy, healthy and a long life as well! Never forget to give your body and soul what it needs! ❤️

CamSMurph said:

Wait a minute! I didn’t know Andreas was sick!

Healthy now! (except for the bloody flu! xD) This was ten years ago. ❤️

Jimmy Chips said:

Love the new edits!

Cheers, jimmy! Always happy to hear from you!

HARRY POTTER: Revisited [Updates and Info]

Prisoner of Azkaban & Goblet of Fire Ultimate Editions are DONE and released within their respective folder.

Enjoy ❤️

Special Thanks to:

  • Chloe, for excellent suggestions
  • CamSMurph, for excellent feedback and beta viewing both edits.

CamSMurph said:

A few words on the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire Ultimate Editions

Both outstanding from beginning to end! The new intro in PoA should give you an idea on what to expect. As PoA is rightfully considered the best in the series, little has been altered, save for a few nitpicks.

The new colour grade helps bring back the warmth of the first two movies, and as the story gets darker, so do the colours. What a way to compliment the mature storytelling!

Cuts are seamless throughout, and in keeping with musical continuity, Andreas brings back John Williams’ classic themes from Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets. PoA is Williams’ final contribution to the Harry Potter series and it really is a shame that his themes weren’t brought over from this point onward. God bless Andreas for remedying this in the best way possible!

Also, keep your eye out for a few clever cameos. 😉

GoF is just as good, if not better. Dark and difficult times lie ahead, indeed. Andreas has put together a much scarier affair than the theatrical version. This is particularly evident in the graveyard. The changes to Voldemort, in particular, are really something else. I won’t elaborate as I feel this should be viewed as blindly as possible.

The restructuring here is something no other GoF edit has done. It actually improves the story incredibly well to have the Yule Ball take place after the Second Task. That way, the Second and Third Tasks don’t feel like they take place mere weeks apart.

This is also the first of the Ultimate Editions to make use of select deleted scenes, all of which have been cropped and upscaled to fit the IMAX format Andreas has prepped for these new editions. The additional scenes in question add some important plot details and character moments which, I daresay, shouldn’t have been left out. This truly feels like a more complete experience!

The new sound mix in both edits is nothing short of impeccable. The SFX and ambience in certain scenes makes the environment feel more… magical. That’s all I will say on the matter.

While I can certainly point out a few things that need improving, I think I speak for everyone when I say, Andreas doesn’t disappoint! Thank you, good sir, for keeping the magic alive. And extra special thanks to Chloe of Fanedit.org for helping him through this! Well bloody done to both of you! 👏

Can’t wait for Order of the Phoenix through Deathly Hallows!

You are most kind, my friend, and thank you for your excellent feedback, suggestions and kind heart during this and every process of any of my HP edits that have taken place. You are an asset to this community, and as a person!