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ANDREAS presents: Star Wars - Episode I - The Ancient Lore [Remade]

IsanRido said:

You’re making the underwater city the actual sanctuary? It’s great to see that finally implemented in an edit. It always bothered the so called “safer place” where Gungans took refuge was nearer to the invaded zone, and in broad daylight. Reminds me of that Scorpion King movie where a bunch of people was “hidden” in a plainly visible oasis, and were like “you people are bringing the enemy” when the zeroes arrived there.

Yes. And as you said; this removes the horrible, illogical movement that is their entire race moving up to the battle-infested grounds.

Now, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan gets down there with Jar-Jar, is introduced to Boss Nass, in which Obi-Wan persuade General Nass to team with the Naboo. Thereafter, in the next scene, the Gungans have come to the top - but now, not for it being the sanctuary, but for meeting with the Queen and her people.

ANDREAS presents: Star Wars - Episode I - The Ancient Lore [Remade]

snooker said:

I love all of these drastic edits that people are starting to do! Everything that one could do to keep the story relatively intact and cut all of the fluff has already been done, so these types of edits are all that are left. My only minor complaint is the title, “The Ancient Lore” doesn’t give off a Star Wars-y vibe to me.

This edit is especially interesting, can’t wait!

Yes, there is not much left to do than these re-imaginings of sorts. But I didn’t start the edit back in 2013 because I wanted it to be different; it was because I saw endless possibilities to re-create the movie into something way, way better (IMO). And that just made my brain go into crazy mode! I mean, come on; what more cool than to make your childhood memory into something even better, especially when that childhood memory is a movie mostly despised by the audience you seek to show it to?

Not often do you get such an idea and then get the chance to do it, so I definitely just had to!

As for the title, although I’ve received a lot of praise for it through the years, I can absolutely believe people are just as liking to it as there are people who are not. The best and/or worst part of being a Star Wars fan, is that we’re so universally focused on certain aspects that are not really that important. And that makes us the best fans ever!

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, and I hope you’ll find something much more enjoyable in my version of TPM than what you originally got.

ANDREAS presents: Star Wars - Episode I - The Ancient Lore [Remade]


This edit has been going on for four years, started over at fanedit.org. Thought it’d be time to introduce it over here as well.

Moving on from my Harry Potter Revisited franchise, It’s time to rework one of my other childhood memories. For those who know me by now, you know I don’t do with only editing pace or lines or cutting. I really want to change everything that I feel doesn’t work in a storytelling sense, be that creating new scenes, languages or even incorporating non-canon story elements.

This Phantom Menace will not resemble anything close to what you have seen before - and is not meant to it. There is a completely new narrative, and with that a completely new beginning, middle and an end to this version of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy. This version of Episode I is what I think Episode I should be, with the material at hand.


Episode I is the best-looking of the three prequels, with a lot of devotion put into them from both the crew, actors as well as the director himself before he went all ludacris on digital moviemaking. It is also the most dull of the three prequels, with little to no character motivation or even plot explanation.

I even think half of the people that have seen the movie probably still don’t understand its plot, nor importance in the prequel trilogy. Is that a problem? Heck yes…


  • Movie completely re-graded to resemble a less childish palette, and more of a mature and darker picture.
  • There are many new visual effects, and many alterations to both audio (voice and alien language) as well as music and sound effects.
  • Appearances of Lord Sidious will have his hologram face hidden. His one real-life appearance with Maul is dubbed, as well as his voice altered and new plot points given throughout.
  • The Nemodians (Nute Gunray & Co.) now speak in foreign Alien language, to give of new and menacing voices, as well as completely new plot points for the story.
  • The Purple saber of Mace Windu will be removed in my trilogy, and given to Qui-Gon. It makes him more important, and fits his rogue style as he choses not to be on the Jedi Council. Mace Windu will get green.
  • Jar-Jar Binks has a new voice.
  • Battle Droids has a new voice.
  • Jar-Jar Binks will serve as comic relief, although appearances or voice from him that diminish an important character or story moment, will be removed or decreased.
  • Qui-Gon is the main character of the story. Obi-Wan and Anakin are sidecharacters that will get to shine a little bit throughout, but are part of a bigger puzzle to occur in the later entries of the trilogy.
  • Story narrative completely altered. The beginning of the movie in the Trade Federation Ship now takes place in the middle of the movie, and the story now starts with a Space chase, Naboo and the saving of the Queen.


The Nemodians have gathered political supporters, systems, planets - and most importantly - technology and intelligence - through the co-operation with Palpatine, aka. Lord Sidious, for years. Naboo is the movie’s target for invasion, because this is where Palpatine sees fit to create his Clone Army. Naboo has everything they need - the huge space travel gap between them and the Republic, and all the resources needed. But this plot is not known to anyone but the Nemodians and Palpatine himself, which is something they only discuss in great secrecy.

It is not before the defeat of The Trade Federation (the separtists) on the Planet of Naboo, that Sheev Palpatine realizes his recklessness and executes his plans far beyond the reach of the Republic, in the dark corner of the galaxy on the planet of Kaminoo, with the help of corrupted Master Syfo-Dius and Count Dooku - plotting for even more years to come - which is what leads into Attack of the Clones.

HOW TO: Some of these plot points are learned throughout the new Opening Crawl, and the rest told through dialogue or interpretation of new and/or existing scenes.

[4.] PREVIEW CLIPS (both finished once, and unfinished once)

SITH LORDS ON TATOOINE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=89&v=ElzRNYkrn7o
EXTENDED TATOOINE BATTLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJEKjGAyHjg
FATHERLY TIES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXSldN2x_Ag

UNFINISHED PREVIEW OF CERTAIN KEY SCENES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH7wznxvDVI

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Anjohan said:


Rey is Luke. Finn is funny. Poe should be dead, but I liked Oscar Isaac - we’ll keep him.

It’s the same plot as A NEW HOPE, but with Han as Old Ben - the mentor figure. Rey lives on Tatooi- Jakku, a desert planet, and her father is Anaki- Uhm, Obi-Wan, but we’ll keep that info until EP 8. There is a new deathstar, but BIG DUFFERENCE: it is much more enormouser!!! Gigantic!

The new villain is unsure yet, but I might have to write him himself… bleh, boooring! I’ll ask George for ideas on this one!

The movie ends pretty much the same way as ANH, but I WANT BIG LIGHTSABER FIGHT IN END! I WANT THE MOVIE TO FEEL NEW!!

I found J.J’s first script draft while traveling through Disneyland yesterday. It was inside his car. I broke into it.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **


Rey is Luke. Finn is funny. Poe should be dead, but I liked Oscar Isaac - we’ll keep him.

It’s the same plot as A NEW HOPE, but with Han as Old Ben - the mentor figure. Rey lives on Tatooi- Jakku, a desert planet, and her father is Anaki- Uhm, Obi-Wan, but we’ll keep that info until EP 8. There is a new deathstar, but BIG DUFFERENCE: it is much more enormouser!!! Gigantic!

The new villain is unsure yet, but I might have to write him myself… booting! I might ask George for ideas!

The movie ends pretty much the same way as ANH, but I WANT BIG LIGHTSABER FIGHT IN END! I WANT THE MOVIE TO FEEL NEW!!

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Alderaan said:

7 of the last 10 reviews on IMDB:

  1. “The Worst of the Very Worst, Should be Forbidden”
  2. “This Movie Is Stupid”
  3. “Leaves A Lot To Be Desired”
  4. “The Fart Awakens And Stinks up The Galaxy Far Far Away”
  5. “So bad I had to create a review account”
  6. “Imagine if someone gave you money for presenting someone else’s work/script/idea”
  7. “Not terrible, not great either”

Which one is your favorite?

Ahhh, lovely to see the brutal honesty from fans! My favorite would have to be nr. 6. It’s just too harshly true to be avoided.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Dirge said:

John Doom said:

darthrush said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

So after watching this again, I’m wondering if the ending would have been better had Fin died. Probably not a popular opinion, but it would have been a powerful event for his character, and I’m struggling to think of what kind of unique role he could play in the rest of the trilogy. His arc seems kind of complete already.

Not a crazy proposition. This thought has crossed my mind many times since I first saw it.

I thought that too, but it’s partly for another reason: I know this is very unpopular, but I think Finn’s role in the movie feels, unfortunately, expandable. If you look at what he does in TFA, the only two things which move the plot forward are saving Poe (another hit-and-miss character, especially since he wasn’t originally supposed to come back in the third part of the movie) and helping Han find the panel to lower Starkiller’s shields. That’s it. The writers even struggled to make him relevant in the final duel, making Ben use the force to make Rey unconscious (he doesn’t do it anymore later) so Finn could fight him alone.
They could’ve switched him with another character and it still wouldn’t have really affected the plot, which I think is unfortunate: being a former stormtrooper, he could’ve been the best character in the movie, especially if they fleshed out more his internal conflicts. As he is now in TFA, he could’ve died and it would’ve still been alright, bacause he feels expendable (to me, at least).

The problem with Finn is that he’s really just a former stormtrooper-ino (in name only). Really, he acts nothing like an ex-stormtrooper. He’s just some dude (just a likeable goof who bumbles his way through the film). Which is indeed unfortunate because a former stormtrooper as a character has a lot of potential for exploration and development. But Finn’s lack of depth really is just a symptom of the bigger problem. Which is the disappointing reality that The Force Awakens is actually a pretty shallow movie. Mostly, it’s just your typical mediocre Hollywood Sci-Fi action film with only the trappings from the original Star Wars trilogy to raise it’s profile. It’s not that it was horrible (they did manage to avoid the overt stupidity of the prequels), but the film played it too safe (mostly consisting of a steady procession of OT characters/vehicles/themes that would conveniently pop up between/during the many action scenes…"Oooo, look! It’s the Millennium Falcon! pause for applause…Oh, and there’s Han Solo! pause for applause…And look there! Another Death Star…but BIGGER! crickets chirping).

Now the film wasn’t WHOLLY inadequate. There were a few decent parts too. For instance, I mostly liked what they did with Kylo Ren. But then all the time they spent developing his character is wasted when he eventually comes across Rey and her whole waltzing through the movie doing her “anything you can do, I can do better” routine. I mean, really…You’re going to have the obligatory lightsaber duel in the finale feature three characters, only one of which has any training with an actual lightsaber (and he still loses because, you know, there’s this certain protagonist that happens to be naturally great at just about everything…on demand). I guess J.J. knew he wasn’t going to be around for the following films. So, he wanted to have the payoff for her character at the end of this first film (but it just seems all too easy and unearned).

Unfortunately, the Force Awakens has taken most of the wind out the sails of my anticipation for Episode VIII.

But whatever…At least Rogue One was really good.

+1. Except for Rogue One. I didn’t care for anyone but the droid, and the blind guy. A sad thing to admit, but it’s true. It was the only time I got emotional through the entirety of the film. I don’t even have the impression that Jyn Erso was the main character.

Should the Prequels be more included into the franchise going forward?

Hal 9000 said:

I would prefer the prequels be referenced occasionally, though not in a way that would dredge up any of their continuity issues with the original trilogy. For example, no references to Qui-Gon as Obi-Wan’s master, since in the OT it was Yoda who trained him. Featuring Bail Organa as played by Jimmy Smitts is perfectly fine, being a character referenced in the OT and nothing about his prequel portrayal strains this. I’d rather not reference Threepio being built by Anakin.
Y’know, reference and include the prequels to whatever degree is appropriate, but I’d avoid anything that wouldn’t read well if one hadn’t seen them.

This is my thoughts, exactly.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Anjohan said:

boring main characters

¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

I just didn’t find Finn FindMyIphone, Rey the Grey and Pope Damyian to be interesting new additions.

Rey is Luke V2; from a desert planet with unclear family relations, Finn is boring and used for comic, and Poe is not in it much and frankly could be dead.

SNOKE is imposing, but we’ve already seen the Mastermind in a hologram thing before in EP 5.

HAN SOLO is cool because of the OT, and have some funny lines.

MAZ KANATA is orange “dont-underestimate-my-size” Yoda.

KYLO REY is new and cool.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I find it funny, that out of all the OT practical effects in Jabba’s palace, I find Jabba the most convincing and every single other Rubber-mask alien completely unbelievable, whilst in A New Hope I don’t.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this might be due to a bigger focus on “bigger, better, more” in RotJ, whilst in ANH it was the little things that mattered.

Any thoughts on this? Is it just me? Am I alone?

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Diego said:

Gaffer Tape said:

Well, as you will later see in his abysmal dealings with Jabba the Hutt, Luke has some kind of inferiority complex that forces him to kill as many people as humanly possible.  I mean, sure, some Imperial forces might die if the AT-AT tips over due to a damaged leg, but if you really want to rack up a good kill count, blowing up the cockpit with an explosive is the safer way to go!

Speaking of which, what the hell was Luke’s plan for rescuing Han? As much as I love ROTJ, I’ve never been able to make any sense of the plan.

Good question. I don’t think there ever was much of a plan - just all about getting inside the fort, and take it from there. Worked out well, tho’. One would almost think it was in the script for them to succeed.

Star Wars moving forward without Ms. Fisher

suspiciouscoffee said:

Anjohan said:

With all due respect to her memory, I think Carrie would appreciate her character getting the end that fit the story.

I guess she might’ve, sure.

I think Leia’s role was to bring back Kylo to the light, in a very conflicting and heartbreaking moment most certainly saved for EP IX.


I can imagine this scene in my head, in which Luke is dead and Rey defeated - Snoke believing all Jedi now to be extinct, with Rey and Kylo - having tried to overthrow Snoke - both laying wounded on the floor infront of him. And then, in a “what the fuck are you doing here?” reaction from Snoke as Leia suddenly walks into the room from out of nowhere, Leia suddenly wreaks mental force havoc on Snoke, killing him in the most brutal force usage scene we have ever seen on screen, crushing and slamming him from wall to wall until every bone is broken in his twisted, pale body, only for Leia to give the biggest one-liner ever: “I’m not afraid of the Dark Side, Lord Snoke - I relish it in the favor of my son”, crushing Snoke’s head right off with the very swift movement of the Force from her hands, leaving his wretched body more pale and lifeless than ever on the dusty floor.

  1. No.
  2. That’s not even a one-liner. It really doesn’t even make sense.

I don’t give a shit what you think ❤️ From my point of view your behavior is evil! Lil’ Ani would flesh you with his exhaustion vents.

Star Wars moving forward without Ms. Fisher

With all due respect to her memory, I think Carrie would appreciate her character getting the end that fit the story. If in IX, Leia was supposed to be murdered or betrayed, I can’t see how she wouldn’t have had wanted that still.

But I don’t think this was ever the direction they were heading. I think Leia’s role was to bring back Kylo to the light, in a very conflicting and heartbreaking moment most certainly saved for EP IX.

I think Han was the sacrifice for EP 7. Luke the sacrifice for EP 8. And Leia the one to survive, bring balance, and restore the Jedi Order Luke never dared to try restore again.

I can imagine this scene in my head, in which Luke is dead and Rey defeated - Snoke believing all Jedi now to be extinct, with Rey and Kylo - having tried to overthrow Snoke - both laying wounded on the floor infront of him. And then, in a “what the fuck are you doing here?” reaction from Snoke as Leia suddenly walks into the room from out of nowhere, Leia suddenly wreaks mental force havoc on Snoke, killing him in the most brutal force usage scene we have ever seen on screen, crushing and slamming him from wall to wall until every bone is broken in his twisted, pale body, only for Leia to give the biggest one-liner ever: “I’m not afraid of the Dark Side, Lord Snoke - I relish it in the favor of my son”, crushing Snoke’s head right off with the very swift movement of the Force from her hands, leaving his wretched body more pale and lifeless than ever on the dusty floor.

Now that, would be the way to end Leia’s arc.

Should the Prequels be more included into the franchise going forward?

TV’s Frink said:

Anjohan said:

Do they not deserve the chance to walk down memory lane with stories and references from their favorite moments?

They do, and they can do it by watching the prequels.

Valid point. But couldn’t the same be said for the OT then?

If Disney made the new trilogy in PT era and fans criticized; would the answer “you can watch the OT” be a satisfactory one for you as a lifelong fan?

Should the Prequels be more included into the franchise going forward?

ray_afraid said:

Anjohan said:

ray_afraid said:

Anjohan said:

the prequels, do they really deserve to be forgotten acts of the past?


But can you say the same about this statement: the fact that there are kids out there who - for them - the Prequels are just as important for them as the OT may be for you. Do they not deserve the chance to walk down memory lane with stories and references from their favorite moments?

Sure they do. But the movies have no real cultural or historical impact. If you like em cause ya grew up with em, that’s fine. Reminiscing on things we loved as kids can be fun. But the PT did nothing to earn a positive place in the collective conscious.
They really are just some dumb movies.

But is this a fact, or is this just a popular opinion?

Because you see, according to moviemakers and American moviemaking businesses, the prequels are in fact historically and culturally important, as they broke new ground for visual effects and and digital moviemaking.

So actually what you are saying is incorrect, but your opinion is commonly shared. So you are basing your reasons on what you deem factually correct, when in fact - it should be known - that it is just an opinion. By no factual means are they not historically or culturally important.

Should the Prequels be more included into the franchise going forward?

ray_afraid said:

Anjohan said:

the prequels, do they really deserve to be forgotten acts of the past?


But can you say the same about this statement: the fact that there are kids out there who - for them - the Prequels are just as important for them as the OT may be for you. Do they not deserve the chance to walk down memory lane with stories and references from their favorite moments?