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New Forum Software has recreated crawl?
Originally posted by: Marvolo
Is that a new forum layout option...

I was just goofing around at work. Since I use Photoshop as part of my job I thought I'd goof on the new forum look. All these threads about the 77 crawl gave me the idea.

I will say, however, the original is 1024 x 768 and looks considerably sharper. The 800-pixel version pales in comparison. I spent quite a while just doing the star field.

Makes me wonder how much better the DVD is going to look compared to the few screen grabs we've seen.

First Impressions of the OOT ...
I'll go get Star Wars tomorrow. I was going to stop on the way home but decided to come straight home and watch the evening news. Sorry fellas, I'd rather watch Katie deliver the news than stop for a DVD.

From the look of the screen grabs, and now the descriptions, it's going to be very watchable and considerably better than I had expected. Good - I can finally stop wasting energy wondering about how I'm going to be watching Star Wars in the future.

Let the Lucas insanity continue full speed. He's of no interest to me anymore - not even remotely. I wish him all the best with whatever internal demons he's trying to overcome.

Now, if only the news were an hour.
2006 OT DVD: Poll: So What are You Going to Do?
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Ooh, now those are some interviews I would definitely love to read.

I have to start hunting around. Someone had a bunch of links to old articles posted a few months ago. There was also a couple with Kurtz where he mentioned the altering-it-on-the-fly and the making-it-up-as-he-went-along conversations he and Lucas used to have.

There was no grand vision back in the 70s. He wrote one screenplay for one film. Eveything after that was a cash grab. Seems like it was a few years ago that Lesley Stahl interviewed Lucas on 60 Minutes and he spoke about altering the Return story to include ewoks solely for the marketing tie-ins. Had something to do with his daughter. I heard him speak the words so I know it was some sort of TV thing. I should have recorded it but I dislike the guy so much that I could hardly watch the thing the one time. I can't stand to listen to him be interviewed. Like I've said before, he might as well be burping the alphabet when he speaks - it's that meaningless.

2006 OT DVD: Poll: So What are You Going to Do?
Originally posted by: Obi Jeewhyen

.... when I watch Star Wars, Princess Leia is not even Luke's sister, and Darth Vader is not his daddy.

That's because none of them are related to each other.

Some of us were there. We know the truth. We've read the magazine interviews where Lucas said he thought it up years afterwards. He can change the films and lie about it all he wants, but he can't go back and alter the printed words. Too many people remember. Too many people think for themselves.

What it was like to experience Star Wars for the first time in 1977.
Hats off, rennervision

That sums it up perfectly. It was a magical time indeed.

...the SE tries to cram all sorts of creatures down our throat when Mos Eisley is introduced - now before we even get to the cantina. How could Lucas not realize this diminishes the impact of the cantina...?

Because he's not a great director or story teller. He's just a guy that made a great movie 30 years ago.
2006 OT DVD: Poll: So What are You Going to Do?
Originally posted by: Obi Jeewhyen

Not to put anyone down .... but I'm glad my love of Star Wars and consideration of it to be fun are not dependent upon the modern-day actions or inactions of George Lucas or his company.

My memories surrounding the movies and the dozens of times I've seen them in theaters.........and my genuine love of the movie Star Wars as one of the best films ever made .... all these sustain my love for Star Wars and will keep it fun for me till the end of my days.

Very well put, man. I feel the same way.

The movie Star Wars, the adventure, the emotion, the sense of awe, the story, the event - they all happened first - because 1977 happened first - NOTHING that Lucas has done the last two decades, or anything he ever does from now on - technology, editing, lying, etc - can interfere with that. Where Star Wars is concerned, I've not seen anything (versions, edits) that didn't take place in 1977.

Events that happen now cannot alter events that happened in 1977.

Lucas doesn't get to decide what Star Wars is for me.

Sending the SEs back
Originally posted a few days ago by: Anchorhead

Those packages aren't going to be opened. Maybe a handful for the amusement of the people working the mailroom, but the rest become landfill.

…**waits for all the responses of - "fuck Lucass then, I'm putting a big scratch on the disc before I send it back...

Originally posted by: Cable-X1

I would like to send them back as a bit of a statement.....I will scratch the disks. I don't see it as immature or stupid. I think it sends a message ....

What are you going to do with your SE discs?
Originally posted by: Mike O
That number of people time 3-6 discs... I can't help but wonder, however, if Lucas would open the packages. It would be interesting if this made an impact of some sort.

Those packages, along with everything else that's ever sent to Lucasfilm, will go to an incoming mail center or some sort of special PO box. Lucas isn't going to be opening packages - for crying out loud!

Those packages aren't going to be opened. Maybe a handful for the amusement of the people working the mailroom, but the rest become landfill - or if there really is enough, they pay some temps to open every package, seperate the discs, put them in new cases, and then they donate them to charity.

Look, man - next month, go buy the non-anamorphic, LD mastered, widescreen version of Star Wars - the format it's going to be available in - take it home, watch it, enjoy the adventure.....and then go outdoors!

**waits for all the responses of - "fuck Lucass then, I'm putting a big scratch on the disc before I send it back, he has to put out a proper release - he owes that to the fans and for the good of film preservation, it's his duty."

For the record, I don't like the guy anymore than the rest of the people here - but I'm not going to loose sleep over his OCD nor am I going to spend precious energy on hating him and trying to win against him.
It has begun: StarWars.com to celebrate original films
Originally posted by: Obi Jeewhyen
There's far more to "better" than mere visual quality....

for many of us old-er folk who experienced the original Star Wars phenomena first-hand, even a half-baked job at presenting the opening of this movie the way it really opens will set the stage for an exceptional experience of Star Wars

By virtue of the first 30 seconds alone, this will be the "best" Star Wars home release ever ... ahem, says me.

I'm right there with you, man.

* slight edit on the quote
It has begun: StarWars.com to celebrate original films
Originally posted by: skye_solo
George Lucas is appearing more and more to be like a Charles Foster Kane.

I've had that discussion with people before. I think you're right.

He's not a director with a lifetime of movies - some vast body of work worthy of an honorary Lifetime Achievement Oscar at the end of his career. He's a guy that made a series of 6 films, amassed billions because of it, and has become some eccentric that rules his empire (a film company as opposed to a publishing company) from his "ranch". The place is even named after one of the characters in the films.

He has people that speak for him and legions of blindly devoted followers that hang on his every word and believe every thing he says, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, how false it's proven to be, or hypocritical it is.

There are already thousands of people that study and discuss ad nauseam what it was he was thinking when he wrote a certain character or a particular scene, or why he would alter something years after the fact and then lie about it.

He's already become a Charles Kane figure.

Been doing some thinking... OT box set
Originally posted by: 20th Century Mark
So what does this all mean?



I think you're probably right. There will be another release - a better release. Star Wars is all Lucas has to offer the world. He's not about to make it so that he can reach some sort of stopping point.

If not, I have a watchable (and enjoyable) version. At this point, a proper anamorphic version would just be a bonus - not something I'm going to be loosing sleep over.
The creation of the Star Wars logo
Is there an area on her site that has some of the original pencil drawings or inked version of the logo? Maybe I just missed it. I know it really didn't go through a normal series of revisions and according to her there was really only one minor one, but it would still be cool to see the original hand-drawn logo.

Considering the billions of things the logo has shown up on worldwide over the years - I wonder if there's ever times when she sees the logo, for instance, on a t-shirt as someone walks by and thinks to herself - "Yeah, I drew that with a pencil, on a piece of paper, while sitting at my desk at work 30 years ago".

Weird how something that started simply as a logo for a brochure to be given to investors was to become one of the most immediately recognizable logos in all of pop culture, around the globe.

Very interesting story Davis, thanks for the link.
Your Greatest Star Wars Day.
Originally posted by: Obi Jeewhyen
The most fun was to be had at Artoo's arroyo, as there were several shots filmed here of the poor droid's encounter with scavenging Jawas. And nearby was the bluff where Sandpeople were spotted by an unsuspecting Luke Skywalker, as well as the canyon floor where those same Tusken Raiders hop adroitley upon their Banthas ...

But I think I most enjoyed the Mos Eisley overlook. Because we could get cars almost right up to the cliff edge, we were able to blare the appropriate John Williams soundtrack que .... over and over and over again.

Both of those would be pretty damn cool. I do a lot of motorcycle traveling. Death Valley has always seemed like a must-see (I've always wanted to see The Racetrack, I think it's called) - I would have to set aside time to go see those two places you mentioned.

Cool stuff, man.