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Anakin Starkiller

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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

It’s a little rude to just call theyre ideas dumb. Constructive criticism is helpful, but just judging something without giving any alternatives or ideas doesn’t help anytime.

I’m sorry. I’m not very good at gauging tone and tend to come off meaner than I intend. Could someone provide with an alternative wording to my earlier comment that would be considered not rude?

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Any fan who cares enough to watch a fan edit will instantly know the difference between a Rebel X-Wing and a Resistance X-Wing, or an Imperial TIE Fighter and a First Order Tie Fighter. Admittedly in the latter case a simple color swap should fool most people, but that’d be incredibly tedious to accomplish. There’s definitely no way to make an imperial stormtrooper convincingly pass for a First Order stormtrooper.

Worst Edit Ideas

It’s an anti-copyright soundalike. They all do that. Surely you’ve heard one on a YouTube parody before, right?

Maybe, instead of relenting, Anakin could’ve jumped out of the ship and left Obi-Wan to fight Dooku on his own. Obi-Wan loses and Dooku escapes, and we’re left to wonder if Anakin had stayed, could the war have ended the day it began? This could fuel Anakin’s motivation to fight in this war and take more drastic measures to try and end it, leading him on the path to the dark side.

I like that.

Worst Edit Ideas

CaptainFaraday said:

Edit this into the ending of TROS:


It doesn’t play.

I love the idea of just editing tone-deaf product placement into dramatic scenes.

Alec Guinness joins Luke in TROS on Ach-To in sharing guidance with Rey.

“Don’t be afraid, Rey. By the way, have you tried KFC? It’s been scientifically proven to boost midi-chlorian performance.”

Change everything so that the force is really about alcohol.

Basically like Auralnauts.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I can’t imagine a way of recoloring the sand that wouldn’t also change the color of the characters’ skin.

EbSynth: Now this looks like a job for me.

If I do do that I’ll make it so you can change the color of the sand to whatever you want. Sam with the sky. I’m thinking maybe cyan sand and magenta sky? Black sand, yellow sky? Something striking.

Someone also made the Rey meditation jungle scene purple that looked pretty cool but looked a bit avatar-ish.

That would be me. Here it is.

I think super orange is the easiest place to go with Pasaana.

Then it’s just Geonosis.

Sequel Trilogy Rescoring Ideas Thread

Lately I’ve been experimenting with putting Holst’s “Mars - The Bringer of War” in TROS’ finale; it’s not technically a > Star Wars piece, but it had a lot of influence on A New Hope’s soundtrack, so using it here might make it feel like it’s come full circle.
Here it is as Rey is standing up to Palpatine:

Ngl, reminds me more of Murray Gold than John Williams, but still not totally off-base. Still, of all the places you could possibly remove the Force theme from, this feels like the wrong one. It works well enough here, though.

Worst Edit Ideas

That’s right, I’m back bitches. Hopefully for good.

I would actually be totally cool with someone like Adywan or anyone else making an edit where the Death Star II explodes with visible debris. Just not shots of it landing on Kef Bir.

I could unironically see a shot of the debris landing on Kef Bir working well as part of the SE celebration montage.

Add in a famous historical monster (Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, Genghis Khan, etc.), and make him a side character in any of the movies.

Adolf Hitler giving the Starkiller Base speech?

Worst Edit Ideas

It ish a pewiod of civiw waw.
webew spaceships, stwiking
fwom a hidden base, have won
theiw fiwst victowy against
da eviw Gawactic Empiwe.

Duwing da battwe, webew
spies managed to steaw secwet
pwans to da Empiwe’s
uwtimate weapon, da def
staw, an awmowed space
station with enough powew to
destwoy an entiwe pwanet.

Puwsued by da Empiwe’s
sinistew agents, pwincess
weia waces home aboawd hew
stawship, custodian of da
stowen pwans that can save
hew peopwe and westowe
fweedom to da gawaxy.…