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Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

RedBro said:

AllAboutThatSpace said:
I personally way prefer t-1’s work than Mike’s Vimeo previews. But I understand he’s going for the official release so it’s a different project altogether.

Genuinely curious what you mean – because you think he makes too many alterations?

I’m sure if I saw the whole thing in context I’d change my mind, but for me, the clips on his Vimeo account seem to have been graded a long way towards the cold blue/green of the spectrum. This may just be that he’s grading in a 4K projector colour space that doesn’t match with computer screens.
I don’t want to make a fuss because he’s worked for so many years on this, and we’re all waiting anxiously to see what happens with Legacy. However it turns out, we’ll all have some very good options for seeing SW 77 in the future!

Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)


If this is right, and I have no reason to disbelieve you, then I hope we’ll see a T-1 / Williarob collab on this print after Mike’s pitch. If he gets the gig, then another version won’t be any competition, given the tiny circulation on here. If he’s unsuccessful then a Tech restoration will be even more important.
I wish him all the best but I don’t think any of us should accept his jibes against T-1:- being unprofessional restorers, or only in it for fame. They’ve proved both those accusations to be untrue.
I personally way prefer t-1’s work than Mike’s Vimeo previews. But I understand he’s going for the official release so it’s a different project altogether.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

RedBro said:

Excuse me if I’m missing something, but since no one who “owns” a print of Star Wars actually legally “owns” it (since they all belong to Fox/Disney), why exactly is the person who loaned the Technicolor scan upset? I can understand if he or she is worroed because a scan of that print could be traced back and thus face legal repercussions from Fox/Disney. But if it’s something other than that…well, frankly: what right does that person have to keep such a thing to him or herself when none of what we’re talking about here is strictly “legal”?

Because the existence of any of these releases depends entirely on collaboration and trust. Officially no-one really owns the prints, true enough, but if taking without permission was considered fair game then no-one would ever lend prints to those with the ability to scan them and all these projects would be significantly poorer, if they even got off the ground at all.
NB/ I don’t know for a fact that a scan was used without permission on purpose- I’m speaking generally.

On another note, nice one Williarob, good to here we’ll be getting updates on a new version 😃

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Difference between SSE and Legacy to my eyes (if Vimeo is accurate)
Thanks for your frankness Williarob, you have our support! Shame that that tech print can’t be used because it looked extraordinary, but misunderstandings and mistakes happen. From what I’ve been able to observe, there’s been an unusual amount of good collaboration before this blip, and will be plenty after I’m sure 😃

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Darth Lucas said:

I would however, not hold my breath for the technicolor project, without getting into detail.

Understood you can’t say much more, but given this statement from their site: “There has been no illegal or acquired scans or prints that have been unauthorized.”
Do you think it will never see the light of day, or that it’s just less likely now?

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Dek Rollins said:

Did TN1 give any specific reasons as to why they disbanded anywhere? I mean, everything they did was legal. They weren’t going to get in trouble just because they were a team effort. Now I’m afraid that I’ll never see the Technicolor release or the '97 SE release.

Agreed. The Tech print looked like a wonderful thing. I think it’s probably a good idea to decentralise and abandon the team name and the website. Perhaps the SSE was a bit ostentatious. Hopefully the great work can continue but without the fanfare surrounding releases and the consequent media attention. Good work all who help make these possible. I hope we’ll see the fruits of your labour despite this setback.

Star Wars 1977 releases on 35mm

Hi Poita,
I’m very sorry to hear about your family’s misfortune with health, as well as your own, and I hope you have speedy recoveries on all counts. On top of which it must be dreadfully frustrating to have gremlins take out your hardware 😦
I don’t write on this forum nearly enough, so I think I’m one of the many people who, while not central to the discussions, benefit greatly from the hard work and financial sacrifice put in by yourself and many others. I’ve enjoyed all of the restorations, but particularly the two currently released 35mm scans done by Team -1. From the screenshots you’ve posted it looks like you have prints capable of making even better versions! For me, and possibly others, the joy of these new scans of Star Wars is the colour. I never knew, for example, that SW 1977 had so many wonderful blues, greens, yellows and oranges that are buried in official releases. On the face if it, that shouldn’t matter too much, but strangely and magically it makes the experience of watching the films that much more vivid, cinematic and involving. You wouldn’t think you could watch a movie for maybe the tenth time and feel like you’ve never seen it before. It’s awesome.
I only came across you’re projects very recently, so I’m not certain how far along in the process you were before your setup was taken out. I’m sure no-one would blame you for seeing this as a sign to wind down, but from what little I’ve seen it seems you have the capability, in your own time, to produce some stunning releases.
I’m extremely grateful to you and everyone else who works on these for making star wars visually spectacular again!
Wishing you all the very best from London.

Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

Williarob said:

captainsolo said:

hairy_hen said:

The 70mm picture quality could potentially be quite nice, though with an aspect ratio of 2.2:1, some image would be missing from the sides.

The soundtrack is quite the most desirable aspect of it, of course. I know there is at least one privately owned 70mm print of the first movie out there, but nobody seems to know who actually owns it. Most likely this person would be unwilling to loan it out for scanning. I’ve never heard anything about whether there are any existing copies of the other two.

poita said:

Re 70mm, I have seen two 70mm Star Wars prints, only one was in projectable shape and both were far too faded to red to be useful for restoration of the image, it is extremely likely that they all are far too faded now.
Plus 70mm is cropped at the sides, so I don’t think it will be a lot of use for the visual restoration.

Any 70 prints would be Eastman likely and virtually all from that vintage are typically in tatters or so faded they are unprojectable. Additionally the mag tracks can go if not properly stored.

Imagewise, the only benefits would be the finer grain and what if any visual changes were induced through the blowup–albeit those you could tell through heavy fading. The big draw will be the Dolby 70 baby boom in the six track mag stripe. If it could be found, transferred and turned it would become a most powerful ally. 😉
But of course all this would be much easier if we could access the source and do a straight transfer, much like some 70mm mixes that got direct transfers to LD and DVD. Like the earlier Criterion 2001, any magnetic we might be able to work with would likely have some distortion or damage after all these years.

The IB will be the best image overall and the most filmic/organic feeling. The Eastman/LPP will be what you’d have seen in 1977 and what the movie should look like from the processes of the day on general release.

Timing is everything. Team Negative One’s 70mm film scanner is now up and running and we’ve already scanned The Empire Strikes Back 70mm, in 4k*:


  • Well, as much as we have of it anyway. If anyone here has a 70mm print of Star Wars you’d like scanned, please let us know! 😃

Ooh, do you think you’ll be able to incorporate this clip into the cleaned up Empire? Or is sit not worth it?
Exciting to know you have the capability! Even though the 70mm prints are cropped you could still use them with a feathered edging blending into 35 at the sides. Might be distracting for long scenes, but worth a try! I’ll keep a look out on eBay and mortgage my house 😉

Team Negative1 - Star Wars 1977 - 35mm Eastman Vs Technicolot Theatrical Version (* unfinished project *)

Sorry to non sequitur from the crawl convo.
I don’t post on this from nearly enough, so I feel a bit bad that I just checked in at random and was able to watch the SSE tonight! (But not too bad, because it’s phenomenal) You guys have done an incredible job. Thanks so much to T-1, Harmy for his brilliant versions and everyone else who’s contributed to all these projects. After watching the SSE I was pretty satisfied that that was my version of Star Wars in the bag. Then I watched the Technicolor preview. ‘~’ It’s stunning, beautiful sharpness and colour! If you’d told me it was from a 70mm blow up I would have believed it. Super excited to hear you have pretty much the whole film in this wonderful format.
Have a good break! Looking forward to more exciting news in the future! 😃

Team Negative1 - Return of the Jedi 1983 - 35mm Theatrical Version (unfinished project)

I haven’t used this forum a lot, but with respect, talking about getting hold of a print of TFA is really silly on a number of levels. There’s at at least 15 IMAX prints in the world, but you’d actually need to work for the IMAX corporation, or be an incredible engineer with acres of time and money to scan them. Watch any of their youtube vids to see how massive IMAX prints for a 2 hour movie are. As it happens the IMAX print of TFA has already been through a computer- there were a few frames of 1080p (or a comparatively low-res digital format) early on in the movie - so you wouldn’t be getting a digital copy of a film source, you’d be getting a digital copy of a film copy of a digital copy of a film source.

More importantly though, I think it begins to stray from Restoration into Piracy, when you talk about getting hold of a new movie. I’m sure the blu-ray will be absolutely fine.
team Neg1,
That line-up of your workflow is exciting to see! Thanks for the incredible work!

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

LexX said:

towne32 said:

Alderaan said:

Arguably worse though was the First Order general. That was by far the worst acted part in the whole movie. What an awful casting decision.

I thought Domhall Gleeson was fantastic. Underused, a bit. But his excessively fascist speech was dark and great.

I thought he was the worst thing in the movie. Hopefully he died there.

Gleeson was great, I think the problem with his character was it was a straight rip off of General Tarkin, so his presence grated a little. On the acting of the others, Daisy and John aren’t the greatest thesps in the world, but nor was Mark Hamill (like when he wanted to pick up those power converters?) They float on the positivity and and lightness of Kasdan’s script. One of the really horrible things about the prequels is how Hayden and Natalie are continuously struggling with dense, brooding, dull, clunky, unhappy writing - they’re not believable, or likeable for a second because of it. Rei, Finn and Poe are instantly fun to watch!

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

I think I agree largely with everyone on here. Was lucky enough to see the only IMAX 15/70 print in Europe at the Science Museum London on thurs with a selection of fans and non fans. Mostly we all laughed and cried and whooped in the same places. It’s a pretty joyous return to a very familiar galaxy that Phantom Menace didn’t quite pull off and that the next two prequels totally ignored. It was fun, fluffy and very innocently emotional. The two brit leads did great- hooray!
There’s a bit of sag in pacing in the middle, but the beginning was terrific and the end was a kinda messy triumph. The overt references got me by the heartstrings but I understand others who found them annoying. It’s a total rip of of SW 1977 but with enough innovation to allow you to forgive it almost anything. Snook or Snoke was crap, Starkiller base was a cop out, but it never lingers on its flaws long enough for you to get annoyed. the moment Rei picked up Luke’s lightsaber I was in bits. As has been said, Carrie wasn’t great, not quite convinced by Lupita Nyong’o’s orange lady-Yoda. Harrison was incredible and Peter Mayhew very nearly stole the show as a wonderful, if rather unconvincingly youthful Chewie.

I wish Disney had asked Christopher Nolan how he processed and printed his Interstellar IMAX prints. This version seemed to have been digitised rather than blown up from 35mm negative, it didn’t look as good as that format can look, which is a shame. Still better than 3D though! The escape from Jakku IMAX scene was only impressive enough to make you miss the IMAX 70mm in the rest of the film, and probably wasn’t really necessary at all.

I don’t think a new SW film will be this special again, simply because the schedule of spin-offs looks like it’s going to oversaturate and normalise the whole thing. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Merry Xmas from London!

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Great sample! nice colour and contrast. I quickly compared it to the bluray and the improvement in colour space is really impressive. The blu is extremely washed out by comparison. On the topic of the whitebalance done above- the aim of this project is to digitally replicate the integrity of your film sources right? (With a bit of polishing) To my mind if your scan looks like how the print projects with a standard bulb, then you’ve done your job, colour wise. Ie if the pink tint is a genuine artefact of the print then it seems reasonable to leave it as it is. Just one opinion obviously. Very excited! 😃

Team Negative1 - Return of the Jedi 1983 - 35mm Theatrical Version (unfinished project)

I like to add support for this project! (and by support obviously I mean childish impatience)  This is actually my favourite of the three, for admittedly not very good reasons.  The clips and screenshots look incredible.  If this could be the next release I don't think you'd hear many complaints, but I totally understand SW is your priority.  It seems like you don't plan a Grindhouse because the prints are better than ESB.  Sounds fair, although, just having watched the ESB grindhouse I would be very excited to see Jedi unstabilized and with scratchy reel changeovers - The imperfections in the print go a long way to recreating a theatrical feel and aren't in the least bit distracting- it's what we miss about going to a cinema right?

Anyway, please don't mistake impatience for ingratitude.  It's a phenomenal project and we all owe you a pint! - I'm very happy that I've just seen Empire in its best state since the 80's (with the exception of Harmy's excellent edit!)

If I can help by commenting on samples I will- BTW Vimeo with a password would be nicer than DailyMotion - if it's just as easy for you, and the rest of the forum agree.

Thanks for the awesome work!

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

towne32 said:

AllAboutThatSpace said:

At the risk of being totally unoriginal, thanks so much for extraordinary hard work you've put into these projects! I reckon the key word is choice. It's what LucasFilm hasn't provided and is what you guys and Harmy and everyone else are providing!  The Grindhouse ESB is great! Don't remove too much noise for the next releases ;)

If you can preserve the kind of colour that's in this clip in the final export then you're doing a better job than most BluRays ever do


Looking forward to SW whenever it comes out

Hello form London!

 Have you seen their more recent samples? Though it's not the same scenes, I would say the color is even better, and the deflicker is improved (unless that scene or reel you linked to was more problematic to start?).

Nice! I've seen some of the samples but none of the reel previews, great to hear the colour's improving! the colour in the ESB grindhouse is pretty phenomenal.  Also good to know that some sequences will be Eastman.  It fades like a bastard but if you catch it in time colour is weirdly cinematic. Must say I'm looking forward to Jedi without all those special edition changes. Harmy did a terrific job, but the GOUT is a bit limiting.  I can remember as a kid being surprised at how much the actor playing Anakin's ghost looked like Hayden christensen :\ then the planet of Jarjar Binxes got liberated and I became suspicious..