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Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

If I well understood, the BD video should be regraded, right? But, what it should be used for color reference in your opinion? If HDTV, DVD, LD, VHS have all a pink blanket, the only reference left to be used could be film reels...

 The whole movies doesn't need to be regraded, but for the parts that need to, I was using film stills as a reference. Ever other home video version has the pink filter which is absent from the BD and therefore can't be used as a source or reference.

Jetrell Fo said:

I'm sure Andrea understood you perfectly.  He's only trying to help out.  I don't think he meant anything bad by it, lol.


 I never implied that he wasn't trying to help or that he meant any harm. I was merely clarifying the purpose of the project. ;)

P.S: Here's another quick comparison.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

So, I know it's been a long time, but only recently was able to work a bit on this. Did a conversion to .mp4 to make some tests on Premiere, but I've been having some problems applying auto contrast to a sequence. It starts to flicker due to some frames gaining a different contrast level when compared to the rest. Did anyone have a similar problem with one of your edits? If so, is there an easy solution?

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

pat man said:

Alexrd said:

This picture was just posted on Star Wars Facebook page, and it shows another example of the original, warmer colour timing.

Here's a quick comparison (couldn't get the exact frame):

  Yes the original dose look warmer. I would say increase the yellow in this shot or adjust the White balance. 

Tried that, but the background is affected as well:

Jetrell Fo said:

I was just giving folks another angle to look at really .....

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Just explaining why we've ruled them out.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

I thought about that as well. But although it wasn't focused from the beginning, that particular shot got an excessive amount of DNR. That, the soft nature of 35mm, and the attempt to sharpen it made the shot very noticeable. I'm surprised they haven't an alternative shot, since Lucas usually films a scene with various cameras so that he can choose later on editing.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

You_Too said:

Reading this, it's not hard to understand how film companies like Lucasfilm can easily get away with releasing a heavily DVNR'd blu-ray. Though it's not as bad as Predator of course.

I don't think this was about demand (because the one that exists is a clear minority), specially when Episode III has added grain. I believe it was for the 3D conversion, where the grain gets in the way.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

bkev said:

I guess it doesn't look so bad after all. People were making it out to look like Predator but this side-by-side looks all right to me. Though, of course, the added grain shot looks best.

Oh, it's far from being like Predator. Only an handful of shots have excessive DNR. They could have avoided it all together, but whatever...

Harmy said:

It's funny how you can see where the net of the wig is glued and make-up'ed (made-up?) to Liam Neeson's scalp - sometimes HD shows stuff that was never meant to be seen :-)

Darth Maul's horns are an even more noticeable example.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

You_Too said:

Dunedain said:

It's so dumb of them to apply this odd coloration all over the place, gives a weird purplish look to everything. What is it about dvd and blu-ray releases that makes Lucasfilm always want to mess up the colors in both the Star Wars trilogy and the prequels?? It's bizarre..

Actually I think in the shots Alexrd posted, the color to the right is the blu-ray's color timing, or am I wrong?

I know TPM was very pink on DVD/HDTV.

No, the picture on the right is from the original raw footage. The one on the left is from the Blu-ray.

P.S: Although I think Dunedain is talking about AotC new colour timing.

Info Wanted: anyone done a TPM and AOTC colour correction?

Fang Zei said:

The animated menu's on the AOTC blu-ray have the teal tint, just like the transfer itself.

But when they show movie clips between interviews in the extras, the teal shift is gone.

It's truly baffling that they made that change. Looking at the screenshot comparisons, it's like you're watching the movie through sunglasses. It just looks objectively bad and I can't think of a subjective reason for them doing this.

Indeed. Same with the scene swap at the end of the duel between Yoda and Dooku.

Example of new colour timing when compared to the original raw footage: